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Drain Coinmissioner's Notico. Notioe is hareby glen that Oio Drain -om,„-. of Waanton, ounty will be at ihe house oi In the townsMpol Superior. n Monday, the Mtnday f June, 187Ï,4ttwo o'dmk in the áflernoon, tomct ]'.rt. - ïoi the excaVation and constiuotion Of drum kntnrn as Sujwjitn-iïo 1 on tbefemth purtof the eau! half o! thé BOuthea! ■ uartei ol scotion twenty-one, in ti t so ; i.;i!l rtnnlng aouthan utneai Ihe secüon lino between aeotiona 21 and is umi 22 nn.l ?;, tlience southrasterly acro.-s K Oi . NV. ■, of ctiOD 27, th.n iii mtherly, andflnding n outlet on lands owned ly I .ovridge. ■ be atthe hon of Bogar Crippin on ■ .:■ of ïnne aforessia, st which ■ l ivili exhibit mnpa of the abors pro1 ■'■'" nnd U ina Of f]10 parptla ot lani deern d ).y me (o be beneflted thcreby, and the nmount ui I dei ripfaon, bv división and kubi.oflheabore rroiiosed drain by mo apportiuncdto the ownor of eaah dncriptjos of land to construct, nr.d the township of Superior to mHruct on Kccount of such drain beneHliiiK hit-hw to hear kmoiu, if any are offeired, why ucb apportionmeiit BhonJd lc leviewed iiml correêtcd. Ann Arbor, June 4th, 187S , . I'W M. FÍNLI-Y, Urnm (.'ommissiomr of Wdahtenow County. DRY GOODS C.H. WILLEN WILL OX SATÜRDAY, JUNE Sth, OFFEK S00 YATÏDS OF DliESS GOODS AT 25 CTS. PERTAR V- Y 0 Ii M E E PEICE 371-2 AND 50 CTS. I SIIALL ALSO PLACE ON SALE MY EN'TIKE STOCK OF 8UMMER GOODS, AT JGEEATLY REDUCED TRICES. I HAVE Jü ST TiECEIVIÍD 300 YARDS OF 1 ITAÏIÓN JAPANESE SILKS wincn i will m-:ll at 50 1 CENTS PER YA III). THESE GOODS WEEE SOLD FOR 75 CEÑT3 ÍN TUK IvVULY TART OF 'JT1E SEA8ON. C. H. MILLEN. MOTHERS! MOTHERS ! MOTHEES ! ! ! Don't tuil to procure ItlRS. WIXS. LOW'S 0OOTBING SYKCP FOR 5 liJI.!HI ItDTHMC. Thls valunble preparation has been uscd with NKVHK-F.UU.Nll SUCCi-SS IX THOU3ANDS OF V -S'-.s. Il not .nly relieves the child from puin, but invigoratM ide tsaítmch and tjoYt?l. correcta bc) liïyt gurús Lono aud cnerry to the wtiole ratcin It wi.l ulio instiintly reitera Oriping in the Hemels nnd lVïml ('olie. 'belle-M t thoBEST and SITREST REMffDY IN TUK WORLD, in uil caaes of DTSKNTERT Í.NU DIARRHCEA [N ÖHILDilBW, wlu-tlu-r art. u4 trom ivethluu or nnv other owe. Depeud opon it motiléis, U wül glve rest to yonr. selros, aml Relief and Health to Yonr Iufants. Be pure aml cali fot " Mrs. Wlnslotr's Soothtag Syrnp." Il-ivlny tbe facsimile o! "CTJKTIS4 PFRKIXS ' on ootsfde wmpper. Suld Uruggisls tliroilLbont the worltl. iy DEASE'S POPULAR OPERETTA, ENOCH ARDEN, WÏU bo porformed by n Clioru of 50 Frmfi Voimy oí ten, under the direct ion of the Composer, at IIILL'S OPERA HOUSE, AXN A1U10R, FRIDAY EVENINU, JUNE Hth Tliis Opcrettn ia tiot musical pntehwork bul Ik ontirly oríiiiíil wíth mt Pense, trom Overeara lo Pinato, 'fho performers wUI nppear iu charniing unü uppropriate cosuim.'S. CHARACTEES : Ijzie Bccbc, of Jnckaon, as Annic Lee. I'rof. S. S. .Tu hson. Te.ichcr ol Jlusic in Detroit Public School, m Baocb Ardes. I'rof. II. !w. írrt'Iioxficy, Stage ífanager. W. Ilcwiti, OrginUt. V. II. Peaic, Musical Director. inrcw.-! 7SJ O T I 0 E ! The robaerlban baqettihsli rr-mmin. as a ren. (ral thlm;. froii! Uve lnni'ir.ii lo nv, tKanrand dulInri to lwn mi lra and first ciu mortmse itimtc Iu the Uuunty ol kVarttanaw.-tlme rronr three tu ttve yrs. Term lltwr! Uffl opposlte toe iot Office, and tü. i. bulter Co.'a Druff .stn,-,. .„ i Oreeurj Bluck. Our Abstract üunks aro postal 'm to datt!. Aun Arbor. Maj 30, 172. rKAOTW. loor, ' KOOT&LKtTEn CHiS. A. LKIIE. JS.Ctf ' Estáte of Je ëph HarS"1 of Woshtenaw, Lolden at the Ir "J?r,í '' City oí Aun Arbor, ou Tut ■ lii. u "ent himu 1 1 Hiram J. Hcakrs, Judsre of Prr,l . ■ ,o matter „f U,e statfó? aomeother suitabl.'.e " Theteupon it u order. day of July noxt, at ttn oVivk in Tr'. h lor the hearing of a JLÍÜ1. at a aeaúon of aid U.urt, ü-u io?rJ! Probase oiüct-, in the City ufAA,h?fcMu! caO,if nnv therebe, why h Pn, &' shouldnotlgrantfcl: AnditisfirttocKSte andcirculRtmjj In .,UH c-„.,,iy, arSffi'üS prenou to s:,i,l dny of recsncasïtsli tAtraeoopy.] ' HfKAMa.Bïini ÏMfMci Estáte of John Müioí CTATE Of :! tCHIGA X, wout, „f f,!, At a Benioii of the n-obateCoirt fwÏÏSÜÏ eñturof1 "" th""-:l"ti e'g!lt '' 5 Present, Hiram J. U-eofProkt On readinfrnna aimjr the peütion. dölrmiww ? '" ■ nwv l anponMii of the natale of unid dereasrd Tliereupon t 13 ordered, that Monflir n _ n o'cluok in thi'hLÏ ÍL-ii.,1 for the heanng of sSSï an tlmt the beirs at " „j ■ JLj mul all olher penonn i '.dif tobe holden ttfie Probate Office. i„ St Arbor, ml snnw cause, if auy Uien ie w7,.S i rurthcr m-.:,.,-, -i. tlmt lid retitiwSíilhí ■!"''-i: ' '■■■■ MthM,ï roP10iahodj!jZSÏÏ! taMn oopy.) JiliMM j. BEAU Estáte of Jucou Cook. fiTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of W of Washtarmw.hold ieeiTifeS ■ buadraTohü Present, lUrnm .T. Bp:il;!, Judge of Prof(í lh muttei of ,; ftt On reading n4 íili-itr tho potiiion, úulrmüii John Mejrer, prn; rtufct m-ntnmv on file in Ihia ro ir', mrpjmnc Urttlb lajt wul ana testament vls-iii. d caí ,'bhÍS ÍSof "l% 'nd """ 'le - " ïhereupon it is oriered, tliat Mond, ttth day ofJuly r.,.x., Bt ten o'doci iú Ibe ut n.Q tío issignwl lor tl... le uitof .uj pon and ban t tarrf said dcct.-wl, :„,-! „ ol,er powns i, aaid estáte, are r, ,,r ataMiBi( id Conrt, tlien to be l.fll.lrnatthenob.ifOfa in tho ( ity o Aun Albor, anc! l,ow acx, itt'. . '.vny tlie prayer oí tho pftitioneríhwüwH gmnreJ: Aii.l n is onlcml, tlut ationergivenolireto thn pnons inu-mtel íbüÍ tule, o! t!ie pendenry uf s, , . thekiri thercof, i:y oauaing copy „i tl,s oricrtoteiliHifi n tho Michigan Aiym, .., nowspaner nrinledS'lotuis-in saidCounty, threc ajcoasiw mkiw.iiMí bo said oay of heoiing, :A triieoopy.) HIKAMJ.B1 13;7 f ProWt. üistate oí Jjucy ni, .Maynam. T AT E OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of V ,,. Ion, vj At u -.siiiu oi liio Probate Courtfortheim.'il washtennw, halden at the Probate ttBe-, in-hei'.:; oi Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirJ dij i in ilic yenv ono tbousnnd eiglit nuotoïul seventj-twu. Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Judgeof Trobatt. In the mttter of the estateol M. Vip"1-. Ou randing and Min-r thopctition.dnlrimW.' K. Iiigelow, praying tlial a oma H men nowondloin this court, purporu'uf M ■ last will and testum lajfb ■ inmed to probate, und that hemnybe ippobiiJoecu'or. Thereupon t is ordercd, tint PntuidaT, th." ty-uiiith uhv of June instant, M tnt ocJockñ1' forenmm, bc aasigned lor llio hearing uf m1 J0 non, anü that the leg ■ . ui at Uw ol Büid decrascd, mul iU " person inteiested in said estute, ure requiml"1'; l)ir .it a st-ssiim of said Court. llu-n to beboU the l'robnte Oth'co, in tho City of Ann Aito' show cause, if any lluro be, why the praf1'?' petationer should not. be grnnted : And it is '■" irdered,tha( Baid peütiouer (rive notiw to tlxtf nterested in suid estato, ol Uie pemlencj ntnijf tion, and the lienrin thercof, by cmsin(,' W" order to he pubUshed in the Kitíiion Arfa, " paper prïnted mul cireulatinfr i" saiil oouniTi """ Buoccssire weeks prcvioun to ssiiil ilny of lf, (A true oopy.) j[ 1 1;. JÍ.J. BUK l Judgeotritl Sheriff's Sale. STATEOFMICHmAN,OountyofWil5Í By vin ue ut a writ of oxi cution issuiiioui""" under the seal of the Circuit Coutl in ckaf!' ' thcConnty f Wayne, Stateof Jlirliir. ""? S direeted and delivered, agnjiut gomia, ti-"11' , .nul tencnenti ol Charles If. Mith.iiid, IÍI'J, twcmy-tiiurtli day oJ May, A. 1). is;i, sei ■? upon ftll the i, title, und inttrwt Chnrl;"? erland haa in tne folie wing U acribed proPMSi 'I w. niy on' umi one-huit eet in niil!liuïO''1'jj aideollotimuibcrllvi'. in H ... „ ruinUr ok'1" Huron Mree!, in range four Last, in Wie W"rj Arbor ; also all the riglit, (itle and intemt IJJ Charlea O. Sutlierlnnd has to the uk "f "■ "3 along the East end ot lots nunikr Hvend"J block nnmber ono, whieh nal tate lvclieS( Bhall exposé for aale, at public auction, totte bidder, at the fonth door of tlm ( ourt Ho1}T Cifvof Ann Arbour, o the twentr thirf áT A. 1). Wïi,t ten o'do&A. M. Dsted.JuBe ;th A. 1). 187i. MYÏtON TVElfíüíSberiffs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN', conntyof W1JJ liy viit.iie ni une execution, iwui'doutof1'" dertheaeal of the Oirouit L'ouit i"lt Ta VVitshu-iijirf, tome directedand U-livrrl, H theguods, chattles, bind and tenemont J JJ Whaley. and tor wnat otols and tiMt'n!.zi the 4thdayot .rune. A. ]. 872, seixeand !eTÏJÏ all the rurlit, title unrl interexl Jame "'h:"'!hft Uie following desenbed i. ui r.-Mii1, w '' : üïfn halt oL tl ,it hall ol the southetut fl"". ticm ten, in townfoursouth ''I ing foriy-'mi acres of lnri. )■ ■ tl. ■■""""", jf ■nu aoive decenbed n al csl '. úZa, ing in tbe township of Saline, eounty of Wïi3 in 1 Stateof Miohtgn which aboT jw 'm tatc I ahall exposé lor suleat paWic "r'"1IoBi, aighest bidder, al thesonth door of tl'("}r',:vA. n the city of Ann Arbor, on the3Sddy D. 187, at 10i o'elork a, m. of soiJ dyDated, June íth, A. D. 1S72. „ ,h,,it Hy .Toütin Fobbes, UnderfcheruT. _ SherifiTs Sale. Stat;: of michiha n'. ■■ n y "f ;v"!i'wJ r Ily iiool one cxoration Umied "'"■ „n d derthewal of the Circuil Court for "e ■■rtl Wushtcniiw, to me ilircetctl and dilivcred, yS„ -. l.iu-U mul tcneini'n ■ . ani for wnnt of goods nd c"'in ,.,n vt ■iï.i! 11. 1S72. e "JiS'bï nll the ïi-'ht, title and iilir.s! Sp. n ■ t 'iop-Jtii : 0 ■''.' i"1 I .ie111 Bix-eiRhtli óf il etmt linH ..t' the -'■UI'"r" „(liil of soction thirty-lhreo, mnliiiniiig "i "ulrtii }■■ s;iini' more or lei h. inil .ilMlV1 1-'1' uf riW ,,.llviiiaiiill-!''"'''Li' ncld.rountyof Washlenaw, icliigni : V, fíH lescribed real esta .■ I shall "PiOT'L"W to i)„. l:ifli(-t bidder, " e?" l lieCourl Hens! in the city ef iml ,il lar Of Jnly, A. 1). 1S72. ut lho'clock, ■ B' Daled, June Sth, A. I). 1S7S. ,..,.nli " Bt JonTis Fohbes,


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Michigan Argus