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The Charter Election

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The charter olection on Monday was a triangular fight, only tliat tUo Rcpublican uugle liad its hoad koooked off, tho Mayor candidato, Dr. SmiTH, withdrawing - aecording to arrangement, - his frionds generally gcing for the Democratie candidato. The Democratie ticket nominatcd on Friday evening was a good one, and was headcd by onu of the most popular men in tho party, in city or county. We saw many men voting and working against him undei protest, but they couldn't swallow tho backew whose shoulders he stood on. It was not Joux J. Robison they voted against, but the men who had foroed liiin apon the ticket tobeat Mayor Douolass, becauso of his persistent efc forts to protect our goodly city against free trade in liquors. That is the ploin English of it in a fow words. Carrying such he,avy weights he made a big run and came near winning. CoLE, the Democratie nomineo for Re corder, was not so lively a pacer. He was put up to get the votes of those stift' backed Domocrats who never scratch a ticket, and whc couldn't have votod if a Democratie ticket hadn't been nominated. He rakod in 52 such " hard sholls," tho largor nuinber of tho Deinoerats who opposed tho Citizens' movoment, " frora principie," ratifying tho bargain which had been mado with the Republicans who wouldn't fuse, and voting for GlilTNER. It was right to fuso ono way but not the other. On Justices of the Pesoe tho pull was a little more ovun, but the light voto of the Democratie candidatos shows that a largo portion of the Democratie vote was given to tho Citizens' ticket - largor in l'aet tlian tho figures show, for Messrs. llOOT and WlDENMANN received a large number of ltopublican votes. With these prelirainary remarks we give the figures and our fnends can digest them at theil leisure : FOK MAYOR. Douglaaa. Robison. Smilli. Totnl. lstWard 203 134 2 338 2d " 68 182 187 8d " 84 203 287 4th " 100 13 L 287 5tb " 103 C7 170 ütli " 120 20 155 Total, 72 688 1,424 696 Douftlass' mai., 30 J. J BobluBOn had 4 votes in the 2d Ward. FOB KKCOKI1EK. I r. fllHMT. Colo. Ist Ward 1Ü2 125 21 2d " 45 nu ii 8d 74 186 10 4tli " 149 130 - Bth " 92 Ö 10 (Ui " 124 29 3 Total, - 67G 680 62 M.ijority for Gnu.vER over Webstbk, " Cilizens', " 10 ; over Cor,E, Dein., 034. ROK JLSTICE - PULL TKItM. Beuhau. lioot. Cate. lst Ward 182 80 7 id '■ 45 102 41 3d " 70 148 (i( 4th " 143 98 41 5ih " 88 28 46 Otli " 118 9 2Í) Total 005 408 287 Ma.iority for, " Gltizens'," over Root, Dem., 177; over Cate, liep , 308. KOU JTFSTICE- VACANCT. JiIuMiilion. Widüiimiinn. Ionov:n. lst Ward 187 07 74 2d " 60 100 81 8d " 121 HO 4u 4th " 107 84 W 6th " 81 9 80 Ctli " 125 5 26 Total700 375 304 MajDrlty for McM.mion, " Citizens'," over Wid!cnmann, Dam., 375; over Donovan, Kop, 440 ; over both, 70. CatR had two votes in the lst ward. ■'"■ Supervitcrt - lst & 2cl W'k- "W. A. Batch, 190 " " " J. J. Farshall, 10 " " " C Krapf, 'S-'A- 86 8d & llh W's- Aloiro A. Gregory,270- 10 " " " J;lui (J -Muiidy. 254 Olh c Olh W's- J. Austhi Siiütt, 213-132 " " ' Uoln. P. Glazier, 81 For Collectors - Isl & 2il John Keek, 213- 44 " " " Florlau Maehllg.Jr., 187 " " " Chus. B. Thompson, 108 Bd & 4th W's- Xelson P. Bill, 21(- 07 " '■ " Jfcnj. F. Watts, 179 " ' " Gwi. A. Gllbert, 137 5th :, Gth W's- Eli S. Manly 100- 24 " " " Kil Manly, 124 Th is was a man running against his shadow. 'ir Aldermen - lst, Ward- Josliua V, Leiand, 181 - 70 Martin Clnrk 42 " " Asher A. Tcrry, 111 2d Ward- Ktnaimel Mflnn, 57 " Qeo. V. Lotz, 120- 03 " " Gottlitb F. llauser, 12 :;,! Ward- Wm. W. WTiedon. 80 John B. Dow, 182-102 " " William Allaby, 18 4th Ward- Aloses Rogers, 100- 42 '■ " John Clanev, 114 ■ " jvi. Vanderwarker, 10 " " E. W. Hargan vacaney, 148 - 54 " " Godfrpy Fantli, 94 " " John Geoige Millcr, 3 Bth Ward- Moses Seabolt, 83-2 Geo. 11. Klioles, 81 Bth Wiird- Wellington I). Smith, 14;! - 1C9 11 " Aadrew Smlth, 3 " " John Doe, 1 For Constables - . lst Ward- Charles Borlan, 202-72 " AI011.0 C. Bliss, 180 2d Ward- Jos. J. Kllis, 40 " " Tlios. F. Leonard. 105-00 John Field, 30 3d Ward- Jortin Forbes, 09 " " Tho. J. Huïklna, 107 - 08 m " Albert Bcndder, 40 4th Ward- William Corseüus, 1G- 184 i' " Sc&tterlng, 2 Bth Ward- Newton Felch, !)8- 34 " Nathan II. Picrce, 'I 8th Ward- Marqaís D. Miller, 93 " " Thos. L. Hevvitt, 30 Suinming up the result, the " Citizens ' elected Mayor, two Justices of the Peace, two Supervisors, three Collectors, fivc Aldermen, itttd four Constables. Tho "irregular" Ropublicans get Recorder, and óhe Supervisor, or perhapg 1 'j, ng iu lora i Q ieooet. The Demócrata id two Aldennon and fcwo ConstaPölitically dividing th eteof, or dividing thoin by pist politica] proolivities, the DemooKits capturo : Mayor, ono , two Collectors, four Aldennen, nul three Constables ; RepuWioans, Reoortier, on" .Tustice, three Supervisors, thrse Aldennon, and t-o Coustablo.s. The new Council- dividing by tho old land-mafks - is equally divided, sis Democrats and six Kopublicins. - And good order roigas ou the Huron. M;iy it continuo. - - Tho result confirms us in the opinión expressed bfforo elecüon that it wus impolitic and nwise tbr the Democracy to make a nominattoni An agent of üie Toledo, Ano Arbor nnd Northern Ratlfoad - who hns been can vassiiii (or a!d In '■ he town of Bed ford, Monroe Coanty, in whlch the cfoftkers sald no niil conld bc got- reporta very fine oaceess, 10,500 ties mul sabscrlptlons enoagh to pay fiir tliom. lic bas shown us onc note for 139, slgned " Frederlck Boroaghf, aged 102 yeara,' one of the conditions heing thnt 1 the Bobscrtbef is to have i Creo pass over the road for one year." We suspect that the contracto wlll have to burry up, or a stay of exeentton be pot ín agalnstDeatb to Dsure the "free pass" bei ng worth "valne received," The note has thls' Indorsement on the back : " Hom in the town of Mey er, Lebanon Co., Pa., fn 1770; now enjoya good health, and not long since (tlio note bears date Peb. 8, 1873) walked three miles, isited a frlend, and walked back home the same afterooon. lic is very anxious ior the road to bc built, S3 Ihat he'can havo a ■iele to Sagtnaw and enjoy the fish that are caught therc J lis te; eb ;ire prettj' good. Ie served his country In the war of 1S12, ïnd ims oever received any pension, but is goiiiii to Jlonroe to inake o at an applicaion." Who'U beat that "veteren" ? May ie live to use his "pass' and eat SaglDavr lsh. THe agent also reports laboring with or belaboriog a farmer 1d the ame town, in good circumstances. While urgiug upon liim the many reasons wliy he should subscribe, a llttle three year o'd boy stood and Intcntly listeue.l to the conversation, and when it ended In a flat refusal, "Young A.nierica" stepped up, and, with a iook lu(tlcatlng (Icteniiinution, said, " I wtll gtve yon H cent, str, ' at the same time depositing a íive cent píece la the agent'a hand. We vote that nianly and spirited boj' a " free pass" toSaglnaw, and move that he take his first "rid on the rail" with the " 102 yenr oíd." The Bedford farmers wero not all like tlüs one, for Ch;ef Engineur Fullkh and his surveying party were entertained free while coDBlBg over the line. The followlng are nOW books just receiv ej at the Ladles' Library : Nobody's Fortune, by Ednmnd Yates; Mistress anil Mald, by Mise Blnlock ; Can the Old Love? by Budington ; Castilian Days, by John Muy ; Hits of Travel, by II. II ; Glnx's Baby ; Lord Bantam; Sir Hen ry Holland's Recollectlons of a Pa9t L1?e Tlie Unknown Rlver, by Ilamerion ; The Old Hack Room, by Jennle Harrlson ; ïesterdays wlth Authora, by .1. T. Flelda; Poor Miss Finch, by Wilkie Collius ; Kate Beaamont, by J. W. De Forest; Legends of Bibllcal Personages, by Rev. Í?. Baring Goukl; Tlie Tliief in the Night- Spoflbrd ; The Doctor' s Daughter ; Two Family Mothers ; A Bladc of Grass; Mary Barton, by Mrs. Qaekell; JNTorth and South, by Mrs. Gaskell ; Emma, by Jane Austin ; Mansfleld Park, by Jane Austln ; Fatben and Sous - Turgenei; VIIhiiïc on the Cllff. UhSdren't Bookt: The Princraa and the Goblin - Mucdonald ; Brakc Up - 011 ver Optie. Starr; Fhiq Serie: Stnrry Flnp; I.reakIng Av:iy ; Suek and Find ; Freaks of Forlune; Make or Break, and Down the Hiv er, lie üpteard and Ontaard Series : Fields and Forest1; Plane and Plank ; Desk and Deblt, and Cringle and Cross-tree. At least one'Ann Arborlnn will bc Intereated in readlng tlie followlng paragraph from the Free Press of Wednesday last ; Tkstino It - Thoae wbo took notice when the City Hal! bell struck twclve yesterday will remember that the last stroke was n sort of ihud, as if goinethlng had stopped the Ivinnncr as it descended CSomethlngdïd. Three or fooryoung men were in the tower, and one of llicm, Geo. Clark, of Anti Arbor, thoaght he would see bow Ion,' he could eave his hand on the beil and not get It struck. Hejerked it away eleven times, but on the twelftli blow the beavy hammer struck three of his fingen, Miiiishin-r liicm as flat as pleces of board. He howled and yelled, came near Ealnllng away, and got stairs to be Informed by a doctor that it would be touch and o If ny of the fingers could be saved. Tlie bammer is open to otlier contracta. We Invite the attention of onr local readers to a n nrticïe in onother column, lieaded " A Nea Railroad l'mjecl." An agent of the line visiteel our city a lew days ago, and had a conference wlth a mimber of our citizens. The conference resulted in tfie appolotment of a commlttee to lay the matter before the public, and to co opérate wlth Pontlao - understood to be ready - In the organization of a company to occupy the vacant groand and complete the chain. The road would be a vcry direct one from Port Huron to St. Louis, Mo., and could not bat be a grent tbrough route. Thlnk of lt, so as to gire the commlttee a pood word aml better promlses when you shall be caUed upon. The wlfe of Cipt. Cn.s. TiiAYEn, a lady known and respected by all the old residents of this cltv, died on Tuesday cvenina. Her funeral will take place at the Presbyterlan Charcli this atternoon at 2 o'clock. - The many frlends In this city of DabielLkBahon, of Brtdgèwater, Will regretto bear that be has lost his wlie, she bavlg been bnrled on Snnday last. An accident occurred at 'he railroad work near Felcl sirwt on Wednesday afternoon. The bank from whieh earth was bhlng laken for the track caved, dmolishInga wagon and Injnrlng two workmen. One of the men, a Mr. Havk.vs, wlio Uves at tíic corner of Spring and Felch streets, waa severely bru'.sed and jammed, bui had no bones brokcn. The Democratie City Commlttee for the ensniog year, appointcd at the City Conventloo held on Fridav evenlng last, is as followa : Measn. O. Hawklna, J. C. Watts and ,J. 3. Parshall. - .Tho Nortlifleld Democratie Commlt t.-e s : C. 1'. Kupp, Sen., Geo. Suttou, and Henry Conlen. The Goald f.inn in Öharon, advertised by the admlnlstrator ta be sold on Saturday last, was only sold in part. 280 acres- the cream of t!ie farm - remaln unsold, and will be ollered again On Wednesday nextAny one wanting a tirst-class farm In a desirable localily should embrace this oppürtunity. .101: T. JACOBS The Populnr One Pftof ('hitliirr, hu jiisf ïctiniuil from (hc Basi with :in immense 8tock of Iten and Bojb' Clothiog, and be advfaea In-i ciutomon t" l.iy in Hiiii dtothiiiH ni once, betún tli ,.■■■ tatich m'i.t ome oviu


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