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LOOK HERE ! To my frlends and Patrons In the DAYS OF AU LI) LANG SYNE, And to the Public generally, I tako tliis raethod of saylug that haYing parch&aed th interest oí Mr. L, M. Toylor, in the oldtiud well knowa TOBACCO STORE ! ■ ON" HÜRON STREKT, twofloorH vevtof Cook's Botcl. fat thosln of the B; Iiiiin.) 1 am prepand to oilcr thcm as good n stock .ii' OSCARS ! TOBACCO, SNUFF, At as reftsonablo rates tin can be fouud at any Store in Auu Arbor. By kei-ping a full stock and pnjlng strict attentlon to busiuess, I hope to merit aud roccive a fair share of public patPLEASB MM A CALI C. L. PACK. J35Tm3 n :. i!.ViARKbi.'i: ■;' 5 3 ij fHILABI L 3 s,,8S , - - :-- - -i'i 5 s h a i ■■■ .. : j p 9 j a tfl . s ; : ï" HAHÜIMO'S I.uii-ilov.ii and Ualsod Fire-Gnttea umi c;un-IíOs, uusiirpass ed in lininl) of Desigu and Finish. Ilarrikon's indirect ribbed STEAM KADIATUB Cor Jliyfli aud Lw Preasuro. P. A. IIII.I.IMJS, Detroit, 1355m3 iiola Agents fur Miubigau. 4KEW 'REMEDIAL AGENT, Beceutly diicoveretl anrt brought In use by ono of tJac most Qíueot pliysiciana íu New York. KENNEDY'8 COHCENTRATED EXTRACT OF PiNUSCANADENSIS, A. pure, ftqneoii! Extract, possesfting superior astrinei-t ftnd tonic proporties, and recommemled by the hihest inedica. auihoriiicu ín the country as au UNFAIlING RExMEDY in all clinnic disensos of the ixiHcons uiTace, and a pi-ciflc ui the removal of inorbid ductiares, of whatevcr uature. Preaoribed by the Medical profasion with iïenal and uniform snecess ia tbc treatment of Chronic DUrrhoea and Dypc-utery, Night Sweats, Uieriuo and Pulmoiiiiry Iïemorrhage, in conch attended with profusc Kxpecioration, and a au injeccioaiD Leacorrhu;a or Whïtfi, Ulceratiins of tho ()8 Uterin and ottir vacinal dirieases; in CaLarrh, Pile?. Fis lires of the Auus. Hutas, Scaltla, ExcoriatiooB, obKtinatt; Ulcera, and in all cusea roquiring a iowerful abtrineut and totic remedy. Thüse afTlicted with any of the above diseases, 9na not wisliiuj; to cail upou their physiciau, can parchase f rom thcir druyist one or two dollar pnekues of the medicino, with phytician'i full direclions for una. EXAMINE THE AHTICLE OP J. MARIÓN SI MS, M. D. From the Medical Gaette of June 24, 1S71. I have U(cd Kcnnedy's Conceotrated Extraet of Pinui Canaricnsis forabout eiht monihs in sume affectionH of the rectum, vaginl, and cervix nterl ; I have ueed it, cousiderably diluted, as a vacinal WrtBh.wtthgroat succes; bat l prefer to apply it to the osiincn on cotton wuol tither pnre or mixed with glyccrinc, orglycertne and rose water. Thus appltnd, it slioul'i remain intact for two or three or even four daya, and tben be renewd In this way I have neen chronic granular vainitiea remedied in a few days that had resisted thu ordinnry remedies for weeks ; and l have sen granular erosiona, with leucorrhoea, disappar very rapi íly under its use. I have not time to do more than cali tho Hltentlon of my professional brethren to thi new Kitract, which ï am sure will soou be recoguized aa a valuable addltion to our materia medica. 8iT UfldlBOn Avenue. For sale by all Uruggists. FAHRAND, WILLIAMS & CO., 13ötim3B State Agents Detroit, Mich. yyzvi. wagner IS NOW ItEADY FOR THE FALL TRADE Having ReceiYod a Large Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 1NCLÜDING OLOTHS, 0A8SIMERE8, VE8TINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WHICH HE W1LL MANUFACTURE ou terms to sult. Also a fnll line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FUENISÏÏING Goods, BEST STYLE. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS1 MOROCCO SATCIJELS South MaiH Street,- EaBtSide: OALL AND SEE THEM. WIILIAJI WAGNER. Ann Arbor, 8' . 1ST1,


Old News
Michigan Argus