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Household Anxiety

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Tho gravest caro cf a parent is not in the early dayi of his children. Truc, thoy must bo watched then with incessant vigilance ; they cannot bo suffered out ol sight ; tliore aro so many pairs of littlo feet to bo guided, so many pairs of Httlo hand to be fillud, so many rustlrss littk spirits to be oooupied and entortained ; and the day is quito long enough for this ftfTeotionate but wearying ministry, and tho husliiug twilight comes nono to soon. It will bo a comfort to havo this young charge grow ug and tnko caro L itáelf. Ah! thore may come a duy when the parenta will wish, and vainly wish, that his ohildron were yonng agaiq; that he ould tbld them from all ovil in his sheltcring arms ; that hfi could liold thoir eJasped. haods in his for an eveniiig pray er, and brood thom still :is fitëdgUora in their early nest. Whcn their feet begin to eluct . iheir own paths ; when thcy adopt principies for thcmsclvcs, and acquire habits aadi chooso oinpankmf,. and under otlier influencesthan thoso of the home, then he will know a mightiet and mere anxious caro. Tlie worst grief of a pan-nt may not ba in ao oarly borcaveraent. A littlo forra tacen away leaves a great, snd vacancy in the boa t. Ji aay be a hjstory ui' living xons and daughtets over whioü :t of a father or raother wlllmoan: '-!i, i;' they boa 'been takD ivway from as in tbeir swoot infanoy, we could bcttcr havo borne the eorrow oi their death, than thoshame of tln-i The growth nnd matnrity of éhiMreá alwaya tako the parent by To kim they seein vet is balies, whi'ii tbi y are already thinking and aoting fortbena Belves, and putting on v íixed tone O character. He calis thom stü! by the ah breviattid pot naiuos of their childhood wbilè others outside salute khera by thcii sumamus, or prefix some titlo ui oourtesy They aro young men and woracn with settled habits of life bci'uro he líhows i or dreams of il.


Old News
Michigan Argus