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POR SALE OR RENT. A (rood and conven ion t dweil inf? in a desirable Iocj tion. Pofwesnion givon iinmeilitiü-ly. I&Qnin t th corner oí State and Nnr;h Stieett. Arm Arbor, April 4, 187218688" Mïis. H. UOHSjS. A Rare Chance to Buy a Farm The utwcrlber oflbn to sal] his Farm of 109 arres adjoining the villaje oí' DtxbOfO. It ia well ndaptec to grnin mul pasture- a nerer-fáüiny tream run throuph it. A new home, itnd home-barn, weU. ove 200 apple krees, and ulmost 200 rods of new fenoe we firiionir the improvomentH of last yewr. These art over 40 aorea f wheat on thefrrmtnd, which looks bet lor thun most other wlieat nhout Qfl. About 15 nevos of fine young1 timber, &c, &o. Puice, $50 per acre, incUtding the. wlwal, if sokl thi month. If $1,500 to $2,00 are paúl down, the bl anee may be divided through 4 to (i years, at ■JT pe cent. Ann Arbor, April öth, 1S72. A. W. CHASE. UILL'S OPEEA HOUSE. For One Night Only ! MONDAY, APRIL 8th, MANNING'S MIXSTBEL8. From Cbicnsro, under the pprwonil supervisión of the popular comedian, BILL Y MANNtNG, who'haa the liODOr of prrjscuiiiiu' to tJio pubtia the most brillinnt ariay of talent over brouff lit iiuder ouo mauaeincut. as the folio wing ñames wiil testffy : MR. "W. W. NEWCOMB, The Priuce of Comedinns. MR. ANDTlfoKKB, MR. BTBVIB BOGEES, THE PEERLES8 IilCAKDS, Mli, NKil. BOG-BBS, MH. COX. T. MUKPHY, LITTLE EDDIE & MASTKli (iEOROE. The great Quintctte is coraposed of J. J. Kelly, tenor ; SÍK Gustíivtí Bidaux, taritonn ; Alf. Hender, alto; E. M. Kayne, basso; Con. T. Mui"phy, tenor mul ínter loen tur. J. F. DUXXIK, Agont. DONT FORCET That tho Fntrest, Squarest , and bpst place ín Aun Arbor to buy Pora Drngfl nn) Medicinos, Wiues aud Liquors, for Medicinal Purposes, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &C, IS AÏ B. W. ELLIS & CO'S. Corner Oppoalte the Savings Iïank. CALL -ASISTID EXIA.JM:iIsrE Our Permnneiit ('üItp, fttr oateideor Insido paintIng, manabetored .rom Pure White Load, zinc, and Unseed 0flt ObMpsr mul better than nny other Paint made. Sold by the gallon, ko, 01 barrel. ANo Pure White Leail, Zinc, Ac, at satisfactory PllOM. REMEMBER NAB AND PL-UïK. IC. '. FstitilH Ac CO. Estáte of Joromo Oooding. CTATE OF KXOHZ0AK, ODonr of Waehteattv, e. O At a sesion of tlie Probate Coiut for the eoanty ot i]it']iiw, holden at the Probate Offloe, in the city of Ann Arïwr, on Thui-day, the fourth day of April, in tho ycar one thousund eight huudred and sevenly-tivu. Preaonl ËQrain J. Ikikt-s, Jndpoof Probate. 1 ti tlic matter of fcib#eatate of JtTomc (iooJing", deooaaed. On i:M'ilin ;nd the petition, duly icrifod, at Connthti M. (nodintr, Administmtrix, pniying thiit she may ■ UeniMd to sell the real estáte whereof said deceased dïed stizol for the pUTpOce of dlatribntínff tho prooeed of svicli sale among the persons interesteiï in snid est ;i t-, ThereapOD it is ordered, that Monduy, the nixth day of May next, at ten oVlwk in tho fbranoon, bc aitsigned for the huarinc of said petition, and that the hrii-s at luw of s.-ml deoeated, and al] othrr penons intsneted in aaifl ettate) are reqplred to apjM'ar :it n sor-sion of satd CoUTt, then to Ik.' holden rtt the Probato Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cauHo, if miy thers Ih wliy the DTSyCT OI the petitioner Hhould not lx. frr'intetl : And it is further ordered, petitioner irive not iee to the [wrsons Intussted in isiu BstatetOithe pendenoy of iaid petition, and the heurintr thereof, by cansina a :opy of this order br publishod in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printel and ciroalatina in saiil ïounty, for üuoceasive weeks pvévtooa to said day .f Hearing. (A tniecopy.) IIIIÍAM J. I'.KAKFS. 1368 ttdtfO Of PtfOBntQ. r asi now KECE1VINO A LARGE AND SELECT ASSOHTMENT OF COATINGS, VESTINGS and TROOTSERINGS AD EVERYTHINO ÍN MV LINE FOR THE SPRING TRÁDE Cali and Examine Our woïi in tlïo Field Speoks for Itscíf. Also a Line of Gents' Furnishing Goeds, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOYD. Sheriff s Bale. OTATE OF MICII[;AN,Countyof Washtenav, ■. 0 By virtueof a writ of ex tion iwued uut of and and the -ui of the Cinail ('umi for the i-ounty af Washtenaw, and to me direoted and deliverad, aguuut tlie goode, ehatllea, landsand teñamente of Georcre 1 Hill, 1 rtid on the Ufth day F Muroh, A. ]). l-;i, aró and levy apon all the right ütle and bitecest lieexge 1). Hill ban in the follovraq denribed lan is. sitúate lownahipot Aun Albor, ooantyof W'jshtcTmw, in, beginning ai a jioint in the' west liue of cction Linitytliitri', in townsiiij tuo HOUth iu range Bix eauti mjvi'iity-ave mds south from the northwiM ooi ner ot aiid section, thence south on suid Bestión Une 1 chaioa .nul lirty-two links, theuce Baat parallel itli linu of is:it! bOCtion, süven chuiim und forly-one links, thence north piirullcl to iln; vot line of saidsec ion twelve chaiu aad flfty-two link, thanqe 1 illel to the north line of iaid BuoUon to the noithadd soutli qnailer Une ofoaid seetion, thenee north to theqtjartel j-xis; of said eoUon um the noith Htieof flJlid suttion to ihiMHUtliWL-st rnrth'l ot s:;iil -:■■- tlon, thense south on the west lino of suid avction t the pliice of bofrinnini?. contuining iiinety-iive ui - .ii ■ ■ ir teaa. esceepting therefrom Uie lands of the WaahUmaw Connty Agncoltiiml and Horticultnr..; Society ; alsotbesouth part of theeaat half ot the aortheiat quartfx of aaid section ;us above desoribei being all of aaid half qnnrtei wtion whieh lies Math ot Ann Arboriind Ypsüiiuti road, 0 callad), exooptintf ten aerei "t land aoU by Oeorge Prurin to ■ -'avcr, and Qóntainillg tl:irty aeres ol' land, moie or )es.s ; also tho followiapdvMined land to wit : The (.nat half of the northeast qoarter of Action nineteen, and weet half if the west half of the northweel 'carter - etlon twenty, in township two south in range "ix east, in laid eounly and State ; alao all the foUuwing dewribed Innds, aituMed in the eity of Ann ArborSiiohigan, towit: firfttn nfnoUwn iivè, ix and seven, in hlonk one nortb, in rane throe, together with the Opera House and other buildings thereon ; whieh real above de-;cribed I hall exposé for Mie to the higheat bidder, at pnblic auetion, at the Boulh door of the Court llouse, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 21t day of May, A. U. 1H72, at 10 o,cloe.k A. M. of said ilay. Daied, April 3d, A. I. 1872. MYBON wr.ltli. Pheriff, l"r'S By JoitTiN Foiiues. rnderSh.-iift'. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MU 'HKíAN.cmmtyof Waxhtcnav, L ii t lio matter of the están of i'ully Uoald deceased : Notice Ís hereby given, that in pursuante o an order ernnted to the unaéraigned. Administra! or o the matute of said deceused, by the Ilon. Judge o f l'ru bate for the oounty of Wushtemiw, on the welft day af Kebruaiy, A. 1). 1872, there ri) be eold r pnmio vuiiduo, to the bidder, at tfae dweUinj honeeonthe promisM hereánaítex deiicribed, ín th connty of Washtenaw, in aaid State, on Sattmluy, tli thirtiolhday of March A. Ij. I87S, atooeo'clodk inth afternoon of that day [subject to all encumbran Ky mortgage or othervirto existing at the time of th íit'jtUi oí naid deeensed), the following desmbed rea i-i nte, tn wit : The cast half of the aoathwest qnai tor and tho northwst quarter of section twenty-tliree ciint:uriinr twu Inindred and forty acres more or leys Uw mat part ai the west huif of the hou th west quar ter of siud seetion twenty-thiee, mtaining thirt anvs ; the rast half of the northweöt quartcr of seo t ion tventy-six, oontaining etehty acres more or b m and ajao the west half of the 'northwest quaiter o seetion twenty-nine. containing eighty acres move o U-ss, uil m township threo southof range tbVM oai in suid State. Datcd, Eebuary 12th, A. D. 1872. JOHN J. R0BI80H, 1361 Administralor. The above sale is po&t poned tn tlie tenth day o April, at the siune píaos and time of day. bated, Sfansh 3Oth, 1872. JOHX J. KOBTROX, 1368 Admioistrator. Estáte of Samuel W. Wells. STATEOFMICIIKiAN.Countyof Washtenaw, ss. Atn session of the Probate Court for the Caunt of "Washtenaw, holden at t he Joróbate Office, in theX'it' of Ann Albor, on Fliday, the twenty-nmth dny o March, in the year one thousand eight hundred an seventy-two. Preaent lliram J. Iieakes, Jvdge of Probate. In the matter of the enatE of Samöe) U". Welk deceaaeíí. On readinp and filiiig the pctition, dnly vcrified, o A. C Wells, pray ing that a certnin InatnUBfia öow on iile in tlii Couri, pnipofting to bc tlie las WÜ1 and taBtafflflnt of wid deecased, may be admil U to probate, and that she may be appointed sole Execu trix thcreof. Thereupon it is onlercd, thal Monday, thetwenty ninth day of April next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon bpaarignadfcrthcheariiiffof snid -tition, and thtthe leñatees, deriaeee nnd hein at law of s:iii osoaaaed, nnc all othov iiittiTstcd in ;iid estáte, are requii-e to appeur at R wariflD t' said eourt, then to le holden, ftttne Tiobatc Oitiw, in the City of Ann Ar bcaf, hik show, if :my tlinv be, why the prayer of the petitioner shonld not tu gianted: And it is further onïered, thai said pelitioner pivc notice to tlie persun Intsnatad in said aatata, of the pendenry o; Huid petition, nnd the hearing tht-reof, by cautung a copy of tbis order to be pn))lished in the Michigan Aryus, a nt-wsjuijKT pritited and circulating in sai( coitnty, thrce successive weeks previous to said day o; hearing. (Atrueeopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKKS, 13C8 Judí;e of Trobate. Êstato of Ernma Mallory. QrATE OF MICHIGAN, County of AV'ashtenaw, ís, O At a.sfssiim of the I'robate Cuuit fot tlu ( ountyoí Washtenaw, holden at the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on „Friday, the twentj-ninth day oí March, ín the year one thousand eight huudred and aeventy-two. Present, Hiram J. Beakea, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Kmnia Mallory, deeoased. On reading and filing the petition, dnly verirled, of Hattie II. Mallory, praying tlint Otliniol (. T.altne.or some other suitjible person, may be appointed adrninistrator of the estáte t uid daooaaad. Thereupon it is ordered, tliat Hosday, the twentyniiith day of Aprilext, at ten o'cl(Hk in the forenoon, be iifwigned for the hearing of aid petitionr ind that the heirs at luw of said deeeased, and all other personfi inteiested in s;iid eatate, are required to ap[iear at a session of tuüd Court, then to be holden, at :he PiobatQ Offloft] in tho City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any therc be, why the prayer of the etitionershould not be granted : And it is further irderod, that said petitioner fïive notice to the pcreoni niiTiN'i il in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid peü;ion, and the hearing thereof, by oanaing a OOpy ut t bil order to be publisheti in thr Michigan Argust a newswper prtnied and eJroalating i" aaid connty, thi-e lucceswve weeks irevious to said dav of hearintr. (A true copy.) HIKAM -J. BEAK BS, 1368 Judge of Probato. Estáte of Calvin K. Beckcz. QTATEOFMICHIOAN', ('ouniy of Wushtennw, sa. 0 At a seasioii rf the Probate Ooojrt for Üm County of Washtenaw, holden at the l'robate Otticr, in the riiy of Ann Arbor, on Wedaesday, the third day of April, in the year one thousand 8dght hundred aiül stiventv-two. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndgfi of Probate. In the matter of the catate of Calvfn K. Heckcr, loo laaadi Wcley Burchard, Exeeiitor of the last will nd estnment of said deceased comes into Court and rejpBsenti thut he is. now prepai-ed to render his lliml account as ueh Executor. Therupon it is ordrri-d. that Monday, the twfiitynintli day of April inaf., at ten o'olook ín the fofeooos, :iied for exiimininp and allnwing nieh coountt and that the legatoce, lrvist'iis, and boin í ];iw of aald deooaaed, and all other persons in - ereated in said estáte, are required to appeai at ■ :i of aaid Cnurt, then to be holden at tlie 'ïvli.itr ( fftlct', n the rit y of Ann Arlior, in aaid ounty, 'ind ihcnv eaaft, ü' any there be, the said coouni i-hould not be allowed : AmV ft i furth1 ordendr. that said Kxecutor give notice to the iuterestod Inaalél autato, the pandeticyof ent, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a py of thin oixlrr to be puplished ín the Michigan nnu, a newwp.-ipc-r print and cfrculating in aaid ounty, threo auooeavre week.s jtreirioui tosaid day f hearing. (A traeWpyA HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1368 JódffAOl l'robato. DEOPLE'S DRUG STOxiü-l R. W.ELLIS& CO, ANN ABEOB JPRING SEASON, 1 87a, MILLINERY KOW ReADí M1LLINERY NOW P. MILLINEKY now Re. M ETROFOLITJ] 33 SOUIfl MAIN SI, LADIES ! ÏOU OAN HOW FIND AT THE ITEÖPÖLIIil A F uil and Complete Assortme- of all tho LEIDING SPKIXG STYLES OF HATS & BONNETS, FL0WER3 AND RIBBOKS, LACES cfcc We also keep the LARílEá .' ASSORTÏE. 3 the LOWKSÏ IMtlCES, or IIoSIEKY, IIandkkrciiikfs, Gr-ovKS, CoLLAHS, And Cüffs, Dkkss Tkimmixgs, DitKSS BuTTOXS, Ac. &c, 4c, k OYE II! HK1 DOZEiV TOUXLJ fROü IK TIOS. One lïundred Pieces NotUnsliam Lace, lor Curüiins, from k Per Yard Upwards. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELINGS, TABLE SPKEADS, GOUiN TER PANES, TOILET QUILTS, SW1SS MUSL1N, JACONETS, BRILLIAK1S, NAINSOOKS, CAMBRICS, J'IQUAS, VICTORIA LAWKS, EMBROIDERIE?. And INSERT10'. LADSES' MADE f DRESSES, A.ND UNDER GAEMEm Our Combination Hip G8 Corset, Made Expresslj forlthe ITHOPOLIffl Hoop Skirts, from the Cheapest to the Best. The Best Dollar Kid Cflöf in the City. THE lAHlilST ATD ""''f mU OF I'AKASOIS D V1KBBBUUU 1 THB CI' PERFÜMEliY, 80APS, COMBS, GENTS' IFD' TIESr COLLA BS, EOSlERfi H. COHEN- 33 SOUTH MA.IN STKS ■ 130S.


Old News
Michigan Argus