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Mortgage Sale. DV.l'AVLT having been made in the conditions ot ft mortgage executed by Daniel Kent and Man ha KeuttoSilas il. Douglaas, Adminlstrator of Uw estati ': Henry WT Welles, deoeased, bearing date the twenty-fifth day of April, A. D. 1S'3, and m:orded in the uliioc of the Register of Deeda rqi Washtonaw County, Michigan, on t twent] ■■■ April, A. U. lH&i, in líber '6U of mortguges, on page 716, by wbich dot nul t the power of ;im' contained in said i ■■ operativo, on whioh mortgage there is daimed to be due t this date tlic urn of two hundred and forty-seven dollars und sixty een twenty-iive dollars aa an Attorney ico i providtd ia said mortgage, and no suitor proce ding ot luw ur in chauceiy having been iuatitflted to recover the dt'bt se o u red b y gald mortgage or any part ti. NotLoe therefirfft, hereb given, thai by virtueof ttif power of -■■'' oontaised in said mortgage, and of the Btatute in toch oaM mude and provideoL snid mortod on Satnrday, the eleventhday Of May ïH.-xt. at ten o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, ut the aouth door of the Co uit Huu-v, i.t the -ity dl" Aim Arbor. in said county of WaHhtenaw (said bcingthe Anco, of holding the Circuit ( 'onrt li ir Baid County of Washtenaw), by kale at pobtiontotheliij . Of f l::-"]i:mises described in Bttid mortgage, wineh n:;i 1 qqoi tg iged prcmdescribed ra, viz : Alltht pareéis of land utoatéd m the county of "Waahtenaw, in th State of Michigan, described as fbllows, vla: Tho west twentyforty-six hundre 'tM acres of the northwesi quarter of tiic northwest Ëraotional quarter of seotion uumbur four, und two acres of tand in the northcnBt corner on number flve, lyiiiR between the boj and the BOCtíon iinr, all being in towiisinp niun'.M. r three south of rango number three east aleo tíie righi and privilege of flowing su much of the northcaütq!) ." i" -n nunibvr Üvo aforesaid rh muy be overflowed by ruisinv the water at the dam on the first descnbed puroel Uilrtaen feet ; also the cast part Dt tot number four (4) in hloek number thirteen (13), iu the vÜlageof Kylvan in the county of Waahteiiaw, and State of Miriii-.m. i tording to the reoorded plat vülage, bounded and described as follows: boonded on theeast by the tr:st. line of said lot, running tlu'iice weet on i"hc aorthline of said lot flftyaine feet, t henee soutb to a poinl oo the south line of said lot ; - hom the southeast corner of itid Idï. thenoe cast to the southoaat cornet oJ siiirl lot, said laat describí tj ; lie sanie land oonveyedto said Daniel Kent by Becker I'rattttnd wife by deed. dated Marcb 5th, A. D. laca. Aun Albor, Míoh. Keh. 12th, 1872. SILAS H. D0UGLA88, AdminiatratOT oí" the Bitste of Henry W. Welles, Felcb & Ghant, deeeased, Uorteageo. Attorncya ior Mortgagcc. l&l Mortgage Raio. DEFAujliT having been made ím the condition of a luortfraye executí'd by David DeForestand Bfariann DeFofVst to PbilipBaoh, beming date the 20th day of November, A. (. 1867, ;ú:i! recorded in the ■ of Deeds ft ashtenaw eonnty, Michigan, on the 33d day of November, A. 1). 1SG7, in liber 86 of mortgages, on page 899, and luiy as1 :- said Philip liach to Silas 1L. iJougla?.-, by date the third day of Miy,A.l. i . IQ, ii nd record d in the oiHcc of the said Register ol Decds for Vashtenav coanty, on tho 7th day of Bfáy, A. D. 1876, ín liber 2 nt assignxneiits of mort) i page 511, by whioh default thu powerol sale oontaini 't I mortgage hiie beoomo operativo, on wbich mortguffe there is olalmed to be-dueatthisdatethe suin ox three thouaand ftve hondred and thirty-flv dollars, and lift y dollars as an Attorney fee Etsproy ridedinsaidmoii uit or proieding at law or in chanoery navukg been institntcd to recoves the debí seeured by said inoi go ■■■. oi any part thereoi ; Notáoe is therelore ht bhat by virtue of tlie power of sule oontained in uiid moi '„iifje, und of the statote in snch case made and provided, raid mortgage will be foreolosed on Uaturday, the twentyseventh day of April nc-xt, at ten o'clock in the foxenoon of tbaf day, at the eouth door of'tne (omi Houso, in the cftyof Ann Arbor, in Baldcountyoi Washtenaw, [said Court House being tbc ilace of holdizwthe' ircuil Court foi said county of Washtenaw , by nalo al public auotion, to the highést bidder, of the premises described ïn siiid mortgage, whicfa :ii(l morteaged premises are deso 1 1 mortgage as follows, v: : AU the following describí '1 picces of land, situated in the city Of Ann waahtenaw oounty, Büchigan, via: eommencing at the mtersection of the south line of North Btreet with the east line of División Btreot, ïn said oityol Ann Arbort and ranning east on the south Une of N'oith streel about éwe hnndred feet to the Catholio Ohuroo lot, theneo south ftve ros, ; iraUel to North streel to División btreet, theuce uorth tu tlie place oi Ann Arbor, Sfièh. Jan. 8Oth, 1S72. BILAS JT. DOUGLA8S, Assignee. Felch & Ghant, Attorneystor Assignee, 13.19 Mortgago Salé. DEFATJIiT huvrng been made in the condition of ;i oertain mortgage exeeuted bi Catharim Wall, oi Northfleld, m the county of WaáhU aaw and Michigan, on the Ï7th day of April, A. D. i-1 .. ■■ Bally Ann Praj , of Superior, in said county and Btáte, and recorded in the Uegister's oiheoof the county ol Washtenaw, the third dny of May, A D. 167, atity o'clock a. m., in liber 36 of mortetiges, on page 479 whioh said moi tgnge waa duly asslgned by e s. Wheeler, AdminiRtratoi f tl: estáte oí Bally Ann Pray late ■ . ■ .. county, ■■'., to Nuthan H. Prwy. on the I7th day of Janu:ii'. a. i. 1871, and ivoorded tho I8th day of Janaary a. D. 1871, in liber 2 o ■ I mortgogos, on page 893, t'nat tbere ia otoimod to beduei mortgage and note at this date, the sum ofone hun drod and forty-two dollars and iliiny cents, sJao a rcaBonable öolicitorV or Attorncy's fee, bhould any proceedings be tnkcD to foredose i and further installments to becomedue oti saiü mortgage, and . at law or in CQuity l-a ing bet u had to the same or any part thereof ; rebygiven, tha1 by wrtoe of the power of sale cjntaincd in said mol f: age, i shall sel] at public auotion, to the highesi bidder, on the ointh day m BCarch next, at 2 o'clook i. m. of said day, at the Court House, in ili: i-ity of Af.u Arbor, in said coiuiiy, thöt thepla fholding the Circuit Court lor the County if Washtenaw, all that oertain traci or par cel of land knmvn. and described ;is foUows, to wit : 'I be northeast quarter of tbe southeasf qunrter of section number three in township ninu south in range nnmber sis ■:!-.!, lyinv EnNorthfield, in ihu county of Wushttiiaw, in the Ötate of üicLigan. December 7th, 1871. NATHAN II. TTAY. John X. Gott, Assignce of M ortgagee. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgafee. Mortgago Sftle. DEFAT'TT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executi d 1 y Belden Marvin and Ann J. Marvin to Biüan Olov r [now deoeascd), bearthe l w i-ri' third day of Kovemb] r, ino thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, -.uul recorded in ace of tho Register of Deeds fnr Washtenai , Mieliiau, tm tliird day of December, a 1). 1868, in liber 39 of mortgages, on page 4l, oi which mortgage there is daimed to be due the sum o hundivu and twenty-two dol . siso ai Attorney's fee oi twenty-five dolían as provided fa baid mortjgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or in chancery havinp been institutcd to recover the deb Becured by said mortgage, or any pari thereof; Nutice is then foi r ooreby given, that by virtue o the power of sale contamed in said mortgage, and of tbe statute in suoh case made and provided, 1 shan sel at public auotion, t the highest bidder, at the south door of the Washtenaw County Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county [that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county), on Baturdav. the sizteenth day ofMarch, A. J). 1872. ut eleven o'cloek a. m 'of said Hay, the premises deecribod in said mortgage, to-wit : A strip t land on and tourteen unies wide, and extending across tbe northeast Quaiter of seetion twenty-one, ín township three south of range öve en naw oounty, Michigan, tho west side of which is parallel to and scvcüï rodü east of the west side of said Q.uarter section, mifl the east side is sixtecn chaina and flfty-seven links west of the enst half auarter Una oontaining four and 62-100 acres, more orfess; also a piece on wctiou twenty-two, same town and ranpe, towit: The ïouth sixtoen ofaains and seventy-one links wide, niu the enst se vent een ehaina and ninety-nine links alonpdie south side, and seventeen chaina and ninety-six inks slons tlie north side of the pieoe, i" the west half )f the south west quartcr of seotwn twenty-two. conjaining thirtv acres, and heiny aü the land owned by hf said Belden Marvin and Ann J. Marvin in said munty of Washtenaw at the time snid mortgage was nade and executed. Dated, Ana Arbor PtT. lllh, 171 MILAN GLOVER, Mortgagee. CELINDA GLOVEB, AdminiaD. Cbameb, tratrix of said Mortgagee Attorney for said AdministTatrix. 1352 Ohancory Xotico. TATE OF MICHIGAN. Th Circuit Court for the Countyof VVaohtenaw; tn Chancery, kCART . COVELL, Oomplamant, j IKNKV Ü'COVKLI., Defendant. ) It satisfuctorily apnearing to tliis Court by afBdavit, bat toe defendant, Henry B. Covell is not a resident ,t üiis Btate, bul resides in the State f Iowa, on notion oi Zina 1'. Kinir, Solicitor for complainant, it s ordercd that the defendant cause bis appcarance to H' t-iiti rtid within I liroc munt ha trina 1 he dato of tliis irder, and that in oase oi hts appoarance he cause bis nswer to i be complainants biil to v ttled. and n oopy nereof u be served on the opmplainantB Bolicitor rithin twont] dnys af ter service oi a oopy of said bil! f complaint and notfeo ol t-his order, and in default heitïof that the said biil be taken as oonfessed by the : And it is further ordered that within nrenty ditys the suid oomplaiuant cause a oopy of Qiis rder to be pubiishod in the Michigan Arffut, a news tper printed in said oounty of Washtenaw, and thai he puoliCHtion continue at least once a week tor fix ret'ks in Buccessiou, ur that slie chuso a oopy of tliis rdei to be personally served on the said defendant ocording lo the i ules and prnctioc ol' thi Court. Üutcil, February 20th, 1872. lï. ÜKAIIAX, Circuit Oourt Oommissioner, ZdüA ï'. KiNii, Wasbtenaw Couuty Michigan. Compluiiiant'a Solicitor. k862wd Sheriff 's Palo. OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Wiuhtenaw, ss. ]ly irlui' of (mr t'x:cution, ifjncd iut of and unir the seal of the Circuit Court for tho county of ishttiiuiw, State of Bíiohigan, datod the I9th day f September, A. !. 1.871, ajtd to me dixeeted ;ml devereu, Rgniusi t) o voods, chattles, lauda and tonole&taof Daniel L.Oates, I on the sixth day f [ovembar, A. 1). 1S71, for wunt of poods and ohattles. ivy upon all the rlght, title and interest that Daniel ,. u-ates luis in the fbllowing described real estáte, to t : The eat twenty-seven roda in width of the tutti sixty-one rods in length of the west half of the luthwest quarter of seotíon number two, in tdwnii] i No. 1 wo sou tli in ra :['(■ m. cast, cimtnininp ten rae of land, be the same more or lesa, all of the bovo described land being in the township of Ann . rbor, oounty '(' Wasfateuaw, and Btate of Bfiohiaan, (' hioh land 1 shall exposé for sale, at public auctlon, theJbighest bidder, et the south door oftheCouri ; ouk, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 13thdayof ', [aroh,A. D. 1872, at il iolook v. v.of said day. Dutcfli Ann Arlwr, Janunry 17th. AI. S72i .MV1(. WEBB, Bberiff, 1357 By Joütin Fobbxs, Undec-Sherift Bheriff'a Sale. jTATB OF MICHIGAN, county ofWnshtensw, ss 5 By virtueof oneexecutiou latinad out of aind afl i-tin: seal of the Circuii Court fox the oounty of k iwand8tateol Iffiohigan datt itbeAthday October, A, l'. 1871 and tome direoted and delivt . ohattles, lands and tenements c ' Merchant II. Goodrich, I did on thesixteeiithdayof !i ■ . A. I. 1871, for waut of ffoods and chattles, vy upon all the right, titlo and Luterest that Merianl H. Goodrich ñus in tíie following desci Ibed it-.ú ' tute to wi ; i ■ l. 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in blook ie north of Hui ngefive, in the city of c iin Axbor, county ï washtenaWi State of MichiV in, which land I snall exposé ter sale it public anol m, to tlw hhest bidder, aJ the south door of the urt Souso, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the Kïth ■ y of Biaroh, A. 1). 1872, at IU o'oïoeX a. m, of said Í' í)utod Jan. 22d, A. D. 1871 MYBON WEBB. Sheriff, lI 1353 By JouTrN Tobbes, Under-hheriÉf. sl c i, i ni i- i i ihm ...i i ■- - i i ■ m ; I Finest Assortment of Toilet ; Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus