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New York, April u. Money hos got down to 5 per crnt. on eah and bosi r n;:nt. Gold kt'ps utrong- clossd to-Uay ni 11 '2 - ■; 112 '.:. The breadstaflB irte t hiU b Q activo un i si rt-nj? all the wcek : ut ffes ont, netrover, thoic are yi;ipums of w milrnnw for Aoui m eonftnM to thy better gxudea ti íoiii.' aso; export Of low grades are not caliud tor ; wht'ht i- (Uno auexporu&le, and theve un grave (.lniiiits ui-mi priesa beinsj sustained aít-r qmmtity in UiiimV hhull linve artived and lako shipmíiits beyun. A. nmpto of vfaite Michigan wM twn iiüj-f, ugo il Ï-.10. Cor is lieavj' at 7ic. Outa continuo . ■■ for .MH"hi'irn'. Dairy pioJuc.9 Ik u y. . do. batti r. L8Ö2Oo. ; ch ciined to Í7I8: ttewls ooming Laigely luto u ■■ rk wenk the lata odvanoe -hela ut :i lü.70. B r. and steady. Orooi H setive, Piocoffeoia week, the p:iHieoi the aotiduty act bcing i oMtaiñ, The range u 179 i ■■.-■. Bugm '.- in linu -A cüffc, U@iu.ic. The Ir -:■■' i -. trade ta unsfttisfaotoiy, and eoncesaions on priccs itie ott'erud. 'fnrpentine luvs dcclincl to G# 57c. Dktkoit, May 1. In nierchandine we havo to -report a i-ir and increaaing trade, but iilmost no-changeln priuus diírintí thu week. In hnldvare tho only ci.anirt1 is fin advance of c per ll. in bar lead. Tin' w jiillon the ?IH.ñO rate, and noilfl on that of (8.W. Coppf u veak at the ISasti and n Blifjht deoÜnci hen ia not nnexptfotod En ids there has beeoponly a modprute trade, nnd on uearly ail the leodíng stples a fraction off is repu r; e L Woolensj inaadins henvy cloflis for f (til l ■ up, hold their owu. ín paintfl aïod oils there ia ■l BpriuR aotivity. l'aints oKb Éteady in price aml Hiiseotl oU firm. Lard oil, tnrpcntinc and keroaone, on the oontniry, :uo in the bnyers' favor Tho pioduco booMa ai; ganoralj worliing full forces Ureenapplea nxay pe conaideted done vrith- nominal i per bh]. ; d ried do. are finu at lie por Ib. Beanfi are higher, flrmer andin botter demand. Priine City picted would cominand $2.R0 per bu.; country pioked, $2.50.tf2.00, and coifimon Iota $2.002.25. Butterig9tting mote plenty. There & no outmde deE7ew grasa, 3jk26e. Oíd firkín in dull at 7 10c Bgga are li ■ j-, but tondintf upward. Vory little ojK'Culutinfí hus beGD done, ■ thnt when a scarciTy comeebiffli prlcea will Hkely be obtnined. Onfona iH at (2 00(9 20 per bbl. and sets at $2..r0'is 2.76 per bu. Potatoes are In good demand both locally and on sbtpping account, ai 90o Frar peachblowa in carloadaand B8'it05o for smallfr qunniities. The tnpply oontos pvincipally fromObioand New York. Flour ha-i been activa all the week, and ratel 2ó:nt5Oc hi'ïier prevoü. t'he stook is low, nnd millcvs refnafl ihead iinlcs-s at future pricea Wbeat adranoed 10 '41 Ac peor bu. betireen Uu 2ath and 30th, whnn oxtra touched 2.00t and No. 1 White íl.95, but a reactioii Inunodiately followcd, and pneew aro aboot ' lower thiin the tughesl point obtained. Tho toada is as before, sp nolal ire, and the qoestion of values do jjends largcly on ihc ofioi ts ot' thow JDtcrootrrl in main taining conndence. Cloaingrafe i wcre: Kxtra,l.D5 No. 1 n-uité, 1.90; TreadweU914; amber, $1.78 X.ttO. Corn öteody ut 64c, niid oaU at 434- Ann Aebor, TnunsDAY, May 2d,'72. Apples- Green, 80OMc píjr bu. Driud, 83c per lb Brings 78e. Bolted Muiï-fi.OO. B JTTF:nPrioeü remain at 18(2120c. Beans- $1.75 per bu. ispaid for good quality. ( 'dun- Bringa &ft8 ■ por bu. Chickknp- Dieased 12áo. Eooa- Command 10&Hc. Flouu- xxx. í -Lui) pez i wb. IIay- $13@M per ton, aooordfng to qtiality. II-m:y - 1 ii otip, 18f'20o. Lard -The niiirket stands at 78c. M.vl'I.K SUGAR- If@17c. Oats- ssSTc. Potatóks- 90@0fio. TuitsEïs - He. Whbat- The ïnnrkot isqtnot. White irequotea $1.7041.75 ; amber, 1.05,-51.70; red $1.50'ó) 1.60. GO TO C. H. ÍVSSLLEñl'S FOR ALL THE 3STS-W STYLES Spring & Sumnier Goods I OÍTer Special Bargains ES SUMMER & J APÁÑESE SILil. Also Novelties in j Lama Lace J ackets and Points. , Wc are Daily in reccipt of New Goods and ofter them at tlie lowest prices. C. H. MILLEN. 4 South Main Street. 13ï2w4 Mortgage Sale. DBFAUIT liíivinf. been niadein tbecondltion of mortgage given by Jolm l- GoaJ and Sarah A ti il lo hriatian &Lack and Frederiek Bchimd, date tenlh A. D. Xflí and reoorded ínthe&egi teri "!!:■■ ni County , aUcbifffin. In no Cío. 44 oí nvrtgages, at paan W5, bywhiondefan the power r sale then in cont lined beoame operativo, :in i do BUÍ1 r proccttling lmvini boen instituted at l;iv. to reo ■ r Ihe iiun-tguff'. debt, orany part fchenof and íbe siim ai three hundred and thiríy-'-ight dollar and e ■ ii1 -tivt e cents being now claimed to be due, npd tliirty ao&AEB aB an Attorney feo, as provided in Baid laoitgaxe, und further aunu t bffome due: No■:■ vr'on1 hereby piven, that sakl itiortprage will be forecloied by :i sííIo of tho mortgapod premisos, de■oribed na followi viz : Conuaomiing twelvo rod eosterl of tira notthioast eornot of lot twclve (12) in blook iñtxM ;s , in Brctwn & Puller's addition to the nowáty] 't Aan Arbor, Uiobjgoik, Moording .to the rooorded plat thereof, theuce uloog the aootb lineof vv.-i] ■]■■, : in said additíon fn southeasterly direotion íour it) rodo, fchenoo in a Bootboriy din ct ion a: rigbt aoglestosaid WttUstreet thirteen roda ud tlircc links, titL'iie'.' n,orthonterly In n lino parallel to sni'.I Wall Btrodt four rmls thnca Ln a iturthcrly dlfOOlion tbirb n rods and tliree liulu t rigbt iukkIbj t KHid Wnll strbet ti tbo place of beginuing. excepting and rea rriuf? on and one-lialf roda o írom the south end oí rhe above dworibed In&d Cor a stiet, at pubiie Vijndue, at fche Court Eíouse, in Aun Arbor, on i. ' t wi nty-soventh day of July áext, at noon. h ited, .p::l 2Oth, 18TS. CHBISTIAÏ? UACK, ÏS72 F REDE RIC K Si.'HMlD, Tnoi.n NiNin:, Attomoy. TiTnrtjqpww Kstj-to ot' M irv' Swift Mosher - Minor.; OF JKCHIGAÏï, oounty of Washtenav, At a Kasion t the Probate Court ftw the oonnty of W .i-.Í!i;-iiw, holden at tlio l'i-obatc Olhce, in the oity of Aan Arbor, on WednescUwr, the Hrt day . in tbe one thouaana cight Ituuditid and nev nly1wo. . ! ijiiaju-r. Beakes Jutee of Erobat. 1 :i i matti-r nf tlie estáte oï Matywift Mosher, nüsor. Oa reading and flling Uva petition, duly veiiflcd, of Oamiüa D. Valentíne, Q-uaxdhtn, prayiup tbat sleiniy belicensed lo aell oerttin rual estáte belong-itiflf lo s.-ii-i muior. Theraupon it if ordered, that WedneadaT, the twentynuuíi luy ot' BCay Lostant "t ton o'oloak in the fon-poon, be assignod for tlie tiearing of said pttition, and th it the ii"x!: ui kin oí' said minor, id all otht-r :iid ( state, me reoofred to uppear at a tteaaion of SAid Couxt, tben bo be holden at un' Probate Omoe, in thu city of Aun Arbor, ánd sliow cause, ií" any there be, why the prayer of bnaldnotbe grantéd: Andu a furred, liiat sud iK'ti'u'iu r glve notice to the penons interosted Íd s:viil estatOida tho pendenoy of aaid ptttitíon, and thé hearing thereof, by cuusing a copy of this order to be publifliud in tlie Michigan Argnéy u nowspaper prínted and otroulatinB in ir;, id ooonty, tliroe suoodftUTe iree&s previouH to bu id day of lecopy.) H1KAM .T. REAKE8, Judffo of Probate. Ketate of Wüliam K. Martin. kY ITEOF UICHIG N, County of Washtcnaw, su. Í3 At a seedion of the Probate Court for the ('ounty aaw, holden nt the lhobte Ofiit-ein the i ty of Aun Arbor, on Tlmimlay, the seeond day oí' Hay, in the yeax one thonaaiid eight huudrcd and sevi-nt'-t WO. it, HiruiaJ. Bealces, Jtulgeof rrolbwtc. In the matter oí tbe eatate of WiUiam B Martin, 'Aliii'd II. Coatí, mlinirwívtrntor of aaid estáte, oConrl and rapteaexta that he ü non prepiired to tender hip final uccouat m such administracor. Thcrcxiptm it isorderod, that Míui-i.w, khe twontyHeventh iii' ot' Muy instant, at ten o'cluck in the . be nsaigned for ezmntninjg and nilowinfí Buoh at tlio heiis at law of .c'il, and tit other penmi btteraeted in , an required to appear at a seHion of ;, then to be hulilen at tho l'rolmte Office, j mi .u Arbor, and ihow oausS) if any arhy the wid ueoount shouM not be al.. nii( lo forther ordered, that sald Admiaise notioa to the penonB utereeted in said sfcate, of the pendeuoy of nUl account, nnd the hearing iy of tbifl order to be publlahed n the Michigan Araut, n newspaper printed and oireutttúofl vi aaia County. thieesucoeeaive weeka prcvioun to nai ! day oí' hearing ' [A fcrueeopy.) HIRAM J. BKAKBfl, l ;, 2 Judíjc of Probate. VífONBT WAHTED. Fiveor six thousaud doUflrs, or moro, on a mort;ngeof uniíicumbcred real estute worth threc timos lie amouut. Enquirc of 1366 K. Vi. MORGAK.


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Michigan Argus