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DETROIT ADVEBTISEMWB. JU1II4 P. IIÍOASII:, M:uiuf:'tinT oí TIN, COPPKR AXD SHEET IROS WAEE. Wholesale aud Ketail Denlcr iu Btovcs, Hardware, Gluss, Puints, Oils, etc. No. 13'_ aud 134. corner St. Antoinn and Fonnh St., DETBOIT - OytJOKC. Also uint íot the North American Lightuing Uoü íauiif:ictory GUOVKB de BAKlilt'S ELASTIC AND LOCKSTITOH SKWING MACHINES. Tho very boot iu use, nlfords all Iha lateat iinprovcmenta Bend for a clrcu'ar. No. 4 OPERA HOUSE, DETROIT. OTOÑE CUTTERSAND CO.NTRACTOR8. COBH, WALLAGE & LAW, Arniin'imred to rnrnish llfcindaof "O0T8TONB' Water labiel, Silla, Caps, Coplnj, Steps, Landing, Conntry orders promptlv ottended to. Ofllco aiid Yard cor. Macomb aud Beanbten St., DETROIT. r-ARRHflE RBPOSITOHY AND MANLTACV TOltV. eW liavi? conatantly on hand, of our own make, a fine aBSortnitíut of OPEfV AÍV5) TOP BUtíGIE'. Which w cnu mcII I.OW OOR OASH W defycom. petiiinn for good vorl(. Dealers snpplitd. ah examination ol stock uoliclted. LONOPREY & PKT1 RS, 134T 40&'i'i Larnud Street Eiwt, DutuoitManufacturera of Crouud Coffccs, Splces, Mnrtard, etc. and whalesale dealcra in TEAS AND GROCERS1 SUNDRIES, 120 Jeffereon Arenne. Detroit: piRtlT, CüXNED GOODS, Etc., 1 have niiw in store a l:irce etock of Foreign and Domcstic Fruits, Canned Oooda of all srades. Pickleu, etc., te., wliich I am offering at low pitees to the trade, JOHN HKFFRON, Wholenale Fruit Ilouse, 21S Jefforson lt. "C1 BKBI-, KEWLAIIO&GO., Müinifncturcrs, Importere, and wholesale dealers In Hats, Caps and Straw Ooods, I-liTand'148 JuñVrson aroDue, Detroit, Micb. Also shlpper of undressed Furn. j_j p. uAi.Dwn & co., Mañufí.cturerH and wuolesíüe dealers in All Hand Made Custora Boots and Shoes, 43 Woodwurd Avenue, DETROIT, 1HCH. TOUIN PAITOS S., tl Manufacturers and Dealers ia Carriagee, Buggios, öleighs, Etc, The flneet assortment in Michigan. Estsb'.iehed iu IS4J. Factory, corner Woodbridya ana Brueb Streets. Repoüitory, 22C Jeifersioii Avenue, Dtroit. AlllllAtil'ït, J I alwaye keep on hand a very uice assortment of Open and Top Carriages, which I will sell at low fiure-i. Bnyora will do well to cali And exiiraiuc ttotlí and pricett before purchas iug. Dealt.' c:m liuy of me to eood advaDtaga. JOSKPII KINOliL, BS Gratiot Street, corner I'arrar, Detroit, Mlch nOOKS ! .T. M. AIÍXOI.D&CO supply Public Llbrarlea, Sabbatli schools and Book Buyers gcuerally, at low rales. Our &(ock i.-í eholce and larga lSLi Woodward Avenue, I etroit. fïfï flffï GALLONS OHIO 8TONEWARK OJJ]1J}J at Wholesale. AIsu au entirely new stock of Wiiite Graiiiie nntl C. C. CiooiSs, Plain an ï Decorativo China Dinncr and Tea Hete, Cut Glas-s. Silvcr Platvd Gouds, Lampa. Cutlery, Japan Ware. etc , at No. 10 Michigan avenue, oppotite aew City Hall. DAVID MoCORHICK. j 1CI1H;A JHACIIINERY JBJEl'OT. Gr. 8. Wormer & Son. Dcjilorcí in all kindri of Wood and Irun WurUiuK ITIachinery, 09, 101 and 103 Jefforson Avenue, DETROIT, M1CU;nORTAIiLK KiVtillVES For Mechanical and Farm ukob. D. JO. IU0K, MannfactuTer, 191 Atwater Street, Detroit. JOHN H, DXXOEU & CO,, u UommisaiOD McrchanU in Flour and Qrain. Oñico and Warehuuse, Noa. 5üt 62, 64 and 5ti Woodbridge Htreei, west, DETEOIT, MIt'lI. L TONE WAKE, tíallard & Starrat Mtiuuniüturera and wholeaale dealern in títoue and I"ckiuham Ware, Hr olny. Vire Brlck aud Draiu Tile, GlaKa Fruit Jars and b'la&ke. MaDOÍBCtnrerp' Affente for the Ohlo Stone Socket Sewerand VVater rlpe. Ofllceanrt warelnusu No. 60 Woodlirldge Street, opposite Board of Trade, Detroit. Mich. j A.TYaEIi & SWAIN, Wholesale and rotail dealers in all kinds of Farm Iinpleuienu, Macbiucs, State Agenta for the PhUadolphia IíAwjí m:owers, wnrranted to be the bost in the market. Prices Irom $15 to $35. Lilt;ral discount to dealers Í3T" Stnd for circular. íío. 1 Jülleröoa avtuue, üetroit. jjVEINO. Detroit Stcain Fnncy tvsliiblittlklllt'Ul, 42 Congreaa street, east, betweeu Bates and llandolph streets. Fancy Dyeini; on Slik. Woolen and Mixed Goods of evci-y deaorlptiOD done in the beet posaible laauncr. Evury kind ol Shawls, ailks, etc . clcyned and re-pressed. Kid (loves cleanod and djed. AROHIUALD GKANT. CSCIIl'LËNBUR, Itilliard Xable TXanttfucturor, with Pelauey'ö Patent Steel Wire Ca-hions, unlveraliy acknorlc)ed to be the best lu nee, y8, 10J and 102 Kttudolph Street, Detroit, ilicb. "ïrOlO-IiaS FAMOU8 V KtaWAUKEE rAGER BEKE islhp let brewed in the State Address K. W VO1GHT, Milwaukeu Browery, Detroit, Mich. Terrns Cash, p Kü. S. BIÏ.OST Sc CO VJ X. íroll. Miel. Agents aud dealers in PIne and Fai-miug Lands, In Michigan, and in uearly all the olher Statee, rractsorrine Land bought or aold on Commiaslou. Tiie best of lauds in the Southern States at low rates. Chas. Noble. Geo. S. Frost. Cha. W. Noble. Frosh aud Reliable Garden, Flowor, umi larm Socda, Wholesale and Ketall. i). M. FERRY & CO , Söedaraen, 20A Woixlward avenue. P. 3. Our illustrated and descriptivo priced Seed Catalogue of 16ï paes free to all applicants. OKEJDS! SJEKDS! Fresh aud Ueliable Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, wholesale and retail, at the Iovvc6t ratos. Also Fruit and Omamental Trees, Grape Vines, Sbrub.s, Robos aud l'fauts of all kiuds. Send for a catalogue. WM. ADAIR & CO.. Dotroit. . JOHN H. DOUGHffiKTY, Maoufacturer of iUlrror and Picture Frames, Cnromos, lOutíiiivíiijrs and Pilotos.Dealers a ud Aents supplicd. 2-T Jeffersn ave mu Detroit, Midi : J (icroian platea at lowest inarkut ratea. tiend fui CAt&lOgUO. jWm, F. A. CÍDWKI.L, TO. B. Ocf " uliwiiiud AiiríKt, psrmaoentlj MSnQ3aÉ lucatcd in Detroit fur Twonty-i'ive mgfMJStflÊÊË )enrs' SpecUlly treating dlscasoH '-r ïüYa: AZSTO KAR, and CatarrLal affectiuus of tho IIEA.T3 ATSTT THROAT, Office and rosidence, No. ftíi Lafayette avenue. Üillci hours froiu i A. K. to 5 l. M. Referencei by PermlBïion- Nathaniel W. Brooks, Hon. Ira Mayhüw, Ge. PrntUstBra., Wm. I. Morton, Bankcr, B. F. Mortou, Emj , Wm. I. Fowlcr, Koq. 18T0m3 ArONKY WANTED. Fivc or aix thousnnd dollare, or more, on a mortgage of unincumberod real catato worth threo timeB the ainount. Enquire of X3C6 E. W. MORGAN. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's foi strictly Pure Drugs and ; Medicine e ,Paints ,Oüb ,&c. J AAI NOW RECEIVINQ A URGE AND SELECT ASSORTMENT OF VSSTISJGS and TROOTdEBINGS AND EVEltYTHING IN MY LINE FOR THE SPRING TRADE Cali ard Examine Our work in the Field Speaks for Iself. Also a Line of G-ents' Furnishing Goods, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOTD. O g Sí R i i E tú H i W S LIJ o . 8 DQ ü -sa H: i o X 'J s s E L i CQg A S S (Ö8o"P I 13 fe ta g 3 . ü 2 ê M as n & DOSMT FORGET Thíit Llie Frtiroít. Squarest, umi bett placo in Ann Arbor to buy l'ure Druira umi Medicines, Wiuea aul Licuor, for Mediciiuil PurpuEca, PAINTS, 0II.S, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &C, IS AT R. W. ELLIS & CO'.S Corner Opposlto the Bftvtugl Mank. Our Permanent Col ts, fir outsidiïoj' iiisilc. palnt Ini, ïnauufactnn'd fröm lure White IíOiií), Aliic, and lilnsoed OU. Oheaper and better than any othpr Païnt made. Sold by tho ir:tl!on, ke, or barrel. AlsuPurn White Laad, Ztnc, ftc, at Batisfactory Pricc. REMEM13EU Ni.MK AMD TL IOS. U. W. ELLIS A CO. 'ptíOPLE'S DRUG STOiíjíí R. W, ELLIS & CO. A.2STN A.RBOR [L 15. UIDLEY, SucceBsor to COLGHOVE & SOK. t ■ DRCGG1ST AND ÍIÜ1ST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET, DEALER IN DRios, i;:;i)( :.:s, 8litIC.U, nSTRlMESTS, PIRE U TsKS MS LIQl'OftS, fFOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Goods, Pcrfümcry, PAIIV'ÍS, OII.S, VAltJilSHES, IASS, AK1 PIITTÏ, PHYSHMS' PHE8CRIPT1OKS Carefully corapounded at all hours. I PBOPOSE KOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. E. B. OIM.l'.Y. 136Ttf pXTENITXJBE ! 1872. PRISON FDRNITURB SALESROOMS 241 ABD 243 KAÏN STREET, JACKSOW, SVSBCH Our Stock i Vnnnnlly I-arjfC and C'oinplcte, and Embracen every Variety of FÜRNITÜRE ! ESPECIAL lSDliCEMEXTS ARE OFFERED. Inspect Onr Goods and learn the Prices bcfore rurchasing. ngsfs BABY CARBMBB SPEC $gatiÏÏP AVD SEVEUAL SOYELTIES. Goods Deltvrred to 11. R. Depot and Packed hy Ourselves Fuee oï Uhaugb. RAN80M & KNAPP. ISSSmg A JfAXiSiSBEPOETI T1IAT A. A.TERRY HAJÖONKOÜTOP THADE HE &TILL LÏVES, AND HAS A LAJM3B AND COM PLETE STOCK OF HATS & GAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT l'RICES TO HUIT THE TIMES. ALSO AFOLLLINEOF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! DON'T PURCHaSE YOURj SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTPIÏS UNTIL YOU O-I"VE IÍIM ACALl. 15 South Main St., Ann Aiboi. WS. WAGNER" IS NüW EËADY F01I THE SPWKG TRADE Havin,; Keceívod a;Largo Stock of 8PRIM Al SU111R GOODS, 1NCLUD1NG CLOTHS, CA8SIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLS3 and QUALITIES, WHIOH HE W1LI. ou tenns to sult. Also a full line of BBAüY-MADE ÜLOTH1NG AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No.21 SoutU Main Street.-EastSlde OALL AND SEE THEM. WIMIAK WACJIER. Ann Arbot,Aprlllt,15ï2t. Rail Koad Stock Asscssmtmt. Office of Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northexn H. II. Co. i Ana Albor, Marcb 13, A. D. U73. ( Notice is hereby jriven, tlmt the Directora of the 'uiciiti, Ami Árbol' & Northern Ruilroad t ompany. aving heretofore ñgnafc i tha4 pía i oí said l omany's Kailroad liufl lying ia the oounty of Monroe, nd la that part of the eounty of Woshtenaw south f the xivex Üuron, in tbe city of Aun Arbor, as a iviaiun Cm QOtttt rttotÜHJ : At n muetintr ui the Board t Directora of Btud Company thia day held, aaid loard dldj '■■ rwolutioiti ;'■; ■:-' all peisons holding i in.-,, iwdio lm; Cupiuti fcitück of smd Company, iviio, by rasktuw atong oí oollatonü t sucii desij iviöiou, or within two miles oí either of il:c termini herent, or by q BtorotherwueareUable o be aMOuwl anü inadeto py UrwanUthooonatniolon ui guch du-si,, uuu-d división, to piy totho Treasjrer of Bafd Company , at bic otiioo, in Ann Arbor, the ollowing ínstoUiuenta apon siicli abares of ti'-u oapital took heul by tli to wit: One inatallut ut üï' ten dollars pVr ahare, on orbefore the ilrst iuy oí" Apnl nest ; oue uutallment of ten dollars ]ier hareonorbsfore theflratday of BCoy uext; one IntaUment of ton dollars ht share on or bef oto the irnt day ot' June m.-xt ; oue üutaUment oí ten dollars t i .-nare on 01 h.i.iK! the tirst day of July next, fox Ue eoaatruotioii of vucb dii i. ion ui Baid rnad. liy ordur of tho Boord of Directora, E. v.'. MOttGAN, Booretary of tho X., A. A. .v N. U. B. Co. 1860 Mortgage Foreclosuro Notice. DEFAUltT haVUig been made in the eondition of a inortitu mnde and eoMCUted by Johii líaesiul to Ulurk button, bttxing dato tne t'ouith dny of Muy, A. L). eigbteen hundred and sixty-eight, and xecoxded in bbe otlic.1 of the Register of Deed of Waahtenaw County, illobigan, in liber thirty-oigbt of morfcgagee. on pitge four hundred and twenty-six. on thu oighteéntnday of Juno, A. 1). eighteeu hunored andsbetycight, ut êluven and a huif o'dock a. m-, und the power oí sale oontainod m said moxtgage baving Ijocomt operutive by n.iu-ioii if Buuh det'ault, and tlio &uui of three hundred und eigbty-onè dolían and ten cents bc-iiig cluimcd to bo due on miid wortgugo at the dato of tbia noticc ior principul and interest, beaides a rea s'niablu Attotney tee fox tne fbroeloffute of said mortffaffOi and no smt OT proooedinfra at. iuw Imvinjr been inatituted u reoovor thodebt aecured by aaid laortgag or nuy pari thereof; Xotioo is therefore boreo; giren, toot aoid morteftKG will be foreclo&ed b; n milo of tlio. rnort(nut;d lands and nrexnisefi thore in dcKC-ribi'il nnl neteinaftei menuoned and se forth, or somc pari thereof, on Batuxday the ütttenti day rf Jnne next, at cluven o'cloek in the iorenoon at tho aouth door of theConrt Houw. in the city o Ann Arbor. tlmt being the place of holding the ( " ui ('miri [br the ootmty of Waehtenaw. Tneaaid mort tiKtíd preinises so to be sold, by virtuc of the powei o Bale in said morteage, are described in .-.liii mortgag na follows : l All tlmt tract or parool of land in tlio townahip of Bridgewater la the county o WashtenaWi and Ötate of BüebigAn, boanded an deseribed -i boing the nortbenst quarter of th northwest quarter of sectiun nuinbor tiiirty-riix (30) i townahip nuinber four (4) south of rune numbe four (4) cast, oontaining lort y acarea of lind be tli Bume more or less, Duted, Auu Arbor, Murch Hth, 1872. CLAKK SL'TTONtMortgagcc. HlBAM J. BKAKEH, Attorncy for Moitgage 136C Mortgagc SüIü. DEFATJXT hsving U-en made in the eondition of mort jageexeouted by Hirnui Hhepherdand Eliz; bctli M. iOii-phi rd. his wiiu, Lo the underwiyped, A pbetw Foloh, bearing date thü Uiird day oí Jauoan A. D. eighteen bundred and aeventyi and reoorded i the otïice of the Register of Deods of Waahtona' County, in the ot Mionigun, in liber 43 of martg3pfc;, on page 131, ou the f buxteenth day of Juuuary, A. D. 1670, by wliich default tho power of sale contaïned in aid mortgoffe has beconie oierative, und thevc ïscliiimtid by me to bc due on said mortgOge at the date of this notiee, the sum of fourteen hundred and jventy-one OoUaxe and tixty-six ct'iits, for prineipal und inteiest, and ulso thosuin et torty dollars as a reaaouabto Solicltor'a or AUorney's fee on takïng tliese proceedinga to foreoloe said mortgage, aecxprooply proided in the same, and uoauit or procveding at law or in chimcory having been inatituted to reooverthe debt becurcd by said mortage, or any iart thercof ; Notice is thcrefore hereby íjiveu, that by virtue of the power of alc oosttained m uiti mortgagOi aitd of the atatule in hucIi oase made and providea, said niuitgage will bo fon ■ tosed by a sale of the xnortgagee] promiaeBf at publio auction, to thn bighest bidder, on Monduy, theeightb day of July next, ai tenof tli in the forenoon of that day, at the Bouth door of the Oourt HoiUQ] in the t i t - of Aun Albor, in aaid countj of Wa ' 'ourt Houáe buing the place ol holding the Circuit Courl for the aaid conntrof Wash i.u.iw . The premiaos o to boeold are deeoribed in -.. r ■ ■■ u fcllowB. to wit : ' The noith half oi' the northwest quarter of section twenty-one, (21}, in tov.n four [4] south of range six (0} eitót, in theoounty ol Washteoaw and State of Michigan, containiugtiyhty acres of land mor; or 1c.-lï." JMted, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 8, 1S72. ALPHEU8 ELCIt, Mortgngee. C. lï. Orant, Attoiney for Horttragec. 186B Mortgugc Sale. DKFATT.T havingjieen mude in the eondition of a mortgage íívgií by John !:'. Ööil and Ssróh A. Qeilto' briatían Mack and Froderick Ifohimd. dated January benth A. 1. l"l, and reoorded in the KegU ter'aomcis in Waahtenav County, Michigan, in libei No. 44 of mortffugee, nt page 7u, by wbioh deftiult the ixwer of safe thcrein oontnined beeame oporative, eeding baving beon matituteü al luw ui recover 1 he mortgnge debt, orany partthereof ; and '.ht sum oí' three bundred and thirty-eight dollura and Beventy-thrte eenU being nowoUumed to bc duo, and thirty uoUars aft an Attorney fee, aa pro video in said mortgage, and furthei BUïna to become due : Xotii e u tberefOTQ hereby given, that said mortgage wül bu foreelosed by a Bale oï the raortgnged pn;mises, doscribml as follow? Commenoing twtlve rodfl enstcily of Uie northeaal conmt of lot fcwelvè (1-) íu bloclf oaghi [% . in Brown c Puller's addltion to tho viUage (nowcity) of A:ia Arbor, Michigan, a to tbc rocorded plat theicoi, thence ulorig the aoutn line of Wall atreet in said ui til ton in a tioatheasteriy direction i'our (4} rods, thenoe in a aontherly diroctior at nght anglee to said Wall btreel tbirteon roda anl three ttnka, tbonee nortbeasterly in a line parallel U said W.i 11 strect four rods. thence in u nor theriy dir ■ tion thirteen rod and three Koks at right anglea n said Wall Btreet to the placo of beginning excepi ing and reaerrtaig one and one-halfrods oö ti-oui the Ëoutiiendot the abóte described land for a ttroet, at public veuduc-, at the Courl IIoums, ín Ann Arbor, on th" twenty-seventb day of July next. at uoou. Dtited, April 20tb, 1S71-'. CHHI8TIAN MACE, 1372 PREDEUICJS ÖCH311D, Thomas Xinde, Attoiney. Lortgii'ccs. Mortgage Sale. D! ! i'AULT havin beeu made in the conditiuns ol uoertnin indentare of mortgiig cxecuted by Wüliiuu B. Uuiry and Ann Barry. om wifo, n Bradford Carter, o ï Alecca, TrambuU Öounty, In the State ot Ohio, boaring date tTrenty-eiffhth day of April, ei rbteen bundred and aevèaty-one, and i eorded in the oxfictj of the Kegiater of Dtedbfor the County of Washtcn.iw, tiintv oí' Ztlichignn, in liber tíirty-tiii'ci-oí inortgagi1, on pttRS íour hunlivfi and QÚhtyñx, 0O the twentytighlb da) ui Apiü, eightteo hun. aeveuty-oue : tiy which default the power of s;iio ooniainL'u ui taid mortgage han become opera ivo, andno proceudiDgbatlaw or in cnuncery havmgbeeu tnstitn ted to recover the amount due on said mortgnge, or the bond aocomyanying tlio same; undtLere beiug now olaiiuti! io be due un wtid mortgnge und iiic bouu aooompanying tho wunet Üie sumoi Éoui thooaund four hundred und one dollars and híxíj -tix cents, and also Ui. furthexaumof Afty dollars as an attorney feo on the foreoloaurB t" suid mortgage, ehould uny procecdinga be taken to foreclose the same: Notice i tin-iiiore hereby given tbat sou) mortgagc wül in: foroolosod ou atondrty, thenineteenth day of August no.t, at ten o'clock in thu morning of that duy, at tito aouth bont door of the Coort House in the Otty of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw (aaid Court House Lhe placo of holding Circuit Couttfox said County of Washtenaw} , by a sale at ouctionto the bighesi bidder, for cash, of the pxemisea doseribed in aiud mortaage, or so much theit i-i aa i-liili l e sary to satUiy the amount. due 00 said uu.iL},-a-i-, sr.t rvasonable ooetu and expensoa and the intereat on said ui' rtgage, togethex wit-u m Attorney fee of fifty dolLanprovided forineaid mortgnge; whiob m premiaesare deeoxibedin suid morteageaa follow, via,: " Hein-r thu uorthwost quarter of aection twen ty- wnin townahip one scuth ol range numberirts eaati in the State of Michigan, [except thai part Lying north of the territorial road wfcdeh interseots it). Alao all that part of thecust half of the southwest quarter of : : wmiy-two lying aoutb oi said territorial road. Also ii right of way foaz iuds wide from said road to a spring oi bi-ook a little.nortk of BaUl roadj and i he right of water as roHdrTed ín a deed to John ('uuuun or 1 c-t roit. AIbo a part ol' east hh of the northcast Quurtoi1 of scclion twonty-eigbti samo townsïnp and rango, dodcribed ;mí ÍoIIowü : oommenelng ut the northeast corner thoxeof, Üienoe weat ou iho HoUon line to tlio cast buuk af a ditoh abouc twonty rode distant, tltsncu sontlieily alcng thfiOa&t bank of .aid ditch to the tituit lino of said section, thence north to tlit1 place of beginnwff, cont;nning abaut üvo ticioa, :ls La SUppoaed Also thirty-llve acres of land, part of suid lat mentioned quarter seotion, bouuded south by the &outh line thereof, eaat by the east line tjiexeóf tixm tlie southeast oorner of said quaxtex bm tion, north to the north bank of i: ditoh running ntarly east und weat, and on the nortb by a line runnin from said seotion westerly along Üie north bïink uf&aid ditoh, and oontinued in ttiat dlreotion so fax that ii line runmngVoutherly therofrom parallel lo the aast line of aaid seotion to the south line of aaid quartt i v otaon wüL with the liaos heretofoxe mciitioued, include thirtj-livü aoïfit Dated, Ann Arbor, Muy 14, 1872. BBADFO-BD CARTEB, TitACY AV. Ron, Mortagee. Att'yfor llortgagee. 1374. Mortgage Sale. WHEBBA8, default aas boen made in the conditiinis of a mortgage made and executed by Hurriet Kellogg, of YpnlantL to Theodore A. Carter, aowofAuouxn, NewTork, hearing; date the thirtcenth day of April, ajgbtees hundred and sixtysigbt, and reoorded in the otüce of the Begister of Deeda ot Üie Coontr of Wnshtenaw, MicbigaOi on the nth daj of April, dghteen bundred and siityeight, In liber forty of mortugetí, a page one hundred and istxty-three, by wbioh default toe power "i ealnoontaineain said moví rne operative, und no suit or proceeding at law having boon instituted for the recovery ol tho debt secured by aaid mortgage or any part thereof, and there being now olnimed tu be dun on aoid mortgage the sum of oue thousond tive hnndxed and Bevnty dolían und oighty-three cents for principal and interest, beaidea twenty doltaxa asan attorney fee, as provided in said mor N..KCI' is liu refore reby given that by virtue t the power Of sale eontained in said mortgage, said mortage wül be foreelosed by ;t saleof the lands and pri miw 9 dos !!'"! ui said uurtgago, orsome part [nereof , al publii aaotíon to themgbest bidder, on Bfondav, the iiineteenth dny of August nexi , al ten in the forenoon, at the south door of the i !ouj ' Ilouije in the City Of Aun Arbor, in said county (Süid Courl Hou e being the plttceof holding the Circuit Court for the Connty of Washtenaw), in pursuaneoof tute in sacfa oase made and pxovided; said bo to I" hohl iKjiiijj deHijrihed in said mortgage as followa : Sitúate in the ounty of Washtennw and Sta in, viz. : The north thixty Boresof tibe wcsthühof ih riuuiter )f section one of towBship three aouth of tange numDer six east. Also, tho southwest quarl. r jf the ml í l.i :, .[ tjii.i:!. i Of Said 84 OtÍOH 0VA tOWn I 11 TOO fsOlltll buc ;.i.-!. couitty and State afoxesaid, Uated, Ann Arbor, May 14. 1872. EODOREA. CAKTEH, TaAOl W. Root, Mortgagcc. A U'y for iTortgugee. HÜRIRY UP ! PAItXIKS wleblng Wnll Paper, Shade, IIoDaadti, Wlndow PlztoreBi Co"]st Tasaste, &c, all NowStyloa, ( Satisfaccorj Prlcea. by J. K. Wcbütor A: Co., Book Storu, ucar Uiu E.pi;sb OfHoe. g ' ■'" ' X GotoR.W.ELLïS& CO'e for choiceWinesandLiquoii for Medical Purposes . _ Beal Batato for Silo. TATM Olf ttlCHiaArí,county uí Wuihtenaw,aa. t in the matter oí the Mtate of Kui'us Mucihewñ, d. NoUce is heiuby giveu, thtit in pur&uancu f un dkUt grunted to Uu midersignod, Exicutmof i-lat srill and testament od itxl, by the 'im. Judge Of !'ni!,;v!i: im ChsoOUQtyof Waahtciliiw, u the 22d day ui April, A, i 1&73, inore nül be nold ; public M'i.uui, to the higheet bidder, at the south OOK of iho Üourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in ■■■ of Waehtenaw, in said Si ato, on Tw ho eleventh day of June, A. D. 191%, ;it ïen o'cluuk irenoon of that tluy {subject to alï exútíng at the time of .1: aeatfa "i ;lid doceased) thu iullowing deacribud eal estute to wit : Being a part ofaeotton twentyne, in townshlp two souta of rangi six easl biaaid taie beginning at the juthwj6t(;i)rnerof land henDtoredeèdod 03 I '. Otmhj and Dealre Ünnaby to ohn Binolail and on thti eust sillo oí tho Adrián and 0Q(ia toad) mil running thence eastorly iiloiig the Futhlineof tand sold tu &ak3 Sinclair elftht rods, - nitht-riy ut rüthi anglea witia ibe eaid Une and nr;illel with BOld roaa four rods, thenoe westerly parilk-l wilh tlio iirsi. meutioned. lino cight rod.- to the eurtt lino of tiaid road, thence northerly dong tbo c;it liue of uid rond to the plfico of oeginning ; do a. nieee or purcyl ot and tidjoiiiiiif? and bcing iiortborly uf the above leacribea parool, commoncing at the north westerly soixer of the s-.-Ad Qnt abore ortcifbed lot of land on Pontíao streel 01 road, thonoe running eaflterly on the northuriy line oj the nnt mentiooed land cightrods. thence iiortuerly at right anglfia and parallel with suic road (-ix i"odri, thencb weeterly and parallel with the in : line to Fontiao street or rood oiglit. rods, thunw Boutherly along the eaat line of müd Pontiac itacefl six red to tlif ]lací; of beginnihg. kying f"fï hcing in the fiity oí" Aun Arlxjr, cuunty und State nforeouid. Uttted, Ai)ri! 23d, A. 1. (872. MAKCU8 J. MATTHEWS, 1371 Kxecutor. SherifTs Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, counlyof Washtcnaw: Hy virtu) of (Hiü txccution issuod out of Uk1 ( ] eult Oourt for the county ui' CVashtenaw. to me 1 ed and dehvered. aguinst tlie poods, chattles, landa and tenemonta of UeofKS D. Ilill, and for wnnt of góods and chattlc.s, I día, on the fourtconth day of 1 Fdmuuy, A. 1). 1872, seise and levy uim alltheright, titi uu) iaU reet George D. Hill has in the tollo wing i desoxfbed M.-ti estáte to wit : tbs easi half of the ■ east quartcr of hection Dilleteen, and the west lialf of east huif of west half of northwest Quartev n aection twenty, town two aoatih Tange kíx cast, muldnff ne hunilrud and two eres of laad, bcinp situuted in Uu1 ttr.vjinhip t)l' Ann Atbor, county ot "NVashtenav, íind State of Michigan ; ateo all Uio intessst George T). II i 11 bas in lot number 5, 6 and 7, block onu north, range three aast, aald tote being eituated in Uu city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Buofaiiran, which describul ren) est at o I shall exposé for sale, at public auction, to 1 highest bidder, at the sou th door of the Comt House, in the city ui Ann Arbor, on tlie third day uf June, A. D. 1873, at ten u'cioc-k a. M. of fiiid day. Dated, April lltn, A. D. 1872. MYHON WKBB. Sheriff, 1370 By Joans FoBBSS, ÜndBP-Bhariftl Ecal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenew, M. In the matter of the estáte of Electa Munsím, minor: Kotice ia hareby given. tbat In puisaance of uu order granted to thu ondexeigned, Quoxdiaa ut the entatfc of said minor, by the llon. Judge of Probate tor the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-litrh day of Muren, A 1. 1872, there will bc twld at public ven lue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Oourt Houe, In the city of Anu Arbor, in the county of Washtonaw, tnaaad State, ou Wcduesday, the twenty-niutfa day of May, A. 182, at ten o'clock in the farenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrancea by inortgage or otherwiw: exUtiufï at tl time of the sale), the followins? de.ribed real estáte, to wit : The undiWded one-seventh of the wattt half of the novl hcast qoartor of section tliirty, in township three south ox range aix east, containiug tighty iiL'v..s more or less, in said State. Dated, llarcb. 2öth, A. I). 1872. 13(iií HKlïKON ÏIXJRD, Guardian. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, bs. In the matter of the l&sfcate of Corneliu Laughlin, I : Notioe is horeby given, that in pnrauanoe of an order granted to the undanigned, Aflminiatrator of the estate-Of said deoeaoed, by the Hun. Judge of Probate, for theoonnty of Washtenaw, on the elev(.■nfhdny of March.A. p. 1872. the will be sold at public veuduti, to the higliest bidder, at the dweUing house on tlie premises bereinaftet describcd, in tlie county of '.- -'■ naw, in aaid Btnte, od Tneeday.the the thlxbetfa day of April. a. d. 1872, at Ion o'clock in the forenoon of that day, [anbjeet to allenoumbrancea by 1 1 1 -- : ' . . '■. - ■■ xii i ti.■ ■ of the death ofauid tbc following described roal eatate to-wil : The woat half of the Bouthweal quarterof sectioD trwenty-thre6,iii bownahip one south of range sis sast] oo&taini&g tíghty aerea more orle, in yaid bátate. Iatfd, March llth, A. D. 1S72. 1805 WILLIAM BURKJB. Adminiatrator. The above sale ia pOJtponed to Thureday, the thirtietb day of May next, at tho ame place and tnae of day. Datttd, April noth, 187Í. 1372 WILLIAil BURKE, Administrator. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waolitenaw, se, In the matter of the Bet&te of Jcxome Gooding, ■".■- ccoHud. Notice iöhertby ïiMti. tLat in pursuauceof uu order grsntod to the undorugned, Admistratrix oí the t;t a tv of huid deceastíd, by tlie llon. Judg6 of Probate for tUo oountyof Washtenaw, on theaixthday ... there wiU hv sold at public vendue, to tuo bighoat bidder, at thedueliiuy Iiüuü on tho premisos, in the town of Vork, in the couutyof Wosb-tenaw, ü Q Wedneeday the twen tyiixth day of -hine, A. D. 182, at ton o'clock in tLe foieuoon of thut day (subject to all uiicunibiances by mortgafe or otllerwiue existiug at the time of tho death ot said deoeiuied) thu fouowing cteaeribi i o wit : A paiücl of lund u tlie nortbweat quarteruf acetion ux&een, in township three south of ..m east, oümmeneiug ubout liw chaina weat of the center of aaid nozthwest (luarter, theii' ■ forty dogi'oefl eaat threc chauu and thiity links, thonoe Bonth fifty degreea west nine lAaintf and Bikty-one linUa to thu center of the bighv aj , I aenoe north twent ■. tlvgreCH west alona Üío hichway to the half quarter line, thenofl oaftt eigbt ohMn ana twonty-dix bnlu u ilic place of b rinnisff, eontaining five and 31-100 ai -. alao ■ i ■ i lialf of theliorthüaüt queurter vi seotion tbirteen, in townnhip tour t?outh of range -i. oast (oxoeptiug the Gast twenty acres thercof] lenvius sixty aoretf, more or laas, being thu homestead uj m !■ be nndivided balf of the northaosi ('uarttv of the uorthwest qttartar ot" section tw.en ty, in towushipluur hOUih of mno seveu east In said títnte, containinfr fort} icrfl more orless. Dattd, May Üth, A. D. 1872. CLOE1NTHA M. GOOpIXG, 1373 Admiuistratiix. SheriíTs Sale. TAH'K OP' MK.'lilüAX, Count of Washteua-.v, ae iO Uyvirtoeoi n.writof eateoutioniasuedoutol an l onder the v&ol ui the Circuit Üourt for the connty of Washtenaw, and to me directed and deüveredagunst the gixxU, ohutUPS, lauJii aiid teueuieiil-b of Qeorgs 3. HflU. I did on the-nfth day ol Mareh, A. 1). W7SL seize and levy upon all the righti title ana interest cicure ü. liili nu in the Co&owina; dworibed landa, ñtuate in the lownsliip of Ann Arbor, county of Wasittenaw, BLicbigHn, beginningal a point in tbc west line of mqtion tfiiiiy-chico, in townsuip two south in range ix oant, sevonty-iive ïods soulh trom Üw nortbwest ooroer of said Beütion, thenco juth on said seotion line twolvcehains and rifty-twu links, iheuco eat paraUe) to the north line of aaid MCtion soron chains and forty-one linkSt thence north pnrallcl to the west line of BOÏd seottOO twclvo chain.- a:id rll'ty-two links, thence oasi paraUol t the nurtb Une of said section to the north and sonth qnartei lüu ofsaid seotion, thenoe oorth to tilt; quarter post oí said beotion upon tho nurth hi.'i.; BHÍd séotion to tho nbrthwovt oornor of sa tion, iheuee soutli un tlic wefft line ol" suid stetioa to eof beginning, oontainfnfr ninety-five ncresof land, mors oï losSj wtoepting theix-frona the lands of the Waahtenaw County Agricultura! aud Horticultura] Bodoty ; also the south part of the east hali ol the oorthottt o. osjtor of aaid sèotion ns alo-c descaibed, being uil oí said half quartor seotion wuich li_ south oí tlie Ann Arbor and Tpaüanti road, (so oalled . i - ooptintftenaoreB ui land sold by Georgo l'rurin to Jaixib 'eaver, and oonlainisg tliirty acres of land, more or lees ; ftiao tlie followinirdescribed landa to wit : The east half of thenortheastqoarterof seoüonxdneU i ti. aad the west hali of the west half of the northweal qoartox b don twenty, in townahip two south in raugesixeast, in saidooanty and Btate also all tho foliuwinif describcd lands, situated In the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to wit : Lots ïiumder tlve, eix and sevon, in bloca oce nurth, in range three eaat, togethcr with the Opera House and othèr buildings theit-on ; which nal estute above described X ehall exposé for sale to thg higheal biüder, at public uuciion, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, ou the 2Hth day Of May, A. U. 1S72, at 1U o.clock a. m. of said day. Duted, April od, A. D. 1872. UYBON WEBB, Sheriff, 13(3S By Johtin roitDES, Sheriff. Shoríff's Sale. STATE O1-' MICHIGAN, county of WmAtenaw, 98. By viitne of a wrtt of exeeutiou isatied out of and under the seal of thoCirouit Cuurt for the couuty of Washteuaw, and to me directed and delivered, against tht goid(i, chattlea, landa and tcueuicnts of Oeorge 1). Hill, l did, on the tli day of April, A. 1). )S7:i, seizo and kvy upon all the ïight, and in tci-Cdt Georgo D. HiU na in the following deooribed lands, sitúate in thetow&suip of Ann Arbor, oount j of Washtenaw, Siicbigan, bcg"inmiiir at a ix)int iu tlie west line of aection thirty-tbrco, in townabip two sotith in range six ..■iiíy-íivu rods south fi-om the north west OOTner of soid BO0tion thenoe soutb on said seotion line twelve cnaina and flfry-two links, ti.. ace oast parallel to tho north lin iOn aoven ohains and forty-ono links, thence north parallel to tho west line of tion twölvo chaina and fifty-two links, thence cast parallifl to iho north line of said section to the north and soutli quarter line of said soction, thence north tu the quarter post ofsaid section upon the north line ofsaid aedaon to thu iwrl hwest corner of ttáon, thence south on the west line of aaid Beotion to the ptoee ofbeglnning, wmteining ninetyave acres of land more or loss, excepting therefrom tlie lands of the Waahtenaw County Agricultaral and Sortioultural Society ; ulso tíie south pari t th lalf of the northeast quarter of said seotion as sbovc Icscribed, being all of Baid half anarter section whioh iea south of the Ann Arbor ana VpsHantj retad (so ciJletl), exeapting ten aeres ot lana sold by Oeorge Prurin to Jacobw eaver, and eontaining thirty acres of land more or les ; lso ihe following described jinda, to wit : The easi half of the oortbeaat quarter i. nineteen, and t!i.' west hall of the west half n'thwest quarter section twenty, in townahip i easti in said eounty and state; Jao all the following deHoribed Landa ütuated in the tv of Ann Arbor, Btiobigan, towit: Lote nnmber Ive, sis and aoven, in block one north in range three at, together with the Opera House and other buildiv "rt'thri ■iin. which real estáte above ñ icril d I shall er, atpnblieaw tion, itthcsoxith door of tho t'ourt House, Intbeoityof Ann Arbor, on thu 28th day ot May, A. D. 1872, at 1 o'clock a. M. of said day. D.a,Aiü8th,A.D.mj.NwEBB 1359 Ey Joiais Foiibes, Undir Sheriff. Drain CMUttissiaiert Tfütioe. Noii' .' is uvi ■'' t-'ivt-n tiiuT the Dratal ' 'ommi&sionof ':.-1j!' Dw(S)UntJ will b; at the house of Wiln. i Búas, in th Towushipol Sein, iu Baid oounly, on Brat ilay ui June, 1872, at two o'clook in the ütternoon, to meel païüea to oontrncl for the nuvaructiOD oi ;M!iinu. to bo knowit as the ■ 'l'uomy Dniin, i !:.t:..n.iïi ciglity rods euBt ,f .']„. -v .■ ., i ..1 . ■ tion '■ .'". "'l ran. lineto ü- watheait oornar of i venteeu, í i. ■ ■ ■ id soitherly i ixteen mil twenty-ouo to near the hMf-mila post between sectiens twenty-one nd twenty-two. I will ;il.-o be ut the house of WÜHam lïusson 'J'uesli.v, twenty-eigbUi day of May, t (woo'alock in .■oi.-n, it wl.i.-h timeand Tï;u;e 1 will exhibit the aboe paroPOd drain iinrl tlescriptions of haaaTaial pareéis ol landdeemed byme besefild Dd the smount and dcBCiipÜOD by dlviilll livigionof theaboTe propoeed dminby me nedto thoowncrof eiich deaoription of land ooonstroct, and t.. the township of Sao tn construct on account of euoh driin bnwflniig the luyhway, nnd o hear reasons, if nny ure offerwl, why such njijjortionment should be reviowi-d and corix'Ctod. A""AlbOT'Mllyl4%AVÍDM.FINLEY. Drain Comniissioner of abtenau Coísaty 137lw3. L EsUitu of Matthew H. Co OTATEOF MICHIGAN.Countyofw T' Atasessionof the Probate (-„„i ;li WMhtenaw, bolden ut the r-"u, "Í til ■'■& ly „f A,m Arbor, on V&& ijr of May, iu the year ouc thouwnfj! O Prwent, Hiram J. Bcakea.Juaec.f u IuLultt-I Uf ih-UuFjlillCÏt-c Jercu.iiii I). Corey, Ezwutor of th. i ""' eased, cornos ui 1, ' u ,. ent. tlmt be w now limrtd 0 ,ïï ,vt wl S IhereupoB it a orderwj, that Mi dsy of June nextat ten o'clook ín the 7'lltou nid teceued and aU othet nS. ".' Uii in nid Mlsate, ara reqoired to aVL ""W ■Ion ut mud Court, tlien to bc hou. ' at a te Office in the City tf A,m LL U" County, und uhow cause, if any tl, 7 ' ui bid account houtd jiot be allovw i ■ {■ "k; ordei-ed that said Executor Kive'nnfí lti'wïï sons interested in saiil catate, of tl. "ÏL, 1o '1? account, aml the heuring tl cr.-of 1 v "'"-T S ol thu order to bc yubluhed h riheV;1"''1'8 newapaper printwl und ;."'""' ■''Z tbree suceciwive weeks previ toSdí!"j!sSÍ Estáte of Edward BufemT OTATE OF MIClnUAN.couniyo, #?; O At a auMioti uf the Probate Court fnr Ji ! Wiuhteimw, holdeu „t the Proba?. ,' !' ' ani of Ann Arbor, nu 1VO1,,. ' '"L ■ ths May, m the year one thoUSi , d R' ? eeveuty-two. ut i, l'r,, Uirnm J. Beuken, Jui'itcjf i, In tho matter of tlie estste of i!d ,1 t' deocuacd. ww 1 Dorolhy A. BurKes, .■xlministralrix of. b ixiiio iutoCuurt and represen I tht .]. Irel to roadvi Uci taal account a3 suíl &1 Thereopoa it is ordered, that Monday ,u , duy of June next, at ton o'clocV in thi . , oount. and the helm at !aw of .kl 2 "? all ot!u:r peraons intereated iu aid JÍX11' iiuirud to upveul at 1 sesaiun üf -nid f'.i, .„ lut ! Solden M the Probate offlee, in tle dü"ll in aiud couutv, and show caiue, if anj tWÏ tlie sald account siioilld not bc ulWr] T' ?' further ordered thut said adminisiratrix ii' ■' tlie pnom interated Ri uid etate, of iÜÍÍ11?' of sald account, aud the hearinfr HiKof hï copy of this order to bo published ín' tiT" Argiu, a uewspaper prinled ai.d circuiré ' county, three succobsive wceka pmiou Í bi aring. ""ï (Atniecopy.) HIRAMJ.) Estáte of James MitchelL C TATE Of MICHIGAN, County of WadL k 7 At a scssiuu oí the Probate Court tor ikT;" of Wathumaw, holden at the Probata oK City ot Aun Arbor, on Friday tk iKi Of Muy i:i the yeur une thounand ei,k, dred and seventy-two. l'rcseut, Hirnm J. Beakes, Judfrc of ProUt Tu tho mattvr of the estáte of Jan... , deeeased. Un reudinR and flüng the prtition, duW ■., Edwin A. Tierc, praying thut a cenata mtZ now on tile iu O.i Court, purporriiw t0 will aml testament ot' said deceased my ,j tu pri.bHte, and tliat he may be pijoüitod nlt 5 tor theicuf. Thereupon it is ordered, thnt Monísv third rt::y of .t'uuo uext, at ten o'elock q ú' ntujn, be assigiied lor the hearing of suid rt and thttt the ltjjutees, devisus aud hein , 01 said deceased, und all oll'er penaaj erl in Huid estáte, are reqnned to atra, a session of suid Court, theii to Ue ;-- the Probate Ollice, in the City of Anti irtT show caue, if uny there bc, whj petitioner BÏiould not bt; grauted: orderetl, thut suid petitioner fñ ve nofice to Uk m ■'i ïn suid estáte, of the pendencvtfijL tiuu, and the hearing thereof, I y this order to be publiMhed in the Michwuji,! newbpaper priutea and circulating in s&u [' :hvv sucobtoive weeks previous tosaidd tfw IA true oopy.) H1UAM j. 13"3 Juibe rf Prefe Estáte of William Quiglty. STATE OT MICHIGAN, County of Wutam At a aei.tiioii of the Trobate t. ourr ior tfce Ce; of Waahtenaw, holden at tho Probate (Mix, City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the óiü oi May, in the yeftr une thoiisand ñA 1 dri.íi and K-vnUy-twO. -Freaont, liinim J. Beakes, Judge of Pretal. In the matter ut" the eatiitc oí WiUiua in. düCi-ii.-'-nl. -iing and fiiiuf,' the petition, duly rmU Ann Quiglcy, praying that l'alrick I er BUitable penon may be ipwiutcU wlnjiiiu of tlie estáte of said deceased. Xhet8upon it is ordered, that Monay,&f day of June uext, at ten o'clcck in the fottua a-iunu-d ior the hearing of e ' luw i'i said deceaetcd, and au otefa interestod iiisaid 68tate,are rtiuiiedtouftperti 8Km of saiil Court, then tobchold Ollioe, in tha City of Aun Arl'or, and show asi ": ue, why the prayer oj tbc pctitwntr jIi nol begrnnted: Atul t ia furthci petitaoner give notice to tlie peraonsiateiecttd io ol tne pendency of saul petjtion, mi ti i mg u copy '■ published ín the '' higan . '-ju, i ncwiipapR] and oirculatinff in said etiunty, tlirtc suoocuiTen pxeviottatq saidday ot' hearing. (A Oüpy.) HIftAS I. DEAKS8, 1Ö73 Judïe of Pnitib ICstute of William E. Martin, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, (Vanty ■ A : a gt'isúon (.f tho L'rof Wtt&hl . ! ol Ann A:-i -, uu Thuraday, tlicscwiirfdavof t, in the yeai one thouaaud eight huudml and anty-twO. , Hiram J. Beake?. In tliu mattr o: :i . .übmii Mar deeeased. Alfred H. Castle, administratu: Oomes iiito Court and ropresents tint lic U w pared to render hin fino] account as sucWaiaii: tor. Thsrenpun it is ordered, that Mondar, the m seventll day of May instant, at ten o'clorï ir.! Eurenoon, Ím? aeaigncd for cxaminiiMj and aiii tn, 'ii account, und tliat tl..said decetuied, und all otLcr peitnn nikretfi Baid estáte, are requiied to appearttiaata aniel Court, tiuu tu lu.Kkn it tlieProbtttOo iu the City of Ann Arbor, and sho muk, i' there be, why the said account shonld noild lowed: Andit is fuvthcr ordered, tl trator give notit-'.1 to the persona interaitcd íbjj tAte, of peudency oi' said acconnt, tiierruf, bj caUBing acopy of tliis order to be psu in the Michigan Aryiu, a newspaptr lating in said County, three succeitóivü VWi ;'"': to said day of beving. IA true copy.l HIEAM J. BEAK. 1372 Judgeoffi Estáte of Mury Swift lIoshcr-ïitK STATE Cl' MICHIGAN, county of WasbKUl,! At a sesión of the Trobute Court for tbW uf Woahtenaw, holden at the l'robate UiEtf, n city of Ann Arbor, on Wwlnesdsy, tte M .ü of ' H;y, in the year one thousand dg! i1 and beventy-two. Present lliram J. Beakcs, Judge of IWit In the matter of the estáte "of Mar)' SnS Ó'n redding and fllingthe petitiui:. Camilla D. Valentine, Gumliiui, pKiuf Bhe may be licened to sell ci-rtain rclü K íiílt i. .said minor. , ,. Tüereupon it is ordered, that Wcdnesdsy, tt uinth lay of May instant, at ten o'clod !w J" noon, be asaigned for the hrariiftotsault11'" that the next of kin of said minor, " J", jwreúns nterested in said estáte, te ("? jjpear at a session uf said Court, then to t " the Probate Office, in the city of - JJ, and show canse, if uny there ■ "ï.! fi t tbc petitioner should not be granted; iAIII"; j, tlier oixlerwi, that said gite n(J { pcreons interestedin said estáte, of tic po - said petition, and tho hearing tliorecf, W f copy of thi8 order to t publMieo ZZ Argus, a newspaper printed and ?ollr2it county, three succcaüive weeka previo'"1"" "TSecopy., HIBAMJ..BEAKK 1372 Jims lw Estáte of Joshua Dovmcr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWriWJ, At a session of the rrobate toort '"Lof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oln " of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twe íj April, in th year ou thou.saEd dj' injaeventy-two. , _!-# Present lliram J. Beakes, Judgc of,"r, ntó In the matter of the estáte of JW deceascd. . K. ,.-- ■ (H rvadinR and nling the petition, dlU'1itsi! i:ikanah P. Downer, Kxecutor, V'yVZ't liecnaed to sell certain real estaje" etafted died seied. ,rt tiKt0 Thercupon it is ordrawl, Lltt .f Tffi"? eeventh day of May next, at ti r?Ziif( bc assixned ft.r the hcavinu of aid PÉ."n?!'L(S(4 legatees, devisees and hei al lw " „Tf all othei iiersons interested in said estaw, to aupwr at a sfssion of soid tornt, tm , at thí Probóte Offl, totteW0fAJ5 show cause, if any tbere be, wly i.lttrt petitioner should not be i-mtwi: ■■ anlered, that said petitioner givc non om interested in said K!xtl'' ?JÏ fr iiiid petition, and the hearing "ï; ftf, py ofthU ordev to be piiLinW ïï- , uj, u newspaper prüitod and lÈi' Miliity, four Buccesaive weeka pitwoo" (A true copy.) HIB judie of P Estato of Samuel MU' S PATE OF MICHIGAN, County "JJJ36 ; b Notice ia bereby ivon, that by ■ . bateCuurtfor tho Countj o ""f, the ninth d.iy of May, A. ' trom that date were allowed for Í-'- ;.hoir claim against the cst.üc o o di late of said county, dco-ase-l, and th iaid deceased ave required '' ,!lV;TiL tliV: mid Probate Court, at the l'robiitd „, j Ann Arbor, for exambintion and a o inth day 01 i V'bslti laitne wil) 1 henrd before saui ■ ïaturday, the twenly-scvenih day of n Jay, the ninth day of Nov fcotkm the forenoop ofeachfU' I dÜXaÍ Arbor. May ...UXJ Commissioners' Noti1(„- aTAÏK()I''MirilKiAX..fouUty-; Probate Cour) i ;' Mi i".V éive, examine and adjust al "''"C; . dnst the estat ot ateofsmd -ascd.hc ?. 5 . nonthslV, te Court, toi ' &tWS gainst the .tab etlX" %, ih et at the ot snW '■se'af 1 n Suturday, the lenth das Vednewlav, the ninebienth day_" ,o1ei en o'dock a. of eaoh ot said d. 1B, and uduiBt said ol" Dated.MaytatU.A.l.--,,!,: JAMÜ A-(i 1374W4 _ I


Old News
Michigan Argus