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Kail Kyad Stock Assessment. OtHce of Toledo, Aim Arbur & Northi R. IE. Ob. t Aun Arbor, M;ireh 13, A. D. li72. ) Xotico ia heroby ffiren, lint the Directora of the Tültfdo, Aim Ariov iV Korthera ttailraawl Po hf.viuüf hereto vt pait of auU ".itupuny' Ruilroud !■■... ,.::.' in the euuntg of Monroe, and ia that part of the eounty of Wuihtennw snuth Of til: iivtr liuioü. in the city of Aim Axboi división tul coatvucii-jn : i a ia. tin of the Board of Directon i l uid Compuny thii day ia.. Ht)audi'l, by re-soUiüon, ï'eciiü'o uÜ ix;i.-;uiri '.. or mUitled the Capital Stoelt of saJO Oou whü, by rwidiiifir along or collnteral to such dosi división, or witnin ' ■ ïther of Üie turmini . -.■]■ !iy -; cial :i.ii cïLitnt e i' otlivrwise aieluib e to be i;se3sud and :a; to py t.jv;iils the C I ■ uror orsiiid Company, e, m Ann Arb followiitff in.-t". i . . . ■. ij to wil ; Oi'v ■ inrif, o: ten dollars pet ;:'j;ire, on or iHjfoi'c the iUy of A]iil noxt; on it of ten dollars per cintre on or before the tint lay of ilay iioxt ; o stullmeni ol too iï:'.l.-iis per riuura on 01 Mforothc iirst :.)' of Jujw oext : ooo natallmonl of ten dolían ; j uu oi ■ büfore tlic ílrat da y of July ncxt, for Iruotion of suob diTÍsion ui uud 3 oi lei ui tho llQ.ud of Direci E. W. MOBOAN, ■ tary ofhsT., A. A. & -V. K. U. Co. I35 nn QQ HÏ11ATD0ES áü.,.Zd I-ITMIANI IMiia aiieation hasbccD nslced ouiny times latcly asid out rf Brin'B tona said, It won ld take :tn edac;ited mon to t 11 thut." But it muane thit IA COIB V9 who hue fur tho iast tïiree years boen a partner in a largo wholcsate -housn in Chicago, and aJthoagh ttas terrible liro of fust fall has lcft that city In rafnf, beatlll lires, and Hice BARNABY'S CROW, Ncvcr sajs díe, but has oponed a fine stock of new clean GROOEHIBS, at No. 29 SOUTH MAIN ST., boiween tho faahivonatle Dry Goods Store of Henioa & G4t, aml the Maramoth Hardware Store o! Lcwid C. KiaJon. I will s.iy to citiaeua of Ann Ar and suri-ouiidir. to:iutiy, that I will Bell Grocerle-9 l'rovisious, Crockcry, GIuns vmre9ata]owftorè forG.jh or r -ady pay only, I alwayd piy Cash Down for Goods, ui mnet have p iy far tliem whco deltvered. Do r.ct aek me to trust you, cvuii if you aro wort'.i a million. Bil I WILL SKIX OQES LOUER TUA AV BiH c.ix wiio Tl&fis cui:dit for piy. All kinda of lroJucj tikcu In Kschange, Ooocia delivored in the City fioc of charge. Cotiiu ia EEADY PAY CUSTCMERS, aud ex;imiuc my gooda. I will SHOW ÏOÜ AROUM), wiih fhe K'eïiEest of phtMVfdï and if you do doï buy, I proraise you T will uot Iüoí cioftí. Speelt] indiicemuiits I o Boardin IXuuies aiid Clubs. Look for the si;n of the C. O. i). (iroeery and the Big 2Í). Hiewis Colby. March 14th, 18T2 :S6& Tg[arch löi 1872. I AM NOW KECElVrING New Spring Goods, New Bleached Muslias, New Piiats, New Shirirsgs, Nöw Table Linen, New Count eipan es, New Bed Spreads Ngw NapkinSi New Towelings, New Alpacasj NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOLD AT TUE Very Lowest Cash Prices ! WIXTEB COO0S I ATI CLOSHG WITHOl'T KEtlAKU. TO I'UESLM' l'.ASTi:k. pbices, o Housekecpers Roplcnisliint; will fiitcl it ïrt'ïitly to tlieir uil iniljiue to Ivniuiiue uur Stock aud Priccs. C. H. MILLEN, 13öJml No. 4 South Maiu Street. Estáte of Hernán K. Gage. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oboatj Vv.uJiUnaw, se. At a oooaion of the Probate Cóurt for the Connty i Woahtenaw, holden at the Probato (.HhVe, in iUc Oitaf of Aim Avbor, on TUunvtay, tho füurtetmth duy of BlaXOh, in the yeiu" ouc tliousand cight hundiud ttnd sevenly-two. l'ns, ni, 'llii -.un J. Beakes, Jucljce of Probate. In tho matter of thu estáte of Heinan ii. Gage, decoaaetl. RusBeUWhlpple tuid Kuth Gage, Admini.stratura of sjuid e.-jtattí, como into cutut aiul venBSHMVt tliiit they ure now prefiorod lo rouder their ftnai nccount as such AdmiuUU'aTora apon n ifl onlerüd, that Monday, the day of ApiiLnext, at ten o'clock'in the oronoon, be assigncd for exnininini? and allOTfog tuoh account, and that tiio lic-irs t Uw jI afd deoeoMd and uli othet persona tntarested n said ettate, ure requü-'d to appeax at a beaion of wid Coort, tioluui at the Pro■■ QffioOj in tho Olty of Ann Arbor, in laid ■ ', Ottd BhOW CiiiiM', ii' ;my theTC D9 Why tlu' ■ int sliould u''. bc ;iliiitt i q : Aad ü la furthoi rdered that Baid Adj lye notoetothe pw 'iis Interested in saiU estatey oj ihë peilency of said ojoimt, and tiie hearing cauaingaoopy order to be pubhahed in tl Argut% aewpaper printed and cirultstiX in .s;iiil ( ouiity, . i nreekspre vioua to said day of hearing. (A true oppyJ LUi;AM J. REA E 13ü3 Judge of Probate. ! GotoR.W.ELLIS & CO's '■ for choice Wines and Liqunre ' for Medical Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus