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fjtopy the folloiving from a late numLittte Adrián limes: LD Mattkus - A Good Prospect. .,, livny, Ks]., lias hamled us a lettttffl Jolui Lee, wlio Is President of tliu insport, OrawfordsvUJe & St. Louis U(J. The lefter has such a jrenuine nlness that we copy it asfollows : cloinü ui; we can to reach KoL)jt tlie tnvlicst possible day. The ;:ratt for building lliat división was ;. last wenk, ai:d we expect to push , aí you set thtre we will be Uréd to mafce satlsfactory arraneeLuivith you, glve mul rect'ive frcighls k-iriniitua! iiitorcst reqoires. We ili to the coal ficMs, au3 eomicct. Ílvansvllle and St. Louis. Wish vou great success, Í remaln your i, " John Lek." hlsthe road wlth whicll connection ,tire(l ds tin Adrián and Saline1, and i ly witli the ürand Tniuk via he and Romeo. Tó Insure the confciffl our citizens must give moro cntnRmont to tiie committee appolated ick dubscrtpUftiia and get up .iioii. It wouid be a through -Tbc lüüo-n-liiar 8 from Üic Toledo VnmUoTtbeSOth inst. Tiie bridge spokiis the one over wMch the Toledo, kt!i Rallfoad la to tniiiicctiüii wltli a!l creation: Important arrangement has !rt-u whicii the lvist Side Rlver ny have fjr-iutwl the r:izh' !ny to Hu1 IViiiisylvania Central H.:i.:iy to one lul!' the rilit of wav dto thefiret Datncd eojnpany condim thst tlie Peiinsylvaniü Ooinpauy Uaee work tbr the Improvement of IiUi tlilrty days. 'Jlie tenns ikenagreed apon and the work of bi? wüi comonence at once and be irard as last as laborera cía Ue ad. irus locatcs tlie road upon the rlver h.wlll gratl please tlie citi ■::tlif sixth wnrd, and Insures the wnction of the bridge at :i polnt beiow Br the Cberry stivet bridge. ■:r Üecreationt in Popular Scikiithe title of a neat little monthly kuael by Messrs. Lee & SHEPABD, ka, the threc nuinbers of whloh ffforeus. These nutnbera or pirts are : We Discoveries respecting the Anrora, kReeeiit solai Rcsoaruhes. By Uien hA. Pbocïoh, B. A , F. H A. 8., auÍ of "The Siin," "Olher Worlds than :UI,"tiC. A.fflnitles, (ir Man uirl the Ape. liuo Virchow, auiiior of "Oell■J'Paiholoy," &c. in Analysis Expiained. ülnstrit■i to Science, and Includiug the '■wry of SoiDid, Heat, Ligiit, and Col 'iv I'rof. .S(:h]íiji,!'..n. iftlio )uli'ii'mrs is to put scienl 1 ii the hands of the general "'3 public, and so 8 u persode mtre se'Won. Tliere is a growlaj ddmand fJIM and scliíiitiii;:, and tha Idea af ■■' '!fmrs" is a %'rvjd one. f3.00 a ata. ■"ursile by üicmoiik & Fiske. '■' mtie MuUhhj hus nnother inpwof Hawthorne'a story, Septimius ÍWrthe Eüxir of Life, waich is to be 'Win the August nnmber; Iri, a bJ Bayard Taylor ; Red Remlolscen'ii'-h.vest, by Williurn K. Bai inch of the Valkyrie, poem, by I i "Hiik ; JcQ'jrson in tlie CoQtlneD ss, by James Parto, a very " paper; Footprlnts in the Sand, r Celia Thaxt-r; Wlio won the -iWidow, plrt it., by Will Wall ace p; Why? by Aun i Boyntoo Averill ; Pnsofthe Echo Club, vi., in whicii fTylorasa piot is linltated; A Jvof Terrors, vt., by James De Mille j ver, poem, by A. W.; The Poet ■akbst Table, vi, by Oliver Won l' Simples and Simp!er3, by ragg; Lltcrary, Art, Music, Sci'y Politics, a cholee bilí of fare. $4 j '■ James R. Osoood & Co., Boston. l0""1' Monlhly for June is a brilraber, both in iilustrations aud l James Rtchardson sives his Piper, Marchlng by Telegraph- 'arl to Niágara, and the pictures of wgli, aio ng the Susquehanna, in rndVatkins Ulens, etc., give a 7T of delightful scencry near tlie V sities. Warner has another paIMpUalBack-Log Studies; Mrs. PMfoor more chapters of her intense -rusting erial, At Hls Gatea ; Haxc ."ii. of Draxy Milier's Dowry; '■ Wilkinson a second paper on w's Prose. The other notlceable !lt n : Tlle Cit5' of Warvvick, by I[. S ' "■; Schools of Journalism, by 1, R.oid ; The Advance of Popuia 1 " l'nited States, by J. E rtilgard , 'Cseveml fine pooins, and The Top6Time, Old Cabinct and other de- vK' a8 USUal' welIini a(1 y ' fcc"BNEn&Co.,654Broadway, - Tiie GUh-Aie World ís acule, scholarly, oontrovenlal and pugnaeloaa as usual, wlth followlng papers : Duties of the Rich tn Chriotlan Boclety, v.; On tire Trubadonra of Provence ; The House of Yorke, ohaps. xxx.-xxxn.; Fragmenta of Early Ëogllsb Poen on the Blessed Virgin Tho [.■-nula of Oisin, Bard of Erm, vi.; A S,ilOO in Paris beibre tho War, in.; Review of Dv. Stock l's Philosophy ; Fleurange, xvi - xix.; Art and Religión ; A Fete-Daj at Lyons; How the Church uuderttands and apholda the Rlghts ofWomen; Bryant'a Trauslatlon of the Illad, euloglstlc but hypercrltlcal ; Spaln, VVtmt It was and WbHtltls; Official Charlty ; The Chnrch and the Presa C a year. The Cathollc PubllcatloD Boclety, B VTarren St., New Vork. - Godey' Lady's BooklabrïïWant n Loo platas, readable lo story, aud Instructivo in lts (lomcstic departmento ; a antaber tor boili miatress and matd of all work. And Lliat ís why Uodaj is a'.ways yoang and popular. fSayear. Louis A. Godey, l'Miliidelpllia. - Our Young Folk opens wlth four mors clmpters of "A Chance for Illmsell," in wliicli Trowbrldge gcts bishcro uto auother "peck of troublc;" and tliis is tollowed by Llttle ITitocm- Tt., Tlie Doll's Conveutlon, Wonderlng Tom and I, The Grcat Woodchuck Society, ani otlier articlcs, prose an.i poetry, story nud -sketch, rebus, ciiarade, etc. A. capital number. $d a year. .Tas R. Osgood & Co , Boston. - Goliki Houm luis another chapter of " When Qod IJelps, ivil Guea Well," Iróm thc Germán of Franz Hoíl'mau. Tlic Man wlio " WHI," illus.. Is an instructivo sketch of Geoi'ge Stepuenson, and the other contcnls aie all readable. S :i car. JIitcii cock & Walden, Ulnclnn&ti.


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