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School House Burned

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The oM Bi hOö] house in District No. 2, ■Superior, commonly known ae Frain's Lake School House, was burned on Moniay inorning ast, April lötli, pfoCiseiy at lio time of opening a uewteftn of schoolt The tiro is supposed to havo taken from ;he stove-pipo wlilch passcd through the ceiling. This old school how had a bistory, fthd could it havo spoken itwould told us of the doods enncted within i's tralla for the past thirty-seven years. It would haVe told of the roilgioüa gatheriagS there for several.yeara af ter its construction, whon a Wesleyan Methodist olase was formod, and suoh men as Eevs. S. BttBlKa and 'SWift proclaimed tho Oropel. Eider BiBBim still live, but almost all tho membors of the first class have eithcr diod or movod away. t would have spoken of tho children of 1 ís.'iíj, and their childron, who cumd and Bnished their education here, rnany of whom have gone forth to bless tho world. Ons of these, Eev. D. "W. Hammond, is now a uember of tho Dotroit M. E. Conference. It would havo pointed us to tho att:ichiaents formod in " the dewy time of youth," some of which have ripened into gunuine friondship, and othei"8 into something eyon dearer. Some Of tlmse have been severed on earth only to bo renewed in heaven. Tho old school house : what a dear old relie it was ! How few are left who gathorod thero f uil of hopos and purposes, and how little thoy knew of the realitios of 1ÜB I How few have reached that sphere of usefulness and happiness which they then anticipated ! How few realized that the lesbon they then wore compellod to learn were design ed for thcir own benefit, and not tö please others ! They now know the object of those lessons, and doubtless rogret that they (.lid not iniprove thcir oarly opportunitiee. Tho dear old school mates - howmany now sleep the " sleep that kuows no waking" until tho rosuiTRction mom ! Thoy sleep in Jesus - blesaed sleep ! - oh, that tho'se who are left inay be as true as they who have gono beforo. Great changos havo taken place in the district since that old school house waa new. Spiend; d farms and farm-liouses have taken the place of the settler's cabin and clearing, while only ono - Mr. Piulo G.vr.pix - who helped to bnild tho house romains. Almost all the rast lio in the graveyard eafit of thero. The old house seemed behind the age. It had becoiun dilapidsted and worn out, and as ono teacher remarked, " was not fit to atable swine." Doubtless al! (ospecially tlie ohildren) will be glad that there is a prospect of hnving a new ono. Indeed, all these old school liousea should be decent enough to mako way for more genteel onea. Many people judge - and rery propotly, too- of a district by its school house, and it doos not ..spe&lc wellto rfefi the house of knowiedgo in roins. The children can study bettar, also, and botter teachers can be socuied, where there is a good school building. It can also afí'ovd goocl accommodations for occasional religious meetings, Sabbath Schools, for these are alwuys bcneücial o a comruuiiity. Wc hope to sec ere lonfr rifidng from the sraouldering ruins on the baaks erf Frain's Lake 8 house which sIkiII 7iot only 1"! bcautiful to look upon, but also be bcneficial to the peojili'. Coü. The Kepublican State Convontion of Pennsylvania, held last week, nominnfced Gen. HABTBAKFT for Governor, and (TB for Sapn me Judge. The resolutions endorsed Grast ith! instructod in faTor of bis re-noflÜDaikra. Foun'ey's Press and other prominent Eepublican journals condemn tho nomination for Governor, M a!:o tho action of the convention in assuming to appoint thedelegatea to tho Philadolphia Convention. Tlio Pr.-v.i predicts tho inglorious defeai of Hautiiaxit. A MEBTEfa cf Liberal Eopubl'c-ns waa held ut the Biddlo House, Detroit, List ovening, to arroBge t'or a representation of t'ie Str.te in the Cineinnsti Conveníion. The circular makinp: the cali was sigiud by ]romincnt llopublicans of Dstroit, Langmg, lonia, and Grand Eapids. ThoJivckson Cithtn snys: DeKnlh Hnrrington, who lives at Onondaga, Tngham nty, was arrested in Jaokson on the 9th by Depnty Sheriff Baker, of Liinsing, fot poisonlng lus wifo. Harrington had ruado soTeral nttoiupls to procure an ailditional insurance on hi.- wiïe'a life, and atabe died suddenly, suspieions offoul play werp entertained. Sho wan di-.interred, and hsrstomaoh analyzed, disclosing strychnine in considerable quantitirs, and also arsenic. Harrington, it has hoon ascertained, procured atryohnini :;t ,T. M. HoHand'a drug store, in this city, several days before tbc death of his wife. Hr is now in jail at Sfason iwaiting trial. Mrs. A. Madden, of Lansing, has aued two saloonists for sellins her ku liquor, and two others of the same gentry hnvo boon oalled upon to walk up to the captain's office on other ctnnplaints. A Dupnty Unitod Stfttes Marshal has Berved necessary papers on the Supcrvisoi of Allegan for the payment of $00, 000 aid voted by that tawn to tho Kalaluazi.Hj, Alleg;va & Grand Eapids itail road.