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Sam Houston

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An anecdote of General Houston - "Old Sam Iloustou " he used to be called - shows how little things sometimos decide the destiny of nations. It was at the timo when " the RepubHo of Texas," waa in embryo aud striving to gaiu a standing among the nations of the earth. Hamilton and Barnby had gone to England and pushfcd thé claims of the bantling with Tory poor success at first. But Hamilton and Barnby were resolute! i'.nd peraevering, and ministers 80 far yielded to their persuasions as to send out an agent chargud with the responsibility of reporting upon the condition and prospects of the country after a personal examination. The gentleman selected was a fino, dashiug young fellow named Elliot, tho young sou of a nobltman. He had been employed in a diplomatie capacity at one ot the inferior courts on the continent, whero he had acquitfid himself to the satisfaction of the Government. Thero was an implied promise of the recognition of Texas in case of a favorable report froin Elliot, and the commissioners had oneouroging assurauces of procuring a, loan in that contingeney. They returned tlatcd at thoir partial success, and the ntelligence thoreof was received with great joy in Texas. General Houston, President of the Republic, was ono of the most perfect specimens of manly beauty to be seen in the country. Ho was considerably upward of six f eet in height, straight as an arrow, of symmetrical proportiong and as graceful in his movements as a panther. He hnd n linely turned head and shoulderg, and their easy play was wonderful to behold. He nffected a picturesque and rathcr theatrical etyle of oostume ; but what in an ordiuary man would have been foppishuess and affectation, bis great personal advantages rendered natural, proper aud becoming. In the anticipation of the visit of Elliot, he had orderod a niagnificent velvet robe from New York - a soit of regal garment that set off his masculine attractions in a splendid manner, but which would have brought ridicule and derision upon almost any other man. Tt is well known that Houston, although perfectly températe in the latter part of his life, was ot one time addicted to intomperanco. Ho was not an habitual drinker, but occasionally indulged to foarful exoess; and when Elliot arrived in Houston, then tho capital of Texas, he was in the midst of ono of bis worst dranken orgie. In fact he was lying in the gutter in a state of üelpless iiitoxication. But Hamilton and Barnbv were euual to the emergenoy. They recoived tho Envoy with becoming retpeot, oonducting him to tho hotel with suitable ceremony. He M the informod thaí the President, General Ilouston, had bfceu unexpectedly callod to Washington, about n hundroa miles up the country, on indispensable business, bftt would bo back in a day or two. Awaitin Lis return, they would show the Envov whnt was to bo seen at the capital, and ondeavor to make him oomfortable. Meantiiné the Geueralwas taken to the liouse of a friend, bathed, oleansed and fuuiigsted; and as he had wonderful powers of recuperation, ho appoorod reaovated and rcfreshed in less than twentyfour hours, aud, inouiiting his gorgeous yelvet robe, gavo audienoe to the British Énvoy, looking liko a inonaroh of the Lower Empire. The efifeot was eleotrioal. Elliot was carried away by the affability and dignity of tho Presidünt. He cuuld hardly expross tho admiration with whioh be wm iuspired. "Why, gentleman," said ho addressing the Coimnissioners, " l have never seen a man of suoh comrnanding, inajestic presenco.. . He puts ono ut easo ut once. His de3criptióO of the country was eloquent and impressive, oarrying oonviotion in every word. I should consider ïuyself faithless to my duty if I did not rooommend tho immediat recognition of your indepondenco, and I can iusuro you all tho money you want as soou as ïny report is presontod." And ho porforwcd all he had promised.' Xuxas was acknowledged as au independent nation, and borrowed half a inülioa strrling, and thus th question was settledf adversely to tho pretensious of Mexico. Buppose l'.lUÖt had stumbled upoa Houston as be lay in the gutter. Ruilway navvies aro picking their way in Japan, and tho nativos are making


Old News
Michigan Argus