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READ THIS ! I AM NOW TREPARE FOR TUE FALL TRADE ! I 1UE ME bABOfWÉ AJil Finest Assortment o? OF EVFRY PKSCRTPTION F.VKR BÜOnjllT TO TUIS MAHKET. KYEBTTOUKi NEW, AND STYLISH FITS WARRANTED, ALSO A LINE OP GEXTS' FUENiSülSfi GOODS ! EVEBYBODV WlSOINQ FALL AND WINTER CLOTIUXG WILL FINI) IT TO TH KIR INTEREST TO O ALL ON JAMES BOYD, lSIBtf 84 ]Inln Stree SAM. 7 REVENA L ( H Copies Old AMBBOTYPES & DAGISRREÖÏYPES IN FIKST CLASS STYLïï TO AST DESIFFn STZE (JAM. B. REVEJMALiiïl KEEPS ON RAND A. LAEGE STOCK OF1 OYAL AND SQUARE ' BLAXK WALNUT ANO GJLT FRAMES OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST SAM. B. KEYEÑAÜGH PHÖTOGRAPHER MAKES ALL KINDS O PICTURES FROM TnF. SMALLEST LOCKET TO THE LIFE SIZE, AHDSTNIBHE8TnESIIN INDIA INKI WATER COLOBs ! IN A SUPPERÏOR MANNEK. 1319-ly. No. 30 HCRONSTREET. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FIINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Simff, 3?ipes, &c, AT XO. 7 SAST HURON STREET, Next to the Express Office, A AUBOR, ITCICII. I34ötf Sheriff 's Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtcnnw, ss. Ö By virtue of ono execution, issuod ut oí ;nl auder the .acal of tho Cii-cuit Court for the countyof W'ashtonnw, State of Michigan, dated the iirst day of Mtirch, A. 1). 1872, and to me directed und delivcri'd, apiijnsttho poods, chn.ttlcB, lands und tcnumentftof David Tí. (iatos, I did, on the firwt dny of March, A. D. 1872, neize nnd levy npou all tho right, title and interest thut David 1. Gates has in the following deacribed real cútate, to wit: The cast twentyseven roda in width of the south nixty-one rods in length of tbO west half oí' the amithwest qiiartor of section number two, in towjjshjj) Xi. two touth ,in runge nix eant, containiiif; ten acres of liintl, hu tlie same more or less, which abovo doscribed land bcing ■ttoAta unrl lying in the township of AnnArbor, oounty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigun, which iaud 1 tfhull rxiKjst' for snit', at puhlic auotion, to the highcat bidder, at tho Bouth door of the Court House, ia the city of Ann Arbor, on thfl luth day of April, A. I). 1872, at 11 o'clfxik a. m. of said day. Datcd, Ann Arbor, March, 6th. A . 1. 1R72. MYKON WE BB, Sheriff. J3C4 Üy Jobtín Forbf.8, Under-Sherlff. Commiesioners' Notioe. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, m. The undersigned, having been appoiuted by the Probate Court for said county, Coin m fisione rs to reeive, exiic;iiio, and adjust all claims and dointt] all persons against the estáte of John ShAUghnJjBS, late of said county, dsoowd, hvuby give nstiae tlut aix. toont hs from tliat dato aro alluwed, by order of aakl PvDbftte Court, forondïtOH to present tlu-ir claims against the estáte of said dooeasöd, and that they wül uït-i-t ui the ieitidence of Micluicl Cowan, in Ann Arbor, in said county, on Sutuidny, thv thirtoonth dny of .■vpril, and on Wednesduy , Ukfl fourt jouth day of August next, at 10 oYlock . M. of each of suid days, to receive, fxanin, and adjust ultt clin%s. Dated. february Ut h, A.D. UTA. UETIH'OT M. MOWRY, oKÍ.DEÍí W. ÖHUETLEPF, 13G2w4 Coinmissionors. GotoR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choiceWinesandLiqunrE , for Medical Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus