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Agricultural Statistics

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The Juno ivport of thu Sta'istioian of tbc Department of Agriculture, now in presa, 18 txlensive in its troatinelit of wheat. Tbo statistics aro based on repoita irom oounting, of which 199 ïndioiito au average eonditiou, 270 oountiea bigher than Ule average, nnd 1.34 a low ooudition, ranging Erom 100, the standurd of medium prospect, down to ten, ml in a lew casos down to tntire failure. The State averagM are ealeulated not BimpW from tho numuer of lonnlias repon d, Uut iroin tho comparativa production ui the several count ea. ïheso 903 reports inelude a very hirge proportion uf the wheat area ot the country. Tho suinniary of the returns of aroa shows a reduetion of two per cent. from that uf 1871. The acrenge in spring wheat in States which grow thut varicty uiaiuly is reprosented aa föjlows : Maine, 108 ; New Ihiniijshire, 100 ; Vermont, 102 ; AlassachuM.-tts, 9ó ; WigOOIlsia, 198 ; Minnesoti, 101 ; Iown, 10(5 ; Xiebrask, 113 ; Oregon, 107 ; Caliioruin, whore the distinc- tion of spring aud winter is scarcely kuuwn, reported spi .ng, 130 ; winti r, 130. Illinois, where winter wheat constitutes twci-thirds ot' the erop, gives 101 tor winter aud 75 tor spring. Saneas, where spring wheat predomínate, returna 1-10 ior spiing and 62 for wiiitnTho States growing' winter wlioat are Connctiout, )ö ; New York, 98; Xííw Jenny, 98 Pennsytvania, 90 ; Délaware, 96 J Jiüiylmid, 100 ; Virginia, 98 ; North Carolina, 101 ; Nurh Carojina, 96 ; Georgia, 98 ; Alubama, 10j ; lli.nsissippi, 95; Texas, 116; Arkimsas, 90 j Tennessee, 1"3 ; West Virginin, 100 ; Kentuoky, 92 ; Onio, 88 ; Michigan, 82 ; Indiana, 94 ; Illinois, 101 ; Missouri, 92. The oondition of the predeminant vnriety in each Stato is thus stated : Maine, 101 ; New H(unpshiro,'.M) ; Vermant, 100; Mass&chneetts, 99 ; Uonnecticut, 88 ; New York, 68 ; New Jersey, 70 ; Pennsylvania, 70; Dolawave, 70 j Macyland, 11 ; irginia, 85; North Carolina," lol ; ■ South Uarolina, 97 ; (ieorgia, 105 ; Alabama, 116; Sfississippi, 104; Texas, 117; Eassas, 110; Tonneesee, 117; West Virginia, 85 ; Kentiiuky, 108 ; Ohio, 78 ; Michigan, 7") ; Indiana, 85 ; Illinoin, winter. 80 ; spring, 103 ; Wisconsin, 104 ; Minnesota, 106; Iowa, 111; Missouri, winter, 108; Krinsas, 108; winter, 46; Calitornia, 99 ; üiogon, 95. Tho general average of condition for the entire erop of 1871 was 230,000,000 liushels, at eleven and a half bushels pet aero Considering twelve bughels an average yield, the area and condition of the jHVM nt urop on the first week in June pointed to a product of 220,0(10,000 bushels in 1872 Tho erop of 1869, whieh was about sixteen per cent. above an average, and the largest recorded in ten yours, was 287,000,000 bushols, as returnod by the oertaus.


Old News
Michigan Argus