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At The Regular Session Of The

At The Regular Session Of The image
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ture in 1871 Liout.-Governor Bates, as presidiug officer oí' the Senato, gnve evidence of tho niost narro w purüsanship. Auticipating the passage of a Congrc.nsional apportioument bilí in time to permit the Legislatura to re-district tluState, the Senate ordorod tho appointment of a coniinitteo of seven to oausidei the subject aud report a bilí. This cominit too, oontrary to all precedent and in violütion of tho rights of tho minority, wis coustitutcd by Mr. B.vtks exclusivoly of Ropubliciins. Owing to his littlencss, excliisivoness or fanciod "loilty," ho recognizod tho Domocracy of tho State of Michigan - over 100,000 in niimber - as ha ving no rights which his high -migh tinosa was bound to respect. The criticism bestowed upon tho act by fair minded men of all parties it was hoped wou'.d open his oyes, allow him to see }iimself as others saw him, and prevent, if another occasion should offer, a second exhibition of hispicayune spleen. Bvit Moroax is a Bourbon and ncver learns. On the 1-lth inst. the Senate ordered the addition of six members to the cointnittoo, - making a comraittee of thirteen, and Liout. Gov. Bates narued six more Eopublicans. We were about to quote 11 O, alíame, wherc is thy blunh ! " when we recollected that a blush would have a poor chance to show itself on MoRGAN'a face. The Tjinsing correspondent of the Detroit Tribune writos concerning the apportionmeiit schcuies, all of which seem to agree in the coastruction of tho second district: "Branch has soomed disposed to look to the west for her alhanoes rather than to the east, and, manifesting a decidud choice iu the matter, has been suffcrod to follow her bont, and this fact threw Washtenaw inevitably into he Second District, which wasnot seriously objected to on any hand." The Washtonaw morabers have made a most serious mistake if they have not objooted first, last and all the time. The county does not belong in a district with Monroe, Lenaweo and Hillsdale, and a lurgc mqjority of the voters of the county would condemn such an attachment to-day could they bo heard. It has been promoted by Ropublic n aspirants who imagino that they will get rid of opponents in Jackson, Culhoun, Eaton, and Ingham, and that in tho new district they can mako their claims heard. But we waru thom that Lenawee and Hülsdalo will be found as unsatisfied a3 tho horöc-leech, and that their large Republicm majorities will be heard in convontion protesting agiinst the nomination being given to Democratie Washtenaw. Washtenaw Rep'.iblicans having the Congressional itch aro digging their own graves. As " a living jackass is botter thau a dead lion" it is not at all probible that any number of Republicana will pause and givo heod to tho following paragraph, nevertheles3 we givo it for what it is worth ; " Just before his doath Senator Grimes, who, perhaps more than any other ot' the Radical cluefs, contributed to the orean zation of the Ropublican party, spöko of ürant and his administration in the following complimentary strain : ' In abüity thlx mlministratioii h the most pnsillaniinonn and contemp'i'lc, nn-l in morn's the most corrupt and rotten which han eivr dhgrnred the Americiinpeople,and it would be ruinou to the country and the overthrow of tKt Repnblican party, to nvminate or ra-elect Grant to the Presiden?!.' " Having " Mose3 and the prophets" in Morton and Chaxdler and Jim N'yk, living orarles, of what value is tho opinión of the dead Grimes ? Not the least, we trow. Caset and Pacicard, Collector of Xc Orleans and Marshal of Louisiana, Prosi dential brother-in-law and shadow, hav succceded in having Gen. LoNGSTREET Surveyor of tho port, who is understooc to bo a stumbling-block in the way o some of their sohomos, removed. Grant finds for his own faraüy firsfc and last having taken for his model the justice' jury who invariably rendered a verdie for their own ees before deciding tho cas submitted to them. Dr. Newmax, hi pastor, kas fully conflrraed hira, or a least not disturbod his faith, in one pas sage of scripture : " Ho that providotl not for his owu houschold Í9 worse than an infidel." In tho Michigan Legislatura, the House on Thursday l;ust and tho Sonate on Fri day, passed a concurront resolution thank ing Gen. Sheridax for 2,000 pairs o jlankets, 400 men's overcoats, and 1,000 juírs of socks sent to the sufferers by the last Octobor firos. If Sheridan hac drawn on his salary an7 pttrohased thfso supplies the resolution would liavo been appropriate, but as they belonged to the Government and ïiot to hiin, it is one o: oadyism. In tho Senato four Demoerats and two Republicana had bac'sbone enough to voto against it, on that ground vo presume, Senator Manx of this county eing ono of them. The Legislature has passed tho Capi;ol Appropriation bill, substantially as recommendnd by the Governor. It provides for raising by tax in 187:2. $100,000 ; n 18T3, '74, '7ó and '76, $200,000 each ; and in 1877, $300,000 or so much as may e necossary. The contract to be let at once and as a whole. Some minor bilis have besn passod, as recommended, amending tho defectivo aws, but the two Houses, at the latest report, had not agreed on an apportionment bill, each having pussed one of its own. The opening speech of the campaign in Conneeticut was dolivered at New Haven on Monday evening last, by Senator Wir.sox. We had supposed that Senator Wilson was receiviwg $5,000 a yoar, in consideration of rhich ho Ivad igreed to füschargo certain dutios in tho aorth wing of ihe Capítol at Washington, [t is about time that civil-servico reform waB applied to lngislators. OüR State legislators aro not in favor of Congressioaal logislation in behalf ot' Chicago at the expense of " the pine woods" of Michigan, so tho House, on Friday, una-nimously passcd a concurrent tetolution conderaning the " Chicago Belief bill " and innstrueting Senators and requesting Eopresentatives to square their action and record their ■votes against it. The Sonate,, Saturday, ttnanimously , oanomrcd.


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Michigan Argus