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Law For The Million

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A noto obtained by fraud, or frora a jx -rsnii in a stute of intoxication, cannot be collectcil. If a noto bo lost or stolen, it doos not ralWM Ilii' maker -he must pay it. An indorsor of a note is exetnpt froni liahility, if not servetV with nottoe of its dishonor within twenty-i'our hours of its non-payir.ent A note by a minor is void. Notes boar interest only when so stated. Principa. s aro responsible lor the uets of theii agenta. K ich individual in a partnership is re sponsible for the wholo amouut oí' tho debts of tho fírm. Ignorancu of the law excuses nJ one. Itis a fraud to conceal a fraud. The law compels no ono to do ímpossibilitii s. An agreement without consideration is void. Signaturas made with a lead poncil are good in law. A reccipt for money is not legally conclusivo The acts of one partner binds all of the others. Contrtcts made on Sunday cannot bo enforoed, A contract made with a minor is voM. A eontmut mado with a lunatic is void. The mines of Qeorgia are more numerous and butler defiued than those of California, and yet tho averare inouthly yield of,gold is loss ihan $0,000. Tiú loss floating to waste in tho aíria ia estiinated to be f50,000 at least. Tho gold is di38eminated in finor j);irtL-lcs and over a greater extent than in any other gold mining country. The brewers in the United States number over 3,000, with a capital of $100.000,000, ;iviiiií employinent to thousands of peoplc, and consuming over 28,000,000 bushels of bertley nuts and 18,000,000 pounds of híips, n juiring for their cultivation over 1,000,000 acres Oeorge C. Comstock, of Lonawee Couuty, who v;is the first choico of the Examining Committco tor the navy oadetship froni that congressional district, li uoncludod not to accept the appointment, it v.'ill be given to Col. Fíamgan's son, Willis, the Comiiiittce's second choice. Thero is about threo miles of loga now in the river, ::nd the cry i.-', siill tkey come. The rocent rain has made our liuuberinoii moiv joyf'ul and leas attenlive at prayer moctings. - Afuakegon Paptsr. Mr. Gros, of the MiluauVeo Hcmso at Manistee, hiis sutil Mr. Mixer, of tlmt city, for $20,000 dumag s foi breaking into hu house in search of liqnor. Mr. Rnggles, who is s:iid to have assistpd, ivas prosecuted and fined $ö0 and custs.


Old News
Michigan Argus