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BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ir F. FASQCF.I.I.F. M. D. OH" m ■ 11 A. A. ferrv's ton'. Hi'sldence Washington i,.e.-( font doora ea.t of State IS78yi ,- AEÍS í!t MINEBAL SPBISIGS. V ilorrla Hale. M IV. 8up rlntondent. OftU-e t Hurón Streets. flNES & WOHOlílV, 10 -onth Main stront, H Aan Ir 'ór, Mlcb., wholeaale and retall do.nlí-iln Dry Qooda, Uarpeta sn;l Urocerles. 185ltf r L BBOWKi Airoiitfor tho Plnkla & I.yon L" Víctor" 3eiDg Machine Thej are allent, ,t,0 rUne mi n k: tb look stllch No. T srrcct Ann Arbor lMpy tTícit & SCII-MIOj Dealen in Dry Goods. Uórücerius, Crockery.ic. No. 64 Soulh Matn tVlt'JIAKL MtHtltAY-, Roofer Kire and tl Water Proof, Fci'c and Gompoiitton Gravel tHÜpaton to order áttd v irrauted; Uusidenceon tfcrsüQ Streel, A uu Arbor. RW, ÜÏÜlÏs V to.. Drugglsts anddoalera . nP..infb,Oil5,otc iio.a South Malu -itrct-t, la Arbor tir II. JACKSOÍÍj Denttet aiöÈeMortoC. U. U I'ütut Oilk-i! corui-i1 Mainand riilron stroctx, ihe ui' R. w. Kin & ' o , Ann Arbor, Deathelica adnfinlatercd r reí alvetí. _ il; T. BBEtKKVv T!. I., Physicmi) nnd ) , s uw corner of HuinStreeu Arst rtoor e.i'si of PresbïlirijnUhur ., Anu Arbor, Mlch. .!,■ .. l)i lier In H'its "3 ' !■,, ■ du' Pnrnlthinif Ooods, t!. So " s.i.u.i Maiu trettt. nn Arbor iich. '.rniKiUAXD de wíir.n'oY, Uro ama ■ inU arta déaleríin Kel Sítate. tu on Hnroú - i iwlS C. RISDONa DeftVêr H HardWajw Lswv.s MouaeKttïnl l::ug Gouds", TIn Wiïe,&0. uth M.iin istreet. _ iTtciI & ABEL, Dealer In "ryQootViï OroD jfiiub, jei: fc.Ku South Matn irBet.Ahn : ■, .V!" SO.Nj Grocera, Provisión ilnd S '■'.„., -■: .(i -.1. ■ iinu doalerr In Water . i piaster, and Plasrtr Paris. Ko. ïaBaki -: rett -f V JrliüI.TT, rt'holesftle and ReUlllieiler S, ,, i;.,,v . In, 'lotlis. (Juaiini-Ti6, , iiidGüiu'i I iIb. No.J .South treet. HH. WiM.:i, !'■ ■"■■■■ ■" ;' SV rtadeCloih' II lus lutb C.isülmeree Veatlncfc Ha. Capa hnks' arpet Baga, c 21 Soath M.-.!m strbet. nlLÜORE riSKE, Boolnwllira andStai ,,i rs M -dicitl Lan and Uolls Tcxt Boflu, iiiii Uooks No. 3 North Mailt , Ahii Arbor: ñlNLEV ft IV is., ■iln üoo -f.Shoea, i.-,S ippert, 4c No. ! üurt Haron f troeti lor. . ViiAH WCIIKKVBK, li'TORNEY AT LAW ! ■li E NV Morcan, Eustslde of Conrt House Teacher f iluilc. de lostructloh dB the PIANO, VIOÜN AND GUITAR, ithi olllCf, NÓ. !" Sddtll '■' ■ '"■ - -■ rt, (Moorc'S i óf mi' papil. ' Pi ANO TUNIJNlG, ■ulc n spéélalUj nd Botisfuctlob guar'ahteedi isi-iyl iTr ü C K E R Y . LA8SWAUE & GR0CERIË6, J. & P ronriellV' lljv-ii] itoreaUrrstock 'f 'rockcrv. QtaMWare, KitwlWare, ' : ■nen. &c, 4c. all tobe HlditiiiiuK'iAlly low prices. No 1 1 CMi Horpn Struet. A.u.n Alior TOHN gTg'aLlT" OBALEB IN" FRESH AND SALT MEATS, OrAcmiolicitcdnndproiniitly flllcd wtih thehist ■ n the market. 31 Kast Washington tret. Ann Arbor, Scpt. lth. 1S69. l8Hf T P. BROM, y M:n:ilacturcr of ClBailCES, Bl:flIE8, I.IMBKR Wlf.O.XS, BPUSfl WACIOX8, tlTTERS, BLEHMSi Kr. Iflwiiricwarrantednrtho h'ent mntoriar. Repnirn% done promptly aud rwonafl t. Al:work w;irnoted to etve perfect aati fuciluu. C S Bth Mal ttrrat 1MT'jjR C. A. LKITEK CO'MriNüKS TO PUT UP AND PILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all honra, at No. 1 Gfegory Block. C. A. LE1ÏKR & CÓ. Aan Arbor. Dsc. 22d 1871. 1351 HR.C. B. POKTER, DEIsTTIST. Sceitt taeSAVINGS BAKKBLOCÍÍ, Ann Árbor. UI Oparations on the Natural Teeth PBRFOttMKU iriTll CARE. J3Í3ÜRPA33BD PA.CILITIEB AND SXPBRIENCE SETThü ARÏÏFiïiU TEETH, TU GIVE KACH INDIVIDUAL, finlm-í ƒ Jropr fae, iipeoor, JinwuunJ na oí trprewiion. 1Q44 J.:kson wagÖ.vsi A Cr Load of JAGKSON WAGONS jast rewlved et Hogers' Agricultural Warehouse. Those who wsnt .Iclti Wa.'ous, had better)?o "r ihttn now ut the proent LOAV PRICES! "tuero ioo i tn be ahont eisht dollars addedto 'ne pi!-f:'nt j"rTcrt otï accuut of the ailvunce tti prlce " Wa-on ütoika. M. ROGEKS. noem?. pon saleT Thcresirlcnoe of the subeeriber. Hous N'o. K nnd VolotoOQ Hurón - PoaaeaBion ïven the ■tof ilay f Uesircd. Inqnire at tho Anocs (Jffice, or of C. il. Dd, Ann Arbor, Maich 2(rtn, K7Í ISlWmJ ÍKOPLE'K DKUG Sïüj.t... R. W.ELLIS& CO. A. ÍST A.K.fcrOH MICillOAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. SÜ-MMEK TIMK TABLE. Poásongcrtrainsnow loiivo the cevcrnl ítátíons, h ftülows : _ d = l i K -WW BTAtlOKH. J W S M ■1 ir 2 I s s a o a_-! w I _ph a. m. jT M. r. M. r. m. p. m Detroit, leavis, I 00 'J 20 4 00 5 50 9 30 Vmilanli 8 28 10 25 S 30 7 l? 10 i( .WAr. 8 52 10 42 6 0 7 M II 01 DaztaT, 9 20 6 30 8 8 CheUen, OW , 8 S2 Ornes LaK, 10 07 6 00 a m JuckBon, I'. II V I 35 12 IS p. M. P. M, A. M. KKlAlimzoo, 1 S5 2 28 12 U - - ChiLago_rrivf, H 2" T 30 C 30 Í 30 ÓOIÍÍG EAST y til i % ' p. H. p. M. I ■ . llicaKO, leu.ï, 5 15 U ÖÖ 0 00 9 30 A. M. P. M. Klamazoo, - i U 12 00 2 28 a. M. I r. u. Jackson. 12 35 4 35 3 20 4 40 (,'„..- tÜi ■ 00 8 J7 6 23 A. M. 4 13 5 40 ( 25 4 oO 'l,óf; 1 5S I 00 6 Si 4 ST 9 4 Imiltati, 2 22 6 20 7 qil 5 20 0 00 li'Jit,,Mriv(r, SS5 _ 6 35 7 00 The Deiter Train runs tó Jiickaón Baturïw cvcnina oa " Bvwoing Bxppex" tuur, aud bao Monda; momiiip on [taovn. The "Nlght Expío" does iiot pnnseiist Momlny mon.inp. 1L;, Expresa run bclween Taekaon nn4 Sflts bn the Air Line. DatedJlUM 8d.l872. LH)KT WAYNH, JACE30N r ■ ANÖ SaginaV Raiii'cad. Tliemost direct route to Pittslmrtr, Phlladelphia, Baltimorc, WnsliiniM. l, ' ' ' ' "ls suu" aud southwc&t. i ' in run liy (.'liicugu litne. TBA1SS OOINü SOUTII. Mail. fypItÊi. Angola Ace. Anrt Arhnr lu ï M fkson ï I I' 1" 4 MËnor'. T6 5 H Sta 10 M f, Anta. ? 1? ? fr lort Wnyne, U 46 6 Cndianopli, 2'$v-a' 'm. m Cinoinnstl, s 5 ■ 6 30 a. m. LouisvUle, U T1ÏAINS OOrSQ NOÏITH. . Angola Aa. Bxprut. .'."il. A,m Arbor. 4 " "' C!foe romwcMonB mt mu e withMieliir'„, Central Jadraon, Lunsing & taginaw,nd Grand (fjKSlÍTOhiata Bhorcft MtehignnSonth"'AovSiü-'n-ith LaUe Phorc & Micl.ignn SouthitrVwárae-With PHWbuiK, Fort W:„;.,p ft Mmcio&CinCi.mati ií.dlro.ds lion'T. Uli-MC, ücn'l. ïictet AE't. !■, ... il lsn. PLAYTAT10N BITFtRÜ. S. T.- -1860 - X, This wonderful vegetal il e rcstbrativi.' is the sheet-ahchur oi'ilic fetble and debiÜlaled; As ïi tohic ilhd cordial tbr the -i.'iCtl Èthfl langnid it lias ntt eqbal ninoiig btomaciiics. Ab a mneriv for the nervous veftkneaeee whicli #omen aré especial1.)siilijeetetl, it is PHtfeteeditii? Bëry other stinmlant. In all clihiateej tropieáh températe or frigio, it acts as a speciticin every BeoieB óf disorder whicli uiidenniiies tlie bodily strengtli and breaks dowii tiie animal spirits. ïbsvyi. MEXICO mOim LlíkÜENT, POR MAN AND BEAST. Pi-öÖhbly few nrliclrs liaie cvf r hnd so eiiíHshft a Sale, wliile UM have been more univërsally bwBtla.IUan the tilebrated BEXICAÜ HD8TÍHfl tBHBEUT (liildrrn, AduH, Horfrs, anJ Uomesli Inimils. are ahiiys liahle t aceldrnt, and it Is p;f' fi M1 " fc!llil fa" pass a single M'ason wilbout soine fcind oí an emollient belnp Beeewary. ir bicorne? a uiaíter f iniporlant; thën to Setme ihe bèltt Ovcrthrechündredüvery ftahlcsln tho city of NewTorkalooe are iwrot the M.xic;,ti MDbtanp I.inimrut, Innllof which it fivcs nlvttsnl ttllsfactlon. CACTION.- Thewriiinoi wrnpped in a fine SllÏteengravliig with -O W 'r;r'V'"f;?, x" ,„„„1 - 7.,i; i,,', MWZ1CAN MVSTAK6 IJNi ie-i Dirraved aems? tbe face or ean wrppr The wh.ile bear ihe roprietort private niteii mp. and oot acminon atamp, ■""""'"'iNMANUPArTITRINOCO.. . l-7..ii'vl 35 l'iirk hrt N.Y. BOOK-. J. R. WEBSTEB & f O. NEW OOK STOKK NKAR THE " EXWtKSS OFFICE.'' LOO TO ÏOUB INTEREST AM) (ALL. BOÖKS. LOVEJOY, TOBAOCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CTJT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Símil, Pipeö, &c, AT 'O. 7 EAST IIUROX STREET, Ncxt tö the Express Office, A5i ARDOR, 1IIC1I. i34ötr f.IVE (4SESE FEATHüRS PIBST GaTJ-A.XilT'S' , tunstantljonhand andfor8Hl by BACE ABEL,


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