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Local And Other Brevities

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TI,,, ratlroftd toree is operatlüg nearly „to Unrou Street. "__ The domeroof of UnirfeftltJ Hall is kring rp!1!.V ulated r.8hipp rs can jíét ptítitod "tags," at Uio [usoltlc1, dn flhorl notice and che:. O'M ■' ProBabllities" oftlie Signal Se:' "T ü'-irc ni s;iil it won:;l blow Satnrday ; y;StCI-,l:lV. It (li'l bottl. _.Ifyoa want ö"st clasa Letter or Note ,.7, BIH-Heads or Statements, Careta or irs, leave your orders at the Akocs k Bepobllfiaö Coduty .Conventton is vj to '■"-' held at the üonrt Uonse in thli iy 2d, to elect delégales to a State :ion. _ v special session of the lioard of SnU (ra s to be held on Tnesday ncxt, Gil 33 J, t 1 o'clock A. M., to agree, il" jjsible, upon 3ome basis of assessment. awnwEB, the butcher, has broken Lúd for IiN new bulldtng oa tlio corner Sjfoorth and Washington streeta. RktLg Is iilso pushluj! the wort on tho toonUtionoMiis new batidlas. „ At a Bpeelal (Jonnoll meotiii!; on VcduesJT ev, ninj;, m ordinance was encteJ RlvlDg the Toledo, Ann Arbor and (ortheni Kailroad Company the right to tl-.p track of the road across certuin reets therdn named. Col. (JoonuuK was In town a dsy or „o ï"i and reponed good progreM .jra,l,-oatl ob. The sub-contractor north i .Milán is iu:iking j;oort beadway, and we „.Ijoadvised thataflne plece of tratk is been graded In Bedfor. _Tlie gemiinc prohlbttory party lias at [Stbwii i!iscweJ. It is nat escactly the Irregular RepublicaoB " as the public was 9nred before the late city electlo, bat (ms M e coinposefl of " teTormefl saloon etpers " - witliout dlstinctlon of party. _Scvcral liquor SGits under thc State ■iv have been comreenced bcfore Jnstice IIcSersan'. the complaints belng loaáe or fcHgted by "r'uii;" saloon keepers, to jiiish those wlio have taken Ícense under becity orrtinancc. Dlfl the famosa " Kilenuycat" Cglit luirt auybody but the .-Thcre was a verj" ln(ï) snyv stcrni MornUy last, April löth, and fur two .-r? the suow feil as rapldly as at any ■nf.l'iriiiij the Uut winter. The "oldext fcbitant" li;is nicked liis bTain for prejJentB.hut without mncfc sucoess. Is it te lt 01 the seasGT; ? _" Curses tifcechlckena come home to TOjt" in au okl maxtra which those tialoon ren v:io have cntered opon tlie work of i'jrcifis the State licjüor larr' will do well o ponder. Tliey are teaching the o'd keol prohibitionists a lessyn which they [ij nc wtten the occasion reqnires. Í-The"ring" Balooulst haring closed iipai:i proceerled to enforcè tho State Vteninst tiieir city ordlnnnce ablding ■IbKfi, prom!8e c a tlead iofca au I good ■HNge iu'the Btreets. In view of sucii ntealsmity, iuy a cow, -.t-X her " rnn at (je, and leed youTTamliy on goofl mllk ileád f lager or "forty-rod."' - Vfc fi;id tiie Ibllowlng :n the " About fomen " column of the X. Y. World : "One f Michigan Unlvcrslty's frmale Btudents, toKbnmp of chernteart fcmowleAge had sn-wt down as 7 X by a nhrsnolojlcal pifessor, in :i recent examinntion declared isttlie lormula for BQlpharlc acid waa 860- -X " - Tlic liapnnese stmle-t in onr iti!i choul isthns balletlned in the "Personal" alamn of t!ie New York World: " Mr. 'ysrr!, 8cctetry of the Japanesc legai,i9gö'iig to tak? n Michigan Un! rcoiirsf, ti prepare hlfliselT fora lectnrtag nr in llilscouutry." - Wc ure ii'lebte-1 to Maj Bnr.r for a eijh-rule on Alonday last. After flepositij ten or a tlozen llttle ijirls - not all his tui- ït the Frrst Yard Scliool House, he ixe as a seat and n ride down State and loron strects to onr officia We remember vin seeu bctter slelghlng, but oot April 5th. . - A'letter from CoraonA idvlses us that becit'zens of tliat city h-ive held a mcetigand detcrrained to te k i I1 aHttlroad .'rom ( depot of Uic Betroitan'l IflllWañkee-rail vJ. to the coal mines. Tfae business of ie mines deipindx sucli & road, an.l t wil! wi link in tbe East Sftglnaw and Ann Irbor road- f tiie lattcr shall ever be comüructed. - One of the contvsctors for the cradin-j: if the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Uilroiii from this city to the State line,' M to us a dny or two ago that thcy con ld já the citlrí raadbed completed anti ready or iron In ninely dars. Any longer time aken will be to accommodate the pockets fthc tockl-.olders. - The d wálllng of Joira E. McCot.lum, Bridgewatef, wfis butned on Baturday st. A portion of fnrultnre mu eaved. sareil for -$1.000 'm tlie Washtenaw Mn il, liis appücatioti belllg rr.nfa to the wn asent on the 8th, receivcfl at the of-' In this city on t!ie mora Ing o! tlie lütli the day of the firc - and t!ie pollcy fllled it, entercd and malled bcfore the hoiir of e flre. A narrow escape from tota! loss. - EUvlug in mlnd the innate and gcaevdisposltlon of sick men to repen t wt their ildcetls and promlse reform-, the poet rote, lten the dovil wíl RÏnk, tho flevil, ! aa'lTit TrowlJbc, tea the devil tot well the devil, a saint wat he.'' ihich we commend to tlie "ring" sa'oon's who have uirned sair.ts and commencI prosecutions under the State law agalDSt ie saloon keepers who have taken liïDscs under tlic city ordinance. IIow Icnp; '11 tiiey continue slck -and gaints ? Thafs tequestion now open for solotion. Costly, continnen, rholeaale, rlissens'ionrcctlinK liüsation to euforce the Ilcense fdinance is not to bc desired citlior by itH ftiïds or opposers. In the end the qnesIon ofVts legality must be decided by the iopreme Court. But for the raisins of "re tpchnical objections, .tHIi a view to tave off a decisión and beat the ordinanee "i popular election, this decisión might hive been had befcre this. The Connci!, svlng been siista'mcd by tlie people, can 'Ot bs expected tj turn back, and the slwrlcst way out ol the difflculty is for the "loon men to obey the ordl nance, and then )in in making a test sult and gettinj; a dc''sloti of the Sapreme Court at the earliest Bucli was onr opinión thice njontln 'S", and we have Been no reason to clutDgfl ft. A propoaUion !g beln;j consldered by thc owiers and occnpunts of tho blnek on tbc ö"t sirte of Main Street, between Huroo 'n Washington, to dispense with stovcs, "rnnres, con], wood, dirt, a!ics aii'l smoke irrrí the wlioin block by It is ïht thatby crectinp; -Torks in thc renr ■ the block, as nearly ri'iitral ns possible, a'' thc stores un d offices cui be warmod "'h better and cheapor t!ian at present. a. Qetlng of tViovs hrterestH wan called 'gr 'ast evening to discuss prcliminaric?.


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Michigan Argus