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- Tho Grant Kepublicans are just now over-flowing with sytupiithy in behalf of the good old Democratie party, and shedding a hoap of tears over its coming destruction, taking pains, of ourno, to make thoso Democrats who don't talco srock in Greeley, the victinis of thoir sympathies. Should not tliis toach Demócrata a thiag or two? Aro tho Gr uit Rapublioans safe advisors or honest condolerá? - A distinguishod soientist onco proid this conundrum to a friend: " Why does a ilog 8 tail vg instead of the dog?' The MMWer was, "bociru-o the dog is bigger tlian tho tail." Whioh is commended to thoso Kepublicans who aro so U'rribly afraid that the Democratie party is to becomo au attuchment to Groeley. - TheJK 'M Evcniru) Pon', bolting Liberal Republioan and revonuo reform orgau par cjctilent, says that the eleotion of Greeley will be the miracle needed to restore the Democratie party to lifo, vigor and power. If 60, why should any r.umber of Democrats refuse to support him ifnotninated at BaUimoro? - Í.3 deg. in Oiticiu:i:iti, 93 La Eastp irt. Ma., 80 in Washington and Philadelphi, 101 in Wheelfug, 103 in Xew York, with I dqq rungo from widely distunt points, is tho roport tbr Tuesd ij', with a lüfgfl numbor of sun strokos, 51 fatal and ;0 non-f:it:tl cuses being reporced in New York alone. - ïliis bcing the season of college xjmmencaments throughout the land, we road of tho usual ríumbor of honorary dogroes boing conferred. Amoug thum Harvard has dubbed Ulyssos the I., LL. D. By the way, why will so muny journiüs persist in printing L. L. D. for LL. - Benson, of Lossing, was LL. Dd. by the University of Michigan at its late Commeneement : or so saya the N. Y. World. Why couldn't tho Wurlil have Siiid as easily, and moro in accordance with the fa'ts, " Bonson J. Lossing, of Poughkeepeie, N. Y. 't" - Judge Das'IS has deel no 1 the nomination for President by tho " Labor lioforioors," but gives no ictimation of his future courso : which-ought to be to attencl strictly to his duties as an As3ociate Justioe of tho Supremo Court. - When a Graut lipublican pats you on tlis back and repiningly expresses his regret that Greeloy is about to swallow the rïoble old Democratie larty, ask him whioh i th-j largor the DaDiocracy or Greoloy. That will be suinoient. - (jor. Parker has duclinod the noniination of tho " Labor Reformara," misciillt'd, for Vice Pro6idout. Ho says tliat both his duty and his prefereueos luad him to support the nomíneos of theBaltimoro Convention. - Grant went to Boston and tho Jubileo for a single duy and then hied him back to Long Braueh. The races had more attraction for bim than Gilmore and his musiciaus. - Henry A. Wise, of Va., has declared in favor of Grant as against Qreeley. One of the best rcasons we havo hoard why the South should support the " sage of Chappaqua." - Spcaking of a late JTaelison Republioan County Comiuittee maotiiig tho Citizen says : the presonco Of every member " augers well." A greafc boro that committee, no doubt. - In the Criminal Court at Memphis, Tonn., William It Dawson, charged with the murder of Bcnnett Jones, the seducer of his wife, was acquitted : for whioh the attempted suicide. - Tho Loarlon papers and Geneva coi Tospondonts give Charles Francia Adams the credit of bringing order out of confusión boforo tho Board of Arbitrators. - Tho RegÍ6ter's office of St. Joseph County, at Centorville, was broken open a few nights ago, and fifty' volumes of records carried off. - Storey, of the Chicago Time, is now tho oraelo of the Grant wing of llepublieans. Is Storey tho same old fcitoroy, or what? - Tho Jacfeson Citizen supports Grant but indorses Gov. Blair. A difEcult feat. An Ypsilanti correspondent of the Free l'rcxx charges "foul play" and "paoking" apon tho Democratie County Convention held in this city on Friday last. lst. JOHN J. ROBISOir, County Clerk, was permitted to represent Sharon ; aud Hon. C. Joslix, of Ypsilanti, ono of .ho wards of that city, in which it is eaid ho did not reside. Now, Mr. Hjüisdx, 6ince oomiag to this city us a county officer, has represonted without objection his township, Sliaron, in every county convontion held, save Olie ; and has onco buen sout as a delégate to a State Convention from the district of which 8harou is a part. So mucli for " precedent. " 2d. Coinplaint is made that in the First district sub-convention the district claimed and elected both delégate instead of conceding to Ypsilanti the privilege of selectiug ono of thum in violatiou of all procedent. " StbUCK down it the post of duty :'' Pjstmaster D2AK, whileactivoly engaged in getting up a cainpaigji club for the Presidont's spociul organ - the X. Y. Times,


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