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pcir tlvtxtwwimtz. t y ANTED TO RENT. For two yo.irn, a ffood house ïn a good location. Apply to CRAXE & THOMROX, Koom No. 9 Optra Ann Arbor, April Uth, 1873. 13G9 Estáte of Jacob Haehrlc. OTATKOK MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw,i8. O Al asiiseion of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washteitaw, holden at the Probate oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, oa Wedneeday, the tenth day o) April, in the year one thoueand eight hundred and Mventy-two. l'reaeut, ilirtim J. Beakee.Judge of Probate. In matter of the etstate of Jacob Maehrle, deceased. ,l:i.-."h lïauor, Administrator f'e boni non with the wih tuoexed of sald deceaacd, comes loto Court ■jad repraMDta lht üe ïs uu w prepared to ronder blfl üuiil iccount asaBiich A(]miDiitrator. Thoreupon It i Ortierd, tliat VVedneeday, the ei'.'[i:li (!iy of M.iy. DftXt, tt ten o'cloek iu tlu; iiiirnuon, te MslgOd for osiimiiiiiir nnd allow ing micn Jiceoum, and thal the U'.g&leee, devts esa and hfiiH at law of said deeouM, and all othev pereoutt interetcct in said estáte, are requircd to nppear at a eession of said Court,then to be bolden at the ProbateOfflce.ln theCityof Ann Arbor iu sa'ulCotint y and showcausf itany there be, why th-e eaiduccountshould ootbe allo wed i And i t is further ordcred, that said Adnünistratorive notice to theperflouiinterested in safd estáte, ot the pen. ïoncy uf said account, and the heaeiiiL' tliercol, by iiiiiúig a copy of tliiB order to be pubLUhcd in the Uichigü ■ a r0v,a nuwspapeiprinted and circula tin la iaid Ooiin'ty, thrce öucocssive weeltö previous to laiddu ot hisnring. í A truc copy.J UiKAM J. BKAEES, 130i Jadge of Probate. BOYS ! COME AJNTD LOOK AT OUE BASE BBALLS and '. BATS. WE HAVE TUE BOUNDING EOCK, STAR, DEAD WHITE, DEAD EED; JUNIOES, &c, &c. AIjio a few ti umi red Uolls of tUat nice white BLANK 12 1-2 Cent Wall Paper. COME ALL WHO WISH A BAGAIN. J. 0. WATSOS & CO-, 28 Huron Street. fiipis' PIANOS Have taken the First Premium ovk.k all ■üiti'ETrnox AMERICA, EN6LAND. AND FHANCE. These Standard Instruments, Are huw offered at Keduced liates on the OIYE-PR1CE SYSTEM. E 4 O , O O O -J OP TIIESK S t a ii d a r (I V i a n o-Fortes Have been made aud sold siucc 1823, and EIGflTY-ONE FIRST PREMIUMS Hüve bern awardcd tfj-oar Flrin OVER ALL COMPETITIOX These Pianos are still regarded and uuiversahy coucedcd to be TIip Standard Instruments of the World. and are so prouooncf d bj all th great artlst? Dr. Kbanz Li2t gay?; ■ i consider the CMckerjiil; Piano tuperfor t uní wi''( ín rape America !in;l MB fully cunviMced tlm that they were justly entith-d to the ftrri VVi." flikkering & Sons Samnioth Hanufactory is more tban nne-third larjier than any other Pir.noi orte Manu'uctory iu th world, r.d is in cvery respect thi' moït complete a records raachinery aud the fücilitiu-1 fiar doliig the verg bt&t chut of work. Uessrs. 0. & Sona h.avv, tinoe the establishment of their im.-iiiff-.- in 1828] inntic and sold -10 o D Piauos, and these Otan larú [n$ti umêna ure ruw cffered t Kedneed Hatea upon the ''Oac-Paiofl Ststkm," iree fiuiü all ifÍrc('Wiií an. 1 CiimtnÍHsions; and tlny ure beyoud all refuialion the vkrt Hebt and Vt.EV CuEy. kt Pirttt-Clasa i'ianus n w offered. We cali espt-'Ctaj atten tion ta our ÜPRiGHT P1AWOS which arti iu every particular the fineet íustitim nt Of their cía.! ma ti ufac tu red, and scconrl only to the Gruiul ri:ino, f'.r which thcy are a ffOOd substitatu. i-very Pi. dj warranted for years. CHICKERING & SONS, 11 C. Il tli si., VwfcYork. 354 VnKliini;JciiM., itosiuu. Sboriff'a Salo. ÜTATE OF MI(llI(iAX,county of "Washtinav, ss. k3 By ui :i wril of cxtcutioD issui'd out of and undcr the Beul of the Circuit Covat lor ihe county of Wasbtonaw, and ta me diitctod and delivcred, aguitiet ihe goods, ctuittlet, lunda aud tenements of (icuiw 1. llill, l did. on tin? 5th day ol April, A. D. 187, Miae unl ii-vy upon uil the riglit, title and inteiest ticorge 1. lüll hu in thfl ffoAtomng decribt,d lanlst situute in the townslup of Arm ArLor, county oi' WaMitenaw, Micbtom, bt'gnining ut ii point in the west line of section thirty-tlucu. in toviif-hip two south in range six cwt, sevfnty-liu ids south ïroux the Dmtfawest coiner of said aection, thence south on said section line iwelvechains und illty-iwo Unies, thancè BMt parallel to the north line of said section even ohaJni and for ty-one links, tlionee north paruUe) to the west Une of siiid suction twelve chuins and iiffy-two links, thence eaat parnltol to the north line ut' said sec t ion tothe nurih and aout h qnartar line of snid seation, thenoe nui'lh to the (jiuiiut ]H)st of snid section upon the iioiih Üxm oi' s:iil section tothc nortlnveet oonier of ■aéd siction, t henee south on tUe west line of said Heet ion to the place ol' luginniii{?, oontiiuiin niiifiyfive aam of land more or less, ozeepting uierebom laadè of the Waöhtennw Couniy AgricoltaraJ and llorticulturitl Society ; nlso the south jmrt ot ihceast half of the northtast quarïer of snid section ns ibove flltirfbiili. being uil oi wid hull'qu;irter MCtion vliitl lien bouth of the Aim Arbor and Ypilanti road (su called), exeeptinp ten ton of hind soid by George Pruiin to Jooob Weaver, and oontaiains thirty acres of land more or 1cím ; aiao UtM following described hindM, to wit : The easi half of the northeaat quaiter of seciion iiiueteen, and the west half of the west half of tlu northwest quartersectiou twenty, in township twu üouth iu i'iiiiiïo bix Wtim in uii county and Stato; also all the foUowini; dtscribt! Inods lütttr.tetl in the city of Ann Arbor, iliehigan, to wit : Lots number ii-, and stvcn, in block one uorth iu range threo eaet, toyether with the Oim.'1ii House and other buildings thnreon, which real estáte abore describid I b1ib.11 for sale to the higheat bidder, at public auctioi, ntlJie south door of the Court Ifmisc, in the city of Aiui LXbqCt " tIu-1 28tn tltty oi May, A. 1. 1872, at 11 o'clock . m. of said day. JD.itt.-d, ApiaSïh. A. 1). 172. MYKOX TVKBB, Sheriff, 1369 By Joktin Fohdes, Uuder Sheriff. Estáte of Jamos O'Bricn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, m. o At session of the Probate Court for thc County of Wushtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in thc City of Ann Arbor, on Tucsday, the uiuth day of April, in thc ycar ouu thousaud eight hundred and BOT enty-two. l'vcsent, 1 1 ir;i m J. BoftlfOB, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estato' of James O'Brion, decöhsed. Belden W. Shurtleff, adminislrator of said estáte, comea into Court and representa tli;it beia now prepiued to.renderhia final account a& such aduiinistrator. Thereupon it is orflered, that Tuesday, tho seventh day of M:iy next, at ten o'clock in thc forenoon, be nsüájned for cxamining and allowing such account, and that the hei at law of said flecenaed, and all othcr persous iuteretted in sitil estáte, are requirod to appur it a soseion of sjud ('ourt, then to lw holden at thc Viobate Office, in the City of Ana Arbor, and show cause, if any Ütaret, whj thc HÜd account should not be allo wed : Audit is furtlier ordered, thataaid AdminNtiator frive notiuo to the persons interestn! tu nid estáte, of the pendency of tukl account, and the hearing thereof, by causinjr acopy of thw orcier to be publiafcwa in thu Michiiftt Argms, & newspuper printcd and circHlatingin sala County, three sueecssive weeks previouu to Huid day of hearing. (A truecopy.ï HI11AM J. BEAKES, 1369 Judge of Trobate. Estáte of Frederick Youngfried. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtunnw, ss í At a sesHion of the Trobuto Court fox the couuty o: vr;i!it'iiuw, hulden ut the Probate office, inthecity of Anu Arbor, on Tik-silay, the niiith da y of April, in the yeur oue thousunil eight huudred aud seventy-two. V rosen t, Ui ram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Fvederick Youngfried, deooftwda On rending and filini? the petitian, duiy verifled, of James A. Stfwns, pnying wat ba or sonie nlhorsuitabie penen may ba anpcunted iidministrator of the o.stitto4i' s.uil Aooensed. Thereupoii it is ordered, tlntt Tuesday, tlie seventh dny of Mny m-xt, at Wn oV!m:k in the foreuoon, be aasigiied tbr the hearing of saitl pctitíon, mil tl;it the heirs at ïaw of snid dea and all othcr ptnou intOSWted in ssid ottatO, are required tui apjar at a session of said ('urt, then in l' huUlon at tlio I'nibate Office, in the city w Ana AiHr, and show cunbE, if any there Ik;, why the pruyer of the petitioncr hhould not be prnnted : Aud it is luit lier ordcivd, said petitibner KÍTQ nut ice to the Intevesfeód En s:úl otate, of the pendenry of said jetition and the hearing thercof, by caumng a cop7 of this order to be published in the Michigan Ar■i-is, a newapApor priAtod uid Bivoalfttiiig fn said county, threo booooi pravioni to s;iiii da; of hearing. (AUtircopy.) H1RAM .T. BEAKES, 1809 Judtfoof I'i-obnte. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicine8,Painte,0ils,&c. Estáte of Hannuh PhelrüT n At a aeaaion of the Probóte i', , , i'"1"' rf Waahtenaw, holden at the Itai!f#fcï1SS .-nth dayol M.-.reU, In the oae , ', lity Jj iiundrednj) seveaty-tvo 'hou "L Piw.nt.HiramJ. licukra.Judircof r v In the nutter ü the estale S UWC. B uien, Exeentrix of th i ui ofBaiddeceaaed, comea inte ' 'u ai resenta thataheia prepared i, . "il. account as such Executrix. ""J Thereuuou it U ordered, that v i day oí Muy nest, at ten o'clock ,7 ÍkI 71 lhe üri assigned tor exiuuining; iind uHowini; ,, 1 roreKoa2 th légate., devfacea and ï. "".m said deceased and uil other nci-snn. ■' u Tl ta .id estáte, are required tf,. tt1 sion of snid Court, tlien to be holrt.t? at T bnto Office, in the City of Ama 1? " ff County, und show canse, if „, mJTv? o hu ■aid account nhould i:ot í?1 k r óTdered that said Execmtrix give'nS"1"10 sons interested 111 n.iid estáte, of the ,ü ,.;i "' ïn account, and Uu hou-m,; then-of i,v ny 5 of thu order to be publïshed in the Ji2v3 n newapuper pintei and circulating inÏÏuVS three successivo weeks provioua tn said 1 .? Í J"!? 1A tI?69COIy0 UíiiAM bÍabSÍ . __judíeof VtSSit Estáte of Richard C. Diïtojp""CTATE OP MICHIGAN, Coonty of Vu, ilAtu seasion of the Probate ourt foi u w. Of Washtcnaw, holden at tbe l'rob-itTf City of Aun Arbor, on Mundnv tb { of April, in the JTonethOMandrigUbSS Present Hirnnx.T.TSeakc, Juclji-p of Prolm In thenuateroTtlie Enlate of KicLutd c Iï Onreadlngand petition, duI, Wti,o Spaan K. Diüini, Irajin({ thut nlie ur some nnSr" ablc persou, inay be appointed admiuiatmi ■ ■ i-üüite. ""ttmj Thfuyon it i oxdered, that Tuendav n, (lay oí May oext, at ten o'clock in the i ÍÍÜ" be useitrricil for the hearing of said np.,,1, that bh.; heiv at law of s:iid Jcceoaed and f' perssns interested in siiid estáte, are riujti S "" at a Ki-Hsion of lid Court, then to bonM1' Probate Oiüee, in the City of Arm ArCÖ oaoae, if any there bc, why the pr.qH.-r of thenSíf sliimlilnutliegriiiileil: And 11 ifurtln-tordiSr1' said petitioner give nol de tthe -persons intM-h?'1 sriul ooUitc-, of t ix'ndency of eaid petitioa i? hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thi 01Í1 ,.'!" publubed in the lchjn Argut, a newscaVifr and circidatüiK in said county, thi0csuoo4.i-.Ptnl1 lirevioiih tO-iald day of hearini;. """l, (A true cnpy.] HIBJiM J. BF tlTPi WS;S Kstate of Hary Ann Thayw STATE OF MICHIÜAN, County of WMhtm Atawjssioiioi the Probuto Court for !, r of Wahttna.w, holden ai the Probate tL '' C6y f Ann Arbor, oa Moüö.i;, Uï!iIDil of April, iu the year one tháiisád eieht iX' dred and w-venty-two. Present, Hirnm J. Beakes, Judn of Probnte In the matter of the estáte oj Mary Am, Tv deccased. iuK Ou rcading and flling the petitieo, aul reriiu Charles -fhaycr, pr.iyihg that !idniinistra,iOn T cfJatB may lict!raiill to him, Clarissu s ][,,„"; Waltor I. Huyes, ho are nnmed ns Kxceutw r lnsl will and testament uf aid dncawd. Thtreupon it is onlered, that MoDdiT tv sixth day of Muy next, at ten o'clock in t't? noon, b assigued lor the hearing of said ZT? and tluit the legatees, deviseea tind bein tk of sa iJ deceased, and all otlier pt-rsfjiu íji-Í cd in snid estáte, are requawi to dku a ncüsion of said Court, then to Ik SL the Probate OffUe, i the City of Ann AAaJ! show cause, if any there be, why the mjefiai pctrtioncr should not be Biaated : AnditijfMi; ordered, thut inld petitioner give naticc to the ! interested in said estáte, of the pendency of siíflBwí tion, and the hearinrr thereof, by cauAinr tJn4 this onlcr to Ie publishe) in ihc XichimAnL 7 11 wspaper printen and oircnlal ng in said cS, th:ej stuvfcssive weeks previous tOooid dar of burW (A true copy.) jiillAJI J. ÜFAKh VMi JudeeofPKbi. Estáte of Narissa Grittcndsñ! STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WmUhui l At a sesition of the Probate Court for the Cwkt of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office bu City or Ann Aiter, on Saturday, tt-nxthZ of April, iu the yenr one tlwii'siind cight kt dred and eeventy-two. Pnaent, II mm J. Keakes, Judge of Probal. In t!ie matur of the estáte f Xurasa Crit'taia. dewased. On u-.uisi; .-mi! H:e potition, dulv Willium K. crittenden, pj ni; tlmt ClaiteÁTcS tenden or soine other auitable person maT ü rpointe! adiniiiistraliix of said frstute. Xbenapon it is ordered, íiist ÍIondy, Uu mj day of My nuxt, ut ten o'clock in the fnrewtW assipned for tie hearing of snid petition, aadtlatti heirs at law f said deceatied, and nll otliíipen Interested in taid staU-, are requiiedtoappearatiM. pion of said Court, then to bè Itcn al tbe Pnbitt OrHce, in tba City of Ann A ïbaj, and show nat, i any tbere be, why the pruyer af the petitioMr iMé Ht betfrantcil : And it is furthcr ordered, tin k4 er giv notiee to the persons intercattd iasd csïutf. of the pendency of said petitivn, and tbe kent ing Uttceof, V.y eauaing a 0011 of tkU orda 1 br pubiisli .1 in the Mxltigan Argntt it newspaper.prifl'il and eirculntizkg in said county, three succwaii vut previous to sud day of heaniig. (A true copy.) HlllAM J. BEAKE8, 136a Judee of PbUH Keal Bstiiio foor Bok STATE OF MICHIGAN, rwinty nf Washlm,. In the matter of tho catato of Kirct M:ncn, minor: Notiee is hereby given, that in puiinmrf au onler grantetl to tlie undersigned, üualdiino! the estáte of snid minors, by the ilon. Jodge oí hobtifcefoj the oountyof Waahtenaw, oniAeïireDtr-Étót day of Miirch, A.JJ. lh!2, iilbe wldatputlic ven iue, U highest ladder, at tbe wutiidooroi the Court House, in the city of Ann AiW, in tbt county of Waahtenaw, Lnimid síc, 'jnV(daáir, tho twenty-nmih day of May, A. 1. 1;), t ló o'clock in the fcrenoon of thatday, itjubjifltoillncumbrancea by mortgagaox othenvise eiwüng sttt time oí the sale), the iulluwin (kcribwi rtalaüct 10 wit : The undirided one-eevejith of tlt vat UI of the uonheast quarter oí htetion thirty, itra. ship threo ftouth of range mx east, contauüBg i&i acres more or leaa, iu sui.l state. Dated, Maich 2lh, A. D. 1S72. UG'J 11K11UON UUED, Oturiiu. Commissioners' Notiee. ÜTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waitonn. The undeisigncd, having Ux-11 api-oioted by e Probate Court for said counly, (.'oiauiisj-iOlieiitottceive, examine and adjust all claims and dnoaodi d all persons ageiaat tue estáte of Charles Burdo, late of said couuiy, dtvtKaed, hereby givenotirttUf six mouths f rom date ar idJoiuii oy ordci DÍ mt Probate Court for crediton to present theirdi! aKriint the estáte of said decenseL.jatd tliat tbeTrJ meet at the residenee of Ilorace in LvidM,Q said county, ou Saturday, the eihth day of Julj.oi on Tuesday, the cighth day of Gclobel, ki'i at tcu o'cloek a. m. of each of said ilaji, to Kcein, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated, April Sth, A. 1). 1872. Wll.I.IAM E. WTÍ3EUS, JU1I.N .;. G1BBIK8, l.3Ctwl Commiainn. Comniiasioncrs' Nutice. STATE OF MICUIM AN', County of ■VashtaOT,. The undersigued, huving been appointed bytk Probato Court ioi said coomtyi t'omiiiishionen to ncl ive, OTaMiiw ;md a'ljust kU cúúuis and demaudicl" pexsons ugaiuat the estáte of Wüliam C. QiikK late of said oounty (leeeasüd, Serel)y gvve noott tw six inoutljs hinu date are allowed, by wder 0ÍM Probate Court, for creditors to presen', tbtir diti against the estáte of said deceasetland thtóthej ■ liieomceof Sutherland Whcdon,iii1T of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Satuitïay, thrrot day of July, and on Monday, theeeventhdax0'"' ber next, at ten o'clock a. m. of ejicïi of said p, K06ÍV0, exauüue, uiul adjtist said phiiuw. Uatcd, April utb, A. 1. 1H72. A. J. SUTHEKIAXK W. W. WliKl'iN, 1309W4' CuinmiaioM Estáte of Fredcrick John 'Wanzect STAIE OF M3CHIG Aü, Connt j ofWaahlm. Notiee is hereby given, that by'anonlcr(rftlr bate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, madiooi" niulli day of April, .1. I). WV2, sil montbi 6 t li ;i t date were nilowed for crediton tü pnsKntj claims agaiust tho ?siait.' of FrederidtJoAB V late of said comity, deia-asd, anl tliat aUcnöWO" said decoased aro requiretl to present then "■ to said Probate Court, At tbc Probate Offios, B City of Ann Arbor, tor examination and alliiwo or before the ninth day ol October next, vAv such claims will bo heard before said ProbteC on Suturday, the thirtcenth day of Jnlj, "" " Wednesday the ninth day of October nt. ' o'clock. iu the forenoon of each of those day. Uutcd, Aun Arbor, April 'Jth, A. 1). ls:2. lmUMJ.BKAKK 16S9wi JudgeofPioW Mortgage Sale. DEFATTLT having beeii made in the "i mortgagecxecuud by Hinun Shephcrd' bcth M. Shepherd, lus wife, to the und. pheus Feleb, bearina ilate the third day o! ""J A. IJ. eighteen huudrai and seventy, and '"'"■V, the ot tlif Kagiatei of Dils of ïfw County, in the State oí, ijUiiwrtíof gages, on pag 131 , on the faurteintb lay of ""J A. l). 1870, by which default the ]wcr of ■ tained in Raid mortgngc has Imnnf "lw'"llj there is olaimed by me to be due on said mort,pij thedate 't il, is cotice, the sumo! louit CJ ""ïï :.i..; Mv.jMty-one dolían and mxi six ea t , fr, p;il and interest, and ulno tbesum of loit, """JiE, ï-easonable üolicitor's ot AttoriK') 's tef on 'l017jj piociedings to forcclo said mortgage, s 0JPIr: ; pmvided m the ïame, nnd no suil or yroixeamf or in chancery baving beoo iiiHtituuU flfdobl aeoiued by said mortfjaire, or any imrt i"1" 'j( Noticx is therofoie hcreby given, tl"l )' j power of tule ountainad in aul "''''ínoítthe stature in Fiieh case made lid providea, "14 ...... illbe forecloswl by u sale of tlie """3 prtmises, at pubiic uuction, to the highf' ,7h,,ii Monday, theeightb duy of July nfxt, at tena "" in tlie foieooon uf thnt day, nt tbe south "I' C'Qtat House, in tbe city oí Ann Albor, """.i oí Washtenaw, eaid Coun Uouse bfing " Ky.jt, hoiding tho Circuit Court foi ■ihpsanliii!iI . sj teUHW. Thepremiswao-tobcsold ode(l ".",],, iu.rt(;aj.-.i' " IiJKw, Ui wit : " The norlh ï!f " UOTthwest quniter of section twenty-onc, BHi' four (1) smith of nuiitf' fiv [6] -.;t, 1 "ie . ' t Wnahtenaw and State ot" Michigan, conuuiu: fti Hfil OÊ nf land more 01 l-'s." JUated, Ann Albor, Michigan, April 8 '"''"-, C. B. Grant, Attorney for MortLagee:___J - ■ Notico of Attuohinent. THE CIKCUIT COUUTfortht eouatj of ' tenaw. LKON'ABD R. NOUTHRUr und 1 ÏOHM N. HRHAUliS I in Attod1 K. FELLOWS. j ,i,r' Notice is hereby given, tbat on the Utn_ ' arch, 1872, a writ of ttachment was dulv , , f the Circuit Couit for the county 01 f nlir ]tha snit of Leonard S. Nortbrup and y'"JI" dl. mis, tlio uhove nmned plainlün, piu r , "- t f tneiwnts,[.'odsiunUhaiti.. money anti " j w {andolph K. l'ellows, the detcndanl bove "T"'d he sum of thn-i! bundred and eighly-teren ii' M Mty-nine eenls, which said writ was iftun"1 lie ïd day of April, 1R72. IJutd, thw 8th day of April, 1B72 -rgjft lMwl AtwraiyWrta Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by t


Old News
Michigan Argus