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WA S -, : A OIRTj to do general hoc swork and one who at derstands oouking. Intuiré ut No. 40 W Streel. HMvl Eètatfe of Rufus MatthewA. . TATEOF MICHIGAN. County of Washtean, I Ai D S60BÍOQ of Ulo l'rol-ate t'ourt for the 101(67 sf '. asliLBimw, holilen at the Prabnttj ÜtBoOW ('i. et Ana Ai boe, on Tuesdny, the Komd dn) of July, in the yeur ue tlioujmrxl cight hut&ci and BBvnity-tvo. PirwAntf Hiram -T. lieakc, Ju4of Trábate. in thu matter of the estáte ol liulUB' oonnod. MarouJ,Matth#wS, Ewcuter of the lastvtiluJ U'btHinciií. ül taid dett'iisci, comea ilito OOllft Uül MJ recenta thut he ;s now prepared to runder bisLu ftocottnt ai ■■.'!: !.ti:iiior. Tb#Nntpo it iorderedythat Monday, the tweutj' ninth di oï' Ji;iy insttuit, ut ten o'oloek m tlitfurmcoo be awitfned íorexiwu minor umi ll.wing such v io"., ttilul u.tit thtt k-pMtee, de isets ftl heirs nt Uv o) auiii decenpotl imd all othcr jh-tkod iïrtiieitirf in lid eatnte,' aró required to appenr at a juin of HitiJ Couït) then to be ïiolften t the Pn batu Office, in thu City -f Aun Arbor, in tA County, and show caow, 'vS mnw there he, whj the unid íiocouut sliould noí Le Alibwed : Aud it iefurttoi ürdeied tliat snid Lxecut&r give uotioe to tía pö sou tnfeerëated m Bnid e&tnte, uf the pendency of o aooount, ind the hcuriiiK thereof, by cnu&ingJiwpT oï thia to bc publiöhed in tlie JltcAtan ]) a nqwifpftper printed and circuluting io sai'l U wwi tiiiM HUCoeriUVQ weeks previoua U sMfiv wf hfUMfkA Irue eopy.ï H1UAM .T. BÉAH Iü81 Judge of FrofcaW Estáte of Patrick Fay. TATK OF MlClIiÜAX. County of Wrtriiteawr. vi At a session of the Probate Court for the CDimp of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Otü, ic Oity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tl)? fit iY t July. in tho ycar one thoutumU eigbt hundná evfUTy-t-.vo. Present Uiram J. lïerikes, Judsrc of Prob.it1?. In the matttr of the Lstat of Patriefc f On reuding and ftlingthe petition, dnly verifl. IïndEret t'ay, iiraying that. Lukc Ccjle or f othvr suitttblo ïx-rtion, ma y Ie appointti nam1' idlrutoi ui ihu ssiate oí Buid decaan dThereuijon it is orrlcred tlmt Monday, the twotf ninthduy of Jniy iuatttnt, it ct'i: o'clocit in thefoiïWift ned for the lisriiig nt' Mtid pi'tiiioD. i iitürö ut lw of said deceased) aL. o'her persons mterested i'i tutid etnte4 aie n quina appeiir at a eession of snid 'ourt, then to be Loltís tae Probate office, in the' city of Ann jni and show cause, if any there be, wny tlie miyer of w p 'titioiuT should not begiauied: AimI it j furítír etend tliüt said petitioner give iioticc to t"e íí soos intereatvd in said estáte, of the pendeocy w petition, aud thebenrfng thercof, by pauins iicopí thia order to be pubh.shed in the Jtichtffn Af nevrpaper pnntod and circulating in mil ewiui.i three aucewsivo weokd previous to Baid dny of iner. (A truccopy.) IIÍKAM -J. BEAKK8, 13öl Judgo of ProUtt; Gommissionors' Notice. v ÏATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WuAtwgg Tho onteraigued, having been appointwi l? Probate ('ourt for said ocmuty, C'ommiiioneiJ BeÍTet examiiie and adjuatal) claims and deinipo" iü jRiiKon iigainst the estáte of John -Ht5 ■■1 county, deoeaaod, liereby miiic-ttbii months fiom date aro allowed, by order ufsiudj bate i'ourt, for credit ors to present thcir w! iiguiniit thccHtiitc of saiddeocased, and thai tistiyw meolat the rtvidenoe ofsnid deocaaed, in thewr ship of York, in sa ut oouuty, on Suturdayí J? twentr-fi'h'.h day of Septeinb r, nd T:'jrsdTt"J ;ty of Jauuary n.xt, at teno'clock 'j of said da s, to receive, examine, and adj"1 claims. Dated, July lst( A. I) 1872. DAN LEL LrBABON, F. M, PALMKR 1381wl CommfMion Estáte of Frederick Yungfor. LÁTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oi A'a.-htenai O Notiee is h reby giren, tliat by anorderoftw'J bate Couri for the i ouinj of Hhteoaw, mmioon twentymuth duy of Juue, . [. löT.sixmontMgJ that aate were nllowed for eyeditora to PT(Í1S un.-; the eatate of Krierick ?P , and that nlUTfoiW" i ,: piest n! ihevc . Mi to anid Probute Coui-t, nt the Vl in oi : 'ii y o!" Aun Arbor, for oxaiuiiiutitm and allnwujwj the thirtietli duy .-t Doct-inbei ni:f, nwi thut auoh claims wil! hcanl beforesiil "JJ7 Pourt, on Saturdav, the fourteeulh day of Sejl2 uid on Slonday the thirtiethday of DewmtefJ ui t. ii o'clocit in the forenoon of each tif tliose osjDated, Aan Arbor, June aath, a. p. l2. HIfUM.). BISAKi I3aiw4 judb'cof rwww Cotumissioaers Notice. TATE OP MEOUWAN.oountyoi udiletijj'j The iuiIereirned, liavinrf beun uppouil utirtforsoid oounty, ■ mii 'xa?0 :oivi;. examine, and adjiut uil elainm ano J . )f all perdono agtiinat the ■ late i I 'jj ate uf said countj , doecM ■:,!.' n by give """"jií tixmontba írtwn thal date aro lUlowed, y.jBü iaj t L ín: i !ourt, Íorcredit4)rítopr sent tí;-' fi tgainat the estáte of ttuid deeoased, and tnr c.-7 , auet at the Oüioe ol C. JaMin, in the cily of I; ' Dsuid county, on Saturduy, tlie fiuiteentn w ; -i Lamber, andón Tuesday, tho twenty-fo ii oeinber nest, at lOo'dockx m. of each of üW"1? o reoeiTe.i camine, and ndtust oi . i Dated June Uih, k.D.1879. TNGEOHOK nBBTft lftO4 Commi DfiOPLE'B DRUG STÜivi t R, W.ELLIS& CO.


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