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"back-log Studies."

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Ln this umquc sones or papera, now appenrin? in HctiiüNKu's Monthly, Mr. Warner, author of " My Summer in a Gniden," is doinglftiü best work. Ilere we huve,- in a pleasant flcLíon of a talking group in front of n old-fashioned country back-log(- philoBOphic sucrgestiou, sarciism that railes, not sneers, bright bits of descriptiou, social out-looks,- and, enlivcning all, a frosh, " ci-isp, yct juicy " and dolicious humor. Back-LogKtudiks have been quiclily appreciated by the pvena. The Xew York Tima wiys that these pktitchea, " for liyht, 'airy, but genuino delineations oí' characterTinvc rarely boon surpassod by nny writerof the presont day." The Boston Transcript says that "for delicjicy of touch, quaint sentiment and quiet humor, Bacu-Lou Studies are the bast -OÍ thingü in their way." TI12 Walton thinks that BackLoa Studif.s Xo. III. " renews and incrcivscs the evidence gira in hifl previoua pevforraancctj that we have in liün a humorist of real merit." Writlng of oue of these pupera, the X. Y. Mail &a8 it ii the M bost thing he has written, nnd the best thing ia its wny any Amexloan or English mug-azine has had for raany a d.iy ;" and the Boston Commercial Bulletin saj'8 : ' Back-Loo Studies coustitute a decided in magazine liierature." Another of these delightful papen appearjjïnthe April number of Scridser'b MonthLT, whioh i for sale by all Booksellers-zvud Xowdealers. % 1 .() a year, 35 ets. a nuraber. MIUHMH Sc C., 654 Broadivay, New York.


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