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NATURE'S REMEDY7v Th e Reatjlood Puri fi z Rjf VJSGBTJ.NK lê in-ific exclusively from the juices of cnrefully Htectsd barks. rcots and berht and so Blrougly coocentretod that it will cffectn;:ll' e a iicate (rom the etem every tnint of Sr fu ai Sciofulous Humor, Tumors, Canwr íif r us Humor, Krysipelas, Salt Hheunii Syph litio .Siseases. Canker. Faintnesa at the Btom&oh and l rtlecaops Jut arisü from linpurc bluud. fccir.tica, Infi; moKtuiy aud Chronic Rheum-tispi NiurMo-'a, Gmit asa Spinal Ccmplaints, can only bc effjCtually cured throtih the bluod. For Ulcera and Fruptive Di'eises nf the skin, Paítales, Pimples, BlotcliMi. Bcils. Tetter. Rc.aMhead and EinRvorm. VKOETINJS has never la led to effoct a permuiif ut cure. .For Pains in the Back, Kidnty Comphints, Dropsy, Female Weaknees, Leucorrhoea, arisliLfrom iuternfil ulccration, and ntcrine dicoa&cs and General Debility. VEGETINB ficti iiireotly upon the causes of thee com)LtinlH It iüvi;rrates and etrcuiithenn the ivbole t-.Ví-'.oin, nct upou the eecrr;thre orans, nllays informatlun, cures ulccratiuu aud requintes the bowcls. For CATAKHIf, DYSPEPSIA, llAÜITfAL C W 1IVKNKSS, Palpitatim af Ou Htart, Utadachi, Pile, Xerwrusness and General prostrotion f the iïer&nu Viíem, no modioínc has over ííivcn auch perfect s:itsfacllon as the VUGET1NE. it puriaes tho blöod. cleauaes all of the oryane, and posseeses & coiitrollnp power ovor the Nervnus Ry0tOl&. The rcmarkable cnres effected by VBOBTIKB lave induced raauy physiciana aud apotbccarioe whom we kuow 10 pretctlta and uee it in their on familiop. In fact. VEOETINE i the best remedy yct diRCOV. tred Tor the ahrv; dÍHeacs, and Is tho onty reliable Blood I'nrif icr yct plnced before tbc public. Preparcd bv II. It. Stevens, liotitou Masa. I'rkel.ii5. Soldbyall Urugsitw. IMlmS HABRISOrV'S í.ow-rtoH n and Ituiscd Fire-Gratcs and Gas-L.ogs, unsurpased in Beauty of Design and J iii:-.. Harrinon's indirect ribbcd ST1CAÍ1 RADIATOR for tíiírli and I.oiv Pre are. F. A. IÍIL!,1.N;. Detroit, 1355m3 Solé Agenta for Hichigitn. LOOK HERE I To my friends and Patrons In tho DAYS OF AULD LANG SYNE, And to the Public frerpTiilH', I take this methori f sayint; thrtt havin jmrehased the intfirest oí Mr, L. M. Taylor, in the olü and wcll knowu TOBACCO STORE ! two doors went of Cook'? Hotel, Cat the elgn of the liig Ingiu,) I um prepared to oífer theia as good a stook ut CICARS ! TOBACCO, SNUFF, At as reasonablo ratcs asean be foond at any Store In Ann Arbor. By keeping a full vtock and payiiiR strict attention to business, I hope to merit and receive a fiilr share of public pat. PLEASB 61VSHB A CALI C. L. PACK. IBSTnit NEW SPRING GOODS FEE! 4 LEWIS, Aro now receivinL the most completo and ELEGANT STOCK OF Fll GOODS IN TUE LINE OF BOOTS and SHOES EVER BROUGIIT TO THIS CITY. HAVnt; THE EXfllSIVK BUS OV THE WORK 01' ALL THE FIRST-CLASS AAILFACTlttERS IN THE fOlTKV, WE CAN OFFER TO CASH CISTOMEKS GTÍRATER INDUCEMENTS THAN ANY OTHER 'HOUSE IN Til ÍS CITY. Wc carry complete linos of work from X. C. KI KT. I.UAV BltOTilKRS, KTi'nnixi, iiuos. In CHILDRKN'S FINE SHOES, of which wc have by far the larirest and flnest assortment cror brought to Ann Arbor. Juti, TI. UurlN Qent' FINE nANDMADK Boots and Shncs, uiicqualcd or5tylc,bnrability and ilnish. Jot:n T'. lltirt Boys Fine Shoea, and in fact a Complete Stock of yiNE and PLAIN Goods, euüabie for this markot. J3Ci T ÜMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Ha a large and wcll stockcd Lumbor Yaril nr Jeffefson Street, in thésouthpart of the Cltv, an willkccpconatautly on baud an cjccellentvaricty o LUMBER, SKIÍ4GLES, LATH &C which willbesnidaslowascnr bö afforded injihli mnrkpt. (ualityundpricecsochthat NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KRAPF, Ann Arbor,Jannary20lh, 18T1 9S6


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