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- Tho State Publio School haring acot x t ■ 1 u proposilion in behalf of Cold water to lócate the Bchool i there, in oonsidexation of a easb donation ; of ?2.r),oiH) mU $ú,000 site, Coldwater i committi" an ihinning it to raiae the money. Unles8 Coldwator is unliko most Other towns it will bo oasior to promise than perform. --We have seen a "private" letter from Washington whioh says that " Old Zaok is a power " and Ferry a nobody. Audthfttis jut why Zaok had Ferry ( eleoted'. He wantod to havo the privilego ( of boing the sole ïW.i-representativo of Mijhiganin tho Hen , - Can anybciy teil as why mechamos and othor laborera iii the eruploy of tho government should receivo tt-nhours' pay f or eigh i houi:.' woik ' or ia legislation to that effect an outrage upon the laboring mnpsej not in tho omploy of tho governmentV - Keport han it that Brick Pomeroy has challenged Ben. Butler to ineet him on the fluid of mortal combat. If they meet and shoot it is to be hopcd that both are good inarksmen - and thfit thfTB will be two fook the leas shortly after tho firat fire. Don Henderson, of the Allegan Jimrmd, says that he conldn't afford to imítate the " reoklesa liberulity " of an exchange, " publish obituary notices of delimjuont subscribe free of charge." His paper isn't largo enough. - Nellie Grunt waa receivfd by Qucon Victoria on the'iGth, and waited upon by the diplomatic corpa. Sho isn't to blome for boing tho "Vrosident'sdaijghter' : a deludad people must accept the respensibility. - Tho appropriations voted for tho curront year by tho Detroit Citircns' Meeting, on Monduy afternoon last. aggregated (773,809, and In addition aiowc. Loan of iü(!O,000 was authorized. - Iloury Ward Becclier addresscd a recunt mteting at Coojior Instituto ii favor of opening thu public librariei on Sundiiy. His rea8oning was cogenl aiid liard to refute. - The xant recently discovered by Pruf. Poters was discovered in Euiopo a day before him. Watson's planet 3 week after. ïhia Ieave3 Petors but one ahoad of Watson. - A tiro at EastSaginaw Tuesdayforenoon burned the saw mili and salt block of Camp, Brooks & Co. and severa! dwcllings. Loss !?,'i5,()00; insurance 15,500. - Tho Eaton Itapids liquor R'llers havo learned a lefson of the craft íb this city, and coaimencod prosecuting each otlier. ■ Tho General Conference of 'he M. E. Church met at Brooklyu, N. Y., on Wedaesday. - The National Banks hare been ''called" to report under date of April 1 !. - Dr. Livingst.oiie is safo ag.'iiu. This time with the Americaiis at Stmley. - Gov. Hofiman vetoed that anomaly, the New York City Oliartor. - A defect in the enacting clauee vitiates the Ohio liquor law. - Cass Couiity, Missouri, is tho latest - The Tichborno claimant is out of Kowgate - on bail. - Tho Ohio Logislature adjourncd on Uoaday. The Sonate convenod as a Court of Tmpeachment on Tuesday. Commi.isioner Edmo.xu's answer was put in on Wednesday. Ho denies tho charges of mal ádministration, misdetneanor in oflLe, &c, also thoso of druukenness and adultery, but alleges that t!iu latter are none of the Court's baaini . Vesüvius i aguin in a state of eruption, tiio most viulent within tïio momory of man. Towns and villages are ropo: ted submerged by lava and ashes, ar.d hundreds of livcs lost. The view from Xuples is pronounced magnifioent, sublime and terrible. TlIE Kepublican Couuty Convcntion yesterday was not a vi-ry largo body. Delegates were elected tothe State Convention and a new County Cominittüe appointed. The delegates wero instructod to voto for G rant delegates : and so tho uation is safe.


Old News
Michigan Argus