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jJ OT I CE ! The nbscribers hqe stthdr cemmnnd, as n (rmitriU thin" from üve hunilwKl to fi thoasilud iollaríi to loan ou flret nd flritt c);is mort)fage i-ituntc n the County f Washtenaw,- time from three to ïw air Ttrtas liberal Office opposite the 1'unt ominil ■"'■ A.Leitr4Co8 Drag Store No. I Qrégory Block. OarAbetrHCt Booku are postcd np 'AArbor. H.) 30, 1812. tkaoy w. root, KOOT & LE1TER. CBil. i. LllTH. JilllI DETROIT ADYERTISBHEXTS TOHN P. HKWSIEX, ti M:inufacturcr ot TIN, COPPEE AND 8HEET IRONWABE. Wholnale ind Retnil Dealar in Stoves, Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils, oto.! and 13. comer St. Antoln nuil t'ourth st., DETBOIT - - MICH. Alio cent lor tlio Nortb Amortara Llghlnlng Kort UaaoltetoiT' PRUVKB HAKKK'S KX KI.ASTIC AND l.OI'K STIT' H SEWING M A CUINES. The vi y boet lt isc, aflórete all Iho latent Improïemi-ntfl Seurt íor a circu'ar. No. 4 OPERA HOÜSB, DETROIT. OTOÑE CUTTERS AND CONTI'. VCTQH. COBB, WALLACE & LAW, Arepri-parort t finiish all kinds of'ClT STONK " Wutirr Tablu, Silla, Cnps, Ouplug, Sieps Lnndings. &c. ('onutrv order1 promptlv attended to. Ofltcc and Yard cor. Macorab and Beimlirn St., piiTRorr. CARRIGE REPOSITOUY AND MANUKACTORY. cV liave cnnptnnlly 011 hniul, ofourown mnke, n fine aecorimeut of OPJ3N AND TOP BUtíGIE . Whlch n can cll LOW OOR CASIl' We !y coro. petiiion for pnocï work Dealers suiTplit'd. .'ncsaminalion ol stock íolicited. I.oNGPHKY t PI'.T: í.'s, 134T 4042 Larnctl Street K:ist, DumitA I. & W. F. UN!, ii. fanafacturers of Rroimd ('o?f'i'i. Spices, TCtistard, etc. luí wholesale dealem ín TEAS ATSl) ORO0ER3' SUMDRIFI. 120 .lelTflrson Avenue. Petroit. PRUIT, CaNÑiíID GUO11S, Etc., huve now ín etore a larsjo 6tof:k, of Foreign and Domesttc Fruits, Canned (Joods of all irradcs, Picklee, etc , etc., which I nm oflerinfr at low [rice? to ihe trado, JOHN HBFPRON, Wholenle Crnll Flonse, -'18 Jefferson lvo, T? BIJHt, NEWLANUACO,, Manuractnrtrí.Tinporters.and Wholesale dealers in liáis, Caps and Straw (oods, 146 and 148 Jefltoaoa avenue. Detroit, Mich. Also p&lppen of iindresscjd Fr5. i P. BALDWIX & CO., 11, MaiHifí.ctnrcrs aot vraolüc&le Sealera in All Hand Made Custoui Boots and Shoos, 13 IToodward ATenue} DETROIT, Ml 11 jo-iiv paitos sen, Ifauufix'tnrers nnd Dénier in Carríages, üugió', ölefeixs, Etc, The Uueet assortment in Michigan. Establlshed i ii Í84Í. Factory, corner Woodhridge ana Bru?h Streets. li. poait ry, C2f Jrffersor Avenue. Detroit. iAli:tJL;i-:.s, I ahvaye kee on hr.ud a verv nice ap?ortraent of Open and Top Carriage, which I will scll at low tii?ure. Bnyers will do wcll to cali uurt examine t tüc!; and prtcefl hefon purclias Ing. Dealer can buy of me to eood ailvarita-e. JOSEl'H KINGEL, 5.'iGratiot Street, corner Parrar, Detroit .Mich j)OOK8 ! 3. M ARfOLD & 00 iuppiy PuW:c T.lbrnries, Sabbath Schools and Böok Buyer gencrally, at low raten. Our stock ík cholee anii laree 139 Wnodward Avenue, I'etroit. Z.fn nnA(4ALTONv OilïO SrONUWARE 'fffVff at Wholesale. Alsu a entlrelj new stock of Vhite Granice and C. C'. Goeds, Plain in I Kecorative China Dinner und Ten Seis, Lul Qian. silver Piated Qoods, T.anipe Cutlery, Japan Wan?, etc , at No, 1') Miciiigau avenue, opposita new City FTnll. DAVIt) MoOOKMICK. 'ij itiiKiAx ;t; a'isi . i; ji diüpot, G. 8. Wormer & Ron. Licaiers in au umus 01 Wuoil nnd Irou WorliiuK TOachinery, 99, loi and ion Jttténon Avenue, DETROIT, MICII: nOUTABLE ÜNGÜVÜS For Mechanical and Farm uses. D. :. K1CI5. Mannfactu-er, 191 Atwater Streel, Detroit. TOÏIX II, WUXDEJLI, & CO,, Committaion Jterchants in Flour and Gr rain. Office and Warehouee, Noe. 50, 52, 54 and RG Woodbridge street, west, DETROIT, MIOH. lIOÜE WAKE, 13allard & Starrat Manufucturers aud wholcsale dealers in Kione ñ.n( R'Ckiiifíhum WarOi Pireloy. Kire Unck aud Drain Tile, (hiís KrailJars aud Kiaiíkw. Maiiufíicnirers AiíenLd for the ohio Stone Socket Sewer and Watf-r Pipe, Ofllce nuil warehrmbe No fio Woodbridge Strtet, oppotite Board of 'í'rnde, Detroit. Mich. í A.TYREIX & C F-SWAIN, Wholesale and retnfl dealers lp all kinds o! Farm mplcmeut, Machines Statir Aeutfe for th. Phlladclphia LAWN MOWERS, warranted lo be the bost In the market. Frtcep Irom $15 to $35. Liberal discount to dealers fy Send for circular. No. 21 Jeil'erson aTnuo, DeiroiU rYEIIS'. JUetroit stram Fanry Dyeing i:slli&liutcnt, 42 Congrega street, east, between Bates and Kan doiph ötreets. Fancy in on Slik. Woolen and Mixed Goods of evnrj destfriplton done in tbe best poáafble numner. Every kind ot Shawls, öilk erte . cleaticd aud re-pre&sed. Kii (iloves clcnned and dyed. AIICHIUaLD (iKANT. St'HI I.KNUl tl(;, llilliurd Tablc V J ?l:iiiiif,nluicr, vï!i Icl:uieyM Patent steel Wire Cushionp, univers:il:y Rcknowledgsd to be the beat ín 6e, U8, lo. auc! 10S 'Handolph etreet, Detroit, Mich. irolGHT'S FATV1OT"8 V MiLWAUKEE LAGER BEKR ipthe best brewed in Ihe State Afldrees E. W. VOIOHT. Uilwankee Iirewery, Delroit, Mich. TermsOnnh. nEO. S. FRO8T fc CO.. J Detroit, Hich. AfientH nnd dealers in Pine mul iurniii) Landf, in Michigan, and in neurly all the other Statee, l'raclf of i'ine I,and bouiiht or sold oti Coinmis■ton. 'I he best of lande in the Southern States at low rates. Chas. NobTe. Geo. S.Frost. Chas. W. Nob)o CLKDS. Frcsh and Reliable Carden, Hir, and Farm Secds, Wholesale and Retall. IJ M. FERRY & CO , Seedsmen, VOü W xxiward avenne. P. . Onr illh-trated and (ïescriptive priced Seed Catalogue of KW paes free to uil applicants. KKDS! SJÜBDSI Fresh and Keliuble Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, wholesnle ain retaïl. at the lown. ratos. Also' Fruit and Ornamental Treea. Grape Vines, Sbruba, Roeos aud Planta ot all kinds. Send for a catalogue. WM. DAIR & CO., Detroit. TOHN Ii. DOUG-JHKIt'i-Y. Manufacturer of Jlinor and Picture Frame. Cliromoa, ilniii'. isiUH und Phvloi. Dealers aud Asentí snpplied. 27 Jeffersn avo uue, Detroit, M ich !& Gorman píate at Iowest market ratcs, öend for catalogue. ffatÊBt F. A. CADWELL, ITT. I. O - ( N Bitst and Aurist, ptrniiinently jutJ iocated in Detroit for 'l'ivc nty-Five H' yenr. Hpeeially treatinK dUoase "' WP ' ' jh:yk -r n war, and Catarrhal affectï'ius of the HBA1.1 AND THROAT, fiflUc and reaideDce, No. 52 Lafayetto avenne. Offlc lioiire from a. m. to 5 p ;i . Referencia by Permlseion- Nathaniel W. JirooltH, Ron. Ira Mayhów, Qeo. PrenttM,bg Wm. I). Mortni, Bankeri 13. F. Morton, Ksq., Wm. I Fowler, Epq. 13T0m8 AIONEY WANTED. Fivo or bïx thniisand dollars, or more, on a nwntgage of unincutnbered real estáte worth threc time tbe amount. Enquire of 13M E. W. MORGAN. OR SALE ! A Ilonne and Lot Ou the west sMe of Maynord utreet, beiween Willi.ii aml .Jeffereon. Has a good Barn and Cisterna. Terma easy. Ann Arlwr, May 21, 1872. 1376U J. J. TAHSIIALL. Í AM NOW BKCBtVIHÓ A URGE AND SELECT ASSOHTMENT OF COATIÏSGS, VESTHSTGS and TROWSESINGS AND EVERYTHINO I? Mr LINE FOR THE SPRING TRADE Cali ad Examine Our work in thé Field speaks tor ltself. Also a Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOYD. E i S rf H H L ft E ö i ü i 3 E ra " 68 'S -2 & - JJ 1 R fr ■ j .11 SS i & ijl -8 ? si x a L í Míí) y Qj 'S DON'T FORCET That the Fairest, Sijnnrfftt, and best placf ;n Ain Arbor tr h:iy l'ure Drutre üiid Med.ciues, Wines uud Llquors, for Medijiual Purposes, PA1NT3, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &C, R. W. EiTlIS & COS. Corner Opposite the Savius Bank. CALL 3STI3 EXAMINE Our Permanent t'olrí. for oatsldew inpiHo paint log. innnufuctured ruin Pore Whltfl Leml im1, ruil Llaseed OU. Chepr and beteer thftD ntty other Paint made SoM hy the rallón, krz , tr burrei. Also Puro Whitp L.-uK Zinc, &c, at sntisfactory Prices. REMK MliKl: NAME ANi) I'l, iOE. il. v. i:s,i,is a co. GotoR.W.ELLISft CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and MedicineB,Paints.Oiig,&c. JL U. OIDLEÏ, Succesíor to COLUROVE 4 SON. DRIWT 1D WHIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 K HURÓN SI REET, rauÁB ín DRlíiS, ÍIKBICIÍES) SlRGií AI, MSTROflEKTg, fike w!ks .ui r.Kíioas, (FOB MBPICAL PVBPOSK8 ONLT.) Fancy Goods, IVrfumery. PAINTS, OII.S, VAllXISIIES, LASS, ASÍS PIJTTÏ, PHYSICIAXS' PRESCBIPTiOKS nrefally compoucded at nli hotirs. I PROPO-E NOT TOBE UNDERSOID BY ANY FIRM ÍN THE CIÏY WHOFURNISH AS GOOB AN AfiTICLE. E. H. GItI.i: . ISÍItf 3. WiUtR, Propri.tor. K. H. McDonilo Co., Dr.iU A Gn. ACcnU, 9w Fruncí, Cal., nnd 31 Coiitnwno trtet, N. Y. Mili I, I ONS Bear Tcetimony to llielt Womlrrfiil Curativo EHecís. Thcy are not a vilo Faiiry Drink, Made of Foor It ucri, WiiMu-v, Proof Spirits nnd Kcftiiio Ijiquors dootored, Bpiced and sweetenedto piense tho taste, cnlled "Tonic-s" "Appetizers," "ltestorers,"áic, thnttead thctfpplerontodmnkcniiCRs nnd ruin, bu tara a truc Medicine, made from the Nativo. RflOta andllcrbs of Culifornia. freo Trom all Aloohulíc StimnInntfi. TtH-ynrothcCUEAT HLOOD 1M KíFIEltand A MFK ttITXNG PRINCIFIE, n perfect Kcnovíitor and InvKor:itor of tlio Systein, c:irrv;iigoíTall polBOnoua matter and restoring tl leblood to a bcaltliy condition. No person can take these Bitters necording to directions nnd remain long unwol!, provldcd their bones are not destroyed by mineral poísonor otbcr m calis, and ttic vital orgaits wasteü bt?joncl the iiointof repair. Thcy aro a (enllc Puraiuivi? ns v. tII nnti TouïCt nowxsrtny, ilso, thc peculiar merit of actiiiK as a powerful ncut in velievinR Cungestion or lnflammation of tbc Líver, nnd all UioYlsccnü Oxgans, FOR FEMALF, COIFIA INTK, Inyotingor olil, nuirried or single, at tbedawn of womanbooil of at the turn of ufe. tJiescTonic Tulléis have no equal. For Iiiílnintnntory and ('hroiiic Klicninntitin nnd (ut, l)ysp( i.-i;i or Iiitlisr:tiion liil ion-, Itcmittrnt nnd Intermilteut Fcvers, Diseasea ot' thr ISIood, JJvcr, Ktd ey nnd lilnddcr, these ISittrrs have been most tful. Such IÍHtníPM nre t'unseü liy V iliated Bioodt whiali isRcnerally jxoduced by derancment of tha lïlff estivo OrsraiiH. i) y s i i: vs i a o it i N i i gesti o, noaiacbCt Pain iu tbeSliouMors, Oonba. Tightnt'fd of t!io Chèfttt I?íK7,iness, Bour Kructations of the Ktnmucb, ïïaU Tftste iti tho Month, líiiious AtTAcks, i'aipitatiou of tlii Mrart, Inilaininalioii of t!ie l.unj;s. Pain in the roCions of the Rulncys, jinij a huuilrcü other painful ejrmp toms, aro tho oflsprinss of Djrtpepslft. Tbcy inviíiorato th Stcmacb andsti mulato tbetorpid ÍAtnt and liowel.s, whicb rcuiier thcm of nnuqualled cfRcitcy ín défluúfttos the blood of a!I impnritios, aiii impartiuií new lifo aud vi-or to thc whoie system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Ern?tions,Tetler, Ba Rheum, Blotche, Spots, Pimpléis, Tu-stulcs, UoíIb, Carbnncles. Itíne-Wornis, Scald Uc&di Sotv Kyes. Erysiprlas, Ilcli.Scui ís. l)is-(i!oratons uf tito Skin, liumorsnm! Dfséaseti of tho iíkln, of whatpvír naiue or rmturo. are llU-ntílr duff u pand carried out of the system in a Bbprt time by the use ot these Üittiírs. Une ÍKttlo in sn-)i OMi willcuiivtoce theinost mcredulouu of their cuiutive cnocta. Cíeanso the Vitiated Blood wliencvcr yon find its impurltlcs bnrstlni; throuahthe skin In Pimples, Eruptiona or Sores ; cleansc ít when yoa Qnd it obatroctod and sluish In thc veías; cleanse itwhen it is foul, aod your feeliofS wilt tel] yoawhen. Keep the blood pure, and the hoalth of tho EVRtem ffUl follow. Pin, Tape, nnd ollicr Woriim lurkinintho systcm of eo many thousauds, are cffectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinuished ïJlisiotosrist, there is scnrel an indívi.lual Opon the face ofthe carth wbose body is eiempt frora tho prosence of worms. It is not upon tbo heatthy elementa of tho body that wonus eXiftt. bnt pon tho diseased humors and. sliray deposits that breod these living monsters of diseaae. No SysU-m of Medicine, no vermífugos r.o ftnthí.'lrnintics will freo the syateai froin wonns Ifko these Bitters. J. WALKEK, ProprietOT. E. H. McDONALD & CO Ínj(fffists and (ion. Apents. San Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New YorkWSTOOLD BY ALL DBIJQI8T3 AND DEALfcRS. NEW SFRiNO GODOS FILE! Í LEWiS, Are now recciving tiie moet complete rnd GOOOS IN" THE LINE OP BOOTS and SEOES EVER BROtrSHT TO TIUS CITY. H1TII THE EXCLISIVE SALE OF THE WORK OF A!,ï. THE FIKST-f LASS HUT' IFACTlttKliS THE tOJVmY, WE CA OFl'KR TO t AS!I tlSTOilERS QERATER INDÜCEMENTS THAN ANY OTIfER HOUSE IN TUIS CITY, We carry complete linee of work from e. c. mui', VUAÏ KBOTHF.RS, s il i i;l.l. BROS. In cniLDREVS PINK SIIOES, of whlch we havo by tor the largwt aml flnest aeeortnirnt erer bronsjlit to Aun Arbor. Juk. M. Hurt'a Qenfl FINE HAND MADE Boots and Bho, uneqiuled orStylp.Darabilitynnd linish. .!]! V. Iturt'n Boys PineShoe.8, andin fact a Comilete Stock of yiNEaud PLAIN Goods, eiiitabk-for thi markel;. 13 ■ -X HURRY UP l ÏÏAITIKii!i!M" Wall IVlpcr. Cloth an.l i'iipi i .lanen Window FiztoreSi Coid. Tftwl. Ac, all New Btyles, ni tlfactorj Prloe hy J. II. Webster fc Co., 11 ok -torc, Doar the Kxiry-B Office. K.' ■ X Go toR,W.ELLlS & CO'e for choicê Wines and Liqunrs for Medical PurposeB . Jb'or feTliiIa. Storoi"T ilion Dlseasea of C Eyes, or S-roiuï lo in any fontt. fif Any diseaae or pruption vFL of the Skin, disense of the Ov''3 Liver, RhenraatUln, Pimá--% P'e-S S(in's,i;ieers.Brok05? en-down Constitu t i ons, EX Syphilis, or any diseasedeeL pending on adepraved conQskjny dition of the blood, try M DR.CROOK'S :Lr SYRÜP OF f POKE ROOT. ir&r lias tlie medicinal prop3[È&i eTy Pokecombined with Ijy a preparation oflronwlncti y_ f;oes al once into the blood. V perforniing the most rapid ir and wonderfiil cures. Aak your Drüggist for Dr. Croóle1 Cíompound Syrup of l'oke Koot - take .tand be healêd1, Coiumissioners' Notice C T ATE OF HICH1QAN, County of Wunhtennw, ns. The nödcriiran3j htirfng beeii nppeintcd by.the Frobnft Conri tor Min emtnty, Comimssjonei oeire, egomine and adjust aU ctuinja aud dein uil persona against the estáte of Jam 'iH eounty, öoowWed, hereby give notun1 that sis mout lis I'roni dut1 r.f :iÜovi ■:, by tod&t of suid 1' róbate Court, lor creditors tü ■u-.-vm their claimt afraiiiRt tilO estte oí said decftnwdj and thiit theywili mi ■'. ;i! the offleu ot'tTPore V.. Soutliwiokf in the vii■ Dexter, in nad oounty, on öuturday, tho twenty-.founb day of August, und Tuebdsy, thf tenth '!;'.y December néxt, m ten o'oloofe a. m. otonrh I days, to eeoeire, wn"jiw, nnd udjust said Dated, June lOth, A. I) IS72. BAMPflON i'AüKT". ISAAC M. VVHITAKEtt, H78w4 Coinmiasionen. Estáte of ïtuby A. HoskinSi i Nutioe hi - ; l : : 1 1 by an order ol I bfito Court for the Countyof Wa.litennw, made on t)seventeenth dny of May, A, D. 1872, six months from tharf 'liitewere allowed Tor cicditors to ureaent thcLr claims ajrainst tho estáte of ftuby A. B lt-' of .ti-i connty, !'■■ ; ■ '1. ftnd thál aU eveditors oí said decea-scd ure required to prO at theur claiiaa tp said Ptobate Couirt, ut tlie Prülciíc Office, in the 'i' y of A mi Arbor, for examina ti on and nllmvunce, on or Iw-fdi-e tho eihtconth day oi Xui'omljiT nrxt, antï that twob rlaims wili be oeazd bcfonattid Probats Court, on Bnturday, the twcnty-seveiith dny of July, nnii on Monduy the eij?ht nth day (3 iiövcmbernest, at tea o'elock i" Hie íorenooa í Gtic2i of thoso days. Dattd. Anu Arbor, May Pth, A. D. 1872. HEB AM .i. BEAKES, 137Gw4 Judgeot l'rubiite. Clnmcory Sale. THECIRCÜIT COURTFOR THE COVKTT OF WAsü ..N W ,X CHAKCERT : ELIZA M. II1LL 1 Complainnnt. vt. AARON DEAX au'! CATHER1NE DE . ■ lont. In of a decretal oriln of the Circuit Court for the oounty oi Wnshtcnaw in chanoery, itrul.' in theabove O riilbe so] 1, nuder the direction of the eubacriber, at public auctioö, rit tt door o I' the ('ourt House in thooity (it - ;m Aïbft and OOunty jI Waahtenaw, on Ftiday, the econd duy of August noxt, at ten o'clock a ic, all that cortaih parce] of land situatt-d in the city of Ann Arbor nd oounty of Waahtenaw, and defeorib '■ m !.■: nine in Block numuer three north of EXuron atrect, in range No four oi" the origici:! j-kit of Niid city. Uuted, June luth, 'OÍ2. R. r.KAHAX. ■ l'or the County of Washtemw. Colman, Iïoot & Kikne, Solicitara for Coiiiï luii:antMortgago Sale. DBFATTET hnvins: been made in tho cocdiiions of a a.Ttiiiu of aooi ited bj i!ii.iiii . iiitiry anu Ann liirry, lúa wií#, I i Britdiord Carter, of Meoca, Trunibull COonW, tfl tho state oí' Ohio, beuruig date '.!■■ twonty-e%hth d:iyoi ■ ighú n hundred and boveuty-one, nod recordé in : Deedb fur the County of SVashtenaw, srut of Michi i r.niy-thiecof moxtgagi j ":i page tour huuditíd wid eighi -eix, on the twenty-H iflntu dnyoí A y ril, eígTfteeu ntindted asJ Beventy-one : by whieh eto ilt the power of sale contained in aaid mortgaft h&s bficomo oj? prooeedinps :tt law or io chancery having been iustfóu cl to recovo the mount due on suid i ;.; the wanfoe ; i.; : ■nv cluinud to be due on raid morlgage and ():■■ bond Rcoompun) ing the suine, the fium ol fo four hundred und one dolhira and ?ixty--i contd, and i Rttorney fee on tho torecioun; ot sidd i otikï miy protte: Nntitv is thereforp hereby gii at ten o olock in t be ■ i :e Court Hou bftr, in muí 1 ' tounly of Wh (1 House he place of lioldlng tÏM I írcuil i County of Waahtenaw), by a solí ato the bighesi bidder, for caab, oi the;.' ibed in ■ sary to t nount due on wiid tnortgagfl, with -.i suid uiortgü-. . : .■ bei withan U i üeylièöï fifiydÖltarsprovided foriuaaid mortpige; whith niortgafped premisesarfl Óescribed in aaid mortgsre aa fólhiws, vi.: "Beingthi DorthweetquarU iwentyseven ii: ■ iwuship one nouth ol tu 'm .). - ■ north of the territorial rana nsect; it). tliat part of the sast half o! : quarter of soction twenty-two lyinü eoutb of xhkI tciTi'orïai roa:!. Also righl of way rooi roda wide froto üiï rond ío a -].; ing or lirooi; :i little norlli of said rood, and the nghi o" wíU v ad reserved in deed t Jol in lannan of Detroit. Atëo ptittof the iai half oi' the northeaSl '!":: and v.-.ti at tn& rvirtheu ' corner t b lino ;i ■ ■ ifa 'Ii'.t-li n!; u1 tweiity i tiint, thenco aoutbrt ly aleng the easl bank oi aaid (Itoh to the ea tlio of aaid a ion, ■ :. no north to tlie place ot' b acres, na U anvpojed. A!-o tbirty-five d, pur) af siiid l'i-t soutli hy the HOUth liuetli ■ thoenst line t thereof trom the aouthcaal ■' quarter sec ;;..-. ] irth to ■ '■■ ■ ortli bank of a ditcli nini;ing iv rmd west, and on the north by a Prora 8 1 il saotáon bne westi rly pIowr the oorth bifni and oontinui n o fat thal :i : ■ ■ ■! to the id cjwarI .(- lini i haietofow meü1 1 te thirty-flve aai . Datcd, Ann Aibor, May i-i, 1372.. BRADFOKD CAHTKK, Tn.cY W. Iïoot, 't'- for Hortgngeo. 1374. Mortgagt.' Salf. W ETÉREAS, defaulthaa boen made in the condiriona of 6 nfortgj je made and ozeouled bw jtfarriet Kellogg, of Vp-il-mti, to Theodore A. i nor 4t Auboxn, New Yoik, beoring date fne thirdny oï April, eightcen hnndred nnd wxtyeight, ■ ■'■ ''"■■ '-'■ wto ol i kei da ol tho 'o:i) v of Wn#hieur, Uiatiignu, on thtfourtoonth ds; ;hteen bundred and sixtyeight, in liber forty of mortÜRpges, nt. page one hnndred and six y-íhñe. by which i fhull the pcwer of rage has become operative, nn:l no auit or prooeeding at l;iw harinfl ■ he r overy of th ebl aecured by said mortgïureor any part theroof. fwid ' !- rt bemgnow dainxed 1d be due on s;ti'l moitgaye iïie stim of one tbousnnd and semnty dollars and eight-thTee cents for principal and interest, beaideii twenty dolan attornoy f1-, au , d mortgnge : Noties is Iberafore hereby giren that by rirtne of the power of sale eontflïned in aaid morrjgnige, suiu mortsed by a sale of the tanda and tibed in said i aorae pari thereof, at puH anetioo to the Ider, on 8ío i lay, the iiineteesith dïiy of August next, :t ten o'clotikmtheforenoon, at the notrth door of the Hn-.wein the (;iiy of nn Vrbor, in snid county (aaid Court Honse beingthe place of hoWingthe Circuit Court for the County of washtenaTr], ïn pursaanoe cf thestatute inswfll öaae made tin provided; aaid mortgaged premisos so to be aold beinz deacribed in sriid raortgavc as foliowa : Eatnate i" tno County of Waahtennw and State of Miohignti, viz. : Tho north thirty acres of the vest huif of the soutea-ï qtmrter of scction onc of townahip three south of range numbereix east. AIw. tbe Bouthwesl quarter of the northenst qtfarterof wddeection onc, töwn threeéouth of range ' eaat, couoty nnfl State a2bresaid Uated, Ann Arbor, Slav 1 !. 1872. TnEODOREA, CAIltETE, Thacy W. Iïoot. Jlortgagee. Att'y for MírrtíTflírce. , Mortgívge Sule. DEFATXLT having 1 een made in the cor.dition of a inortgnge giren iy Jphn F. Geil anl Sarah A. Öeil to Chriutian Mack an1 Frederiek St-hmió. dated Januiuy ttiuh A. D.1HT1, nl rëtfotdea in i h ter'soffli, m WaatitaaaM County, Michigan, in über Xo. -14 of mortgagca, At page 7ü", by which default the power of sale therein contained beeame operative, and no Buit or prooeeding hnving beea inatitoted at law tr reoover the moitgnFO debt, or nny pui-t tiierif ; ft ml the sum of thteo hnncred and thivty-cight dollars and geventy-three centR beinjr now cltdméd t bedue, and thirty üollare as an Altorney feo, aa provided in aaid rnortgage, and further suntt to beeome doO : Nutice ib therefore herel y riven, that saïd morlgage will ;!v' of the mortsaged premii . ,■■, . vi : Comröcncing twelve ï-ods oftsterly of the northeatf oomfr of lot twehre (12) in blocknght ■. In Brownfii FuUera addition to the viiioiic '■'■'- bjgao, ftccording tothe reoorded plat thereof. tltenoe lonp the south line of Wall struot in said addition in a southeasterly diiection four (4) rods, thencc n a southerly direct ion atrigh'. id Wnll street tbfrteen rods and t ily ín a line pariUlel to Baid VVaUsteesl founwla thenee in a orthcrXy direction tbirteen reda and three lioka nt right nnj-lra to unid Wüïl atree to the plaoe of beginuing excepting and reRorviucr one and one-half roda ofl' ironi the : ibed land for atreft, al ( !ourt ilouse, in Ann Arbor, on the twen ly of July next, at noon. Dated. April 2üth, 1872. 1372 PRBDERICK B Í3 VI "', TnoMAS NraDF, Attoinry. Morrirüees. Blieriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wnelitenaw : sa. virtue oí' a writ of exeentlon beued out of and theseal of the CireuitCourl mohan the Connty of Wayne, State of Uicbüan, and to me and dclivercd, aeninst goode, cbattle huida omentsof ( b ;- I did on the fewonty-fourthdayof May, A. D. lA7S.aeie andlevy Km all tbe right, titie, und interehi ( liarlea '. Qutberftínd has in the roiloTfiug described property, to wit : tsd one-half Beet u vidth off of the tforth : .t mimber five, in Block nurobev one South of Huron Street, in range four Kust, in tho City of Ann hImj uil the rfcht, title und interest the rbW bo the se "i n certain allev ulong Ë38t end of lots urabcr ffve and six in aaia block TiumVrMi!.-. which real eet ■ Bhallexi ■ ut public auctiout to the Mghet ;.t the south door of the Court House in tho City of Ann Arbo, on the twontythird duy of July. A D. 1872iftttn oclockA. IC, liatuU .)uneïth A. U. I .'"■ - . Finest ssortmont of Toilet öoods in the City,by .,- Mortgage Sillo, DE&AVtil hiving bt d m ui' út ü:- condilion of a i morí ■ a liu.,.1 SKl '■■■ ■,]■!"■] Kh.i. ; beth M. shiphttl, ljia wifc, to the undersighbd, ( phous Pek!., beariiiu tinte the third day oi January, A. D. eightcen hundred and aeventy, and reebrded in i the office or tb; RegtMer or Deeos of Wnshtenaw ('uiiiitr, in the Btate ot Michigan,! . mortn pago 181, on the fourti nti CJaunary . [. IB?O, by trhtch default the power of sale i tiued in Baíd mortgage baa becorne operaüve; nud títere is daiined by me to be dv.e on suul mor1..the date of this nottoe, tlicsniacl foartei ■iiy-oiic doUars and sixty-aix eenta, j'u: ; pel and intereet, and a oí ftaty dolíais asa i fee on ta!dn_ . ai xpresarr : l:i lli" -unir, aurl li'.'!!!t u: proosediog )il la# orlnchanoeryliavhig been lustifuted to recover thé i tlebt aecured iy ñ mortgage. or n:iy part there j.: Notii ■ givon, that by viitn;uf i . e cuntained m said mortgage, and of thesiato emadi und nroridèd, said : gag wil! i ■irt(?aed i . ,■ pnl-boauctioD, tothe higheat bidm theeighlh dayof Julynext,! ten of the elock i ■-■n.K.n 'il thal i!uy. al Ui outh door of the i Court liou.-e, in the city ol Ano Axbcr, in Htid oounty i of Washtenaw, saitl 6url House being Ihe pace o"f i hoMing Uic Circuit (,'nurt íur Cbe said eounty uf Wash i tenaw. The premise so tobi wribed in said Horra, ;■ wil h hlf of he SOclion twenty-one, 01), in town oí range si r., cust, in the county of WashtenáM and Stntc 01 Michigan, oontaining oighty acres of land more or loas." Aun Albor, Michigan, Ai.rilS, 1872. AI.PIIM B PELCH, Mortgafrée. O. B iíiiant, Attcrncy foi 1369 Baal Estáte for Sale y TATK OV U . ■nui.ty ol Wwhtcnftw, ss. In the matter of thu Estáte ut J ouvdereby given, that in pureuanceol i:l. .Vlmislratlixot eof Baiddeceaaed, ty Um bLón. Judof Probutefoi the aountyuf v... ■ i'udiv of May, A. 1. Ia. 2, thêre public veü'li'. t !iirhi;.-li(;.si. bitid.r, at the welling house on in the lom „i ,„k, ia uic coontyoi B nsht ii; iv. in said Btate, on Wednesduy.tbe tirentrayoiJiMei A. i. 187J, at ten o'clock m tne ioionoon f that day (abjeettb n'l encumt i: tnortgnpc or oth'.-rwise cxist.iu(t at the time. of the (luath ot eaid deeeaaed) tlie fuilowin deaöribed real cst:ite to wit : A parcel of lund in the northwest quarterof seciimi sixteen, in tuwnsliip tbree south of ea.-t, comni "iii'iiiK nuont Te Fhnins west of tei ofaaid northweat cjnortBr, thvnce south forty dcgiees i nat three oliainsund thii tv links, thenco soii-.h filty ('. üiue chains and sixty-ono Unta (o the center of (bebtebway, thenecnorth ! tv deerees wat lone tlie lii-rl.r,y :., the half qnaitcr une, thencc oost eignt ohains and twenty-aiz uokfl ir the pluou of beginning, containing fivo and 31-1W) lialf of rhe Dorvheast qnartor of I Iti otiotl tbnt I u, in township four rrüíli oi range sli I epting the eart twenty acres thercof) sixty acres, moie or les, being tlie homesteud ': and aIso the nndivided balfofthe northterof Iha noetltWOHI quurter ot' svclion twffi ty, in towiuhis fooi uutb of r.iniie aevon e:u,t in aaid Stotc, coniarninK forty aeroif more or L D ited, Mayíith, A. D. I87Í. CLORINXHA 11. QOOWNG. W3 A(li;linigii-;ttiix. Drnlii Cuinmissioncr's Nuticei Nol loe is herehy (riven üiat the Drain Conimiaflioner of V.:i,!uenav County will b.; at the houaeof Kogei in the townshlpof Sutx-rior. on Mondar :' 21thday of Jane, 1 ■,-.-, ,,■ two o'olock int). noon.toi to contract for the excuvtivn ftndconstiuctionof adruin Unown asSupciioi .Vn. 1, conunencing on tli hhií1i part of tho east half ot the aonthenet quaftor of section twenty-one, In towrahip two south, ijcveu eitst, and riinniiiff pouth and eaüt, thence enat noar the section line batwean HeotioM 21 and Ï8 and 22 and ?7, th?nce Mutheaaterlir acrora I tí. v,'. ', ofwetion W, tbencv mfcerljr and 9Oi"horlr, indündiiig an outlu on land; owned by l.öMi 1 will also be at the honse of Uoijcr Cripiiin on rhursday,the4othday of June aforceald, n' time and plcc I wiUFüxhibrl n::;-, uf tiio ubove proIrain al the deocriptions ■■! Ibe Beven) deemed by me tn bé benenled tkcrcl)}-, and t ■:■ - ■■ ■'■■ bj :::■■ appordi eueb descriptwn of lami to conetract, :u.ii the townshi] unt of such drain L i higbway, and to heni reaiHinu, it any flre ofleml,irhy &uch pportioiiuient shouiil be reviewed and corrected. Ann Arbor, June 4th, W7J. DAVID If. FIXI.F.Y, I)rai:i CoUrmxaaioiier : Waabtenaw County lístate of Caroline D. Frier. STATEOKMICUIÖ N. Con yof v.i Btonair.w. Atïi-:-irni tbe Hrobate Conrt for theConn ty f Wnerftena w , hoi-Jtn fit the l'roltate Office. In the City ot Ann irl or, on Tburtdar, tbs ti:ir ■ nth'aay 't in the jreïi oue tuonsaud Lf:!.i luiü.ired ;.nd teventy two. i'. (ent, lliiam.j. ltcA es, Judgo uf Probate. In the matter of thg estáte ui' Caroline D. l Tikt. i'( ccsf ilOn readlnffnnd mtngtbe petttlon, daly feiifted, ol AIvü Fni r. Adminittrattil, firnylng that Mcensed fi s-ll ccrtaiii rtal ettaie whercoi said ieceniid ;i: rt sfixd Thereapon it is ordcred, thAt Monil.iy, the flfteeuth n.iy of Jnly nojt, at le'n oVlwk i forenoou the BOritip of eaitl tion, ana tina tlie )'a rs at law ol Baid dw and nllothei persoiisinti rest' din said eflate, nrérequiri'ri toa; peai :U n sesslon ol snidConrt, thento he noldep.attne Probate Ofücc. In theCi.y of Ann Ar i hor, and bon cause i any tliere lc, wnv liiu ;,ra f r ol tloner lxiuhl inii s.r:-:iï!U'(i : Anditi forbh r ordered, that snld petltiouer j iofhe perrons intereried In '■-.o, i state, of ihc ptendest; ', sail )ftiiion..'inii v.u: beatlsi ttereol bj onningi copy of thl orrcr t bc mbltehetl In tlie.:;. Argux, : ii' s.-inii-r, [n satd fonr succcïsive weeksprevi ut tsald da oï' hetirt] l . ( trneeopjfO 11I1ÍAM .1. BKAKES, of l'rcbate. ' le of Patríele JícJialicn, Senior. s'i' TEOF MICUlUANjOoantyof tVasktenaw t?. At a ues8ion of the Probate Court for rhe t'oiihiy of Wanhteunw, bolden at the Probate Office in the City of Anu Albor. On ■ oi; ay the Vf-ïitli dy of -I :i i, in the yoar oue thriiarjrt ejht llllll'lred :ti!'i 8eV) nlj two. Present. UirainJ. !!e!ikct;..7uilEfe of Probate. 1" the mr.tter ol the BstaU H Pitrfck -McMr.hon. (): r ■uüüi.' un! i i 1 i ti _- c 1 1 ( p''!i!ion, dnlj Tcrlfiod, oí Fruncía McMahou, pray!DjL that soms s i piMxm oiaT be anjioinied Admhitstr -tor of tho estate of .-; ;.! ii inleid Tfierettjion iï. is ordered, that M; tday, the eihïh ciay of July next. at ten o'clock in tïie forenoon be a8slgncd for the bearti g ■■'. .-;;:)! petiti"ii. and tha the heii at law of said iva-rc!. an(! at! othrr iK-rsv-nsiníereí-tic in8aldeetM#g arerequirecl to apncar at :. acseipn ol ' snitl Corjrl, : then tit be holden ;:: the Pfotofttc OiRce.inthe CHy oi AunArrjor,andhoweoseif nu; tlierebe, wh.y the prayor i t!ie ietit!nner shotild nol be granted : Anditiafurtber ordcred. that saidpetflioDerLive noiice lo the nerone (nierested ín said of the pendency ofs;ti(! petition and the hcarinc tlierfoj. nycannAs ropy ol tiiis order to be pablisherl in the -'■( Liga" Argu& newspaper, printed and sirculatiug in snirt ('ouuty. ihree me■ vreekDrevioaa ■ faíí ■';' o.'henrirp. (Atruecopy.; il)RA 3. 11KAKES, I37S Juilue uf ProbateEstáte of Eil-rarM iïregory. iTATK OF MICHIGAN, co'inty of Waahtenirw, ss. A : a sesión of tlie l'robate ( mirt for theouuty of Waohtenaw, holden ut the Probate Oliiee, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mondfty, the t ntü day cl Tune, in the year onc thousainl tight hundred ar 1 Beveüty two. l'r sint, ïliram J. Boikes. Judfre ol Probate. In the matter of tju estáte of Edgal M. Orcpory, decenacd. (Jn rendot.' and flling the petition, dnly verilled, of Dorlica N. Ciregory, prayingthat abeor Boméother sui! ii'le paraoil máy be ap: oiutl adminitrutrix of the estáte of said deceaBoa. Tbercnpon it is ortlered, that Monday, the eiftbtn day 't -i'i'v next, at i-tn oVlock in the forenoon, a for hening "i saïd petition, and that iï:o le.r:;tfs. derisees and heirs at taw oi1 Baid dei and all otbef persons interested in Baid estatef are requtred to rppi'!U' at a session of Bnid rourt, the n to be _t tho Probate Omce, in the ii:y of Ann Arbor, and show ranse. ïf any thcre be, why tlie prayer ofthe petitioner shonld nut be granted: And it is furthi "■ lered that Baid petitioner give noticc tu tne perflona intcrested in said estftïc, of the pendeney ol indthe hearing tliereof, bv causinp a oopy of this order to be poblishcd in the Mirhlgnn Ar;v, a newspnper printed and oároulating in said OOTlllty, thrce Aueeesülve weeks previous to snid day of ! vï::.ecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKEB, 1378 Judee of Probate. Estáte of Zenas Burd. w-TATE OF MIC1I1GAN, County of Waühtennw, s?. i At a sesión of the (onrt for (he ('onnty of Washteotw, lioi'len at the Prohute Office, in the City 01' Ann Arbor, OU reclnesday, the twelfth day of June, in the year one thousand eight huudied and Beventy-ttro, Present, Iliram J. lieakes, .Tudge of Probate. ïn tlic BBOtteJ of the estáte of Zenas Burd, dt'■(■■iï. Charlea It. Worden, Execntor of the last will and testament of said dcceasedf comes into court and rep ihat he is now prepared to rendir his flrst account ns sueh Kzeoutor. Thercupou it is ordcred, that Mondar, the eiglith day of Jnly next, at ten oVlock in tbe fm-euoou, be aaaigoed toresaminJnsndaUo'riiigsuohacconnt,and o Legatees, deviaees and hetn at luw of said deoewed and all other ponons BrteroBted in said estáte, aro required to nppcar at a sesaion of said Cour, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the t'iiy of Aun Arbor, in Baid Connty, and show canse, it any tbere be, why the unt should Hot be üUowed : And it isfurther thal Baid Bxecutor give notice to the pcr!ons intereetod in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causiní? a copy of this order lo be pubuahedra the BKchigitu Anjmsy a newppaper printed ntl eirculatirii; ia s.ii i'onnty, three succeasiTe weehsinevions said day of hearing. (A rrue ooi.y.) U1HAM J. HHAKKS, 1378 Judge of Probate. Estáte of John Jlillson. STATE 01'" MIOHIOAN. eonnty of Woshtenaw, ss , At a session of the Probate I lourt for the c f Waahtenav, holden at the Probate orlice. in tN' city of Ann Arbor, m Tuesday, the tourth lay of Junar in tin' yt-ar one thousand eight hundred ftná söventy-two. Present, Iliram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the niütter of tho estáte of John Millson, deceased. (n reildinp and Uluis the petition, dnly veufled.of Willism Millson, praying that Jnnina short or Bome othersnltable penon muy be anpointed udministralor Of the estáte of Bffid dceeasicl. Thercupon it is ordered, tfaat Montlay, the flrpt day ut Jnly next, ar ten o'clock iïi Ihe forenoon, ■-"nciï for the hen-ring f said petition, and t)mt tho heirs at law of said dï e and all other pt rsons interes-ted in said l ave required to appear. at a Besaion of said Conrt, tl.' ii to le holden at the l'robate OUiee, in the city of Ann Albojr, and Show iMiiM-. lf any Uur.' be, why the . the i'utitionir should not be granted: And it i.s fiutiier ortlered. that said petitioner give notice r porsona intereeted in Raid eutaW, of I of taiil petition (uwl t:, lereof, by eausing; a copy of rhrs order td nublished m tlie )U higan Ar,yun, a newspaper printed and ctrcalating in Baid tuunty, three sucec-ssive weeks pMvioni to aaitl day of heariiifr. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKB8, 1377 Judye ot Probate. PIlïSICIAilWRIPTlO lOCÜRA'.ELV ANP CAREFULLY PREPAKED BY R. W.ELLIS & ÜO.,imUGOI828 KStute of Jacol e i 9 fWashte, .",l''"il,. 1 Ann Arbor, on I , nycar one thousaud" t rreswit, HirnmJ. Bonk,. T „ltwp . ""' In the matter ol tl.,', ïgj '."■."■e. ol JUIIJÍ mdthal ti híwC; sn to I-.. l,,,i,in 'J ' ! "' m the City of Aun Albor ai ■■ i , " ' rolH' ui? tbere be, why the prnyer of the peUtimL'l"1' " MÍ Sioner gire not ice to rh? pera, ,',,„ . "I JJ LI, the Mv:!„:,,„ Argu, a, nrin.íS '"Mu alingin ai.; Connty, tbreo suáis , to said day of 1,. Híe Kcvia (Atrue copy.) JUUam i. . . ji Bstato of Luoy M. Maynart" STATE OP MICHIGAN, ConutTofW Atuwmian ol ü.e Probate ( ov'.it'ij, r", Washtenn', holden atthe Probate iÍÍ ''.tw of Am Arbor, on Mi,,,,;,,,' ,).,■ .""U'v! .í tbc year one tboosaia o,.-],, 1' Beventy-two. ' ""lu :. Hiinm T. Ilrnlces, Jnogsof p„j, . ment now on thrs eourt, puriS,"S ?■ lust wili j. I tostnineat of snid dnmiV " '" '.ü. oprebnte, ana tlmt l. tll ■ kV' UlTk . uyioii It i ohíered, tbat Satorá, n ty-nmth day of Juno instant, ,it tcii '„ loicnoon, be assigned for the btiuin,, ,, k Ut ion, and Ufet tbelep.tees, iSSU"} at law of eaid deccMc-d, s,,j .'kñn petso:is intciostcd in SMid esrtate, iv'iMnïLi ""o tbe Probate Office, in the Citv J? m bc,h.H ■how cause, if any itiore be, why th íT '" petitionershouW not be ip-untcd: Andr?' "'i hat wM peUtioner í:,v,, ,.„,,,. ,'.?' mternoied ín s:nd estntc, oí Ihp [k-i,,, „„ tím and tlic lienriu) tlx.ivot. h cañan.. 8f:dk niKid .iid cinnilaUne in s-iii T' a ■■ re weeks prerious to said d,y Of S (AtTS HIKAií.I.RggL J-Ócij Estáte of Josenh Harria STATEOP MICHIGAN, Connty tí WI.i Al i Kfgjon of the J'robat,: I uírt fti ti ?' oí Waihtensw, hoMon at the Piobntenïï tsui) Arbor, on Tudav. ,kc fcSÏ 4S?two ; ' " U"e thUtaI1! "shl hS ÍS matiCT ol the EttUte oí j„X„ iogana flliiig tire pelii-on. ÜMvTf, , Barría, r.rymg that Frunklm J i ■ , td'ct ipon it ís oidcrcd. that MondT n. il.iy of July m-xt, nt ten o'clock in the'fll !.- ;6i(?llj for the heiiri.! oí tliiit the ht-irs at l;iw of wiid d j fwrsons intecíted in siii.i ertote. rv ,c uindto' " t a Mtufon of nid (.'ourt, then l'rabu-.e UiaoH, iu the City of Ai; cutisc, if there be, why tlie prnyer of tl .'„JÜT' si.mád rot bagranted : An,l it m turttei suid potiticner give r.otieo to thc prtm$ intrTS,'?1 said ,-tnto, oí thc pendenoy of said petitfen ,S ,? hercof, l.y ciuir:;; a copy uf tLu o' . ■ m widooiinty,tbioiwSSS prcvipuh to uud djiy ut he. i -jihIi lAttm ■ UliRAMJ.Bl "" ■'"'teol Estáte of John Eisclp CTATEOPMICHIGAK.) ouotj of v''mr . t Ataseaeionui thel'robnte Conrt fgr ■ of Wnlnenint-, holdt-n t the. Probate i City uf Aun Arbor, un Wedneac'ay, tLu iduy of May, in the year ouc tiicufaiul i died and Berenty-two. Fftxoit, lliriim J. lteak. Judpcof Probate Ifi ihe mattei of the cstnte of Joli deo aucd On midinR nn.l tlip petition, dulv i Antón EUeh, prajuig thal u c-rtiu ' instnaij uow on tile iu lii Conrt, pnrporting to be iísi will and teatiinent oí said deceated muy !. to pi oliüte, nil tliat he mav be appoiii-c; theteof. TlTettpcn it 3ordcre:I,lli!it llondoy, -i fourth day of 'une next, at ten o'clock ii noon, l aSKÍgncd lur thc heuring ul sari mima ín.! thut the Jigattct, devitem íibJ Uíit i hi oi enid dcccirf, ur.d nll ctiier rri - cd ia suid estufe, aro rnii:cd lo . it omi of snid Court, tlicn to be frobato Office, iu the i show cause, ii any thero be, why thepu petitioner Btiould noí fce ín:mted: Ana: oidered, tlmt s.-! .'itnidiui Lm noüoito tute.of thependcncyol id the he:j?iiicr thercof, b) tí.it order tu l pnWhl ■:, tte Ui'liit'ia.tmi.t r iiiníl ;-. , n in id fom, o week previous toaaíddaf oflnD IA ■■ íííJBAMJ.IÍEAKS, JadnctFnbue. c of Palmer E OTATEW'JIK ÜI.A.N. ( liiitycí MVbltcDjiF.M. O At ;i ftcatiuon uí tlie Prob ■ itenaw, holden :vt the I City of Aim, on Sntiirriu;-, Miy in the .. An-d -.ud Boventy-two. r. -. at, Uiiiiia J. liealt, 0 udge oi Fiolitc. In the matter of the esttite of Pain ded R94 'l. ;.) Daria, F.xeciitoi of (lic last iñ!! asi tedtiunent of iv1. dewnsed ws into Onrtardtep resente that I. w nu-.v prcpaied to account tui M-ch r.xfi-utcr. Therpupon ii is ordcred, that Sfontlay, '1 fourth rlay of June ten o'cloek iñ lhc:'wci.t, : ■ .i i :::t'ï] f r examininir and aüovi account, i'.rid lij.-u tl:o legaietv, n! 'uv. of -.ii'i di-ceased, nd u.. ::i mid ódtnte, ñre requi !.pi ; 'fjurt, tiien io bc lt. ■ Probate OfRce, in '.i áty of Ann Aibr, ii ad County, und shww eanst;, il any there be, wLt thesii sboutd nrt be ;illüwï: Aud :' c-r orlervü, th.-rt s-d Ëxecutor yivo noiice te t y.wms interfïitd ilisald estáte, o said account, and the hearing thercof, l oopyofthiü order to Ui puolishcd in t Arriis, a newspiiper priuted und circulaviEg inwá Coonty, three wacccaaive weels iitviuus wsaiddM of ii.'.irinc. [Atruocopy-l HIRAMJ.BEAK Judjeoil'iliUf. Estáte of Hinini Shcphefd. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coontj ofWiaiüinAt n session of the Probate Oourt for Ü of Washtenaw, hoiden at tlio I'lxibate i ' City oi Aun -Vvljor, on Wodnesdjty, tle ti d;i ol May, in the year onc thoiuand ■ lTr-l ;:nd ttventytwo, Trm-ui, llh-a J. Bfksii. Judge of PtoWif. In the nutter of thc estáte of Hiram SliephA deceuaed. On reading and fliing the petition, dulj" Tfrifiei Ji ase Bort, praying that he may Itt aiipinnledw11' i.struior tf e&tatc ot sui'l deoeased. Tberenpon t is ordered, that ilondnv, üietraiJ' fourth day ol' June next, at ten o'rlocli in thelcn' pied for thc hearing of saMpttitio,"1 - at law of said derenscd, iintt all othetpöf1 inteieeted uisaid (.lateare íTíjuiaeduapi1'!?''" sionol mfi Court, then to bc WJdinnt the Pi OffloB,.in thc City of Ann Artor, and show m.J any there !■.■, whj ;he prayer of the petitioner BW" nol 1 e granted : And it i?; farther ordowl.iMt!" i r f-'ive noiice to the persons mtoresM i est:ite, of l he pendency of said petition, and ik T ing thercor, cy caujing n copy of this ordti " published in the Michigan Argut, i newsjwi''!] and cireulatinp in sairf county, three succesJÉ wtu previous to aidday of lu ■ „e (Atfnaonv.) Uti'.ÁMJ.m 1S7S. Jnd ..f_rro, . Estete of John Mi STATE OF MICHIGAN, t'omity of U'sl''cr: At a aession of the Probate Court ftie,ïjS of Waabtenaw, holden at the Probate OffioA J of Ann Arbor, onTuesdny, the twenty-eiS! .May. in the year mie thousand cight liooiiw1 "" ■erenty-two. -_i_i. Prest Hiritm J. Büakes, Judge of rroK',as, In the matter of the eetute of Jota w" Ou ronding nwl filing the petition, di T?ïitV Dm MQIer, prariug that wiministrr.twn ■! tatemaybegrantdto Willim McCuilougH, named as Kxt'ciitor in the instrument Low urt purporting te. be the last wilUraltf" oí Baid deceawd. tvni#itï' Thereüpon it is onlered, that Mondar. """S ' fourth duv of June next, at ten o'cloi-k in the ïojJJ ing (■!' siiid l-ctüwn. 2" lejratws, deriseea :.!iii heirs at hvw of saiu1" ■ ersons iaterested in said estáte, "tJiW to appear al a sosslon oí ímiI tourt, then t0 "fj at the Brobato OHire, in the City of Aun Ar sho cause, if any there lx-, why '"'ïFiffu petitioner shonld not I grwited: Ancl " ,vjj. ordered, that said pelitiour give nctKC VTJ sons nterested in said estwto, of tlie yZ, i said petilion, and the hearhiK thcreof, W ajZL, copy f ti.fe order to be rrohüibcd '" th ÏÜ Argus,& newspaper priutl and ciixmlatiBg oounty, ihree suceessive weeks previous to sm ' "VAVSooopy., HlHAUJ.nEAÖ.. 1370 JudgeufJI,. Estáte of Jöseph Hovai . OTATE ()F MICHIGAN, County of w """ÍJÍi! At u session of the Probate Court for we' o g, Wtxditennw, holden at the Probate l)l!i,i" of Ann Arbor, on FriOoy, the twenty-io" Muy, in the year one thousand elgnt nuw" "' 'rMcnt"i'liiam J. Beakcs, Judge otFaj In the matter of the estáte of Josepb Bo dêoeatéd. . , wv.t" On reading und flling th iwtilion, duir w ; Aan II. iWard, p.-iyir that he J, , Buitahle persOB, may be uppointed adn. the estáte of aaid deceased. , . .hetn.T ! Thereuix)ii it is ordered, that Moncay. " fonrth day of .Tune next, at ten nJlt', noon,beassigiied forthehearing ot eaio P? ' that the heirs at law of soid „d IR-rsAns inlirested in said estáte, k J appear at a swaion of said Court, üietowy at the Probate Office, in the Oity of Aim -1 show oaoie, if any there be, why thc Pr ."nrtW r Üüoner ahould not be granted: Anliti that said pctititmereivenotift interend in. aideatate, of thc !''"'■■■.■ c .,; tion, and the hearing thereof, by can"''01', „tr . order to be publishl in the MiMH"?-?" paper printed and circulating n -'!'i ' ■ suceessive weeks previous to id ";) p" ' . , s 5, (.) niBA3ÍBJ Estáte of luchara C. DjUoi STATE OF MICHIUAN County cf Notlceis hereby given, thal bv a ■ Probate Court lor thc Co.mty of Wm on the tweniy-fourth .h.y of May. a_ monthsfromth i'teót presen! tbcir clairunigninst th_; et Lülon, Ii -"■:■■ ?ííft.Sí crediloi-8 of Baid deccase are '.""" ', J-, daims to said Pr. bate Court, at tne Ir '■ theeitj of Arm Arbor for exainmatioi; to-. ■ enty üfth day oi ' !5ü W „ndlhat - will be henr.1 V.n-e Ceurt, oh Satnrday, ih .ventj-v ""-- Arbor, jFi. „r.


Old News
Michigan Argus