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IiONDOJí, April 3. - Et. Hon. Benj. Disracli, who is now on a visit to Manchester, addrossed an immense conservativo meeting in Pree Trado Hall, in that city, this evening. Disraeli began, saying : " We have assembled hero to proclaim our rosolution to uphold tho Constitution of the Kingdotu. We have como together to talk of a prograioroe for luture action which will not dospoil churches nor plunder landlords, but further tho intorests of the great body of the people." He then went on to make an earnest defense of a monarchy. To the throne, he said, must be ascribed tho blessings which Englishinmi enjoy. The soveroign does not exercise a real influence. Tho monarchy is an institution around which, in peril and adversity, the poople can rally. The English monarchy cost loss than that of any othor nation. Tho expense of tho sovcrcignty of the United States, which enibraced Congress and Stato Legislatures, as well as the Executivo, was between L700,000 and L800,000 sterling, doublo the total of tho English civil list. He closod with a vindication of the aristocracy and a defenso of the House of Lords as an ossential element of government. ANOTÜEB 8ENSATIOX ï'OR EKOLAKD. London, April 3. - Tho Globe to-day calis attentiou to a rumor of an extraordinary character which has obtained currency in London, that tho caso of the American Governiuont beforo tho Genova tribunal of arbitration estimates tho losses of citizens of tho United States by tho capturo and dostruction of American ships and cargóos by Confederato Cruisers, built or fittod out in English wators, at $14,000,000, and tho expenses of the United States Government in pursuing said privateers at #200,000,000. Tho Globe commenta with somo so vcrity on this statement, and expresses tho hopo that Gladstone will bo speedily callod on in Parliament for an explanation as its truth or falsity. OREAT BRITAIN AND CANADA. The Echo of to-day contains an artielo on the subject of tho union of Canada with Great Britain, in which it hints strongly that the connection betweon the countries is merely artificial, and intimates that ïjord Dufferin is possibly the last Viceroy of the Dominion. THE LON'DON REPUBLICAJÍS. The woll-known tavern " Hole in the Vall" haing been usod as headquaters by the Republicana of London, 1 3 been b.'cn refused n licenao by tho anfchorities. Ni w rooms have, in oonseaneiioe, beun gecured for their meotmgs by the London Patriotic Society. Tho "ilon. John Siuart Mili lin-i sent. a letter to tbe ' dent of tbe Assooiation iauAoeiag JU2() sterling a3 a contribution toward tho expo im of its cliango of quactcra, and expreasing his upproval of the resistance of the org&urattion to aa attempt by the gOTerument to prevent by indirect mans the discussion of subjucts whioh it is thought too hazardou to openly


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