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Estáte af Lewis Moore Swi 3 At n semion of I he Probato i 'mti i "'"ii Vashteunw, holden at the l'tiT ï%fjA ,. A,m .vi o,, „„ wula!.,X' ;; aí !t' ovcllt-two. lllllS'tl l'resrat, llh.mi J. fenkes, Judgeof P. In Uwmatfc theestate ol i ,.,,' r,'jli'"Lmwuued. "". Ímií On raading umi Hlrng the mfittn i ■ ' M thei su,..,!.!.-,, :,„,. Iii„vl, 1,"'.1-It7 '2 rherenpoa it is urdctl 11, ,( 'i , ■"..I, .1 ■ rf Morel, next,'a u'njtí' , ind that tl... hcin al aw .,r m .ioÍ-,1]"1 lí '"i '?WM estáte „rei?4nS mu at ii semion oí MifCoBrt, theñ Olntï the Probate Office, in üu, Ai, . ' i ,t0 kkolfc, ihow cause, if any the whv él "" A" w petiíi-.rslvortd aot bo granted? ía1" "'' U araered.that saM petitioner girs niL .'.!"L tion, and the hearing thercuf, t. c23 " Ifc? pillar printed nnd circulalin ,, 1,, ""■ uocossKe ,, !, , prenou. , íid dayof w"".1''h Estáte of Leander LeBuror7OTATE op : MICHIGAN, Countj of Wah , ofWMhtenaw.holdenat the ftoí., Ï2 , cuy of Aun Arhor, on Fricinv. t '?',.? ol Februsry.ln the jrear onihooSJdSJÍ? dre and feventy-lwo. " cltt OeorgeA Cobb, Aclnvnñitrator of i.u comes Hilo Coort and representa that u ,. prepared t.. rencor Lis Onal account a. J,l K' ístrator. " 80cl i,. Thcrenpcn it le Ordercd, that Tn. j ■econd duy of April. nexT. at te o'c& :b loreuoon. beasslgiied ror xaminig. ík, íe snch acconm, and thut the lKiratl,„niTÜlni and al] olhe. persi.Ufintírestcni,! J are raquircd to appea rat,, session ofsaid X?1. u. bfchAldcii al tfie ProbateOfflce intheO "lkl Arbor ÜMWConntj ndehowcBínrlflü.í?1 wbytheealaacconntshouldnotheallo?. i5ií fnrther ordered, that s:nd AilminisiratoV.' "' " to the persona intereBtedln snid estáte ñln deney ofsaiil account, and the hearimjti. i'-1cansíng a copy of thie order to be publiffi1 I niMuidCounty, thrce sucecsshe wetk. m..?1""! sai'iday oí huarin". "'íeu CAtre copy, ?S, Estáte of Horaco ekh. " QTATEOF UICBIOAW, !'oni.t; oíWajIfcjw O At aserísiou of the ProúntcCourtforfíieí1 ofáWashtcnaw, holden ut the l'robnte Offlr !' Cityof Aun Arbor. on Monda?, the tïeni "i"1 diy of Februiry. in tlic year oue thoutóS í '? hundroriand seTenty two. ' " Present Mírttm J. Bekc?, fudeof Probtt In the matter of the estáte of iloraci v 1 1. deceaned "!. Ttionias Ninde, Ailmíuistrat'-r oj mji comen lntoConrt and represent thjt he i. J, pared to render hie final accouutaa auch Admñl ThereuponiHsOrdiTt'd. Iba t Mond ik... liftli dav oí Match next t leo oV) ck'ii, h,?1'' uivn, ntís:l fr exnminin nnrt all.,,,,,"' aecoant, and tbat ih lieirw ::t law of laU aectu? audall other persons interenied ttiimmt reqnlrrd to apnear al a bcbííoh of sald cmrt ü,,,' be hulden at the Probate office, in ihc Ciiy ol , Arbor, in suid County. nnd ehow cause, if anr ri be. whv the Siüd account nhonld nol bei]k,Vf And it is lurthcr ordercd that f:u1 Adminwi!,' ivi' Dotico to the persons interesten in said eiuu of the pendeney of sald acconnt, and thtkw, thereof, bj cantiDg :i copy of tbla order to bt mí liehedlntnc Mirhiga Mgn, a new] nnd clrcnlfttlug In Auid Connty. tlirec'aa&Ku:, weeks pn-vimih tu sniridu} of hcarlne wv' tA tmecopy.) HIKam j.heaüHi II i JudgtofPÏoSi, Efetato of Georgo E. Goodin".OTATE OP MICHIGAN, ConatyofWuthiart. O At. .a session of the Probate CourtforthpCoui rf Washtenaw, holden ut Probate Offu'.iii City of Ann Arbor, on Satnrdny, the u2 of PobrDary, in the year oae thonwir.d t' hnndred and seventy two. I'rescnt Himm J. Beakcft, Jqdceof Prolmt". In the m a ter of the Cbtateof Georce E. GÓoV, deceased Ou readiBK -ind fllingthe petition.dnl; ver-ISHi' S II. d odinu' prnyine t rit a - ment hom en Hle in tlusCuurt, ptuportfl last will nnd testament of suid deceased, bh it admitled to Probate and thnt the vJ beappráiii hole BxeCQtri)E thprei f Thcrenpon it is ordcred, that Monthy, ïhecji. teciiih ihiy of Miuxh next, al ten o'clo' i noonbeasslgned fof the tiearhieofssU ptiiiioiut thnt the lecatees, dev-iüees and hcire at Ih t' :iid (leceased. and all other persoi saiit ei-tnte, are required to : . sald Conrt. tben to be holden, at the ProbatcOï-. in the l'itL of Ann Arbor, and show Uien: be, why the prayer of the per not be grautcd: And il is ftuther ordcred. tlutiiaj petit.oner ive notice to tUe persons intcreítfd Bt Ite, of the pesdevsy o( sid pelillo ui tlie hearin : thm-of. by caRBrag a vvpy oftïüs Min to bepnbliihed in the Mirtiiaan jírgiit, a newspc printed nnd clrcnlaiiug in said Coiintj,threeiQK. ive weeV previous to snid day of hearing. f A trw-oopy.) HIKAM J. BEJKB, 130-2 Judu'e o! Probitt. Estáte of Charles Siack.Se. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countycf Tiuhtein, At it ession of the Probate C'uurt for the Countj oí WashtflOiAWf holden at the Probate Office, jotoí City of Ann Arbor, on Monday,ÜM Uctfrt dii of February, in the yetir one thousAuá eiLV,ÏLUiii jind soventy-two. Pxeaent oiiuin J. Beakes, JadgeofPnbttti In the nnitter of the Estute oi' Chrle 6htk,Sd, deoWMBo. On ronding and filing the petition, duly Tenfciflf Charles Shier, Administnttor, praying Uut be aij be licensed to sell certain real estáte wbend taii deeeaseil died sei'ed. TheieuponjtlsordecC'l.tlr.'.t Momlay, thetnntr-Kl day of M.ti-cb DCt, at ten o'clock in the foreaoa. igned for tbe hearing of said petitwn, ui that the huirs at lawr of siiid decensod, and ali (tói porsoBfl intexeated in Buid estáte, are niiiire3toaf9Mt at a scssi'jn of said Court, then ty'ji Probate Otlic-, in the City of Ana Arbor.andièn cuuse, f nny there ls whf the prayer of the prtiréwi should n" begrwitet; And i; i tHrthtr ordereii,tiil ■.:ii'I ii ■■; i: i 1 u'imj notice to the said t Mte, of the piTHlency of said petition, aud t henrhie thereof, by causiiig a copy of thia orOer w U pubUsned in ttie Michigan Arrus, a newspsperswH and oirciilatins; in saiti county, foursuccessivf" previous to .'.i day or hearing, ;A true oopyj H i RAM J. BEAKES, 13üS JudgeoiP_ lístate of OVnon fnller. QTATE OF 1UC1IIÜ A N , ( ounty of Wanhtcam.C5 At a senion of the Probate CourtfurtheCom! of Waahtsnaw, holden at the Probate OffiiSiita'W of Ann Arlr, on Friday, the nintli day o( f!1" rutvry, iíi tlie ye(ir pne tlipttsiind eight houiiH l" aeventy-two. I 'reaeivt, Uiram J. Benitos, Judge of Prolnte. In th uwlter of the estáte of Omon Tam, f ceujied. Martin Ora)', ndministrntor of nid estáte, ■" iuto Court aiid representa thftt lie irtnowprcïröitJ rendcr his iinal account as such dministiator. Therenpon it is prd.ercd. that londay, t "fj" teentb dij (if Maren ncit, at ten o'doci " forenoon, te assigceil for examininf aid ""1 ing such account, and that the heirs at U said decensed, und all other persons iateniiM said cstutc, are yeiiited to Lipper ftt ft0 said Court, then to be holden ut the 1'rrttwO1' in the City of Ann Arbor, and shew ca" i"' there be, why the said ueeount slwnlil ■ lowed: Andit i. fnrther oj lercd, that ""TL trator give notice to the persona 'nrlvíe1'1níM tute, of the pendeney of said aenint, and t J"J thereof, by causinp t copy of Ibis order to be rrjj in the Michigan Argut, a m-wspnix-r printeo andoï latina in aaiï County, three succéssjf wcI" to aam day of henrinr. .r, (A true IÍ1HAM J. BKAm 1362 Judgcof Prol Estáte of Caroline Kettnei. STATK OF JlICllHiAN". eounty of Washten,"} At a sesaion of the Probate I 'om-t for the MM of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate 01EíE'iJw5 city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the '"W day of February, ül the yiar one thüosiind eg" dred and seventy-twö. l'resent Hirnm J. Bcnkes, Judge of to In the matter of the estáte of Caroline hetuw,"' ccased. .. j. Uottlieb F. Ilauser, ailministrntor or w ""2 oomes into Court and representa that Ii3 1 -SL ' parod to ronder bis final account as such atlmn Thercupon it is ordcred, that Monday, thee''Ü2 lay of Mai'oh next, at ten o'clock in the íureiw i for examining nnd allowing sueli fu that the heii at law of said decensed, -a111? Jfi persons interested in said c&tate, ae nUIrJLii peur at a session f said Court, theu t o g the Probate OlBoo, Ú the city of Ann Arlar, County, and show canse, ií any there !.', _'.) '" account should not be nlloed : And It ' lk ordered, that said Adininistrntor sive notife . persons Interested in pai.l i-state, of the said account, and the hearing thereof, oy 'TL, eopy of tbis order to be published in the JW"jr Argiis, a newspaper printed nnd circulatinf county, Upatsuocessvre weeks preyiau toia "tfJ copy.) UIKAM J BEAg; 1862 Judtt ofPr, Estato of Rufus Knight STATE C MICHIGAN, county of 'llshí?'Díi At a Rossion of the Probate cmrl fort?' c" t, of Wasbtenaw, holden at the )'roi.ate Ott rf city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, t ie . ft ft' y 'enruary, in the year one thousanü elgnt wh ""rresent, iliratn J, Boiikes, Jndgeof Jroibatljtjj!H, In the matter of the estáte of Kufm &■ deÓTreadin(r nnd filing tbc petition. duly r& LaxSraKrügW andHarriet Knight, Kxu "J;, ing that tl., y may be lieonsi ,1 to ''"; Si' whereof said deceased died seüed. fw ' 'f '„& pnying legMies bciiucathed by bis last wul "" mTnereupon it is ordered, that Mond, !-;f' day of iH-xt. at teu o'clock in .the ij be assigned for the hearing of said lt'"n;. j.:, s, levtoeeaand heir at law "■"' ""„nand all oih.r persons interest.-,! in said estam ,ot quired to arpear nt a sesrón of said .■■■ , " A,. holden, at ttie Probate Offlee, in tbe M LL bor, and show cause, if any there be, y JJ u of the petitioner should not be gr.inte! . - fuither orxlcred that saidperJtioner pvc "JW;(( pe,)ns interested in s.ud Mtate, ottHep { , Sid petition, and the hearing Uiereof, jj copy of this oi-der to be pnblishod m t ■ A ,!„„,, a newspnper printed and cirru ■'''fjd„1J county, foursuccessive weeks previonb to 5s hearing. mpivi pl'AKIN (A true eopy J Uljjítij NÜTICE. . _ jtjo The notes and book aoeounta of Mr. íen {jiji m now in inv hands for oollMtion, ' y # ■..„Mientof thesameis demanded. U no ir osU will bc made hereon. lÜnestABSortmentof Toilet Goodsinthe


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Michigan Argus