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Agricultural Meeting

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a meeting of the Board ot Managers of "e Washtenaw Co. Agricultural and Hor'icoltural Society was held at the parlors o'theCook House in this city on Wednes'V Uit. The adoption of a premium list, ""1 the appointment of Judies lor the cora'? lair was tlie principal business done. 'ta premiums otl'ered by .the society are '"ral, mul tbe offlcera of the saciety offer "wy poaail)le Indncement to the people to P'ïronlze the fair, iiot only wlth their pres", but also vvith liberal contributions to ■ÍUrlous classes of farm products aud ""Dufactured articlea for whlch premiums l'eaffcred. As announced in a previous l88ie, the fair will be held on the 25tb, '.h and 2Tth days of September next. in rai'.road circ'.es a good (eeling seems ■ Pwvall, and wc are snthcnized to state "itthc proposals whlch hive beeB recelvI rr the constrnctioa of the road have W opened, and that as soon as the par■'w mkinp; siich proposals can reach here, ttle contracts will be closed. In the mean''meall of the timber for the road has been Jwehased, and the tics are belng rapidly ivered. Come on with yonr aKsessment, x the Toledo, A. A. & Norlhcrn R. li. 111 soon be under headwsy. SPEAKTHQof th Ku-Klux Committee rocuminonding tlic extensión of the corpus suspension act until March .ia, 1H73, the last day of Grant's term, the X. Y. Eeening Vont, Rep., saysl " Tlie mujority have made a Berious mistako in reooininóndinE the extensión of tbu extraofdinary power nvMted in the President by the Ku-Klux act un'ii the end of the next session of Congreso, in Maroh, 1873. When tbe law waB passed tho Demócrata aeserted that tho adinmistration would ask tliis extensión, and, il' Congress enforoea tbis reoommendation, the eneuiies of tho adininistrution will have ground tbr oomplaining that this power is iutended to bo used for eleoüoneering parposes. But tho best roaBon for rejeoting th9 suKgestion of the oomniittee is that tho law is oí' doubtful eonstitutionttlity, anda usurpation of authority whioh should not be continued or repeated." What'a a " 8orious raistake " in a case of lifo and dcath ? Tho Kopublican larder is gotting lean, tho wood-chuck is in tho hol, and it is " cotch" him or starvation. That's what's tho matter. Tlic next meeting of the Sniiday School Instltute of the Washtenaw Baptist Assoclatlon is to be held at Ypsilantl on Wednesday and Thursday, March 13th and 1 -ltli, rommenclng its session at 10 o'clock A. M., on Wedneaday. Durlaj? the sessions the followlug topics will be considered nnd discnosed : Imp'.cincnts of our S. &'. work, and liow to uso them; Social clements, how utlllzed In the S S. ; Bonday School entliuihisni, how wseored ; Prominent defecta ia our S. S., and how to retoedy thcin : Illustratlve tesebing Adult Blbl School Order and character of the eserclset of the S. S. session; The Teacher' .preparation for hls teachlDg work ; The Tcaclier teaching. The Executive Committec cali urgenlly for a representatlve rom every church in the Association. J. B. Crocsr wrltea from Harüand to the Milford Era ns (bllovro : "We are abont organlzlng to ald tlie Toledo, AnnArbor& Northern Michigan ltoad witli the prospect of iis coming ftoni A.nn AxbortoBrlghton Hertland, Parehal 1ville, Linden, FlUBhlng, and so on to Kast. Sngluaw. We wonlcl prefer the Milford Koad, but a3 the time for actioa is near at hand ou the Ann Arbor Road, we want Boraethlng tangible 11 we tlirow it up. We are good rr.r 30,000 and the rlght of way to [fartlaud. Il' the present survey should come ou as Far as thls place at once the ald would be secured. .Manchester is ome on heavy cattle and sheep accordlng to t!e BnlerpriM. The steers reierred to wcre parchased of A. J. Rohison : " Mr. .Tainos McGce shipped 120 sheep from thls piace on Sftturdaj last tliat are probably as large aud line as can be íounct. Sixty of them. bought of James McMahon, welghed 140% poanda eacli, aud sixty of W. i. borne welghed 186 pounds trach. He alao Bhlpped tSree brul bt yearllng Bteera whlch welghed 8,572 pouuds." SwelllDg the list of the Marcb monthlles comes Arihur's lluine Magazine, wlth the following'among other articles : Sophie Kansfleld; Use; Good Life, Long Life; Waif: A. CnrlODS Incldeut ; Ollier Peoplt's Windows ; Over at Lust ; Uuder the Snow; AJways begin Rlght; Which is t!ie Ilciress?; The Test tot Burnlng Oiis; Six In All, by Virginia F. Tuwnsend; ETenlDjts vvith the I'jets- Weary- Cliicago, by J. G. Wblttler, anü ' My Beth," by .Miss Alcott Publisheti by T. 8. Ahtucr.& Sox, PUiladelpliia. 2 a year. - Frotn the saine house comes that brlghteoer of little people's fucos, and tickeler of little people's sidos, O Uien Biurst -i;li lts c:isital pictiires und storit-s. It is irell vvurtli tiie subscriplion price- $1.5 a year. Address as above. The March immoer of the UatttoUc Worid bas; An Uncïvll Journal - Harper's Week lp; The House of York, cliaps. xxni.-xxiv.; The Duties of the Rich in Chrlstlan Society, il.; Travols in the Air ; Tlie Leper of the City of A.u8ta ; On the Present Condi tion of the Holy Father; EU nor's Trial O wen on SpltltUin ; Pleurautfe, chapa.; The Martyrdom ol St. A.ues ; Catho liclty and Panthelsm, xur ; The Last D.iys of Oisin, the Bind, in.; Letter of Mouselgoeur Dupau Coup, Bishop of Orleaus, to Qninbetta; aud review ol new publica liona. ,.J a year. AJiiruss, Lawkbncü Keuoe, 0 Washington Öneet, New 'ork. The March nomber of the Oceriund Monihly follows the Febrnary uumber elosely tlirough the Bnow-driftS of the U. P.R.B. Among lts papers : Somc Savages, -Tropical Cnliforuia - LU., Taboo- a Fete Day In Tahiti, The Go; ge of the Columb.u, Ferns and VV i 1 tl Oats, Pacific SeaUo .st Views- ia., Too Late, Chiuese Trieunial Examina' ions, About Sea-Lions, Setli Deue's Revelfttton, part 11., poems, book uotices, etc. lt is au average nuraber and wlth It3 own llavor. $4 a year. Joux II. Cahmany ifc Co , San Francisco. Our Young Fuik ibr March lias a bilí of luiling on which the boy aud girls will tliriveand fatten. Trowbridge contlnneï " A Chanco lor Hiinself," and ets hls hero into uew difflcnltles; Angus Holmes contributes " Mountiüiis and Glaciers," with ülustrations ; aml ihuy are folio wed by sto rlcs, skelche3, potins, &c , by Eüzabeth Akers Allen, ïlrs. A. M. Díaz, Nora Purry, and otlier popular Young Folk catererst. $2 a yeaf. Jas.'R. Osuood & Co., Boston. The March uumbor of Ooiden Hours in capita!, both in anieles and Illustrations, opening Wlth part flrat or " Wiien God Hcips All Goes Well," irom the Germán of Franz Hofl'man. " Cliristopher Columbus," ny ilrs. C. A. Halbert, is continued ; also, " The Wonderful Island," by ilrs. Millard ; " Onr Kuw Telescope," by Anna J. Buckland and " Tom Tracy's Veutue," by Emma Ltsüe. The other papers have pqually attractiye tilles. $2 a year. Hitcucock & Walden, Chic'mnati. From Woon & Co., Newburg, N. Y., publlshers otWooöF Household Magazine, we have recetved Prang'8 chromo of " Eatter Morning" after the original of Mrs. .T. M. Hart, a beautllul picture. This gein is gtven as a premium for three subscriben wlth $8, or for one subscription for three yeais. Prang's price for the chromo is $3 At a meeting of tho State Oonvcution of the Y. M. C. A. of Michigan, the following resolutions wore : by h rir-inL' vote : Wbbuub, We havo heard of thedeathof our brotber, Prof. l'.Liv.Aii Daerow, of Ypsüanti, Ood hnving lm home to hcavcn from a life of peculiur ueefulnoss ; , Thai in the deatil of Professor Dauho we feel the losa of an nccomplished scholar, n trm: am friendly gpni Lem0H nd an eiirneat, faithfnl christiau whon Ufe u ever a testlmony for the Snviour. Rttolwl, That we oherish witli tenilorness tho mcmory of our brotlier, who wai President of the Chris: -n of the Normal Schoei at Ypulnnti a'id ' '■ "}}■" !ncmlnr of thin CofiVe&tíON, and v.-lult Bfaall seo Mm liLTu no more, wo hall look for hin in hea-. Raolvtd, That we tender our sympathios t Mrs Dahrow in her grief, praying God to bless and in-oteot hei ahray. bat we requet our brother, WAi.rrn A Bkooks, to convi-y thla oxprcRsion of our regard te llrs. Damhow, and also to havo the samo publinhed ju the daily paper. C. C. YEMAKS, M. s. CK08BT. Com. . I1KOOK8, ) Eaet Ssginaw, Feb. 2l8t, 1872.


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