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J Q, A, .SESS1OJN8' I1URAK AGERCY. His Companies Aro Sonnd. plICENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSBTS.Joit 1,1871. ...,781,000 CHICAGO LOSSES 750,000 THE pikksii m the bost conducted IPirc Insurance CoinpiiKiy in the I'ui tcd St(CN. ASwnys prudent nul soimit, :iml alwuys prompt in pnyment of lusmes. INTERNATIONAL INURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Tho flrst Compnuy to pafs the ordenl of the Now Yorklnsaranco Commlssioner elncc the Chicago Flre, coming out from thesevero test TEIUMPHANT ! Associated Ptost Dispatch, November 2, 1S71, THE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Thoanperlntontlent of the New York State Insnrancc Department, wholí maklii! a carefnl ofilcialcxaminntton of the New York City Companio today, curtlfles that the International CompaDy'a 68Ct9 of 11,500,000 are aecnrely lnvested, and its capital of $500,ono. after protidlng forall liabilities, lncludiii'; the Chicago flre, iswholly nnlmpalred. This Company ia paying all ita Chicago loases and isaonndand rcllable. PolMesissuedat fair ratos at my offleo, No. 11 Kat liaron street, Anu ArlKr, J. q. X. SESSIONS, Afteut. i.urtf. t'UBNITUBE ! 1872. PRISON FÜRNITURE MIM80MS 241 AND 243 MAEÏ STREET, JACKSON, R5BCH. Our Stock is Unustinlly I.araro and Complete, and. Finbraccs ever y Variet}' of FURNITÜRE ! ESPIÜCML nDCEL.HL.YTS ASE OFFERE. Inspect Oía Goods and learn the Prices before Purchasing. gdffifaai BlBV CtRRIAOES A SPECfflf IltTY-l LABE A8SOUT.TIES T ?f8S&F AS SEVEHU XOVEIIiES. Joods Delivered to K. R. Depots AND PaCKED BY OüR8ELVBS Fkke op Cuarok. IUNSOM & KNAPP. 136Sm:: FALSK REP011T ! T1IAT A. A. TERRY HASQONEOUTOP TRADE EE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COM PLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT TRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO AFULLLINEOP GENTS' FURMSHING GOOÜS! DONT PURCHASE YOÜR] SPEING ANDSUMMER OUTPITS ÜNTIL YOU GIVB HIÜVE ACALÚ 15 South Maia St., Ann Aiboi. 1321-ti, jy O N E Y. The subscríbela are at most all times in a situntlon tofuruish partios with money in auins of Pivu Uundred to Flvo Thousaiid Dollars on uniqcnmbered farms. COLMAN, ROOT & KINNE. Ann Arbor. Jan. lst . I8TS. 1355tf LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AKD SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT 0. 7 KAST HU KON STBEET, Next to the Express Office, ASlï ARBOR, UH'II. 1345tf HURRY UP ! pAItTIUS wiehlng Wnil Pijper, ShaaoB ■■- Hollftnda, Window FlxtQrea, Ooidfr Tassels, &c , all New Btyles, :it: ttlef&ctotj . bj J. ie. Webster A Co., Buok Str-', nar the Expieeus Oüicc. vc x g , % GD o ■jí-1 JÍJ fl. 5 b'S H H 8 r n I I 5 cío DÍ80 - CQ "■ J ffl o E s 0 te P H 3 H 5 wo fe _ yym. wacner IS NOW HEADÏ FOR TOS SPBIÏC TBADB Haring Iieccirod a Lirgo Siock f SPR1M Al UIER GOODS, 1NCLUDING CLOTHS, 0ASSIMERE9, VE8TINGS, &C. of the BE8T STYLES and aUALITIES, WHICB UE WILI. on tcrms to suit; Also a full line of REAÜY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. IBESaT STP'X'XiS],ALSO LADIES' AND OENÏS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No.21 South Main Street,- EastSide: OALL AND SEE THEM. WILLIAn WAGNEB, Ann Arbor, April let, 1872.' Aí. J3. BEVËWAÜÜH KEEP8 ON HAND A. LARGE STOOK oír OVAL AKD SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GILT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. Ho. 30 HTJRON ST. JACKS ON WAGONS A Car Load of JACKSON WAGONS just re cpivpd ti Hogers' Agricultural Warehouse. Those who waut .iackuon Wilgons hnd botter í;o for thcin üow ut the jjrunint LO W PEIOES i a there is soon to boabout elffbt dollars iddodtUl tw proeent [rice on accouut of the advance in prce jf Wagon siocks. M. EOGEKS. I360m8 Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'b for choiceWinesandLiquorf for Medical Purposes . NEW SPRING GOODS FEEI J LEWIS, 'Aio now reccivinc the moot completo and GOODS PN THE LINE OP BOOTS and SHOES EVER BKOUQIIT TO TUIS CITY. UAYISG THE EXCLI'SIYE Sil.E OF THE WORR OK Uit THE FIRST-CI.ASS 71IFACTIREKS M THE COUNTRY, WE 1 1 OFFEK TO CASH CttSTOBEBB GREATER INDUCEMENTS TITAN ANY OTIIER HOUSE IN TUIS CITY. We carry complete lincs of work from i:. c. min', CRAY DKOTIIKRiü, sj i isuii.t, niios. In CHir.DnRN'S FINE SUOES, of which we have Iiy far tho larest and fluost Rusortmer.t erer hroucht to Ann Arbor. .tut. 71. IJurt's Gent' FINE I1ANÜ-MADE Boots and Shocü, uiicqualed orSty!e,Darability and finish. Jolm V. Ifurt's I(oy Fine Shin-s. ml in fnct a Complete Stock of l'INEand PLA1N Uoods, suitablcfor tbi market. 1802 TUMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Has a larco and wcll stncked Lnmbnr Yard oi Jeffenon Streeti In the eonth part of the Cttv, nnc willkoüpconatantty on handan csccllcntvariety o LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C which willbeaoidaelowaacar bo afforded injchii marfcet. (ualityaudpricessnch that N0 ONE NEED GO TO DETEOITC. KBAPJb. Ann Arbor,Janniiry20th 1871 íS0 Rail Koud iStock Assessment. Ofiicoof Toledo, Ann Arbur & Northern lï. H. Co. Ann Arbor, Mardi 13, A. ü. 1871. I Xotiee is hèraby given, that the Dircctorsof the ToledOi Ann Axtor & Northern BAÜtoad Company, bnving beretofore deslgnated that part of Baid Cpmpony'a Bailxood line lyibg in the county of Monroe, and in that purt uf the county of Wiishtenuw sdutii ui' tlie nvur Hurón, in tho city f Ann Albor, aa ;i divisiou tor coualructiun : At a meeting oi' the üo.ird. of Directora of said Corapany thi day held, Baid Board didt by.roHolutioiii requira all peiaona boXdiog or intcrested in the Cupitiil Stook 01 said 'ompuny, yho, by reáitím along oroollateral toa división, or v.iiiiin two miles of eiUier qf the termini thereul', or by apucial agi'tcim ut ('ï'Tl.' . ssed and made to pay towords the oonstruotion of such desinaled división, to pay to thu Trcas-' niex of said Coiapauy, at his ottier, m Atm Arbor, the t'olUiu in iostaUmenta opon tucJi shañe oi' tne capital atook held by f l.tin respectively to wit: )!!■ ment ot' tcu dolhirs pre simio, on or befure the íirst day ut' April next; one tnstaUmont ot' ton dollars per share on or before the tiist day oí' Muy next ; oue mhtnllment of tc-u dollars per share oji or lorethe fint day of June next ; om of ten doUofs per siluro on ov before thu first day of July nextj lor the oonstraotion of such divinioD oi said rnad. By order oí' the líoa: J of DiieotorSt E. V. Müaa-AN, Seoretarj' of th T., A. A. & N. H. II. Co. 1365 Chanccry Kotico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of "Washtenaw, as. The Circuit Cuurt for the coo&ty of Waahteuów: In chanoery. JACOH T. WISE, ) . . J JBANNETT A. AVT.SE. ) It eatisfaotorily appearinK upon cine proofbyanV dayit, that the defondtuat, Jeannett A. wioe is a rofddbntof the State of lliiohigan, bul thataheresMea itt Ba&ta Cl ni ;i, California, on motïou of J. F, l Awronee. Bolieitor for complainant, it ia ordared that ■ odant) Jeannett A. Woe, ganse her ■ aiuo to be entered in thia oause witbin three montha from the dato of thia order and thai In oase of her appi [iranee she canae u - anawer to thf complainant'e bilí of complaint to be lik'd, mid a oopy thereof to be servedon tlie oomplainanfá Solicitor witliiu twenty days after aervioe of a oopy of said bül and do thiíi order, and on default thereof that the saJd bill be taken aseonfeseed by the Btiid defendant, Jeunn Wise; and it i iuithor uixtt-icd that within twenty diiys tho said complainant oaiue a eopy ot' thi to be pttblished in the Michigan Argu rapnblio newapapert printed and pnblished in thi eityof Ann Vroor, wa&htenaw oounty, Miehigan, and that suoh publicalion be '"!i inned in said pn ais. dwoutaive week, or thai te . of tl i is order tp be personiilly scnv.i o& the said defi .: lëoat twenty days befóte the time above pr Bei tbed for her ap earancei Daiedj Ann Arl or, Maroh Ifctn, 1874. R. BEAHAN, Cixouil Couri Commisssioner, 13GGw6 Washtenaw County, Slichigan. Notice of Attacliment. THE (liicriT COtTBTfortho county of Wash tenav. LEONABD 8. N0RTHRT7P und 1 JüHNK.aiCHABÜS U Attachment. BANDOLPH K. FELLOW&. ) Notice in hert-by given, tbat on the löth day of' Miircb, 1873, ft writ of attachment wasdu]y isc i oí tbc Circuit Court . ut V7iisht aavr, iii ' of Leonard Ö. Northnip :ud John V. Richards, the sbove oumed plainiixoi, flguioyt tl e tunds, tenements, gqods and chattleii moneys and ei Kniutoluh K. Fellows, the defendant above nomed, for tho Bum of three bundred and eighty-seven doUttn and foity-nine cent, which said writ was returuabïe on the 2d day of April, L872. UaU-d, Uós öth day uf April, 1W1 H.J. I5KAKKS, 360w6 Attorney for l'lainiiffs. C om mi ss i onerö' No tice. STATE OF mCHIG LN, oounty of Washtenaw, n. The undersigned, haring been appointed bythe Probate Couri fox Baid oounty, ComnuauonerB toreceive, exurainc and adiust all chl!] aandd oi uil persona Jipuiust the eetate ot Charlee Kurden, late of said eoiraty, deoeased, hereby givo noti e Uial six inunths Ivom dite are alloved by order of Baid te Cüuii lor tveditora tí present theirclaima . I Iheestuteoi said deceased, aud bat Ubeywill luL't-t it the residcr.Lo of Ho . i:i l.yndoii, in i Baid oounty, on Saturdny. the i tghth day of July, aud on Tuesday, tho oightli day of Octobfir, nes, ;tt ten o'olopk a. m. oí eacb of ttaid duys, tu caceive, CXiiiiiiiH', iïlid ;u!ji!.M Dttlod, April 8th,A. D. 1832. NVILLIAM E. WESSELLS. JOIiX Ci. UIBB1N3, 13C9w4 ' '.MHiissioiiers. Commissioners' Ntitico. STATE OF -Mf, The un letsignod, baving been app i Probte Court l'or auid county, Commuüionei's to re0eive,exataiuoandiu8t ailoluixafl anddemau : ■ .'.: Of WlJl-iLiil C. I late of said oounty deobabcd heteby givo notioe thut ftiz numtha ftom date are allowed, by order ofanid Probutti Court, for croditors to proacut theii' clainu against tho eatute of soid doceageaj and tbal ihey wiH meet at the office of Buthei land íc WJiulon, in the city of Ann Arbor, u aald oouiity, on fSaturday, theeixtb 4y Qf July, ana on Mouúny, tin soventii day of October nexti ;:t tin ocdoo1i a. m. of eacb. of ïüiid dtqrs, to reoeive, examine, and adjual said hums. Datad, April Oto, A. l. 1672. A. J. 8UTHERLAND. W. W. WJSEDON, 1369W41 Cümmissioncnt. Estáte of Fre4eriok John AVuncck. O'l'ATh; OF Mi' ttlGAN.CountyöfWi O Notiee is hereby giveu, that ly au order oi the Probate Conxt tor the Countyof WaehtenaWi tnadeoo the Dintb day of April, A. 1). 1872, Blx months i'rom that date vere nllowéd for oreditors to prtisent tïieir olaims against the estáte of rederick John Wn ïd i-iuiuty, deooaaed) and that allcreditoraol kaid deoeused an reojiiired to present tïieiv claims to eaid probate Coait at the Probad Office, ín th City of Ann Arbor, for exanünation nd allowanoe, on or befbre the ninth day of Ootobei next, and Öiat moh olaixni will be heard befóresaid Probate Court, on Sa&urday, the thlrteenth day of July, and on lay the ninth day of Ootober next. at ten oeloek in t!io fórenoon of paofa of thow daya. ! Daled, Ann Arbor, April th, A. 1. 187S. {UBAJU .1. BEAKE8. ' 18C9W4 Judgüof Probate. Bheriff'e Sale. QTATB OP MICHIGAN, oountj ofWaabtenaw, bb, i' liy vjiitit: of oneexi cution iáoued oui oí and undet . of the Circuit Coort for the county of tenaw nnd State ti Michigan, dated the thirteenth day of Februnry, A. 1). 1878, and tonu direotedand ljlivered agaimt dhe goods, chattols. lands and tono menta of Thomas Glcaan ar ui " tliiam B. Barry, and Eox w.iut thcrroi' f did, on the fburtoenth day ■ ruary, A. I), i levy upon all the title iind Intemi Thomas Qlenan and w Ulam s. B irry have ín the followiug deseiibod real ostate, io wit : Tho noithciist (juaitiT ot' the boxthtvesi qnarter, umi Boutaeaat quatter ol oorthwwl quarter, in section Nfo. S7, and sctuth oud of oaat ude and cast half of northeasi Quarter and noitheast corner in wotiou nuinbex 2S ; m;ikiin;in a!l two handled ttorefl of land ba-the situiL' itiorcor iflBSi the ttbove described lands bi ing and lyingin the townshipof Noitliiir)'!, couutyof WaahUtn&v, and Btate of Bficliigani whiob al vul } üball espose fói sala at pnbllo auction, to the bighêw bidder, at the aouth door oi the Oouxi House, in tlio city ot' Ar.n Arimr, 00 the Mihttayof Bf Ry, A. 1 . 1872, ai ten o'olock a. m. ui' said day. Dated, March 26th. A J. 1872. MYRON WEBB, Sb dff. 13G7 lïy JoiniN FOBBBS, l 'mli i-Sin-i ilT. PDYS1CIAKS PeESCRIPTIOSS" iCCL'HA'. El, Y ANI1 C AREFULL Y PHEPABED BY R. W.KLL1E & Ü0.,lRU(iüI81B. Mortgage Sale. Dl ; v A r 1 ,'l' havingbeen mode intheoondiHoiuoi .i mortgage oxecuted by Daniel ICentaud Manna Ken) i" Silas ,.■■ o] the , ,- li oe i ed, bearing date the v. I). 1803, UB . ■ ■ . County, ' . the twenty Uftli day oi Al1.! whii i. di ftiult tho pi ie opamtive, On ttnich mi ii to b-1 due ai thia i'.Hc ti hündred and forty-seren dollars and ixiy o al .. and twenty-üve dolían at as Attorneyfee ;is prüvidtd n sald mortguge, and no wilt '■"■'■' i reuovei the debt ■ " ■ oof ; Ni'i" i giren, thul bv rirtas af fche ]i'. ■ l mo ! mort:li day ui May iifV, day. at the soath door of tl ■ 8, in the city oí Aiü Arl ir, in said oounty ol' Wn u.-e of hoUliriÉr Ule I Court for aaid County oi nTaahtenawK by tale i s ribl l .: pi-, [iiUes on desoí !!■■! in aoid All thosecertuin pi ■ ■ ted m ntyof Waihtenaw, i.i the State ofMi . , vi. : 'llii . -jx and foitsr-six hundí nf tho northwesl irthwesi tïaotional quarter ol aection nambez I of bind in tïu1 iuj: illpond and the Bection line, all being In township , outh ir!1 range nuc riulii and privilege of Aowing i mnch i i(nr northucctionnumbetÜTe ttioresuld aa muy e water at tlir dam on the ilrrtt. dr■ alto the i oí lotnumber (bur il, inUocknumbu thiri i thevi I van in the county of Waahtenaw, and tttate of Aii.-lji' . jpd plat of said Tillase, . ,. followt: boun led on the easl by thn e isl I":" ol aaid lui . runningthi the northline of said lot fiftynine foet, thenoe s.-mtli ti :; pui ut on t ïtc Bovth line of wid lot Hftyo the wuthoti it oorner of said lol , s:iiJ lasl di ■ me land oonTeyedto taid Daniel Kent I i?ruttand wife by deed, dated Uarch 5th, A. D. lat;i. Ann Arlüir, Mich. 1YI. lith, 17l'. tSlLAS IL UOUGLAS8, A.dminttratol uf the Katatc of Hi-nry W. Welles, Felch & Gbamt, deeeoaéd, Mortgagcc. Attomeys lor Mortgágee. i;i;i Mortgage Sale. DTKAI'Tr hiiMir .-! the condition ofn mortgagc exccutctl by David D&Forett and Mariana DeForeet to PhUipBaoh, bearing datethe20tft day of NovomVr, A. f. 1887, and recorded in the ''■ ■■ "' th ■ ft -. erof ] laf w Wanhtanair coanty, Michigan, on the 22d 1ií of November, A. D. 1867, [q líber 36 of mortg , re Öw, and dmv is1 s!.il Hiilip l'..u:U fco Sflaa I[. Douitlrtss, by date the third day of May, A. 1). ■ i reoorded in the offioe oL theaaid Begisti e t ibtenair mty, on the 7th dy ol A. I). 1870, ín Uber 2of asaionmenteoj i page 511, by whjch default the po ii ioid mor: ■ iotdq operative, on whioh ■ -'othere is daJiDod to be due at this date the sum of time thonaand live bandred and thirty-flva ,-and ïtity dolktraaaan Attorney Pee aapro'irig at laworlncham ■ ustitutéd to i the debí secured by said rnortgage, or any pari ot; NotlCö is therefore hereby ven, tha( by virtue of the power of ale contained m sñíá morttmgje, and of the si made and jrnortatit' will be foroeloscd on Baturday, the twenty: day of April next, at ten o'fdook in the foronoon of that day, at the south dooi1 ïloune, in the oityof Ann Aibor, in eaidcounbrof Wushtenaw, [said Couri Houae being the plací of hoMinfr the Circuit Court for sald eonniv f Washfenaw), by ualfi al public auotion, t thebigheet bidder, of the promisea doacribed in said mortgage, which said morteaged premisos are deaerïbed in wiid mort[ollow.TÜ: AU the foUowing d of land, uituatod iii Oiu city of Ann Azbor, naw connty, Michigan, vi': cominoi the intersection of thesouth line nf Xoiih streel ffith line qI iii-U.n Bireet, in soid city of Ann ArboT, and running east on the aoutb line of North adred foot to the (atholic Church lotftbenee soath flve roda ralle! to North strect (o División btreet, thcncünurtlt to the place oi Aim Arbor, Uich. Jan. "ütï;. 1874. si [.as if. DOTTOLASS, Aaaignee. Feltu & Quant Attorneysfor Aaaignoe, 1359 Mortgage Foreolosure Noticc. DF.FA ,,n of a mortgage made and ezecuted by Jol ■ i Clark Button, m aringdnte the fourth day of Dttuy, A. l). eighten huudxed and si . ;.; ,i the uitici: oi I atonaw County, a Uberthü-tj on pa efour hundrod and twenty-aix, teentb duy of June, A. D. eight mhundred andsixty- . m., and tl oi Bale oontained tn Baid morteage having bucome operutive by roAon of sneb defaul , and the sum of tn-ree hundred trad eighty-one dolí n cents I timed ti) be dae on eaid mortgage rft thu date d tice tr prindpal and ín sonable Attoi i ■i lw haring bton instituted to recover the debtaecuted bysi;l n. ■ or any part thereof; Notioe la thei givoa, that said mortgoge wiU be foreelo: a Bule pj the mortgaged Innduand premi th eetnenuoned and set l Bonie pari thereof, on Baturday June sext at eleven o'clock ín the forenoon, at the touth door of the Court Hooee, in the i Aun Arbor, that being tin? place of holding the Circa Cuuvt for the c mnty of Washtenaw. The said niurt■ miaea w to be eold, by ■. ower of Bole in .:iil mortgflgo, are di pcrii d in aaid n.ortgago ■■ 11 that tract or parool of land ntuuto ju the township of Bridgewuti r in I uaw, and State of lUEiohigan, bounded and d aa being ■ ■-; quarter of tlie northwust quarter of seotion onmbn tnirty-sii p number Cour (1] uouth of n four . 6y aoroa or1 land I ' I ■ lll' l-'.-S, D.itcJ, Aun Arbor, Mftrch 1 iMi. Ift72. ChAUK 8ÜTJPON, Mortgagee. IliKAM J. Iï. i y for Mortgagoe. Mortgage S.ik DKKAUÏL' having b a tmtd n Lhe eonditionof a morí í;ií;ii rd, bis vrue, to the QiKleiiitfited, Alpheua J ■ ■ ■ day ol Jauuary, A. 1), l 1 ÜUil .(Illn - : the Regi&tcr oï D itenttw County, in Üie State oi ftüriugab, in Uber -i.'i ol mort ith day of January, A. i'. L87O, ■■■ vrhich default t!io powr of sale oontained m baid niortgtige i; thedtite of thi uoUee, theenmol iourtcen ' i ir.y-oiiL' dollaïH mul bixty-fiix ctnt.-, foi ■ pal and . - ,i a : ings u foreclcim said taurtgoge, as ex proided in the same, au 1 no buíi i or in oüUBoery having been instituíod tu reo ige, or any pari ther Noïk', ihat by virtue of ..aiiR'd ja bid inoi' ■- bhe Btatute in Mic.H oase uuide ani lp ■ mort' gage will be foreolosed by a Bale oí Lhe rooi actioUttothe bigliesi t'idcl Monday,theeighthdüyof Juli i. üooï of the . Ann Arbor, in uaid .ouniy " inr; iU place oi 1 onii foi the said countv of Wash tonaw. The p mi sao tol taiu d in said mortgag i 'he north half of tho tl quai Ier of section twenty-one, (21}, in town tour (4) soath of rftnge e ! tuntyof Washienatv oud State oí Miohignn, containiug cijjiity iicrctr of land more or ïcss." Dated, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April S, 1872. ALPHEUS FKLCH, Mortgairefl. C. J'.Okant, Altorney ffor Moiigagee. 1300 Sheriff's Salo. QTATK OF MieillOA x, Oooaty of föt&htenaw, se. O Üy virluii of awril of exeautian iasued out of and onder th seal of Uu Cjroait Court for the eonntyof Wn&htenttW) and to me direoted ;iud deliverod, aguuut hal lies, Landa itnd teuementa of i ■■ BUL 1 did on theüfthday of Muroh, A. J. 1872, m ze and lovyvpoa all tlieright, title and Interest beoxge D. Uill uuü in the foUowwq described üradn, sitúate in :]. ■ Lownehip of Ann Ai I ■ i, beginoingai ;i point in tion ihiLy-tli ee, in townuhip two soul!) in ecu . .. j Uve rocU aouth fnoua the northwest corner ol said a i Ion Uñe twelve chaina uní fü;y-.p.s o tinks, theneu east parallel to the north line oi suid bection, Büvcn chaina and tor north parallel to the ireai line ot' Baidseciion twelve chaina ai o liiiks, theooc vast paniUel to the north line of suid swstion to the a.l siuth qtwfftex line ofseid seotion thencc north to thu (juarter post of SAld&eotfOO upon tlic itoith line ui öttid acotion to the aorthwi eonth on the weet line oi' Bid sectionto ths ptai -.iiuiiiK nincty-iivt: i ■ tng therefrom the L wtwhti luw County Agiiculturtil and Hortioultu■ 9onth futrí ol í oi the ■ U oí SaiU Half quartei wction wuich lie 'i !■■ Ann Arbor and Ypaílanti rodd, ceptin! aaorea oi land soid by ■ Prurin to Jacob WeaveTj and oonteining thirty aoree of land, more or lesa ; aliso i he folio wingd sscriped Lauda towit; The eaat half of che northeast quarter of seotion ninetccu, and the vrwl half of the west hali oí the oorthwt-st uii.ari'r Beetion twentyt intownehiptwaêonth in range bixeast,in aaid county and Btoto; aleo aíl the followins doaczibed Lands, ntuated in the city i Arbor, MiohiRan, to wit: Lots nuuder tiw, - 9syURt in blok in-rth, ín range three eaat, 1 with the ( ipl ! u ■ other boildij wii ii i. real ost ate aboi i i ahallex] Ntle to tliE? highest bidder, at public auction, at the bouÜj door of the Oourt Souse, fn the eity I Arbor. on the 28Üiday ol'M.iy, A. i. 1873, at I0o,dook a. K. of suid day. Dutcd, April 3d, A. I. 1879. MYi; WLiUlt. Shei-iff. 1368 By Joxltin FobbL6, Undur-fineruL Sheriff 's Sale. CÍTATE OF 7vl ! f SIGA ÈT,county of Waahtenaw, sa. i Uy vim.i'nt ,i ii ■ ned out of and tii Beul of theCixcuit Couj.1 foi Lhe county of Qaw, aiid to mo directed and deüverod, againsi the gouda. ohatth &. lande and tenements of G ■ Hül, Idid.on theöthdav t.i April, A.D. 1873, setae and levy upoa uil the right, title and in; 1). ilill baa in the lolImvinL: detraxibed land, in the l()u oalup of Ann A; !-!■■, coupt] ui Waakt naw , tlonthirty-three, iii towuahip two eouth in range six aty-five rodo Bouth Crom the oortliwwt qoj ion, thence south on said scetiou line i.iins mul litty-twu links, thenoe '.sl ;. to the north liue of sa n chaina ... ty-oiit' Links, ihL'iu:L' north puralle] to the west line of Siiid aeetion twelve ohaina and ttfty-two links, tht-'uey Allèltothe oorth ui' .-.tul seotion tothe QOFtli and ivuih qvai'ter LineoJ .:uv.Qurth to the ouartfiK post of aaid wel - tioitli Une ni Baid a i eat corner oj lid üeciion, thenoo sottth on the weet Use vi' sotd Beotion to tin1 place oí oinety.ii Lnnd more or [i khe hinds of the Wauhtenaw County Agncaltural and Qorticyttuxal Society ; also the BOuth part oí' Ü li:iii ol the northeairt; quarter of eaid Becti ., being hll oí Baid half quarter b blon v. bieb .■ ■., ;;.'i & du Aii ni id (so , i acres oJ land sold by Öj Faoob W aTer, and contamine thirty aeras ; if land more oi ■'■■ following desoribed , . v. i! ; Theeaal haU ■ uarter , jf aeetion nineteen, and th w ■ ] uf the weet bnlf , ,', the northweat qnarter seetion twenty, in town hip w i south in rao in iaid connty and B ,:. . djj th ■ Folli ■ I lande aituatcd ia tli jOTof Ann Arbor, Micbigatki towit: Lote nomber and Beven, m block one north ia range three; last, together with the Opera Honae and other buildnga tibreon. which realeatateá! ove deecribed labal] to b r, at public auotion, ii bheaouth door of the Couxi Sonae, inthecityof uuAiIht, on the st(i day ol iluy, A. D. lbil, ai 11 o'cluck a. u. of aaid day. Dulod, April öth, A. D. 1873. MYROK WEBB, Sheriff, 1369 Uy JoiviiN FOKBW, l'nder tíhoiilT. For S;ilo STATE OF MICHIGAN, couurj aaw,M. . In the mntter of tho Estillo of [tufua Knight, ' i liy L'Kvu.lhi! in pnrsüunce of dd, Executrrx of the 1, by the Hou. Jude of Probato ; for the couuty of Washtonaw, on the ■ i„'htoeenth day ,, Qi H h,A. I. 1874, therowfllbBSoldatpuMfSven. .:' the . : ■■■. in tbe 'i:y of Ann Arbor, in the i.mnty ut' YVusbtenaw, in said State, on Tueaday, tbe .;. A. l. l7i, ut o'clock in tliMüit. inoon of thut day (iiljji_ft to all cncumlü.n: otüenriae existin m the time death ol suid deceasedl the following deseribed real nitli forty rodmn width of the weel hall ol ; quarter of seetion thirtytovr, in townal :, of ranRoftve t i I i oontainlng twenty aeres more r 1: thewest the northenst naotional quartox .-r section '. more or lcss; 'the eosthalj 'A Üi aal (narter ol said breo containing BÍxty-three aerea moxaor 1.-?- ; ; and the west half of the Kil rofsaidseotionthn ;thetwelve aoree heretof ore solí , ■ sixty-eight neres mom or 't li w, in t.,v:i:!ii]j suutliof riingc flve oast in tsaid ( Llated, Marth lath, A. D. 1S72. ■ m, liAlUill.r KMciHT. Executrüt. Béal Estáte for Sale. STATE 01 MI EUQAN, countyof Waahtenaw.. In the matter of tlip lístale i.l i mlilin, deeeascd: Notlce is hereby giveD, that in i" of an ora [, Adminiitratorof thi . By the Hon. Jndge ( Of linbaU', for thecounty o enthdayof Maroh.A. d. 1872, there will be soldat publio vendoe, to the hisheet bidder, al the dwelling boua on inafter aeeoribed, In the count y of Wnshtcnavr, in said State, on Tuesday, the, the thirtieth daj of April. a. d. 1872, at ten o'elock in íi'.on oí' i l.,ii day, {eabjeoi in ;ili encumbranoM by mortgage or otha ■ at the Urne of the death or' .-;iiil ■ q fouówing deacribed real ■■i-wit: The est half of the loolhweet i"rtei of s":tii)ii twenty-tbree, in bnrnehip ona w.utli ut : , containisg cighty neren more or les, i 11 haid St;!tf. Dated, Murch llth, A. T. 187Ï. WXLL1AM 11UKKE, Administrator. lieal Estáte for Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oonnty of Waahtenaw, sb" In the matter of the estáte of Electa Ifonson, minor: ■ hereby given, that in puzaaanceof an order granted to thu andenitrned, Uuardian of httfofsaid minora by the Hon. Jadge of Proi'y-iilth day of Murch, A ] at pubin-, to !ii-h. í liiildtr, at Ihe couth door of Um Couri Bonae, in the city of AnnArbor, in the county Of "VVaiïlitenaw, in Haid State, on Wednesday, the twenty-niath day of May, A. 1. is,2, at ten o'clock in the fr.renotm of thut day, (.iwljject to nll enoumbranOM by mortawe or otlierwise existinfr ut the tiiue of the sulf], r'..r i.!!'p to "wit : The undivi'1. ;l uní-, i:vi n'ii pf the vest huif .i the northcaat ouarter of section thirty, tnjownshrp three sonth of rangesiz east, coutuining cighty aert I more ur 1 d state. LiuK-il. Uaich 25tn, A. D. 172. m IOS n BD, OnanUan. Estata of Jacob Maulirle. STATE O K MlUIUOAN.O'ountyot Washtcnaw, pi AL ; Beaaion of the Probate Cönrt for the Coniiij of Wabtenaw,holdeuat the Probate omce In tl.e city of AnnArbor, on Wodnesüuy, the tenth day of April, in the yeur ouo ihoutiUud eight Iiuldred and Béventy-two. Present, HlrajnJ. Heakef..Iudj;t of Probate. In the matter uf thu sute ol Jacob Miichrlc, deceased. Jacob iiaucr, Admjnistrutor de boni o with the will annexed of ataiti decefleed, come! i ij tu C'i:rt and represeota üiat he ii now prepared Lu renclcr hi liniil accoum uö Bach Admisistrator. TliCit'upon it is Ordered, that Wednesday, Ihe eightb day of M:iy. uext, al ten o'elock in the ■ il, be iKbigued for exatnlnlng and allow ii.i s..c;i accooni, amt that the legatees, devisl heirs at law of huid deceusud, and all other persoufi tntereilted in said estáte, are i - quired tö appear at a seasion of said (Jourt.tlitn tobe holden at the PrubateOfflce.ln the City of Al n Arbr hisaklC'ouuty andshov ianaeif aoy there Ie wliytlie rtfiidacc.oiini. hould notbeaUowed : And i t ís forther ordered, that saldAdmlnlstratorglvenotlca to the peraoninterested in said estáte, ol the pen. doncy of said account, and the hearing there f. ly a copy ofthis order to le puiilishid n the Michigan Argus,& newspaper priuteOanüci.eulatiDg in aaidCüUiity, three successive _week8 previoub to Bai'l d:;y of hearing. I (Atrue ciiuy.j II1EAM J. liEAKES. 1869 Judite of Probate. Estato ofc' Jumes O'Brien. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Waahteí ourt för tin ( of Waahteiuiw, hoklea at the Probate Office in the City ot' Auu Arbor, on Tuesday, the ninth day oí April, in the yenr ouc thousaud üight hundrtu and scveutj - , , Iliram J. Iïoiikcs, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of thu e&tute of Jamea O'Hrien, deceftsed. Helden W. Shtirtleff, adminSetxatoi of said ■ ttoCourt and repr-.-m nts tbatheis DO p tred to render his iinul account as such administra tw. Thercuixm it is ordexed, thut Tueeday, the mtent li day of May ïic.xt, at ten o'oiock in the Ion uoon, be aasigseá tor xaiiiinin and allowïi; buod iii'.'oiin1, and that Che beirs at law of mud deoeaaeo, anl all other persons interested to said estete, art' reqoired to appear ui ;i m mid Conzt, then tu be holden ut t hu Probate Olfico, in Use City of Ana Arbor, and . if any thcrebe, why the said account sliould not be altrther ordoredj ti-r-.t anid Adniinia.'. e notice to I um p sfc d in ■ tate, f ount, and tlic hearing by caufling u rder to bo pi Ibppi r printod Loá circuyt three suooaaatre woeka previoui tosuidday ui' hearing, (A triweopy.] IIIIIAM J. TïK.v '. IWJ J adge ui' Probate. Estato of Narissa CrittendeiL QTATKOF anCHIGAN, Countj of Waahtenaw, at. O AA .1 ..i --..j; i.i ÜieProbitte Courf tor the Cour.ty btenaw, holden ut ■■ , on Battuday, the sixth day , in tlic ytar one thoosund eigut hundi't-d and Bevi ntj -1 ■ -, Judge of Probate. In the matter of theestalc ui' Nuris&a rittenden, ril. Ovrendinv and flling1 the petition, daly Terifled(oi WÜlinm IL. Urittendi a, pr) ing thai Oliu ra A. 'i iitoodtts r Boine otbï suituble peñón ma y be ap pointtKl udminiatrairïx of said estáte. pon ir U ordeied, that Momlay, the sixth day ol .'i iy iiext, ;it ten od olc ín Qie fon i ■ . titum, und thftt the heira -.-.t law of suid aeceustiSt, and all otlici ) id est ato, uro n quü'ed fcoappearat a m - sionof said ( bo bêholdonnt the Probate . and show cause, it any there tw, why the prttyer i toe petitionev should ■ d : Aml it u further orden d, ehat snid in said . i] thependenc; Ltiontiind the bearina thereof, by cauabg a eopy of Uua ordei te be pubUshed in ï' A ■ . printed and pironlatinfi in said ooanty, three BaoceWve weeks previous to said day oi" hea (Atruecopy.) . Oí J. BEAKE8, 1369 Judas of Ftobate. Fstate of Mary Ann Thayer. STATE OF MifHTüA.N, Oounty of Waahtenaw, a. Al tii noonrinn nf Üie Probate Court for theCouniy of Waalitenaw, holden at the Probate Otficetia the City ot' Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eighul day of April, in the year ouü tiiouüaud eiffht huudred und seventy-two, t, tJirmJ. BeOkes, Jadee of Probate. in the matter of the eotateoï M.iry Ann Thayer deoooiedi Oni ading and fllinjr thfl petition, duly veriticd, oí Thayer, prayihgthat administrotien of said éstate muy be ranted to hint, fwfani s, Hayos and WmKm l. Eayes, Viho are Damed as Kxecutors in ihe last will and testament of said deeeased. .(!, that Uonday, the uiith day ut' May next at tien o'olook in tbe föreooon, bfl asasgned lor tho beaxing of said petition, and that tho leggteev, deris .-? and hein at law H dt and all other persono ÜDtexi ;- êd in Baid estáte, aro rcquiuü to appear ai a Beasion of Baid Court, then t bo holden, at ( the Probate Office, in the City of Ann and ■ -..■- ii any there be, wby the prayer of the petitioner altould not bo gxanted: Afl itisfurthei ordered, that auid petitioner ffive üóüoe U) the persona Interest . ,., peti. , ÜLPii, and the hearing thereof, by oauaing aoopyof i tlüs order to be publüliod in the Michigan Arpus, & ' oenspaper printed and ciicwl.üing in said t'ounty, three bucoi stóve woeks prerioua to aid day of hearing. : (Atruocopy.) HUÏAM J. BEAKES, i 1ÖG9 Juui'o of Probate. Estáte of Kichavd C. Dillon. STATIC OF M I ( ' II [QAN, County of Wushtennw, saAt s seesion of the 1'robnto Court tor the Count) btonaVi holden at the Probato Ottice, inthd r, on Slonday, the ciglith duj '.mi reai qne tb iu :.::d ctiffht trandréd uuil m't.vui v-Uv?, at Biram J. ïïeakos, Judgo of l'robate. In the maiiiT oí the Estáte uf Richard O. Dillon, . adlsgsnd (Uiagfhe pctition, dnly verified, of Basan F. Dülon, pntying t Uut y'ne r som6 othcr suitttblo pcrson, uiuy bc tippuiutcd mlmiuisnutrix of auÜ eetoto, T!u-iv!ipon t isoidcrwl, tliut Tnt'mluy, the wv.iitli Hu i:.x!, al ten o'ckKk in ihc forcnoon, ■Mil i.,i the hearing of said peUtlon, and thut the heiiB at law ofsaid deoeoaedi and all othci persons interest itr, are KQuiredtoappeal at a BfMgian of seid Couct, then to Ik; holden, at the Oüitf, in thu Wty of Ann Arbor, audshow any then bo, why the nzayered lumld notbc gmntcd : And it ia further order saiapotitionergive aotieetothe penons intenstéd in ■aid estáte, of the pendencjr ol saiil potition, and tlie t, by oaosüiB a oopy ef tliis order to b pabli&bod In the ftncAtfflifl Armu ;i nevspapex priuted and atraulatíng in aiil county, threesnoosBsiTe wcoka prsvioiis to suid duy ot heoriw. (Atruecopy.) ui!; M .1. BKAKE8, 1360 Judseof l'robivtc. Estáte of Híiunali Phelps. QTAT E 0F MICHIGAN. fcunty of Wasfctenaw, ss. At asetaion oL the Probate Conti fnr thei'ounty ktenaw, boldwi at , ■ Qffloe, in tha Cityof AnnArbor, on Wednesday, thei twenty-sevoiith day of Mnrch, iu fche yoal ouc thousand elght ñ and seventy-two. Present, Hlram .J. Hcakts, Judgoof Ti-ubatc. In the matter of the cstüto of limmuh Theïpa, deceased, ifeten, Kxecuirix of tlio last will nntl testament qz said doe into court aml rep (oaenta thatsbeia uuw prepared tu rasder "hor final aa such ixi outriz. ThcreupOD it is ordered.thftj BConday, thesixfli (!:t of May aoxt, at ten o'olocb in the forenoon, be foi ezamining and alkra iuff such accoui.t, tmd that the IegateeSi devisees and hein at I sitid deceasod and all other peraona ■ cl to pp . ii'i ('.'tut, thea t. be boêden at Uie Probate Office, in thu City of Aim Arbor, in uid County, and show oaime, if anytberabe, wby the s:iid account ahoold not beaUcvwed: ájiditia tuVtlier ordered that eaid Exi notioe to the peraop interestod Ui soid estáte, pJ the pendeney ofsuid . and the hearing uiercof,by canaSngaoopy of thifl order to be pabliahed in the Jf icAinui Argwy iper juinto.l and olrcalating tn said County, iiing. IA hrueoopy.j Uil: A.M J. BEAK I 1SUO Judge of l'robutc. FinestAssortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by ■ - I S-l isMsM Estáte of Frtídoricfc YounoftTf &TATKOÏ MICHIOAN, county of W , r A: i . , . ■ !'tet,, í Ann -.rl,,v. m, aeiy,_tUaiuiElL.iiS . llhiiui J. Hi.'-.'íi-", JuiKi' df lv i Intheutotterortt. lingand ttHn&thepetition, aol. , o, praying that ),.- „r ,)I1Vi, ■■' urauinUal adiainu7L?ïi estáte oi said deceaaed. ""mu m rr Thereupon i i ardered, that iw, , oi May next, at ten .'dk J , n ■■' the heartaa „í kfc the heira al Uw L? L ,isii4!tt anrl "" i in ■■"i aterequired toappearat ;i cssiun of bí,i vi tó róbate Office, in tWÜS Artxir, and buow ctoso, if any thero w? pray roi the p ,„: not !■ i., V lered, that said petitionereh5r: I ras interebted in s.iid estáte of ti "k I copy of this ordor to be publ .,■' ["g i puí, a newapaper printed and uiriulutiiur i-' '"fe I ky, throe .iucov.-s.iivu week previous tu I heuring. 'u' ítf J copy.) HIRAMJBEAKM 1309 Judgeof h,. Sítate of .Tcrorao GoodW" QTATE OFMICHIOAX,conntyofW2L O At a aesaion of the Probato Court f .1 '"iH of Washtenaw, holde at tí "wij city of Ann Arbor, on Tt,ur,d..v, the Sjf oí April, 111 tliu yea.r uno thousaiid i Wjlï !'i -:t ifiriínt J. Beakes, Judge of Prhat In tlie matter of the estáte uf Jaomc ü J i Onnodingandfilingthe poti'ion, duiv. Conntliíi M. Oooding, Admuiistiatri Lrr?íll she may be licenxed to sell the i..u ■sute ' r "t I ilied scized tor the purpose oí dSf?" eds of such sale amoiig the persona 't in Baid estáte. ""owndj Thcrcupon it is ordcrwl, tlisit Mondav tu ■by of Muy nert, at len o'clock in théïl? the hearinc oí said puta?"' tieirsat 1 o ,.,1 TÏ'W pcftouíintercstedinwjd eetate, are requiroT,1 at a session of said Court, then to w. vub Ote Probate utHoe, in the city o! ZnT and show eaust!, if ;tny there be, whi-thciJlS the petitioner should mt be granted: AniiiV1 ered, tlmt said petitioner ciTemtk!!'' peraqnb nterested in nid catate, of the tietán!.'1' said petition, :ind the hearing theñof bra1 oopy of thia order lo be publiaLed in' the jïS1 paper printed and circulatit, „ ? county, four successive v,:ü;j yrevious toiin "" hearinfr. ï;! (A tiuo copy.) miiAM J. BKAKEK 1;i68 JudKe oí tai. Estáte of Samuel V. Wells " STA3PEOFMIcèlQAN,CountyofWiiktai Ata sewionof tlie Prpbate c.nn-t íib(r il thePiobnteOfliceialïïRl! of Ana Arbor, on friduy, the twciitv-nmtk ■ ! March, in tliu year onc thousand tighf knafeSi ' aeveaty-two. G 4 tit IMiam ,T. líeakes, Judge of Probatí En llur matter of the éstate of Samuel w'j . -.■!. ' " -■ On reading and Sling the petition, Sulj reniw Xancy A. C Wells, praying tliat a. certain iwtñlí i :.!■_ iu this Co rting to U iíTl! win and testament 6t said dccoawd, may befaBhH to pxobate, and that she may be IJIwiiiteuMÍcSi trix thereof. qion it ia onlereil, that Monday, theti-. ninlh day of April next, at ten o'clock in theloS thohearingof snid petitioiLaaSufti . '.:■ ir- at Uu of Kiiiidnur! all ut her persons iuterested in s;üd estute, muren Ut appoox at a Bession of said court, then'to befitóT Office, in the l ity ui' Ann AAutoï Bhow canse, if any there bc why the iininnih ptititiiner should not be firanted : And it ututo, ardexed, thal aaid petitioaer givc uotice to faU Bons interested in suiii estAtc, oi the inéttttd said petition, and the hearing ilir_ef, by caL copy of this order to bc publishcd in tbe JfefcL: Arut,a newspapear printed uní nrculatu ÏTL county, three suocessive weeks pievious lo suid to (A truc copy.) HIBAM J. !; 1368 Judge of rmfit Eatftte of r.iiima ilallory, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaJitm - At a seseion of '.lie Probate Court íor tbe CouatM Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, intbeC' of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-nintli ixfii M.uih, in the year one thousand eiglit hundmluï seventy-two. ftroaent, Iliram J. Bcakcs, Judgeof Probte. In the matter of the eatate of Kujmi Jïi&n deceaaed. ';' On rending and ölin the petition, duljrTniMif Hattie U. Mallory, piaying that OthnielU. Eueiii sorao other suitable perron, may be appointoi admit, istratox of the eslate oí said dei . . Thereupon it is ordered, that Mouday, the tïatr. ninth lay of Aril next. at tf n o'clock in the íkBoon. te a.-'ÍL'iied for the hearing ti said pdtki, and that the hcirs at law of said deceased, and aÜK. er pexwms inteiested in .iil estáte, are requirriünfpear at a sessiou uf said Court, then to bc faoMtk, ie the Probat OQlce, n the City ut" Ann Arbcr,o4 uae, if any there be, why the pp peCitioner should not irr.mttil : Anii it is lurirr aotice Luthe{ni i in said estutc, ut the pendepcy of aid[ii. ! the hearing thereof, by causmg laipvoitbii order to be pubi&hed in th Michigan -triu, & tm paper printed and eirt.iilaliiiir in &;tii couuty, Üm öucceive weeks previous to ;iid day of beufag, [A truc coiy.) UIltAM J. BKAKB, 1308 Ju(JgeoH'tiltt. Estáte of Culvin K. Beckei. OTATE UF lIICniGAN, County of Washtena, O At a sessiou üf the Probate Court for the CouiitT itenaw, holden ac the Probate Oüin-.iaiii eity cf Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the ifonl dt of April, in the year one thousund c:-li[ liunJaj . tr.y-rw,,. Prest nt, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of PioWe. In the matter of Lúe estáte uf Cdúali. Baker, deeeasi d. i Burchnrd, Executor of the Iat tül Dl of said decensed comes into Coui ;,:u ii" is iiow prepared ir as unen lixc ator, aponit is ordered, that M ninlh ü:y of Afuil inst., at ton o'clock in tíicíorenoot, iH'tl fvr :. . .; riliuwinir suca . and that the legatees, deviáen, ut sü at law of .said dtceasod, and all othir ] . : e required to arpeaiu m of said ('(mi!, then tu be hoVicu at Um Probate Office, in the raty of Ann Arbor, in uil County, and show canse, il uny there bc, why tienü aeoount should not 1? llowed : And ie is inith .1, that s:iid Executor give notiee (o Út persona interested inaaid estáte, oí tlc pcndrneyií ■uut, and the hearing theroof, bj his order to be publishtd in the JncAi? Argus, a newRpapei' printed and circulalini inisü County three sncoc8sxve weeks previous tottüè} ot' helling. (A trae copy.) niBAM J. BEAKEB, 1M8 Judse ot I'robote. Estáte of Timoleon Bullard. STATE OV MICHIGAN, Conntyof At asesslon of the f róbate Court fortheCouij of Wasbtenaw, holden nt tlie Probate Office. feil City of Ann Arbor, on Weduesduy, the tweoty-Kienlli .ila.v of March, ín the year one Ehmeafcd etfït tuin'!recj?iii(i eeventj two. Present, Iliraiu.I. Hoake8,.Tud;cof Probile. In the matter of the Estiileof Tíolwm BíWi deceased. Ouread!m'andUngtheptitor.(lnIreriS(i' llenry Bullard, priiUni; thal Kmbrec BsW, or soms other suftable persou, may be appolittí Adniiuislnitor of the e-state of said deceued. Theronponlt 1 ordered, that Mtuday, tlie Iwatp second day of April next. at ten o'cloct in t assincil for the hearing of tsid e& tiun, and thal the heirs at law of sli flr ceascd, audall (jtheryersoneintereKtediDsaidwu1 arcrequired tu appear at a tcsion of said Ciu:t, then (o bc holden at the Probale Office, in tbe City ol AuuArbor,andshowcauseil:iiJ.v therde, why the prayer of the petitioner shoald not w L'rs'uted : Andit isfurther ordered, tlat tyjp tioner j-ivc notiee to the persons intcreelei i u . oí' tlie pendency of said petition. ancl tM heariUL' thvrcul', nycauslnga cüp.v ui tuit order 1o bcpnblished In tne Mtcigau Argus, i newsjuptfi printed and circíatmg in snid CountyJ cessive weeks previous to eaicidai o.'licarioff. (Atruecopy.j UIKAii J. BEAKES, Uta Estáte of Matthew Schaible. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oouuty of WüsMcm, Ai i srasion of tho Probat" I 'ourt theCout Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tteWI of Aan Arbur, on Suturday, the twen ly-thini dar j tfarob, in the year oiw thuusuud cislitlHintodu ■eveaty-two. Present Hiram J. Bcukcs, Jndge of l'rolatf. In the muttür of tlie etatc of Matthew Sciuiitto V urn, in fuid Connty, deceased. . Onreading and (Hing tlienetitiun, dulyvenw-" Catharine Schaible, praying that John i. KeklUT 'iher suitabiu iwison, inny bc uppoiatcd W ininistrator of the estáte of said d'.o tfl Thmupon it s unlxi, tluit Muncl;iy, the twwP second day uf April nc.t, ut ten u'clwkin thtioM: nooii, bc ;Lssi{jncd t'or the hearing of p;iid pfiritÍ0OiJ tha; the heirs ;it luw of lid deceascd, and all ou persons interested in sniil cíim-, re n'quii at it 8C'Koiou of sml Convt, tlimtüW tiMtJ tti the r robot Offloe, in t!iu city of AnnArbor, how oauae, if any there bc, why the piityor of tbep titioiitr sliouM nót bo rantod : And itis Ilirt-'í! i:ioncr K'ivu notioe to tb1-1?1? intereetod in sniil estáte, of the pendcucy of said f" tioa, and the hoariiijf thereof, ty causiDg a cory ' order to lo publiliud in t])u Michigan Argut, a 06" paper pnuted and circulatins io said Cuaoly, toM mooMsiTe weeks previous to said day of heiiriDff, (Atruecopy.) ILLRAMJ. UKAKKH, 1367 Judgeof ProWti Estato of Rufus ilatthews. STATE OF JIICHIOAN. countyof WashteM. At a aeasion of the Probate Court for tho ■ Of Waahtenaw, holden at tho Prol'iiti' Office, m u, city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the üf t eentb "a3[ , Blaxeh, in the jrear onc thousand eight huniiie and sovi-tity two. : . Hiram J. lleakes, Judce of Probate. In tho matter of the estáte of Kufus MnttK""' deeeaseï. , j OnrcadiliR-andfllingthepctition, duly rennw." Maroiu J. Mattheva, Kxecutor, praying tht ■ maybe licensed to .-11 the real eawte whereöT Jg deceaaed died m.íl', for tbe purpoae of distnoaoM tho proccet] of aueh sale among the jcrons i:i Btud eetatc. ' (hatMonday,tbetJ j ,.t April Dext.tttteno'clockinthetoowBl I forthe hearisffof said ]r!iiii'u, '1J(1 l", tholegatees, devieeesund heire at law of ai uní all other pei'eons int ■■ sti '1 in luiivd to appear al ;i Beusion or said couvt, tiien W iiolden. at the Probato Office, in the cdty 5or, and show cause, if any thriv be, why therM . itioner shoold not lw grasted: A ml ij 'urther ordivcd that said petitioncr (,-ive noticc t" ' , rarsons intereated in boío estáte, of the pfuilfv ' luid petdtion, and the headcK thereof, bj ci'"s', Llopy oi thi order to be publiahed in ue -""'i ug Wgm, . ■■ ( intt.'d and cimilii(iu? '?Tw uunty, fouroWi.... 'weeks previousto arfW 1 r IVE QBE8E FEATHiiKJ? FIRST GITJ-A-LITY , .onstantlyonhand andforsAlcby BACÜ Sc ABEl rj GotoS.W.ELLIS&CO'G forstrictly Pure Drus and Medicines .Paiu z ,0ils,&c


Old News
Michigan Argus