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Human Sympathy

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Speaking oí' friends - ana not spcaking of the ono or two, as it tnay happen, very clositst i'eiatiouships - what good fortune it is thstt most of us have no ideahow littlu our friends thiuk ot us. With all our talk of llUIUliU Invitinöoo, wn wim lea tliati wc imagine. This sírange brutal eleuiwit oi sullisü, huw iinperious it is, how often, in the best and tenderest of u's, it drives out thought or care for others. As you joiued in the hyum at the morning service yesterday, you were touched by certain plaiutiveness in your own tenor - you thought yourfriend, whosethumb nestled against yuurs on the oponed hyinnbouki also noticed aud was moved by it. li'.i'-s you' it was her own wailful alUi, tiuit Btortöd the tears in those gentle blue eyes. I hardly dare put it here in black and white - but it is true as trut-h - and while there is tender compassion for those upon whoiu any gruat personal calatnity has fallón, who are strieken, say, by fatal di -■- case, there is also- dumb and unackriowledged ad impotent as it may be - souiething of the same rmpatienoe anu pitilessness that causes certain wild boasts to fall upon and rend their sick and cripplud. üur fritíiid is woll and prosperous- we shudder at the faucy of auy great trouble falling upon him ; it coiues aud, .thouyli our htiarts go Ottt in loving helpinlness, threis just a littln oloud ovor that sympathy - partly due 'o our classing him with others in liko manner aöiii.ted. Tho individual hardship seeins to be a trine Iíhs becaujo - well it may be bocause thero ar statistics ot niisfortune ; justaboutso many ptoplo will beoome consumptive, jubt about so many people will loso their limbs by railroad acuidents, just about so many people must die this year. O, that last nid most pitiful ac;ident ! Have V3Ö not sometiuies thought oi' yourself lying there "cold and quiet '(" have you not pictured the roomful of sobbing inournors; the weeping procession bearing you to.the grave í It has seemed almost worih perilous passing for the sike oí such an agony of devotion. But, my friend, pinoeio us would be the grief, not a single human soul could send with yon tlie intimate, intense, all-ombracing and constant svnipathjy for which vou earn.


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Michigan Argus