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Curiosities Of Austrian Etiquette

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inore aro no peopie ín tno worla so tiea down by rules of preoieiits as the Viennese ; fashion and etiquette rule thcm with an iron roa, boforu which they bow serviloly. Fashionable customs aro observod thero as religious orditmnces aro in bigoted countrios. A t'all trom virtue is a monial offense as comparad with a broach of etiquette. Su, t'or instance, it is fashionablo and commendablo to drivo in tho Prator all through theraouthof May, but "bad taste ' and not " tho stylo " to be seon there in Juno. On a fino afternoon tho main avonue of tho Prater will bo crowdod with handsomo oquipageg on the last day of May, bat the first of Juno, no matter how bright and lovely the wea.her may bo, not a single carriage will bo soen along its entiro lcngth. For no ono is supposed to bo in Vlenna on the flrst of Juno ; those families which havo remained in the c.ip ital to the vory end of tho bost monta in tho year are supposed to maku thcir escapo in the night to their country-soats. Or if circumstancos havo prerontod thoir doing so, they daré not advertiso their prosenco in town by taking the driva which was still fashionable twenty-four hours earlier This is sober fact, not oxaggorated fiotion. In the samo way it is the height of fashion for ladies to ridn in tho Prater during the sea8on, but no lady with the slightest rogard for appearanees will ride tj or from tho Prater through tho town. Hor horse must be sent on to the park and she raust drivo thon; and home again in hor carriago. And this notwiehstanding that right through tho city to within a few yards of tho ontrance ot' the Prater thoro is a ridinu; Uley, kopt iu excellent order espociully for oquestrnms. Again, au officer ot oavalry dare not caiTy a parcel while in uniform, no mattor how small it mny be, n book or even a fan rolled up in paper, though he may do so out of uniform ; neithor daro he enter a one-horse cab, although he may drive about in a tv-horso vohiclo to his hoart's content. An officer of infantry or artillory, however, whether in or out of uniform, may carry wht he pleases, and drive in whatever convoyanco suits him bost. But then infantry offieers are out of the palo of fashionablo society, whilo bold ilragoons and gay hussara aro its chiof oruamonts.


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