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BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Street, four door em-t of State ""J BttIWinL, corner Mann and WeatHurou Street,. eriinDry Goo.K üarpets and Grocertee. 135tf BuVpnt on tordcr and rrautod. Beeldenccon Jeirerson Street, AuuArbor _ Ad irbor _ . ";.:r omce o.r,',er Mal and Hurou.UeeU. ver the ore of 1!. w. BUb " Ai u Arbor. Mich. .ncMludii-saciminlstercdlf reqniml. t F. BSAXEr, n. -, Phy.UiD and V . srr--..n OlB ,t reldeno corner of Ilut"; ïlreeu int ioot MM of Prb,. -.eriin Chan-h Anu Afbor. MIeh. i? j. JOKNSOr, Delei ;'!■ HM and , ■aj., L. fat. SKHWÖood Si-uu' Pnrnlrtlng wwo j.. s„ j :juath SUin treBt.AnnArbor.aleH. Sas aaws S'n 3 .Su'.itli Main etrt-it. _____ - U oc . Piastor, aud l'Unier Prt. No. W Hiiruii ctre i . VOOBIJK, Wholesale and Hetail Dealer ..,...- .indiJenfi. l'urulsiiiuíOo. dB. South , red. WM. V 1';M.:i. Dealer In Bdy S??to2íSi ftaalu, atpet Bag, c 21 satb Main ■ I ■ G":,,,':-., "dital UwSdOolfttrTetBoota. ïch'.ol and Miscellaneonf Buuks. No. 3 North Main i-reet. Grcïory Block, Aun Arbor. _ F1M.1. I.J'.WIS, DealersInBooiH.Shoes, -.-, S.ippera, &c No.a fiast Ilurunftreet, iin rlor. ___- VOAH W CHEEVEK, Al'TORNEY AT LAW ! Oïr.ewithE.W. Morsran.Knetslde of Conrt House -r..r-. 1M1 J. SCHAEBEBLE, Teacher f M usic. Q'"eB instructlon on the PIANO, V10LIN AND GUITAR, tthis offlee, No. 67 Sooth Muln etreet, (Moore'e bïi!dia";,or t the resideace of the pupil. PIANO TUNING, tule n BpecUütJ nd satlsfaction goarantecd; :W4yl Tr o c k e k y. GIASSWARE & GR0CE1UES, j. & P Donnelly ■Bavcinatorealargestocknf :nn;kerv,la58ware, ïiaiod Ware, 'atlery Gncerie, &c, C. all to De toldat anusolly luw prlces. No 14 SMt Haron Street, AnnArlior. HJStf S. Bi f. PO.SMiHÏ. JOHN O. QALL, DEAX.EH ITT FRESH AMD SALT MEATS, I,ARD. StJ8AQttS. Et... Orilcrpsolicitediuidpromplly Ulied with tbebent me;itv in the market. 31 ÜUt Washington slrct. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1309. itBHt T F. KO, Mannfactnrer of (IRRlACrS, BlCWr.S, MTIBER W1COSS, u vi.ons, 1 1 iers, SUOH.HS, &. UI work wirranted oftho beat materiar. RepairIn dune nr.imptly and ruasonabie. All work warMntedto ive perfect sati-faction. C8 S"iUh Muln street. 1843yl ÏJR. C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PÜT ÜP AND PILL Physiciaiis Prescriptions, At (ill houre, at No. 1 Qregory Block. C. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor. Dec. 22dl6"l. 1354 QR.O. B. POLiTER, DENTIST. 8i:eia thcSiVIKGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. UI Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFonMEl) WITH C4BM. 7S3CIÏIPAS3ED PACILITIES AND 3XPBRIENCE sïTThb ahtTficïal teeto, .TO (ilVK BAOH INDIVIDUAL, Onlvuolte proper tile, ikape, '.olor, jirmnetëmné na al exprftlon. 1344 TACKSON WAG0N8! A Car Load of JAOKSON WAGONS juet recelred at Hogers' Agricultural Warehouse. ThDsa who want lackaon WaaonB, hd bottergo ftir thera now ftt the pronent X.OAV FRICES! wtdero is sot to'traabont eight dollars adrted to UÜ Uéseot prloi cm account of the advnuce lu prlce t W.ïgon stocke. M. BOGEKS. FOK SATL.E ! The rosifonco of the snbficritor. HoaBe Tío. 62 and 'voloNon Kuron Street, HiHt. PoaMMfon (rivfn tbe Ut of üay if desired. lunuiro at the Anona Offioh, orof c. H. incimoM. Datfld, A.nn Avbor, Mnroh SOth, 1872. li68mS pEOPLE'8 DRUG STOxii R. W.ELLIS& CO."3sr ABBoa MICHIUAX CENTRAL RA1LB0AD. SUMMKK ÏIMK TAÏ1LE. Passenger trainBnow leave the several lUtiohs.aa ÍoUÓwí : _--===== goino wkbt. ___ ast -il' S -"j] E ís jí ---- ' 55 5 is ___ OOINÍi KAST. , - - ! - " . i é y t sjllj - ' " ,, m [ B. A. M. A. M. „ueago.leave, ïï 6 p9 Kaianoo, - Vul 0 rkém. IJS 1Í? „rl.ake, - O0 S _ h1"-11' 5 40 0 25 4 80 Dexter, . „ p v , 4 ST 5 40 A,.„A.bor, IS 6 0O B g 2n & gStofeve. 1 _7 L 8 _ 6M_7JO rh(. I),.xt.-.Tniin runs to .I;i.-kon 't",r'1"5' 7" "ÍÍÍÍS.-. run bolwecn Jaokaon nd Nile on Uc Air Lluc. Dttteil Jnnt 8d.I878. rHÏBTWAYNE, JACKciON AND Saginaw Railrcad. Thcmoet direct route to rit.Mm.ic, DulartiliAKi, 'oüth"ct. Train r.n, fa I Mg I "■■ gUOI BOBIO sox-tii. Mat!. XmrtMt. Jngola Jcc. Ann Arbor, J ; 2; 4 M ,.. „. I' "■■■ 5 1" 557 Waterloo. 42 Louisvüle, H "u TnAINS OOINQ NORTH. T."'"-villc, , ou A, M. Ciacui&Mif " M jq 2s fndianapoU, ; 4 10 r_ „ fort yne. 1JMÏ.S. 111 Auburn, 12 20 6 27 WaUrioo, 'J 20 G20 Angola r 95 IN ï Hxnover, J 06 g ,„ Jackon, W 00 o 6 J4 Ann Arbor, ... ,r. . t Tfiekson-Oose connection are mu.'e witli Mu -hUiATJ:;;;iSl!é;Hhtake.ore& "ifwSSL-M. Lake Shoro & Michigan SouthetAFo""vVo-With KtWnn. -fffiLf cw" TolJo.Waha & Western, and ft. ayne. Munde & Cinciunati HaUi-oads & ]BiW( 6npt. Kob't. KiLi.iE, Gen'l. Ticket Xg't. Deo. 11. 1871. PLMTATIÜN Wm S. T. - 1860 - X. Thie wonderful vegetable restorntivo. is the eheet-tinchur of the feeble and debiütated. As a tonic and cordial for the ned and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervone weaknesess which women are especially snbjected, it is cuperseding eery other etimulant. In all climatt, tropical, températe or frigid, it acte as a specih'cin every 8]eciee of disorder which underminee the bodily 8trOngth and breaks down the animal spirits. lSB5-yl. Beautiful Woman! HAKAN'S MAUOM A BAI-M Rlvcti to the Complexión tlic rresbneii of Youtli.'e Manoi.ia Baui overcomes the nn?hed apprancecaneodby neat, fatigue and cxcltemeiit. It makes the lady of forcy appear bat twenty, nnd bo natural md perfect that no person can detect Ua applicallon. By lts use the roaRhent fkln is made to rival the pure radlant textnre of youthfiil bi-uuty. It removes redaess, blotche, and pimplef. It contains uothlns that wlll Injnre the skiila e lest. MagL-olia Balm is used by all fashinable ladlcs in New York, London and Paris It costs only 7i cents per Bottle, and is sold by all Druggista and Perfumera. 1355-e3w-y. BOÖKS rioÖKSJ J. B. WEBSTER & CO. 'EW HOOK STORE SEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL. BOÖKS. li LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST 1 Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruif, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN AUBOR, nu il. 1IMI f PBAGEANT SAPÜLIENË. Clcuns Clolhs, Clnan Clolhing, Clean Ribbom, CUeanH Silke, (Jlean Lacea, Cluaus Oarpettt, :urtinH, ( -uHtiions, or any article Koiled with OrouHt;, Tnrt Puint MR8. OLA8IER, Agent, H'OiirJ r.nmtr if TlinmnuiTl anti tllÍHm hit.u


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Michigan Argus