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DETROIT ADVERTISEHENTS, J Alanufacturer of TIN, (OPPER AX1 SHEET 1B08 WAKE. WholcMïilo and Retall Dealer in StQves, Hardware, Glass, Paihte, Oila, etc. Nos. I32nnd 1.14, coruer St. Aotolnn nnd Fmirih St,, Detroit - ici ch. Atiio fiL''ïnt for the Nortb American Llhtufng Rod Mnnufactory rutovi-:R rakf.k.s IX KLA3TIC AM) LOUKSTtTTH SEWÏNG MACHINES. Thr veiy beet In use, nffords uil the lutest improvementf Kc::;l for a clrcu'ar. Ho. i OPERA IIOÜSK, DETROIT. TONE CfTTKRSAND CONTRACTOK8. COBB, WALLACH & LAW Are prapared 10 r.irnlsh nll kiml-i of" CT 8TONE ' Water Tabl, Sills, Caps, Coulng, Steps, Landing, Ac. Country orders promptlv Mtcnderi to. Oiflco and Yard cor. M.ieomb and Branhlen Stp , DKTBdl!'. ARRMOB KEPOS1TOUY AND MANDÏACTORY. eVV have constautly on hand, of otir own make, a fluc aasorlrneut of OPEN AND TOP BUtiiilE . Whldi we can scll LOW GOR CASH We defy torn. petiiioTi for good work. Dealers supplied. An examination ol stock Holiclted. I.ONGPKEY PKTFR9, 134T 40 fc 42 Lnrned Stroct Eaet, Dktkoita u. xv. i: LiSií, Manufacturera of . Ground Coffces, Spleen, 'I iii:inl. etc. and wholesale dealers In TEAS AND GROUEHS1 SUNDRII -, 120 Jeffersou Aveime. Detroit. rnciT, (íjíxi-D cíuous, Etc., 1 have now fn store alarge etock of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Canned (ïoode of all crarleR. Plckles, e(c , ote, which I um ofí'ering at low prices to the trade, JOHN IIEFPKON, Wholeenle Fruit House, 218 Jefferson tve. I,1 HIJUL, IVliULANl) & CO,, Manufacturera, Importers, and wholesale dealers In Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, 14ö and 14S JcíYi'rBou aveuuo. Detroit, Mich. Also shlppcrs of undressed Pure. p.Sjli.dwin & co., Manufi.rturersand wnolesale dealers in All Hand Made Custoin Boots and Shoos, 43 IViNRlward Avinue, DETROIT, MICH. TO-MN F11TON SOy, llannfncturers and Dealers In Carriagea, Buggics, Sleighs,' Etc, Tiio fiuest asMiiiiiicni in Michigan. Eetablishcd in 1848, Factory, corner Woodbridge and Brush Streets. Repofitory,22Jcfreieoii Avenno, Detroit. iAitu:..:;s. I always keep on hand a very nico assortment of Open and Top Carrlages, whioh I will sell at low flure3. Buyers wlll io well to cali And ezalnlua tttoek and prlcw beforu jmrclias ing. Dealers can báy oT mtó to eoorl advtir.tace. .IOSKPH KI.NGEL, SSGratiot Street. corner Parrar. Detroit, Mich UOOKS ! J.M ARNOLDAOO supply Public IJbrnrieai' S.ibbath Schools nod Boot Bnrora Kenerally, nt low rates. Our etock i cholee and large. 139 Woodward Avenue, I'etroit. ilrt riAA GALLONS OHIO STONEWARU OJKfJVVJ at Wholesale. Also an cntirely nuw stock of WEiitc Griinitc and C. C Gootls, I'lain an I Decor&Hve China Winner and Ten 8ts, Cut Silver l'latr-d ftoeds. T.aTnps. Oiitlery, Japan Ware. etc . at Nu. 1 j MIcliigan avenue, opposito new Citv IIill. DAVID M.iCOKMICK. j i IIM;A mACIIIIVKKV DEVOV. G-. S. Wormer & Son. Dealers in all kinds of Wood and Irou OTathincrj-, tö, 101 and 103 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, HICH nORTABLK UIVGIJfES For Mcchauicul and Farm uses. D. B, KICK. Manufactu'er, 191 Atwater Street, Detroit. JOHN II, WENDEtt V CO., Commlssion Merchants in Flour and Grain. Oflice aucl VVarehousc, Nofl. 50, 52, Í4 and &r Woodbridge etreet west, DETROIT, MFC II. OTONE TFABEi I3allard & Starrat Manufacturera aod Wholesale dealere u Ütoue and U-Jckiuham Wure, Fire v_iy. t'ire I3rtck nud Draiu 'J'ilt, (jlaes Kruit Jar iuhí t Jusks. Maoofactiiron' Aiíttntd fortho uhio Stoue Sockut Sewer and Wnter Hpe. Oftice and warchvube No 6U Voodbride Street, oppobite Board of Trade, Detroit, Mich. O A. TYEELL & C F-SWAIN, Wholesale and retail dealers in nll kinds of Fnrm Ini)lomentH, Machiues, Mate Aeu-ts for tbe 1'hUadclpnia LAWN MOWER8, warraoted lo be the boat In the market. Prices Jrom $15 to $35. Liberal discount to dealers ty Seud for circular. Ko. 21 Jeifcrson avenue, Detroit. j I11X.. letroit Steani Fancf Dycing Evtab42 Coufiress street, east, between Bate and Uan dolph sireetH. Fancy DyciDK on Slik. Woolou and Mixed Qooda of every descnptlon done in the best posaibic Miiiiimr. Kvery kind oi Shawls, Öilks, etc , cleaucd ai.d re-pteased. Kid (lovcs clcaned and dyed. AKCHIBALD GRAM', CS(IHI,i;MtlR(;, Bilüard Xuble Man ii ïm tun-r, vritb Pelaney's Patent Steel Wire Cunhiuns, unlverBalJï ticknowteded to be the best in use(03, l)- and 102 Handolpli street, Detroit, Mich VÜIÖHT'S FAMOTTS MiLWAÜKEE LAGEE BEKR it the best brewcd in the State Addreea E. W. VOIGHT, Müwaukee Ürewery Detroit, Mich. TennsCash. GKO. BTïOS'X1 éa' CO.. Detroit, Midi. Agenta aud dealers in Pine and Farming Lands, iu Michigan, and In uearly all the other States, Tráete of lJine Land bouht or &old on CoraraisBion. The best of lauda íu the Southern State at low rate. Chad. Noble. Geo. S. Frost. Chaa. W. Noble. OÍ3KDS. Frcsh and Keliablc Carden, lluinr, and I nrin Sceda, Wholesale aud Retal!. 1). M. FKRIIY CO , Scedamen, 203 Woodward avenne. P. 3. Our lllustrated and descriptivo priced Seed Catalogue of 102 paces freo to uil applicants. DKKDS! 8KKDS! Fresh and Reliable Garden. Field and Flowor Seeds, whöfeéiTe and retail, at the lowes races. A!so Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Shrubs, RoeoB aad ï'lauts oi all kinds. Send lor a catalogue. WM. ADAIU &CO., Detroit. JOHN K. DOUGHffiirTY, Miinufacturer of Mirror and Picture Frames, í bromoi, liiilii ■■i iiiRs and 1'liotoN. DealerBand AKeutsBupplied. 2J7 Jefferan ave ii'ic, Detroit, Mich i& (Itirman plates at loweat inarket ratea, fcieud for catalogue. Ml. F. A. CADWELl, ITT. D. Oe ilist und AuriNt, pormanently ESElJPiivJcJ 'ocute(l 'n Detroit for Twcnty-Five flHBnSf ycars. Specinlly treating dlseneea PM ï;yk jTrn kar, and Catarrhal aftect'Diis of tho HEAT) A.NH THROAT, Office and resldencc, No. 52 Lafayette avenue. Ofllci hour from íi.M.toíp h. Keferences by Permlusion- Nathanlel W. Brooks, Hon. ïra Mayhi'tf. Gno. Prenties, Esq-, Wra. T. Morton, llankerl B. F. MortoD, Eeq, Wm. I Fowler, Ksq. 1370m3 AïONEY VVANTED. l'ivc or Bix thousand dollars, or more, on a mortjago of unincumbered real estáte worth threctimea ,he amount. Enquiie of 130G E. W. MOROAN. pOR SALE ! A Iíouse and Lot ou the west sido of Maynard treet, bciweon WiMmra and Jcíferson. lias a good ïarn and CisUrniK. Tcrms easy. Aim Arbor, May 21, 1U72. 1375tf J. J. TARSiHALL. f AM NOW RECEIVINO A URBE AND SELECT ASSORTMENT OF COATINGS, UESTINGS and THOWSEBXN&S AND EYKBYTHINU IN MV LINE KOR THE SPRING TRADE Cali ard Examine Our work in the Field Speaks for Iself. Also a Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, at M South Main Street. JAMES BOYD. 5 í S M ÍS í H S 5 H O 6 í S r 8 15 fl. S O 4 h uj h S i g n Hgs 0 2 gg t; s S te n í ■ È DONT FORCET That the Fnirept. Squitrett, and best plftcft in Ann Arbnr to bny Pare Pruirs nnd Medicines, Wiuea and Liquors, for Medicinal IurpostB, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &C, IS Aï E. W. ELL1S & CO'.S Corner Oppositc the Savlugs Bank. Our Permanent Colon for oatsideor insidf; pafntInï;. mnnufactilred irom Piire White Lead, Jüc, and Linn(rod 011. Crtptper and better thftn any other Pulnt made. Sold ly the gallon, keg, or barrel. AisoPare White Lend. Zinc, c, at H'itisfactory Prices. REME.VIBKR NAME AND PL 4CK. II. V. lil.l. IS &. CO. GotoR.W.ELLIB& CO'f for 3trictly Pure Drugs and MedicineB,PaintB,Oils,&c. JL B. GIDLEY, Succeeisor to COLQKOVK 4 SON. DRCCCIST AND CHIIIST IN COOK'S NEW DOTEL, Na. 12 E. HURÓN STREET, DKALEK IN druos, hebkmeb, shi;k.;ï. istki jieyts. PtllE WIKS .11 LIQtiOBS, tFOR MEDICAL I'UKPOSES ONLY.) Funcy Ooods, Ferfuniery, PAiivrs, im.s. VARNISUES, GLA8S, AIV FIITTY, PHYSICIAXS' PSESCBIPTIONS Onrefully compoundeil at all huurs. I PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDEESOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. i:. u. ;iii.::y. isoTtr 3. Walkik, rroprielor. R. Mc Dónalo l Co., I)n.:u A tion. AeonU, Sun KrancïlfO, Cal., and 34 Commorce ilrtl, N. Y. 11 1 1.I.IONS Hcnr Testfniouy to thclf ' „ Wonder ful Curativo Eflccts They are not a vHc Fnncy Drink Made of l'oor Itiim, WhUkey, l'roof Spirits mul Kefuso Jjiquors doctorccl, spiccd and swcctcnedtoplease ttio líiste.f'íUleJ "Tonics," "Appetizers," "ltcatorcrs,'"átc., thutlcad thetiiplerontoclniiikuiineasnndruiii,butara truc Medicine, in mie f rom tlift Native lioots and llii!i;i of Californio, freo íiom nll Alcohol I c íSiiinnIniitM. Tliey aretliG;U.KAT HIOOI) 1MJIUFlEltnnd A LIFE ttlVIKG PRlKCIPJLiEf a perfect Huno vator and liiviforatur oE thc Sytcui, curry iiiKofT all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a hcaltby 'condition. Ko person can take these Uittcrn necurdíng to directions and rcniniíi long unwell, províded their bones are not ilcstroyed by mineral potsonor other mcane, and the vital organs WUted Ix'yond tlie point of rcp;ür. Thcy ato a Cicntlu riircallvu aa well nsa Touic, ]io6sessiiiií, ulso, thc pAcnllor merit of nctinK ns a poworfUl apent itt relie viiiff Coii[(ctioii or Inflommation of thc Iivcr. and nll the Visceral Qzgnafc FOR PEMALE COMPIjAJNTS, inyonnjior oíd, utarried or Infrie, nt thednwn of womanhood orut tlie turn of lifc, Tonie Uittcrs have no cqual. For Inllaimiintoi y nuil C'hronic KlieutnatiNiii and íidui, l)yspciNÍa or Iiiditcestioiip lïi linni, IE cniii leía umi Iuteriiiittcui IVversf Dlaeasea of tho jilood, Uver liid ncys muí ItlniUlcr, these Hitter liave been most Biiccensful. Sm-h Dísc'usch are cati.stulhy Vilialetl Jtlood wlik-h [affetierallj produced by tíurangciucnt of the Diï-cst c Orcniís. IÏVSl'liPSIA Olí 1X)IÍF.STION, Bftulnclie. Pain i ti tlieSlioultlers, Couffhs, TlgUtoea of tho Chest, liz.iness, Sour Kructatious of tlie Btomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, líilious Attacks, Palpitatiou of the Ileitrt, TnflammatiuD oF the Luus&, Pain io the rctions of the Ridneys, and a üumlred other paiuful uynjpxoms, aro the oflsprina of üyapepsia. Thoy Jnrifforato the Stomach and st imulate the torpfd Liver aud líüwels. which reoder thetu of unequalleJ efficacy in cleansiug tho blood of ull íropuritfes, aud impartiuíf new Ufo and viffor to the whole Kystem. FORSKINDISKASKíS.Eruptlons.Tetter, Salt Hhfuin, lilotclics, Spots, Pimples, l'ustules, Uoils, CarbuncleK, Ríttí-Worma, Scald Heal. Sore Eyes, BryKipelas. Itch.íx-urfs. Ui.scoloratioüs of tlie Skin, Htirnorsand Disenso of tho Skin. of whatever uauie or imture are lilerallv ihiff up anl carried out of the syti-m in a short time brthe uao ol these Bitters. Une bottle In lach cases will couTinco tho most lucredulous ofthcir cura tive tfteets. Clcaoso tho Titiated BlooJ whenever you find its !m puritics burstíng throushtho ftkin ín Pimples, ICruptions or Sores; clcansc it when you fiad itobstructed aüdsluffffish lu Ihe eins; clcansc it when it is foul. aud your füclins wlU telt you when. Keep tho Mood pure, aud tho hcaith of tbosrstem wül follow. l'ín, Tnpc, und other Worm, In Uio system of so mauy thousands, are eFTectually destroyed and remoTed. Says a distinsuish'ed physiolojrist, there ís bcarceljr ui individual upon thc face of the earth whose bodv ís -xinpt frnm tho prosence of worms. It is not upon the healthjr clementn of the body that wonus exist, but upon the diseased hu mora and slimy deponits that breod these livinir monsters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifugen, no withelminticB will free the aystcm from worma Uke theae Iiitters. J. WALKEIl, Proprietor. R. H. McDOXALD & CO, Drut't'isrs and (Jen. At'cnts. San Francisco. California. and 32 ana 34 Commerce Street, New YorkWSOLI JÍY ALL DKUUGIST8 AWD DEALKR3. NEW SPRING GOODS FINLEY LEWIS, Are now rcccivirg tho most complete ftnd ËLEtiANT STOCK OF FINE GOODS IN TOE LINE OP BOOTS and SHOES EVER BROUQHT TO TUIS CITY. HAVIXG THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE WORK OF ALL THE riltsi-l i, Iss .HAS. 1 1 u ii i:i:its i the coi vnu. WE A OFFER TO CASH CISTOMEKS GRKATER INDUCEMENTS THAN ANY OTIIER 110 USE IN TUIS CITY, We carry complete Unes of work from E. c. unir, tillAV BROTHERS, S Tl 1:1,1. BROS. In CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES, ot whlch we have hy fnr the larirost and flnest ast-ortment erer hronght to Ann Arbor. Jzis. ITI. Burt's Gentfl FINE IIANDMADE Boots aod Shoes, nneqiialed orStyle,Dnrability nndfiuish. John V. Ilurl's Boys I-Mno Shoos, and ia fact a Complete Stock of yiNE aud PLAIN Goods, f ultablc fcr thi market. 13 HÜRRYljpr 1 A it'fl KS wUhius Wall Paper. Plindre Ilullnnds, Wlndow Plxtilrcs. Co-(1ü, TnRselH. fec, all New Style-i. at Satiflfactorj J,ir.(-R. b J. IV. Webittr & Co., Book Stoiv, ncar the Expiess Ortlcc. X X PIIYSICIARS' PRESCRIPTIÖNS VUCURA1ELY AH CAREFÜLLY PHEPADEB BT Ji.W. KLL1F &VO., DR UU Olfíí 8 . Drain Comniissioiier's Notice. Notico is hereby given that tbc Drain ' OHUniMJoner of WaahtenawCouiity wUl bent the house of Chaunoey Bowell. in the Xownsbip ol Dexter, iu said coimty, on the (15th) fiftuenth day of Juue, 1872, at two o'clock ín the ui'tf.-rnoon, to meet pairtfea to contract for tho ex eavatiun md bOnstlUCtion of a diuin, to bc kuowit as the JLïoii Allen Drain, commenciug oear the soutbwest corner of Bootiun li in unid town, and running south to neax the half mtts post, thenoe east and QjiUing an outlct in whal is known as Dexter Drain Ño. 1, botween Laods owncd by James t'itzerald and Win. E. BtevensoD. I will also be ut the house of Chaiincoy Ilowell on the (llth) 'tilevontli day of June, at. two O'olock in the af tornooit, at which time and place L will exhlbit maps of the above propowd druin and den riptiona of the seveml parcela ct" land deemed by ma beneütèd thereby, un 1 the aimmut umi duBGtiptlon 'j división and .th'd in i-tio.i of the abovo proposed Ii;iin by nu apporüoned to tha ownet of eaofa description ol land to construct, and to tho fonMW of Dexter to conntmot on account of such drain beir-fUing tho hipfhwav, und to hcar reasons, if uny ure offered, whj such appjrtioi.mcnt vhould be revised and correcto 1. Aun Arbor, Muy 27th, 1872. DAVID M. FINLEY, Drain CommÍMioner of kVashtenaw County. 1376W3. ShoriiF's Salo. OTATE OF MHüliirAN. County of Waahtenaw, aa. j Uy vjrtne oí a wril of axeoution inuod out ot' and under the seal of the Circuit Court tor the county of Washtenaw, umi to me directed and daUTered,against tïiu goods, chattles. landt and teñamente of (ít-orve I). Ilill, I did on tho 5th day of April, A. . W72, selze imd levy upou all the riht, tiLle and interest (jeor(ie 1). Hill has in the followin deaoribed lands, situute in the towzMhip of A nu Arbor, oonnty of Wiishtenaw, .iiiliiii.-in, begUiningat :i pui ut in tlit' west line of üCCtion iliirly-iiiiut'. in tOWnabip tWO south in ranc üx east, seventy-Hve rod tulli i'rom tho noi'thwest corner of said strction, thence south on stiid nvctiun lin'. twel ve ohHiu -md nft-two links, thence f ast paarallel to the north U&e oi NUd ht;[iou, suven chains and ïurtyKue links, thenco north parallel to the went line of said aection twulve cliain and fifty-two links, thenoe eust paraUol to the north Une of eaid wotion to the nortli and sou(h qaáltcr line ol' miid acctiun, thence nortl: to tho quarter pust of said section uixjii the north line of Bnid seotion to the northweet corner of said seelion, tïienct: Huuih on the wctt line of said suctioii Ui the place of bcinninfr, eontaining nincty-llvt; acres of landL mor orlen, exoepbng thewfrom the landi of i.ii.' v HHlitenaw Coiinty Agricultural and Ilorticultural Society ; also Iheeouth part oí tho eust half ot tho northeast quarler of ;ud BOCLion aa above dct:ribed, being til ol" said half qaarter seetion vliich 1ú' soutli of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti rond, {o called), cxneptinür ten acre.- ut Uubo sold ly Qeovge Prurin i hieob Weavcr, and oonteining thirty ocrea of land, more or less ; uIhu foUowinirdeBeriDed lands'to wit : The cast half of the noriflicaPt QBttKtex oí Bfletton ninetecn, and the west half of th weal h'aU ot' the northweat quartcr seetSon ftwebty, tn townabip two souMi in rsnmafxoast, in snkl county and Btato; aleo nll the foUuwmg daecribed lands, tfituated in the oity of Ann Arbor nlchtean, to wit : I,ots numbor nve(six and seyen, in block one north, iu rane threc east, together with the Open Ilouse and otherbuildinjrs tJiereon ; which real estáte above described I shau ezpoae for sale to thö hiffhest bidder, at public auc'iOD, at the south door oftheOoQTfe House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on tho 2th day of Muy, A. D. 1872, at 11 o.clock a. m. of said day. Dated, April ötli, A. D. 1872. MYRON WEB, Sheriff. 1368 By Jüktin Forbkb, Under-Bheriff. The above sale is postponed uutil Tueeday, Juue eleventh, at the same phtee and limt of day. Dutcd, May 2ath, 1872. MYKON" WEBB. Sheriff By JoiixiN PQBBX0, Under-ShcinfF. Mortgítgt: Salo. TfcEFATJLT having buen mude iu the conditions of -'u oertftin indentuiuof mortgiiffc exeented by WiL liam y. Barry and Ann iiairy, hls vwir, to Üiadtord Carter, of Mecca, Truiubull County, ia the State of uliio, bearing dato the twenty-eighth day of April, uightCt?n huudred and seventy-one, and recorded in the office of the Beglstetr of Uecdsfr the County of Wtihhtenaw, State of Michigan, iu liber lorty-tlirecof morttfagtü! on pape four huudred and eiglity-.-.ix, oo the twenty-t jiilitii day of April, eighteen liuiiUTt sivfiity-one : by wlncli detauit the power of MÁB ouutained in said mortgagt haa l come vperntive, und no prooeedinjis at law or in chancery having been Loatitu ted to rcoovor tJt anioiint due on sflid mortagje, ot tlio bond aooompaiiiiig the wtme; ttadlbere beiim now clitiuied to be due n Buïd niorLgnge and Ihe bond acoompanying thesamè, the sum oí fonr tíioueand four huudred üd ono dollars and Bixtj'idx coote, and alflO tlie further aum oi tiity dollara as au a' Lurnuy leo on the forecloanre of said mortaffe, hould any praÍ oeedmgs bu taken to foreelose the same: Notfce Ín thureioie heby iriven tlmt anid mortgage will be forecloderl on Mondar, the nineteenth da; of August nc-xt, at ten " -ii i tho moraing of thiit duy, ac the south fiont dooi of the Oouri House Ín the City of Aun Arbor, in said County of Waahtemvw fauid Court Houtte being the pluce of holdinc the Circuit Couitfor Kiid Oounty et WaaliU naw), by a aalo at auction to tbc hitbest bidder, for ea.h, of the premisos desoí ibed in said mortgaae, or eo much theieoi' ua ahalite oeoesMtry to soöafy the ainounUtlue on ud mortgage, with reasonable costs and axpensesand thoSntereei on said mottgHge, together wita n Attomey fee oí flfly dollars nrovi'l-d forin said mortgage ; which morUraged nví-Tn'ss ai-i diBcribcdin said mirtgage afl iullows, viz. : ' Being: tho northweet quarter oiBCCfion twentyeven in lownbhip one south oí range numberaix east, in the State of Michigan, (exewpt thal part lying nortli of tho territorial road which intensects lt]. Alao nll thal part of thoeaafi half of the Boathwest quaitev ï bection tweiity-two lyin soutli of said territorial road. Alao a right uf way tour rods wide í'rom said road to a spring or brook a liUle north oi' sail rund, and the right ut" water ;s reeerved in a dted to John (aunan, of Detroit. Also a part of the eaat halt oí' thu norlheast quurter of sectiou twcnty-nibt, same townbliip and range, desoribed ne follow : oommenetog at the northeat oorner thereof, thence weet on the section line to the sast bank of a ditch about twenty rods distant, thence southorly along tíieeast bank of said ditch to the east line oi' said soOtlOB, thence norlh to the place of beginninf?, coutuining about five acreü, as issupposed. Also urn- of land, part of auia ia=t mentioned qoaiter section, bounded Bouth by the south line ther&óf, east by tho eaat line thereof Irma the Bouthéast corner of said qntirter sect ion. north to the north bank of n di'ch runiü&g ik-üi1ly ftast and west, and on thenoríhby a line ntnnincr Drom Bad aeotion line weaterly along the north bank of said ditch, and contiiiTiod in thal diroctiou so far that a line runinn'southerly therefrom paralle) f o the rast lino of said section to the south line of Beid tiuarter section will, with the liues hcictororc mentioned, incluelo thirty-fivo acres. Datcd, Ann Arbor, May 14, 1S72. lillADFOitD C'ARTKR, TitACY V. Hoot, Mortfragee. Att'y for tfortgagee. 1374. Mortguge Sale. WHEKKAS, default luis been made in the eonditiona of a mortgage made and oxocuted by Harriet Kellogg, of Ypsilanti, to I'heodore A. CnXtef, nuw oí' Auburn, New Volk, hearing date itic thirtuenth day of April, eiyiiieen hundred and sixtyeiilit, and recoided in the otfiec of tin Register of Deuds of the Countv of Waahtemiw, Hfohigan, on the lourtcenth day of April, eiffhteen hundred and sixtyeight, in lihnr forty of mortages. at pcif?e one hundred and Bixty-three, by wblcL ctafanlt tfie power of Rille contained in s:ud mortgAge has become opurative, and no suit or prono cd in ir ;i(. luw ltaviu been instltuttid for the recovery of the debt secured by Mid inoriK:i-' or aiiy pnrt theieof. and thora beingnow clained to be due on aaid mortgac the sum of onc thousand tivc hundred imd seveaty dolían and riijbtv-threc cents íor principal and interest, besides t.venty dollars as au ittorney Csa, iu proviilcd in s nd morí g ,'■■■ : Notice is thereforc hcrt'by given that by vhiut'of the power of sale contnined in said mortgage, suld mortp:ig will be foreclqsed by a sale of tlie lanK and ]ireiriises dewiiibed in Büid niurtgaflre, or BOIQ6 ]ai í thereof, at -public auction to the highcst bidder, on Momhiy, tlie iiiiit-tcenth day of August nt-xt. ai n o'cloek in the forenoou, at the south door of the m:t i House in the City of Aun Arbor, in nid eounty (saïd CourtHouw beingthfl phioeof holding the Circuit (lonrt tor the County i' waditenAW , i'; pnimnaw of the statu te in such case made and piovided : fnid Biortfcafcd pnunisea so U) be sol tl boins ilescribed in iaid mortguge as folio war : Bitnate in UieCoanty of Waahteotiw and State of Hiohlgnn, viz. : The north tiiirty acres of the wcgthalfof Ëhesoutheiui qnarter of Huction one of towns.liip three touili of lange numbersts eaat. Also. the ooutinrest quaxier of the northeiUtt quartcr of said section one, town tliree south ofxangesui eaat, eouaty and Btate aforeeaid. lïated, Anu Axbor, May 14. Wl. CARTETl, Tbacy W. Koot, toitgagee. Att'y for Mortpageo. Mortgfigc Sale. DKFAULT haviug been mude in the condiííon of 11 ïnortgajre piveu by Jolin F. QeÜ ml S.uitliA. tieil lo Christinn Mack and Frederick fc-ehimd. dattd Jauuaiy tenth A. I. 1871 and reoorded In the Regiater's oific-j, m Wtt-shteimw County, Hichigan. in líber No. 44 of moitgages, Ht P"ge '(j5i by which defauit the power of sale therein rnntuiiied becaiue operativa, and no surt or' proceeding hnvinj been instituted at lüw to recover the mortgntfc debt, ornny part thereof ; and the suin of three hundred and tbirty-eightdollHTê and aevcnty-three cents beinf? now rluimed to be due, tind thirty dollars aa an Attorncy fee, as provided in s;inl mottgagft, and further sumsto beeome due: Is'otice is therefore hereby given, thut said inortpnge will be fort'closed ly a siilu of the morttfaed premises, described na folio wm viz : Coiinneneiug' twelve rods ensterly of the northeusl corner oi' lot twelvo (12) in bloc-k eiüt (8i, in lirown & FuUcr's nddition to the villape (nowcity) of Ann Arbor, Micliigan, acoonlincr to the recorded plat thereof, thence ulon the soutn line of V all strcct in said additioii in n BQnthftftBteriy direct ion four (4) rock, thenee iü a southorly direetion ut riht anales to Baid Wall street thirteen roiU ;nnl three link-s, thonce northcaaterly in a line parallel to Baid Wiill street four rods. thenoa in a norllniiy direclion thirteen rods and three links at right anales to s;ml Wall street to the place of bepfinninp. exeeptinr and taetvtng uüe and one-half ïoU oiï froiri the south end of the ubove described land for a street, at public vendue, at the Court House, in Ann Arbor, on the twenty-seventh day of July next, at noon? Dated, April 20ih. 1672. CHEI8TIAW &1A0K. 1372 FBEDERICK SC1IMID, Thomas Ninde, Attomey. Slortgagees. Mortgage Foreclosure Kotice. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a mortgage ma4e and executed by John tiaestel to Clark fiutton, bearing date the fqurt-h day of May, A. ]). eiirh teen hundred and sixy-t'ijrht, and recorded in the office t the Regirflei of 1i;ch1s of "Wauntenaw County, Ufobigan, in liber thirty-eight of mort pa f; es, on putje four huiidrcd and twenty-six, on the eighteentfi day of June, A. l . eigfatcen hundred andaixfcyeight, at eleven and a half o'cloek a. u., nd the power of tMile oontained m said mortffagQ liaving beeome o]"Hïrativfi by raftftfm of such det'ault, and the bura of three huiiiltcd and eighty-one dollars and ten cents beiDg '-Liiiiifil lo be due on said mortpage at the date of this notieo for principal anti intttreat, bebides a í-ea sonable Attorn y tot l be foreclosure of suid mortgage, and no smt oi procot'dinpj at law having been in.stituifil to reoover chedebt seooied by wUd moxtgiwQ or any part tiiereuf ; Jsotiee Ís therefore hereby Kivcn, tiuit Baid martean will be CbredoBod by a salo of the inortjraured lnnds ;ind premist-B theiein deeorfbed nd nereinAfter mentioned and set fortb, or some part thereof , on Suturduy, tlu BitCOnth day of Jane nèxtt nt eleven o'dook in the forenoon, ui the ftOUth door of the Court House, in tlie city of Ann Arbor, that bvin'j; the place of holding; the Circuit Oourt for theeouuty of Woahteoaw. Thesaid mort$ñf&á prembes t=o to le Hoid, by Tirtue of ths power of -,i]i' in :tiil mortgafjfe, ure desoí ï 1 ■ - í in aaid mortgan isfullows: " All tlat tract or paroal of land mtuate in the township of BridfiFewater, in the eounty of Vashtcnaw. and State oi' Hiohigan, ixmndcU nnd leaoribed ns beiiiir tho northwt Quarter of the torthwesf quarter of seotion numlMír thirty-six {Sfij in nwnship nuuiber four (4) south of ranfje nuinber 'our (4) east, containin forty acres of land be tho urne more or less. Dated, Ann Arbor, Marrf Htb, Í87Í. CLAUK BUTTON, Mortgagee. IflRAW J. lífcAKKS, Attorney ïor Mortgagee. 13(ï6 Finest A.8sortmen tof Toilet Goods in the City,by _ "■■ilHH Hortgage Sale. DEFAULT liaviug been made in the condition of u mortgageexecuttd by Hiram Shephcrdand EÜa ■- beth M . onepherd, hü wife, to the uuderaitfned, Alphèos jftueL, bearing dato the third day of January, A. 1). ejghtean huudred aud seventy, and recordod iu the orüce ot tlio Regiater of Deeds of Washteuaw c .'uunty, in the Statu ol Michigan, in liber 43 of inort■ l.ii, on the fouituenth day oí Jauuary, -. D. 170, by vrhiofa default the power of sale contaiuod in tsaid mortguge has beeomc operativo, aud i-ani'd by me to bu duo on said mortgni$e at thedate -f tljis notice, thesumof fourtcen hi aud Boventy-one dollars and sixty-six cents, lor principal aiiii interest, and ilo Iheaumof forty dollars ns a ■ 8oUoitorfl or Altorm'y'ö feo on taking these pro ledinga to foreelOM a::id mortguge, as expreaaly provídod m theaametaudnoauitorpxooeeding atlaw 'i tn ohanoery having been insulutcd to recovei the dobt seoured i Baid morttcagei or any part thoxeof ; Notice theref ore herebygivon, [hut by virtueof the poww of anle contained in said morfgage, and of the Btatute in ■ueh oaae made and provided, said mortram will he forooloued by a sale of the morlgagcd premises, at puMio nuction, to thu highet bidder, on Monday, the cighth day of July next, at ten of the clock in theforenoon ui thatday, at tlio south door of the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, in mid couuty ofWaehtcnaw, suid Coori Houae being the place of holding the Circuit (Jmirt forthesaidoountvof Washtcnaw. Tlie premiMe m to besold are deacrioed in said mortfrape aa followa, to wit : " 'i'he norlli half of the northwest quarter of section twentjr-one, 21), in town four U) uouth of range ix (G; eiüt, la the coonty of Washtonaw aud ötntc of Michigan, coutaining tighty aci"e8 of land more or less." lated, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 8, Ifi72. AJLPUEU8 i'ELCU, ilortga!ce. J. 13. Quant, Ain,ruey tot liortgagee. 1309 Keal Estáte for Saln. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtcnaw, 8. 0 In the uKitti-r of the Estáte of Jerome Gooding, deOeaawL NotK-oishei-eby given, that in pilrsuaneeof au order grautcd U tlie mulel-öined, Adinistratrix of the estáte uï suU deosaaad) by the Hon. J iidge t : batefoi the county of Washtenaw, on 4he sixtli day of May, A. 1). 1H72, thurewiil besold at public veuduc, tot tieliisrlicst bidder, at thedwilling honae on thu premines, in the town of York, in the counlyof ' WiMitenaw, in eaid Btate, on Wedneaday, the twentyrixtb day of ..'nnc-, A. 1. 1872, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thitt day (subject, to all encumbrsinceb by morteage or otherwlae eziating at (he time of the death of said deoeased) the foDowing described real estute tnwit: A parce) of land [u the norttavest qunrtcr of section Bisteen, in townahlp three oiith of range six, commeneini; about (ive obfllDfl west of the center of suid northweat ciurirtor, thence south forty degrees i.nat chaina umi thirty links, thence south ñtty dégreea west oine ehaintf aud ixty-one liiilis to ton ernter of the nighway, tlieme nortli twenty degiee weat along the highway to the half quarter line, thenco ttaat eight ehuins and twenty-six links to tho place of bcginning, containing live and ftl-100 erts ; jiUo tht: hult' of tiie nortbeaat quarter of HOtion tlurtwn, in townhip four nouth of ranee six aaat [ozcepting the east twenty acres thereof) leaving sixty aeree, more or lea, beïng the homeBtead of Baid deoaaaod : and alwo tho undivided half oï the northeast quurterof iliu onrthwe) analta of Beothmtwen ty, in townsliip (onr uouth of ranire neven eabt in said State, containing forty acres more or loss. Duted, iluy Sth, A. IJ. 172. CLUK1.NTIIA M. OODINO, 1373 AdminidCratrix. . Iíeal Estato for Sale. STATE OP MICI1IUAX, county of Wiwlitenaw.BB. In the matter of the Kstatc of L'ornelius Laughlin, dcceas:d: Noticc ia hcreby given, that in punuauce ot' au order grunted to the andendgned, Aamlniatrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Jndga of Trobat, for thecounty of Waahlonaw, on the eleventliduyof March.A. n. 1872, there will bc sold ttt pubüc vendue, to the higlieat bidder, at the dwelling honae on the premfaea nsreiniiftei describid, in the oounty of Wühtenav, in said State, on Tuewiav the the thirticth day of April. a. c. 1872, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, (anbjeot to all snoumbrnncea bymortgagoorotherwiKeexistiiig at the time of the death of said deceased) the followiug described real estáte to-wit : The west hult of the Southwest quartar of eotiou twenty-three, in tonuship one touth ot luuge X cust, coiilmniiig eighty acies more or less, m said tte. i, Murch 11,1,. A. I). lf72. 1864 v.ll.IIAM III.'liKB, Administrator. The al)ove sale is ]xstpon;d to Thonday. tho tliirtieth day ol' llay ncxl, at the tumu place and time of day. ]ated, April 30th, 1872. 1372 WELLÏA.M BURKE, Administrntor. Theabove sale is furthex postponed to Satntday, tho lii'-e-ntli, day of June iii'Xt.ut the same plaee and timeoi day.- Daloil, May ;oth 1872 H7Cld WILHAM" BURKJS, Administrator. Keal Estato for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAjJ, counti of Waab.taw,as. ö In the matter of the estáte of llnfue Matthews, deoeaaed. Noliee ia hereby given, that in pmsnance ut ,i,i opdi t granted to the undersigned, Execulorof the laat wiü and testament of said deccasrd, by the Hon.JndRe of Probate for the oounty of Wnahtenaw on the 22d ,lay of April, A. ]). 1D72, there will be sold at public vendue, to the higheat biddor, at the south door o) tli. ( onrt House, in the citv of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtiïnaw, in said State, on Tut- Ln-, the eleven! li day of June, A. D. 1872, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise XistinK at tho time of the of said deceased) the fnllowing describcd ilotowit: Boing a part of section twontyone, in township two south of rango six east iu sa'id State, teninning at the southwest corner of land Iieietoforcdreded by Caleb Ornnl-y aud Desive (Jrmsby to John Sinclair aud on the east side of the Adrián and I'ontiac road, and running thence eastelly along the south line of said land sold to said Sinclair eisht rods, theuca Boutherly at right angtoa with abe said line and parallel v.ith said roaa four rods, thence weeterly parallel wilh the tlrst mentioncd line oight rods to the east line of said road, tlicnce opttherly along thu cast line of said road to the place of ; alau a plfce or parcel of land adioiniug and boing northcrly of tfie above deecribed parce!, commencing at the northweaterly oorcer of the aaid flrst fttxrre aracrib8d lot of land on I'ontiac streel or road, thence running easterly on tinnortherly line o( the h'rst mentkmed land eightrod, thence northerly at right angUa 1 parallel with -..i ! road six ïxid-, thence westerly and parallel with tlu rirst line to I'ontiac Street or road eight rods, thence Bontherly along the east lino of said routine stroef six roíN f() tJie place of beginnijag. lylBg aml being iu nity oí' Aun Arbor, county and State alore.said. Dated, April Ï2d, A. 1). 1872. MARCÜS J. ÏIATTHEWB, 1371 Kxecutor. Estáte of lluby A. Hosldns. QTATB ) I' M U '1IIOAN, County of Washtenaw. s Notioe is hereby giren, that byan order of the Pro bate Cour! Cor the County of Wasntenaw, made on tht aeventrcntli day of Muy, A. I). 1872, aix monttu froii thai dato vete nllowed tor oreditoro to present thei claims ejrainat the estáte of Rnby A. H -kmlate of said coonty, deceaaed, anti that nll credit ors o öuid deoeaaed are ruquJred to preerat their claims to aaid Probate Court, at tïie Probate Offioe, in the City of Anii Arbor, tor exuraination and tUowance, on or before the eig-htrenih d;iy oí November next, aiK thut auch claims will lx? heard beforeaiüd Probn'i Oourt, on Satardny, the twenty-eeventh dy of July and on Monday the eishleenth day of November neat ut ten o'cloek in ihr forenoon oí eaeh of thosc days. Dated, Ann Arbor, 2Xay 17th, A. I. i87 IEIRAM J. Ï1KAKKS, 1376wl Judgeof Probate-. Estáte of Richard C. DiHon. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtonaw.m Koticeifl hereby givcn, that bw an order of tin Probate Court for the Connty af Waahteww, mad on the twenty-fourth day ot Muy, A. i. íñtií, bíx montlw ftom that date ven allowed for creditora to prwent thvirclaimn afaimt the estáte oí Kichard Ó. Uilloii, late of s:iid county, dececdt and that all fifilUois of said dpceased are rcquired ;o preseni Lheir ciaima to said Probate Coort, nt the Prolnte Offiee, En the city of Arm Arbor, fur exañüíatíos and allowance, on or l.ofore the twenty-dfth day of November iipxt, and th-it BUCh claims will be' lidird before ,nid I'robnte Cottrt. on Saturdny, the twenfy-srvonth dny of luly. and 011 Monday, the twenty-rifth day of November ncxt, at tcn o'clotk in the forenooti of eacli uf tboee daya. J)iitwl, Ann Arbor, May 1872. 1UUAM ,J. BEAKFS, IWftH Judgeof Probate. Comniissioners' Xotice. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, h. The undersined, havinjr been anpointcd by the Probate Court i'or (mid county, ('ommissioncrH to receivt1, examine und adjust all claims tind demuncB ot nll persona aaiust the estáte of David Lewiek, late of said county decoased, liereby ffive noticc that nix inonths fiom date nre ailowpdv by order of sitid Probate Cour!, oreditors to present their clniniB against the estáte of said deoeaaed. and that they will meet at the store of Hach & Abel, in the city of Ann Arbor, in gaid county, oa Saturday, the twentyaerentfa day of July, and on Wednesday, the twentieth day Of November next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of aafd daya. toreceive, examine, and adjust suid claims. Dated, May SüthA. I). 172. CHAUNOBT n. MILLEN, PKTKK H. AlïEL, 1375 w4 Commissioncrs. Coiumissioners' Notice. Q TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenivw, as, ' The undersifcrned, haviny been apiminted by the Probate Court for Biiid county, Comnuwsioners to receive, examine, nnd adjust all chiims and demnnds of all persons aguinst the entatc of Putrick McCarty, Jute of said county, deceased, hereby give noticc that alxmontha trom tliat date are allowed, by order of hai.l Probata Court, for creditorato present their claims againat tho estáte of said tleceast-d, nn 1 thut they will moot at the residenoe of Timothy MoCarty, in Korthfield, in aaid county. on Baturday, the twenty-eeranth day of July, and on Wodiu-sday, tïie twentieth day of November next, at 10 o'clock a. k. of each of saidduyu, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. iMted MuyÜOth, A.D. 187Ï. WILUAM FITZGEKALD, MICI1AEL Ü'IÏRIEN, 137.rw4 Commissioners. Estáte of Mary Ann Thayer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, tlutt by an order of the Probate Court for rno County of Woahtenaw, made on the twenty-fii-st dav of May, A. 1). 1H72, six months from that date were ullowwl for creditore to present their claims apuiust tlie estáte of Miry Ann Thayer, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of uid deoeaaed are required to present their claimt to aaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or beforo the twnity-fiiM day of Novemtu ;■ iK'xt, and that snel claims will be heard before aaidfProbate Court, on Satordar, tho twenty-aeventi) (!ny of -luly, and on Thursday, (L twenty-flrst 3iy M November next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of ihose days. Dated, Aiin Albor, May 21st, A. D. 1872. ilIHAM J. BEAKES, 1375w4 JudLc of rrobate. CommissioncrK1 Xotice. STATE OÍ' MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenav, M. The undersitfiied, having been npjwinted by the Probate Court tor aaid county. CommtBsioneratore ceive, examine and mljiist all ciaima and demanda of all persons ageJnst tlic estáte of CharU-s 1. Stitt, tateof said county, deecjised, hereby ifivenotite that ala montha from date are allowédt by oraei at aajdwProl'iN' Court, fui crcililcrs t jux-ciit their claimt igainst the estáte of said deoeased, and that they will meel al the reaidenoe of aaid deoeaaed, in saidcount, jn Satnrday. the tenth day or Anuat, and Wednetday, the nmetaenth day rTovember next, at ïcix o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to reoeive, exam. ine, and adinst said olaima. Uated, May I3th, A. I) lsTí. JO8IJCH CII1LÜS, JAMES A. BTEVEN8, 1374w t Commissioners. Go to R. W.ELLI6 & CO's, for choice Wines andLiquorc ' for Medical Purposes . Estáte of Samuel W ve.ñ STATE OF M ICH1GAN, Countr ñf ■ Notice ia hereby iven, that bym J?, "'' „ bate Court for tlie C'ounty of V,,í r'U'r t theYthc ninth day of May, A , ,'.'?". 4 from that date werealloweU forcrediLíí L tneir plainu axainst the estáte onwr' 5pS late; oí said oountjri decea d and i ■' í',' ' ' auid deceased uro ruquired to pi-win t' a Hor, íí mu,] PbaCour it the ProbattT ?L te Ann Ai b.or, for exuminatiorj and ulloVÚ "'l'cÜ!M teethhAhth d,.y of .N,,v,.,ll!lril '„"■""'■. "VL will bo hcüvd beforo said lí mi "' .i Satúrftoy, thc iwa.,),,.,,,, í y „ J1 ' day, tan mnth ,l,,y „f Noveabn J? o'oloakin the forenoon ofeach of omÍS?1 5 Dutcd, Aim Arbor, Hay 91 í, A , {", "JsEstiito of John Eiselñ " CTATE OF MICHIGAN, fcuntï of w v. O AtateMbUo'l thc Prooate Court fcííf"", of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OM City oí Ann Arbor, üii t"r. ,Otflt. i 1 1 dTofMny,in the ear One SóuXd"'1"1 k dred and nt.y-two. eiSht ïuT Prcsint, IMriimj, lifulicü, JMcf Vr i ' In the matter of tli0 crt-U , oí Jol Oii rendinif and flling the petitio,,, ,;„iv ,„ .. Antoa Eieole, praymg tliat a otítniíi ní.if ].,. on le ,.i (Si. Court, purpoui , .. '!' 11"H"im will and testament of suid deceated n "'Itit topeto, and Srt he Lyït gg fToflrA, noon be imigned lor tl.o liearin ui. ,,'" and that Uie légate, devisee i "i ''' S ofsaid dcceuMd, und aU Jrx Ï " . l hi cd ín said estáte, are reqiiní to "„""J a session of sa!d Court, then to U ' 'Ti" 5 the l'robato Otliw, n the City of ,„ .1"íl1, II show cause, if any there be, whv íl,,' "'■ petitioner iiould not be (friinted' Anai?ÏÏV' ! ordered, that snid petitiontr giTe nol cc X' hn inteMBted in id estáte, of the indcncy ofLí01"" tion, aud the hearing thereof, bv caiiii wtlfc this ordor to be nuulisiiiHl in t) MirS tnW(í newspaiJCT printed and eimilating in ,S1.i thruu sucOMxlve wecks provious tosuid dir nS (A brue , copy.) HÍEAM J. BEAffiS . Judae ol rr' Estáte of Palmer EÍÜotT OTATE ÜE MICHIGAN, County of Wki O At a wwíon uf the Probate Court (or íli"1' of Wahten,iw, holden at the l-robií (i L.mtl eity of Ann Arbor, on Saturday Z YLL day ot Muy. in the year oi.e i!.ouíínd Í2?í dred and nuvunty-two. "S"1 W ! i -ut, Hirañi J. Bcakos, Judge of Proff. In the matter of the eatau ,of 'ïC', deceased. Jiuier ïjj, Panncnio DaTis, Executor of the kut m teataraeutof said dceeased comes iuto . " resents that he is now prepared to renS'SfA account as such Kxecutor. '-uuer tumi] Tlwreupon il ia ordered, that Hondnv 11,. . fourth day of Juno next, at ten o'clock S' LL"'■ be admgued for exiuninin and llmri account, and that the legutec, deviat-s l f at law of aaid deoeawd, and kII otffÜ terested in sni.l catate, are reqttirdt2Lfc a sessioñ of said Curt, then to be hM PpíM K Probate OiHce, in the city of Ann ArtL ."" County, and show cause, if any then bc wh.' ,? " account sliould not be allowcl .,„) ■ . er ordcred, that said Iixeciitor -ive ,,0 ,. , '" persons iuterested in aid est;ite, of tke !„! said account, and the liearinjr thereot lv ? ""' oopyof thi8 order to be puWhe4 m the ï1 riu, a newpa]er priuted and circulatiot T3 Cottnty.thxeomiccctoive week previuu. Srt!?1 (Atniecopy.) HHMJ.BEAKK "'b Judgi ot mute, Estáte of Hirum Shopherd OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty oí WmÜ . O At a seswon of the Prob.ite Court tot tl,cT of Washtenaw, holden ut the Trobnlc Offi ïï' City of A.,n Arbor, on Wodnetóa,, dtC ,Ü.J "{ day 01 May, in the ytar one thoiwand Sï' dred and ■ermty-two. npmo. Present, Hinun J. lientas, Judirr of rrokl Iu the matter of the estáte of Uimai siiiiij On rondín? und flling thc petition, dnh Twin j Jcssc Burt, praying that he inay be HppuiiitriÏE latrator of the etate of said deceased 'l'hereupon it is ordered, that Mondar tht t. fourth day of Juno next, at ten o'cluck in th"! be araigued for the heanng of smd wtition. ?Sthe beu at law of said ml, ui „1! ut),e,M iuterested in said cstate.ore reouii-cdtOHpiKiiJtTÜ sionof said Coiirt, then to he holden at tht PM Oltice in thCUy óf Ann Arbor, and ASmÜ any tbere 1-, why the prayer of tbo netitimn sWU not be fcrunted : And it is fnithcr onlercd n,i ! petmoner ivo notice to the pursons intcrestrf in S estute, ot the pendency of Silld potition, ni) ttit b I uw tliereof, by eausing n copy of tl,i „,)„ „T piibluined m the,Vi'ciiV7.;n Argut, a Kcnmn.mfa) i anti ciiCMlatinft in said counly, thrce sucaivíih I previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) JliHAf .r. BE si:-. s Judge of l'rolitt Estfite of John Mülor üTATEOPAIIl.-HI(AX,í'oiintyofVaahtnr l' Ata sessionof the I'robate Court fortheCnati of V nxhtenavr, holden at the Probate Office ra HeöS of Ann Artior, on Tuesduy, thetjrenty-Khthdni( May, in the year one thouiand eilit' lmntlrl Lu seventy-two. Present Hiram .1. lieakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Hila deceused. On ronding and üling the petition, duly venta, Dora Uillei, pruyiug that admioistrntioii of ni. tate may !. granted to William McCuiloueh lii named as Excculor in the instrument non thia court nurnorting tt, be the List will imd Intaast of said'di'CeasPd. Thereuiion it is orderetl, that Monday, thitweoiy fourth day of Juno next, at ten o'clock m'tlie forenMa, be assigned for the hearinp ol' said petitiOD, andthittlt legateee, dei o a and hairs M law oíiiiiilereMá.aí all otlier persons mterested in said estala are reqnirt to appoar it u sestdon of said court, tten (o bc boldn, attho Probata Office, in the city of Aim&iWi, nat Show cause, if any there !. why !h pr.iycr o(Ut petitioner should not bo granted: Amiit'is inrtbt ordered, that said petitioner gire wxxt te, ün persons Interested in wiid ostate, of the píndeiic)1 rf s.iid petition, and the hearing thtrcof, bt wamt copy of this order to he pulilislied in the MirUjn Arffus,& newspaper printra mrl circalatnu inaii cimnt y, threo ■uooeasivc vmSw previous to said dajii hearing. (A truc copy.) HIEAM J, BEAKE8, 18ïr' Judgcof PkiIi. Estáte of Joscph Iluwtud. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ( tounty of WnUom,! At a sessioli oí ttw I'robatc tuurt íor theCoumrpf Wushtenaw, holden at the I'robate Office, intlwCiij of Aun Artoa, 011 Frijn?, the tnvrjty-fwtk ■ May, in the yor one thouáand eight haudraiiil süvtutY-two. l'rexjnt lliram J. Beakes, Judgcof Probate. In tiio matter oí the estille oí Jwcph Honri, deeoawd. On ronding and llliiur tlic petiliun, duly rerilM.rf AMfflO II. li'cri jjr.iyi:w ihat he or svucottfl auitaole person, muy be nptiointed adnitnistritot rf the estáte of imirr ñVcrnood. Thereupun it i ordered, that Monday, thetmtljfourth day of Juue next, at ten o'clock in te foff nooii, asigued for tht hearing ofsaid petitíoc uí that tito heirs ut law of said deceased, aiió iQ persona interested in said estáte, re letjuird appeai at a session of said Court, theu to be bolda nt tlie Frobntc OtKee, in thc City of Ann Arbor.ioa sUuw Cttuse, if any there be, why the pruver of thepf titiaer shtnUd uot be granted : And it is f urtkel dered, that said ])tiriöüer girenotieetotbeiiflt interested in said estáte, of the pendoiicy oí saw pel tion, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy tí tw order to be publúhed in the Michigan Argüí, sépaper pmited and circalating in said County, Üue succeasive weeks previous to Ruid day of heatinir. (A tnte copy.) JilliAM .1. BEAKB8, 1376 Juijteof l'roktf. . Estáte of Joseph Annin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, countyof Wushtf ui. ■ At a soïsiuii of tlw l'w.J.vite l.'onrtfor theconBf of S'aBhti-rw, holden t tlie l'robiite Üfiee, u J city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, thc Kventertti day of -Muy. 'll the yeur one thoüband eiglit htual and seveuty two. Jcsent, Hiram J. Beakcs. Jndge of Prohaic. In the matter of the ustate of Josph i" decea&ed. . On roadiiiR and filing thc petition, dnly Tfriííi ■ William W. Annin, praying that n rertiin " ment now on öle in this Court, purportmg to iM last 11 and testament of said deceusetl uy nittted to pi"obate, aud that Oeorpe M:crDinoitICM other BoitaUfl person may bc apjiGinted Adauiwii1" tor with the wiïl annexed of eaw aecwaei f TheiTupon it is ordered. that Mondny. "" MW teenth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the f0"!! be asignad for the heaiini of snid petition, söü w' the leñatees, deviseí-s and neirs at law of said de and uil other persons interested in said estáte, Wf r quired to appear at a session of saiil eourt, tkeD 'c hulden, ivt the 1'roba.te Office, in tüe city of "„ ' bor, and show cause, jf any therc be, vrhy tlPjV of the petitioncr should not be granted : iJ '" f urther ordered that said petitioner give ootice wJ persona interested in said eetate, of the pendrt'; said petition, and the liealinfr thereof, b)' n'tt co]y of this order to be publishcd in the WJ ArffUl, a newspaper printed and circulstic? 1B %i county, thrce suooessire weeks previou to said W" (A true copy.) HIUAM J. BUK". 1375 Jiidgeoíl" Estáte of Matthew S. Covran. OTATE OÍ' MICHIGAN, County of Vwhteni"' l Atnsessionof the Jh-obate Court for tbew"? jf Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate pffi"3 :ity :.f Ann Arhor, on WednesduT, Üic Bl"n iay of May, in the year one thousand eigM "" aud seveuty-lwo. Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Judge of rrobte. In the matter of the estáte of Matthew & ■""_ deceased. niJ Jereraiah D. f'orey, Executor of thc IilsiwjB testament of said deceased, comes toto court "JJ rerteiita that he is now prepared to render w iccount ts sui-li Bxvoutox. .. ((tb Thereupou it is onloml, thnt MondsT, tbe l( day of June next, at ten o'cloek in tlic ttaoum,, issigned for examininir auii alle. ing si" ""f , ' f bat the legatees, derisees and licim ' " ■ t] said deceased and all other irons 'I"")B. n said estJite, are reqnired to ;ippcr , V,sion ut s.iid Court, then to be holden at l ..; late Office, in tho City of Ann Arlior, i County, and show cause, if any thm1 ik. 'Sm a hl Kccount should not be allowed : Ai" " "! ordered that snid Executor give notice to " sons interested in sniil estáte, of the r"'"'1'1 , Ki ireount, and thc hearing thc-rr of, 1'! ■ .i-- ' of this oi-der to be publisUed ia thc :tir".:r" inewspaper printed .:ml aivulating m ''tcMui(. hree successive weeks pjevioii t snid day oi ( A true copy.) " H1BA M J. h l,-. 1S74 Judgc ofrr_ ! Estáte of Edward Burge. tjTATE OF MICHIGAN, county ol W I At a saasion ol the I'robate Court tortne a. Waihtenaw, holden at the Probate ottfe . ld . 0( ,f Ann Aibór, on Wedneslay, the h'""'! Hay, in tho ycar one thousaud eight n"DU r'i'-rnt" liiram J. Beakes, Judge of I'r0';''t,f;.J, 1„ the maller of the estáte of Kdwaid BW eceoseda . .m est1 Dorothy A. Bnriteasadministratro or "■" pr omes into Couvt and represent tliat slie Nijiired to rendex hei linal account as sucB 00" rTh)Hupon it 18 ordered, that M'S' %& Uy oí Jum ncM, at ten o'clock ui tM be a-ssigm-d lor oxaminias and !10"'"' rf, irf ount, und that tho hciis ;.t l:.w of M L " „„ J II other peison interested m 8.11',. ,,ï i'heo'1 quiroa to nppeiir at n wsssion of lu.Jf„ilwi rif ïoldnn at the l'rubatc office, 111 the c.i " „M n said countv, and show cause, li l"lí Aai' he said account ahould al o "': n0,i! urther ordered that aid admini!rliP jmr he persons intervstol in said esta c-, o ij; 0(Wi ,f said account, and the heaiinK therwt. ) . copy of this order to. be puMihed in 1 aTJus, a newspaper printeS and OTculot"dWü' oónty, thK-c successiye weeks pMrtOM ïearing. _„,UI BKA';i'''. (A true copy.) ""dii Itf V ,


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Michigan Argus