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A Citizens' Convention

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A cali has been issuod for a Citlzens Bres CoiiTention, to be lu-ld at th Court House this evejlng, at 7 o'clock, to nomtiiic candldates for City oflicers - Mayor, Eeconkr, mid two Justlces of the Peace. Tlie cali also reqoest thst Supervisors, Collectors aml Ward ofilcers be uoinlnaled it the same time. Tlic cali is slgued by Thos. M. Cooley, Chas. Trlpp, Phll. liach, L C. Risdon, Fred. Schmtdt, David lienting, aod tates tbat a wrllten request has beuimsde for t lie same by 340 electors. vldently mcans buslneee, -Asyetno calis, to our kr.onlcdge, .hivelieen issut-d for party couventious. Thecommittei's are probably vaiü to "teewhat tht-y tiial! ses." Un Wednesday of iust treek a meeting Ws he'd ni Fltishing, Genesee Comity, n Ihe Interest of the Kust S.ijíinaw, Aun Arbor and Toledo Railroad, with a view of mitins tla.t place a polnt upon tlie une. Tnere were present soine 230 persons, inctndlng cle'.egates rom Eist Ö:igin.iv, Liu dfD,lhrtlttiKl, Parslialviile aiul Montrose. I Acommittee sppoluMd to cyrrespond with ihe olüct-rs of the Toludo, Arl)cr lid Nurt htm Rail f oíd Co., n íelatioii to tbe fcasibility of snch a route ; and the meeting final ly adjuurncd to meet Ín this cily on the 3d day of uext April ( at which time aud place it was resolved that eacb toirnou the Ituc send nut lesa tlian three felegaics, aud that they coiné prepared to represent Uiereat the ainouut of oíd sald Iowbs wlll jurnish, auJ fully prepared to Wj!auize a lilroiid coropany belweeu Eust 6inaw aud Aun Albor. A road tiaverslug tliis route will open upan oíd and ricli lUrmiug country, and tóng about mid-vvay between the Jacksou, Unsing & Saginaw Et R. 011 the oue side, ut tbc Flint & Foru Marquelte EUllroad n the other, it will make a stroug pull "üh i fair show of sücce6S. All of our readers, frieuds, and fellott ■Hiena wlio have been soanxious to know "what about the railroad ? " are referred totnoftïoial cali for money iu auother colIon. The day of talkiug is done and pay ""i vork are nuw in order. Om of the contractors has been over the "oe this week, and arraugements are being iüd to put a large forcé at work as on as the wcathcr will permit, as early ithout doubt as April lst. And after that ''lere will be no delays unless tho stockbolders ncglect to pay the assessments called for. Perhaps it Is not generally kuown by the Public that the Ladies' Library is in rece'pt of the moutlily magazines. Among wr own magazines they have selectetl as the best; the Allanlic, lfarper's, Sdectie, forïbner'ê, Overland, LilteU, aud the Oalaxy. oesides this goodly array they offer for a W'jre solld repast, the four BnjlisK QuarMiet and Blackwood. The followiug new ljookg have jiist been reived : Boswell's Life of Johnson ; Lockkrt's Life ut Bir Walter Scott ; Character, Simucl Spjlles ; Allegories of Lifu, J. 3. Adams; Ministers of Nature, Macmlllan ; Wlflch Dalilgren, Mrs. Dahlgren; Life of Audubon. { Chüdrens booka - Tira's Troubles; Paul Through the Louking Qlass.


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