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The Real And The Spurious Soldier

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Fronx the "Washington Patriot. "Who wouldn't be a soldier?" asked the hero or heroine of ono of Mr. Lever's novols. Looking at what seeins to be going on around us, we are inclined to reverse the question, and ask : Who ■w-ould? It is positively melanoholy to think of the actual fate, positively and relatively, of tho eoldiers, gonuino and spurious, whose powers wo onco boastod of. The grave covers niany of them - not only the bloody grave of battle, for which no ono neod repino, but tho grave whithor sicknoss leads, and sometimes the grave which hides dishonor. Sedgwiok, and lleno, and Mansñeld, and MoPherson, and Reynolds, and Mitchell, and Thomas sleep, their last sleop, and we speak of them in pious, reverontial sorrow. But the living - what of them ? Passing by him who, in an agony of doubt and oxpectation, is now clutching and clinging to the pinaaclo to which accident has raised ñim, what of tho othc1"? ? Does any ono of them fooi it in lis heart that tho height of an honorable and professional ambition has boen reachcd ? The genoral-in-chief is tho sole excop;ion to the rule of disappointmont. Ho inds consolation in his pleasant exile, in that ho is far away from tho intrigues and jobbery of the military depaitmont at home. As he floats down tho Khine, or auspice Bancroft, strolls on the Underkn- Linden, he can look tho Grejnan widows and orphans in the face, conscious ;hat he sold no cartridgos to mako them so. Where the noxt in command is, we r a'ly do not know, but in some sort of obs :urity. Hancock, tho Bayard of the service, is an oxilo in Uacota, or some joint as far away as possible from tho ientor of Exocutivo radiance. Mead, and McDbwell, excellont and amiable gentlemen, aro dozing in Philalelphia and New York- halntiie of tho Jnion L sague and Union club, aroused only occasionallyto welcomo an itinerant commander-in-chief, or salute a grand dulto. Hookor, infiii in health and out of service; McCioUau, Franklin, Pitzjohn Portar, lío gallant gentlemen ainl :is brave Boldiors as over t'onght on any fieldt in voluntary or in foiced retironicnt. Butterüeld, who belives ho cüuIiI have fought the buttlo oi' Ge'tysburg botter tben IVIgado did, i:i diggrace. oaton, who thinka hu killed ötonewnll, nowbere ; and so, we might oonsider the list to the lowest round of the niiütiiry faddor, and w gheuld fiad thercsult tlu; game. DiBappointmeni bitter disappoiTitment overyn b If this be the doom of the genuino, what of tho spurious'r ïhey unqneetionably faie niucli bcttcr, and we necd only cali tho roll of the prosperous and piimioted, the ineuinb'ints of good offices or lat jobs, to see tl, e dÍ80TÍminatÍng jnstice of Republicana. The successful uien aro the Howavls and Bumsides, and Ames, and Ingalls, and Sickles, I'ortor, Baboook biugraphieul Badeaa, Jjieutenant Lcct, and Sutler Stooking.


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