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MICHIGAN CENTUAL RAILKOAD. 8UMMHIÍ TIME TABLE. Passenger traína now lea ve the seveml ttation, a followa : GO1NO WEfiT. n. u -2 M TATIOXB. J W ü _CO O s __o aj w _ a. m. a. m. r. m. r. m. r. w Detroit, leave, ;■ 9 30 4 lo 6 40 9 3 Ypsilanti, 8 28 10 28 5 40 7 05 10 4 Aun Arhor, 8 52 10 f 7 6 OS 7 40 11 00 Dexter, 9 20 6 3J 8 05 Chelsea, 9 40 8 25 raa Lake, 10 07 8 52 A. M Jnoksou, 10 W 12 15 9 30 12 1 r. M. r. M. A. M. tCalamnzoo, 2 10 í 55 12 25 - - Chicago Mitra, B M 8 00 6 30 7 3 _GOIN; KAST. _ _____ T i iil . I i 1 1 1 1 i _ __ñ y, - S r P. 7í. P. M. A. M. A. M (Súcago, lcnvc, 5 15 i) 00 6 00 9 00 A. M. P. M Kalamazoo, J2 3? 2 15 11 SI 2 00 a. m. r. m. Jackson, 1 ÍS 4 U 3 00 4 17 GhranLalM, 5 on 3 32 Chelaea, 5 25 a. k. 3 58 líoxtrr, 5 40 7 05 4 15 Adh Arlior, 2 22 C 00 7 35 4 42 5 24 Yiwilaiiti, 2 32 6 20 8 00 ■ 05 I 40 Detroit, arrivB. 3 35 _7 25 _ 9 25 a U 45 The Dextor Train runs to Jai-.kaon BaturdftT evening on " Evening Expres" time, and back Mimluy morning on ita own. The "Night Express" does not poss east Monday morninp. Tin.: Atlantic and Pacific Express run belwecn Jackson an'd Xjle on iUe Air Une. Dated Nov. 25th. 187T. fñ)KT WAYNE, JACKáüN Saginaw Railrcad. The most direct route to Pittsburg, rhiladelphia, Bultimorc, Washington, und all pointe eouth aud southwest. Trains run by Lhicngo TijOfi. aiiAiNs .aoiNo fiouTii. JrïiY. ErjTfts. Angola Jcc. Ann Arbor, 1" f' ■ ■ , „ Jacksun, 7 15 A. M. 12 17 P. M. 4 F. H. Eumer, Z w M 5 H i Jouesville, 8 25 1 17 S 57 ,,ul ' 9 53 2 49 8 (li W;.tólyo. 10 34 3 .29 Auburh, 1 4 4 ti Fort Wnyne, 11 45 6 45 IndianoplU, JSP'M ' x, Cinoinnati.i S 50 G 30 a. m. Louiavffle, U cScTnnali, .... 1 o a.m. [ndianspolü, 3 6i)r. m. 10 2 Fort Wayne, H 10 a. m. 4 10 i-. m. Aiibum, ! VWaterloo, 12 20 5 2, XxtBOM 0 15 A. M. 1 20 0 .VoíSlc, Í6 2 60 -7 nnovr, 9 06 . 3 18 13 Jok.on, 10 00 3 U B M Ann Arbor, 42 o 3 At Jnckson- Close conncrtior. are made.jiith Mirliigan Central, Jaokaon, LsnsVgg & Saginaw, luvl ttraad Kiver Vallcv ltallroads. At Jimcs"ilk- Vitli I.nko BboreftlfidhSganSoutliAt$5lio-W I-tie iqre & Michigan Boothe tAFo'rt"Vuvne -TOtt PittAurg, F.ort W.-.yne & Xvlcáo, Wahiish & Western, and Ft. Wuyne, rfuttneiunaf uilro.d. Rob't. Kii.lii:, Oen'l. Ticket Ag't. Dir. H, 1871. PLANTAIÏON BITTERS. S. T, - tófiO - X. This wonderful vegetable restore t.iye is the .sheen-anchor of the feeble au tl debilitated. As a topic and cordial tbr the ned and languid it luis .110 equal among stomachics. As a mnedy for the nervows weakness to whicli women are especiallv ubjected, it is supersedmg eery )ther stim.i,i.l,ii.n.t. ín aH cliatee,, ropical, teinpera-te or f'rigid, it acts as a specifican every species of dis-; order whicli undermines the bodïly trengtli and breaks down the aninal spiritB. la&s-yï. _____ hdgii muí iflpiii FCXR MAN AND BEAST. Probate $n ar(icles have ever had n x(ensiv a sale hlc Jione have been mocc iiiiivcrsally bcnefirial ,tean H" '- bralrd nEXltis 1BISTAXC ISWKT. hililron, Adult, Hoises, and Domeslic nlmils, are always Hable to acfident, nd It is safe to say, that no family tan ass a single season without ome kind of n imolU ui teiny netessary. ft fcatomc matter of impoHance theii to secure the test. Over three hiindrcd liverjr stabjfis in the city of New York aloue nrc iisiuj; the Metitan Mustang .iniment, inallof whichit give universal satisuctiou. CACTIOBÍ.- ThegclñuiDe Ib wrapped in a fine teel J'tatc ciiirrnviiiR wïth ' O. W Watbrook. CymM."and - Tradt Mark, UKX1CAN MUSTANG UIT. MK.T." eagawed ncros the face of each wrapper The whole beats Uie jiropciulor's private üpiled Wtes Rcvetiuc Stamp, and not a cmnmou stamp,1 8 ueed by drut:ri8tp. IA'ON MANUPACTURING CO.. 13S7p3wyl 35 Park Place. N. Y. BOOKS. BOOKS. 1 t. R. WEBSTER j& CO. NEW Ï50ÖK STOKE Ml AU THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK T.0 YOUR INTBKEST AND 'QÉjí. BQOKS. JTLOXJR. (JRAHAM FLOLK, BL'tKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEE1) OF ALL KINDS. All the above articles are warrantrd to have !uo superior in For sale at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B. - Gristing done at Bhort notice. JAM. bTrÊVËNAÜGH, PHOTOGRAPHER i RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIVES BEFORE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOÏHSANDTAN Do not show in any of his Pictures No Extra Charges.


Old News
Michigan Argus