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A Gigantic Railway Car

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Among the ïnechunical novelties, to bo 80Gn in operation ut the Grand Ctmtral Depot in tuis city, is a steaiii railway car 8evunty feet wido which travuls on a track of corresponding width. This great vohiclo is mado in the form of a hw. platform car, and (Ke traok on which it runs is providcd with tour rails, extending from Fourth Avenue to Madison Avenue. Th car is used tot tho lateral transfor of passenger öars from the main traclcs of the Hudson Iiiver, Harlem, and New Haven Railwaya to the various sido tracks, thua avoidiny the ise of turntables. Xho car is propcllcd liy stcara, tho engine and boilor being contained witbiu a sheet iron house carïicd on ono sido of the machine. The cars to be transfeired are run upou the great par ; steaiu is Uien turned on and the huge machine trots off with its bnrten with as much easo as a horso draws a buggy. Tho machine is support, od on eight wheels, arrange 1 on independent axles. There aro in addition four driving wluols ananged pon one axlo. It was propoicd not lonq; a(.Tr to construct a grnin railway from New Y rk to Chicago, on a guage of 12 i'eet. Tiiat WM considercd a big thing in tho way of broad gages. But it is a pigmy comparod with tilia soventy foot guape railway and locomotivo of the Grand Central -


Old News
Michigan Argus