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Real BvtAte for ttftle. STATE 0 Mii un;..N.í..i:iiiyot Wwbtenaw, m. ( In tli" matter of the (vf Polly (ould, I. 1 : Notice is beroby givea, thut in purauam.f oj V an order irrnnted to the myfinrifllMffj, Adminlsi ratorof o: thc; estáte ot' rttvkl decesaed, by thc lími. Judgc of l'iuE bule for the county of Washtenaw, 011 thí tweífth i ebruary, A. T). 1872, ther? irü be oid nt l'iilili'; véjuSiv, tothe highertt bidder, ut tho dwulliiitf nouM m tne premisos Iteremafter describid, in the U count y oí' Washtenaw, in suid Btnte, on Sutunlay. the thirtieth day of Mnrch A. D. 187Ï, atoneo'clnrk intho ï ufternoon of that day subject to ;ill encuml I by mortgageorotbarwiM existing at tbethne oi the i: deatho] said deceased}, the toiin-wiug described nal estílate, fcftwit: Th mHtatf of the sou th west quurt teitisn the norlhwi.Nl Duarterofl Bection twnit.j-three, n contAtniDfT two hundred and torty aerea inore orles; a the cast part ui the west hall erf the sou th west iuare tet Of Mud KOtion twenty-threu, MmtaininL' thirty ] ;kii-; t i i - i-ht hult" of the northwest quarter t leo t tion tw.'Tiiy-rti, oontaining eighty acres more or less ; a and also the waal half of the northwest quarter of i BOCtion t wenty-nim1. containiiiK eiffhty acres more or t lom, ui] in township tliree sou tb, of range thx"ee east i in said Btntí. t Bted, Febuary 12th, A. I). 1T2. I JOHN J. R0BI80N, ] 1361 A liuimstruior. E Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE Oï HlCECIGAN, OOUnty of Wasbtenaw, ss. hn the matter oí tho estáte oi 8amucl Jl. Thorn, Kmulinc lï. Thorn, Igwis ê. Thorn, Kbrnezor E. ' Thorn, ttan Thorn, ;tt (turnia Thorn, Alico 'lliorn, ' and Frank O. Thorn, minom; Notice Is hereby given, thai ra pursunnoa of an oruér, jirantcd to tho 1 ttiHrdiiui the ■-. ;ii' i i said minors by the Muii Judgeol Probate for the ooimte f Nnshtcnaw, i on the alsveuth day of December, Á. ). 1871, there wil] benold at public vendue, to tbc highest Mdder, at the dwslling house on the prendaos hereinafter described, in the OOUnty af Washtenaw, in said State, oi Tueaday, the second day of April, A. D. 1872, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrances by mortguge orothernise existing nt the time ut sule, and also subject to the right of doxer of tin; undenrigned vh wfdow ut Charles Thorn. decfjwedj, th íoiluwiiijf desaribed real estáte, towit: The nndirided eh'ht-ninths (H-9) of oachof thefollowcri bed paréela of land, viz.: larl of lot A or west subdivisión of the soutliwest fraefiona) quarter of Bection Bfiven, beginning at tho nnttit;.st corner ■! said lot A , i iinning MUth one degroe and thirty minutes easi thirteen ehnins and two links to a stnkein theeaai hneof said lot A, tlionce souih eighty-ninc tUyfiv uad thirty minutes west twenty chaina and thiny-eipht links to a fltnke on the west line ot Hdd seotun Heven, thence along nnid line north ono dngree west) tbbtsen ohaifau and two Unksto aqaarteraeoiion corner, thenee almg the quarter line north oihty-nine 1 degrees and thirty mniute eost twenty rlmins and hirty-one links to the place of boffinning, contiiiiiinir irtt.uty-six and Ö-OQ acres. AIbo lot A, or west subdivimon ol the Dorttawest fractional quarter of nid aection neven, contaioing ejnty-one and 6ü-ioo acres. And also of the pouth part oí' the wt p;irt of the southwest fractional (uaiter of soction rix, oontaining fortyaorca; all in. township fbnrsonth ot pangeihrce easi . in ni'l Btato Dated, February lfith, A. D. ]K2. fiQ ' SARAH C. THORN, Guardián. EeaJ Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Wathtenaw, ss. ïi In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Hann r, Caro line nauwer, and Klizabeth Uaussr. minors: Notice i hereby given, that in puxsuanco of fin order granted to the ondetswned, (iuarditui pt tbe catate of said minors, hy the Judge .►! Pi-d-ate lor the county of Washteimw, (x t& tKcVtih day of Febraary, A [ ]. IW2, thcre will he sojd at yvibliv ven m to tlie bigh( it bidder, at the Muth door f the Conrt Bouse, , in the city of Ann Arbor, in the oounty of "Washtenaw, in said Staie, on WOdn day, tho tenth day . of April, A. D. is; 2, nt ten o'clock ïu the frrenoon f of thntday, (subject to ill eucumbriinees ïy niOTtAfte [ oï Qtherwise exnting' at t hu time of sale), the unuitided thrfee fotuthi ot each of the (bUowing desoribed parecisof land. to wit : The northoattt Bateen fec( wWc [ ot thtsnnthoaet tl.iriy-six feot 'ide of lot eight, i nd . the iouthwt.-st twu Uv wyic wi the Boutheast thirtyj six feet long of lot nine. in block six, in Brown ft Fuller's mldition to the city of Ann Arbor, in in said l eonnty. DutMd, Febrnary lath. A. I). 1872. I88S . FBËBËRICK ALBEH, Goardian. i Kcttl Estáte for Sale. CXATEQF3ÍIEHIGAíílCawityofWftBhtonn'w,6e Í5 ju the matter ui' theewtats of Daniel It. Oreen, oda Notice ishertby giren, that in pursuanoc oi au order granted to the nndemgned, ml mini itrntorfe of the catate of said deocascd. by the linn. Judge ol Probato for tho Coanty of Washtenaw, on theninetoenth day of Febrnnry, A. D. ïW2, there will besold ,i,t fnUc 'Cndpe tQ the higheHi bidder at the dwellinghwue ti the pivwisca JiorcUíflr dssríbsd. in the county of Waahtcnaw, in siu state, on ttaturday the sixth dy of April, A. 1. in72, at odoc5 in the aftemoon of that day (subject to uil encumbrancesby mortgaaoorotherwiseexiBtijig at the time of the death of iiil deoeased), the lollowutg deaoribed [, roulesifito, towit: The west half of tlie southwesl it quarter Lt' seotion etghi ; i ie. - x.i ,.,}f of tho enst hall' n oí the sontheast quarter of section teven; nnd the t W6at half óf tho northeast quarter of the soothwest 0 quarterof seotion twenty, in township threesouth ot la ninge throe east, in said Stute, contsining onc bun.s dred and torty acres moie or less, y Dated, Febraary l'Jth, A. D. l;2. V K(iliKKT T. HAEPEB, il ViGZ Adnin4strUor. t . - __ Bstato oí Jolm BreweTi " OTATK OF M K;.![ Ui AX, county of Washtenaw, sa. ('_ i At n sossion of thc Probate Conrt tot the county of ■ ■ i: iv.-, bolden ;it the Probate oflioa, m the city x oí Ann Arbor, on Baturday, the twent] -fomtfa daj of s Fobruary, in the yenr onc tliusand c(ght hundi-ed t and ueventy-two. Present, Hiram J. lïeakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of thc estáte of John lïrewer, decfiosed, Ün rt'ivding and HUngthenetition, duly veriiied.ot i. Wiiliain 1'. liitzard, prayteg that tho Kxccutora of the last will and testament of said deoeaced ay bo au. tliorized and diieeted to convey to hun OSptainreal estatetherttlD desenbed, in pursuance of a contract in wnting niade bctween thc said deceased and aaid : petitioncr. t ThcrtMinon it ia ovdnrcd, that Momliiy. th 1 day f Apnl m-xt, at ten u'elod; m the Core i noon, be assigned for the hearing of said peution, and that the teoatees, derisees and heirs at law of ssid daceased, and all other persons mterested in said catate, are reqnired to appear at a aession of said Court, then to be holden t tho Probate Office, in the tdty of Ann Arbor, and bÜow aauje, if any there be, -hy thc nrayerof thepetittonersBoaldnot h- gyanted: And it is furthei ordcred, that said pefcUsonei giffl notice to te persons interested in said estáte, of the p of said petition and the hearing thereof, by eaosing ;i copy of thi.s order to be published in the Michigan Ar mu, a newspaper printpu and fdwulftng in said county, four auooeasivc weeks to mid day of hear in[ truo copy.J IIIUAII J. BKAKF.S, 1301 JudffOOf Probate. Estáte of Jacob Beutier. STATK OF UtCHIGAN, County of Waahtsnaw, bs At asessionof the l'robat1 ( purt for the ('innuvoi Waahtenaw, holden at the PrglbHte üiftce, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Xhursdaj', the hevcuth dy of MarcH, in. thy yoar one thousand eight hunüit d and seventy-two. Present Uiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probato. In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Beutier, decensed. Onreiiding and ftlins thc petition, duly venned, of MioHaalQenz, praywg tluH JoLn licoro Andrea, or souic other suitablc person, uiuy be appuintpd administrator of the" estáte ol said deceasecf. Theieapon it i.s ordered, thut Tuesday, the aecond day of April noxt, at ten o'clock in the forenooii. be assigned tor the hearing of said petition. and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all othex pursonfl interested in said estáte, are roquired to appear at s HWinjnn of said Court, then to be hplden at thc Pi-obate Qfflsa, :i the Cjty trf AP" Arbpr, and show cause, if any there le, why the pruyer of the petitioner should not le grantcd : And it is furtbei ordered, that said petibQner sivfl oqtioeto thcjierscns interested in said eatute, af thc pendency of said petition, and the hearing theéeof, by oausingaeopy of tliiu order tobepublishea In the Michigan 4rauf, a newapüper print-ed and cjreuhuinL.' in saj'l ounly, thiee successiTfl weeks pfOTionB tu üivi'i day of hearing. trnewpyï] HIRAM J. BEAKË8, J34 Judge of Probate. Estáte oi William C. Church. STATE Oï MUll WAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Ata sessionofthfl Probate Cöurt for the county uf Wnilitpnaw, iLulden at the Probate Ottice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the üfth day of March, in tho yeaz 0HQ thour.;ind eifht hnndred and seventy-two. Present Hiram J. Bcakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William C. Church, deceased. Ou reading and flling the petition, duly yerificd, of Charles C. iimvli, praying that a certain instrument nowonftlein thisCouit, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deoeased, may bo admitted to probate, and that he may be appoiuted sole JËxecutor thereof. Thercupon it is oixlercd, that Tuesday, the aecond day of April next, [at ton o'cltjck in the forenoon, 1 leaaaigned fox the hearing of said petitiua, and that the legati ts, devisces and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to anpfiAV al a aession ol' suid court, then to be holden, at the Probate Otfirt', in tlie City af Aun Arbor, and show omiM, if aïiy there be, why the prayer of the petitioncr should not bc granted : And it is further ordcred, that said ix-titioncr givo notico to the perBons interejjted in said estáte, of the pendency of BAid petition, nnd the hearing thrrcof, br causing a copy of this onler to be pub}sho in fche Michiffan Arguêttk newspaper printrd and circulating in said county, three successivo weeks irevioua to said day of ' '(Turn! fiopy.J . HIRAM J. BEAKKS, 1364 Judge of Probate. Estato of Electa Munson - minor. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waehtenaw.sB. Ö Ata sessiouof theProbute Court for the County of Washtenaw, hulden at the Probate Office, in thn City of Aun Arbur, on Saturday, tlie twenty farth day of Febniary, in the year ouc thousand eig t hnndred and êeventytwo. PresentfHlBMB .1 . Iluakoe, Judgeof Probate. In thc matter uf the Estáte of Electa Manson OnrêadiDgandfiling the petition, duly verified.of Ilebron Hurd, tiunrdlan, praying that he may bo licensed to eell certain real ealate bclouging to eaid minor. Thercupon It is ordered thal Monday, the twenty-tillh day of Uarcb next,at ten o'clock in the for(3noon,beaisii;ned for thc befirinf?: of said peti on, and that the next of kin of eaid miuor ,nd all other persons Interested in said estáte, re rcqnired to appear at a setssiou of sid Court ion tobe holden at thePrabate Oftlccin thcCityoí Ann Arbor, and show canse, ifnnythorc bc.whytlie rayer of the pctitlouer should not be granted: - na it is fnrthrr ordercdy thatsaid peti tioner glye otice to "the next of klu of gaid minor, and all toer persons interested ín aaid estáte, of the endencyofsaidptítition,aud thc hearing thereof,by auftlngqppy of thU order to bc published In the ichigan At ■., anowspaper printedand circula tin n lid (Jountv, thrce succcssivc weeks previotis to liddnvofheariug. 11IUAM J.BKAKES, Atruecopy. Jndccof Probate. 1868td r UMBER YARD. - C. KRAPF, Has a larpo nnd wel! atockod Lnmber Ynrcloi eiTersnn Street, in the emith part of the City, an" _; will kecpconstantly on hand in excellent varietyot LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C hichwillbospjdaslowacr bo aförded injthli larket. Qualityandpricessuchthnt NO ONE NEED QO TO DETROITC. KI1APJ', AnnArbor,Jnury20th, 1SH 996


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