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Bail Eoad Stock Assessmept. OlBce of Toledo, Ann Atbur & Northcrn 1!. R. Oo. j Ann Arbor, March 13, A. D. 187J. f Notice is hereby pivon, that the Directora of tiie Tolodo, Ann Arbor & Northern Uaüroad Oorupitny, having horfltofore defiirimted tliat purt of suid Company's Rïilioad tinc lying in the county of Monree, and In Èhat pnrt of the county of Wmhtenaw of the nvir Huron, in the city of Aiui Aíhor, oí' u división for conwtruetion : At n meetinjr of the Board of Directora of sitid Company this duy hfltd, swid Uoaid did, by resolutiun. require aU ponen hoMiug or interestcd in the Capital Stock ot attid Company, wUo, by rotding alons or collaternl to auch deaágnatc-d divibiou, or wilhin two miles of either of the termini thcreof, or by speciul agreement ur oth wibe mo liub:é to be ajweswïd and made to py tbwards tho constriitiou of such dcaijrnated división, to pay to the Treasun'i- f anifl Oninpany, ftt his office, in Ann Arbor, the followinii installmcnU upon such hares of the Capital tock held by thein respe('tively to wit : One installnient of ten dollars jmt hare, on or before the flrat day of April nert ; ono iustallment of ten dollai s ier share on or before the ftrat of May next ; one installracnt of ten dollars per share on or before the Hrst day of June next ; one inatallment of ten dollar per share on oï before the nrt day of July iioxt, fcr the construction of 'ch división oi aid road. Dv order et thu Boai-d of IHrectara. J K. W. MOBGAN, Secrotai-y of the T., A. A. & N. K. U. Co. [SU jy[arch 15, 1872. I AM NOW KECEIVING N.ew Spring Goods, New Bleached Muslinsi New Sprmg Prints New Shirtirgs, New Table Linen, New Counterpaïièfi, New Bed Spreads, New NapkiPB, New Towelïttgs, New Alpacas, NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOLD AT THK Very Lowest Cash Prices ! o HIVir.K COODS I A.W CI.OSIXG WITHOIT KL. lltU TO PRESEST KASTER PRICES, o IIouscKceperii Rcplcnlshinff ;lltill! it t;r.%Hl to tlu'ir ;nli ulltuü to Kxaiulue our Stock and l'ricctt. C H. MILLEX, 136iml No. 4 South Msin Street. ËW GOODö FOB EARLY mm TRADE ! WE HAVE JÜST RKCEIVKD TWO HUNDRED PIECJES NEW SÏYLE PHINTS A Few Pieccs Handsome Dress Goods. Twenty-Five Pieces Cottonades. AND UAVE ON HAND, BOOT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE Ten Bales Sheetings, Three Cases Bleacbed Goods, Stripe Shirtings, Ticking6, Battinge, A full stock of Doniestic Dry Goods And as usual offer tliem for MONEY UJVÜEK TI1E JV1ARKET. JOHN U. MAYNARD. IMiwt TCARD. Mrt. CLARA B. DAKROW woald reipectfolly bnonnce to her Tonner patrons, and others Ititereeted Ihatshe will resume her instructloD in Vocal nd instrumental Mnslc. She will olsoform a clss for Inatruction of children In tho o'orienta of Voca' Muslcand Rewling and Stninyb-y note. Addrees .her at rcMince No. 28 Fonrth Stret, Ann Arbor. Marr.hTth, 1872. i:;f, tmn pEOPLE'8 DRUG STOiíjm R. W.ELLIS& CO. A3STIT ARBOB


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