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]?XJKNITXJEEl 1872. PRI80N FüRNITi MLIMÜOI 241 AND 243 MAIN STREET, jackson, meca Our j(ork i Vantnally 'nr[f U Complete, and Iinljracei every Variety of FUENITURE! ESPECIAL ISDICEHEJTS ARE OFFF.EIÍ, Inspcct Our Goods and learnth Trices before Purchasing. #ÍV5ÍÍ3sBB BtBT 'BRMSES i SPK. gggriy IA1.TÏ-A LIRE 1S8OBISÜI KZjiMSjÜf a!) SETEKALSOVELTIH Goods Delivered to R. R. Dipto AND PaCKBD I!Y OüRSBLTH Frke of Chakge. KANSOM & K.YiPP. lSSSm.v Estáte of Lewis Moore, Sen. STATE O F MH'HK.AN.Couuty ofWubtf, Al ii session of the l'robiite Court fortlc(Dt]tl Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate oiüe, in ibc Cü of Ann Ajrbór, od Wednesday, tiLeuenty-ÉretdAje [■Vlirn.try, in the year ouethouisandciglit humlitáui Sf.-v,:iiIy-twO. Present, Biran J. Bcakee, JmlReof Frótate. In the matter of the eatate ol lwis Moore,Lik, Ou readlng and thcpetition,duly TcroH Eli W. Mooie, praying tlrat Willnim (heem, sotne other Buitable peraon, may be aiipüinteu sobj iatrator oí the estáte of auid . Thereupon it is ordered, tliat Txw, te ■ t-enth d.iy 01" March MKt, at Ira o'dix'k in tInouo, be assigned for Uie hearing nf wd gig nd that the hcirs at law of suid deceasra, aní m rr parsona intciested in siid estáte, un' requirej Iw ijpear at ■ Mtrion oí Baid Court, tla-n to ""f Jf tbc Probate ónice, in the City of Aun Albor, m how Ottuee, ií any there b;, why the pmyn pLtitionershould not Iw gmnted: And it u luw nrdered. tluit airt iwtitioner pive noMcttotoepoi interestiil in Baid estáte, oí the pemlency oí miíp tion, ;m.i thc liciirinit thereof , by causmgsoopjoimi order tu be piiblislidl iti the tlichfpui ■ " papel urinied and circulating in said coobit, " auccessive weeks previoua to saij ony of ieuuL ;APy., HIKAXÍ-i. Éstate of Electa Munson- minor. oTATK OF MICHIOAN, Counly "T""''' O At i sexíiou of the Probnte Cnuj-tforlhítMi ofWahtenw, holden at thtPrubaifOft..i Cilyof Aun Arbor, on Saturd.y, tlie ['?t day of Febroary, in the yeai one thoosand eu liu'ndred and seveBty-two. ,o„k,t, Preícut.lliram J.Ueaket, Jndgeof Pr '■ In the matter of the Kstate oí Kiecu "" "onroadlocrand Bling the petlHoü, í1?"1 llebron Ilurd. Guardian, praylnt.' 'h1 ne ",.. hcen-ed to sell córtalo real e.tate WHie' öaid minor. ., ti# Thercupon it la ordored thal ?j,S, tweDty-flith ilay of March ten o ' 'Vj, assigncd for the hcannj; ("l "'" ij, tïon. and that the next of km ' "?, jUil, aud all other perxon intereated in ia'V,ilfL are rcquiroil io appear at :i srsrwii "IB";';ci„[ then to be holden at the Probate '■■'"".tH Ann Arbor. and show cause, iliuiy there '■"■,., prayer r the petitloucr should not e.F"" t1. And it UfurSur ordent), thataaid P"''1;"' notice to the uexl of kir. of wld tmwr, other persons interesled in 'dM?S%ü pendeney of said petition,and the he"1"'!Íe(ji1 tu STnriDgícopy of thls order to , bl 'Vfitt Michigan Argus, a newspapcr Prllltu'J" ,! in said County. tlirec succcsxivr. ecke P"B 1"KAM J. B"U Atrueoopy. uaic t3fi3id Estáte of Loander LoBaron. OT ATK OP MICHIGAN, Oonnty of WMjl Ï5 At a sesBion of the ProbateConrl for te J of Wwhtenaw, holden at ihe Probate ""j city of Anu Ariior, on Priday. ihe twem; ,, ia. of Pebrnary, In the year one thoneao" cl' dred aml seventy-lwo. p.kilf. rreaent, lliram ,1. lieakef. Judgeof ProW In Ihe matter of the estáte of LetnO"1 OeoKcA Cobb, Administrator of " comes luto Court and represente tMi. preparedto rende rhis first account as uca UTÍeOr.aPc?it.Ordered .b"JJSS2 llfth d:iv of March, m-xt. al ten '"f ,iiol toreoooá, beonalgned for cxamlnlng ""findr sucu account, and that the heiratl dtl.,,:r, cca.ed.andallotlierperi.oni.intere.tcfl JJortilit. ereqnlredtoappearata8e.ionofw to be holden at the ProbateOffice.inUc fa,Y, Arbor In aWCoouly.andshowoanseif why the said account should not be 'rerLre1K further ordered, that Baid AdmintotraM rfttyíV to the pereons inlerestcd in sald "' lWrr. ; dency of said account, and tbc hfr'iiWdi ! causing a copy of thia order to be P,c!(l" Michigan Arguya new.paper printeü,, inaaldConnty, three snccessive weck 1" ■al'l day of hearing. „1T)Aw t BEAKEf!' CAtrgq copy.J D1BadeoíV Estáte of Horace Wclch. OTTK0P MIC1IH3AN Connt; of,fr,v,tColt.' : Ai seaalon of the Proba, f' „ ', M oféWathtenw. holden nt the Probate "J,ig City oí An„ Arbor. on Monnny. '"f „„d " dny ol Febmaiy. in the year oue tnou iundredand seventy two. . Probtf Present Iliram.J. Beake?. 'ndge of Pr R.,k. [n the matter or the cítate of n atThomL Ninde, AdmtoWMtor 'JSj comea Into Com t and represent that M v pa; ed to rendcr hi. 4nal accouutas ucn "rhereupon il Is Ordered. tV 15SÍ5Í iif" S flfth davof March neit at ten o't "„„■!,' ,oon, 6e awigned for ""■'ïiLfïf i l" iccoimt, and that Ihe heir. ut lw oi "„nj 'f aud all other pewona .intere.ted in $,#, ■eonired loappcar at a '" LM,Vai ' be holden al the Probate Office, W w f ,„, ir arbor, in -"'I Oounty and 'l";,1"ne0', L be.why thc Baid accotiBt ho nMj iaill-jj And itis further ordered tha ■ '" enio'ÍSj ,-ive notice to the Intereali o he bt,ri gfthe pendeney ofaid JP'-oíSer w & hereof! bvcansing e copy of "'ls "„6psper fE A,-uecor6aidRÍHÍVM GotoR.W.ELLlS&C0'j for 9trictly Pure Dr8D Medicines .PaintPO"


Old News
Michigan Argus