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Local And Other Brevities

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Subsui K)l' !'!■ the A.UUUS. _- Get yo'ir Letter Headt, &c, ut the Aitpn Office. _ Advorlise In the Ajmjüs If you have inytlilng 10 ."cl!. __ The sliower Wodnemlay ulght was the jncst o' the week. _ The farmers are rlghl In the mldiile of the wlieat harveat. - Have potto luiirs tUe rljjht tö ob itrnctthe sldewalks? _- We glve our readers thls week anothtr intercKiiiiK 'etter froin J. Bi. Whbelbr. _The new cornlce on the old UnlvenlI baiMingí- now wlngs- has materlally laproved thetr ppearance. _O. W. Sïkoso, of Ypsllantl, haa patpted an Egg Carrier, and T. S. Vaa Devort, of the sume place, l Winihnill. A Liberal Rspobllcau of this city of(rrs .' bet i?r on cacti .Sute iu te Union. Vii t man asie go lor mm -02 cJt-jLt. at ü o'ciock A M., yosturday that's wliat our thermometer marked Q;iite u let down flrom arnong the 90s. - We luivc been favorett wllh several llttle nhower si nee oarlaü 1íue, for wliicli jwns mi ftower-bed and shrnbbery and gardeu green liave put on a gratefol laok. _- We flo not heir tliat Postmiiüter tobe Ci.ak has receíved Iils commlwloo. i.kant is at Long Ilraucli (and the races) joJ can't gei up to WaftbiDgton to slfiíi it. - Ai.ex. McRSTMOIiDS, uiiose renioviil tüourcity we havo beretofore " reoortled," na examlned in the Circuit Court on Xue9lay, and sclmitted to the fraternSty of sttonuys. - 'f lie Superlntpnclent of the Mineral íprings House deslre us to ay that the ■everal hack lines will cali at prívate lonses and tak tvvo passengers to ana (rom the sprlugs for 50 cents. _ We regret lo heur tliat Wk. H. Aujold, oí Dexter, met wttb a seiious accident on Tuesday, lalling from a beain in his barn, striking on a stone floor, breaklng one arm and rccclvlng intcrnal injuries. _ PoHtmastcr Ukan hasn't been seen on oarstreets lor a D amber of dsys : riiI re port saj's that he lias 0:02 to eee the Presidtat itli a ioug petlüon, praying a revocsllon of tlie order for his suspension. Wc (Uil see what we sliall sec. - Rev. R. li. RiciiAKDS, a Methodist derpymau formerlj resident here, and wel! knowu to all of our older cltlzeos, died at Budson, Lena vree County, on the I3ih lust. Hls rcmalus 'ero brought here ani literrcd In Forest HIH Ci-metery on the - The di rectors of the T., A. A. and N. R. have culled in the second 50 per cent. of he stock, 10 per cent. payable on the flrgt 4y eacli of August, September, Ootober, Kovember and December. Ii Bubscrlbers llll pay promptly the work wlll bc pnabed lo au rnrly cotnpletlOD. - If the Ypsilanti Smtinel man wil' vis Itour city again he muy see one iblng not in hls last report : a nuniber of abletodii'd ie', vlgoroasly prosee tttlag the {tme of croquet on the Uoart House iqaare, regard lesi of the mercury or the tolcinn warulug, " keep off the grasa." - In the Circuit Court juries liavc been itrnpk aml ordftred smntnoued for Ju!y31st, loMsessthe right of way damages of the Tole. I .i, Aun Arbor a,i 1 Northern U il Ira d êoross the lands of Mary A. Calhoun, Win Ifheeler, (i. L Fritz, Thos. SiniMi and Jas. T. Morton. Tho Weil Bros. jury is to meet ouc day later, August lst. - As neither the pólice nor the aldermauic street commlssiouers geera to have Improved upan our hint obout vreed-mow!og. we trust that lot orniers and housej', lera wlll Indulge in a little healthy exrcii soine cool morning or even'ng. Clean streets wou!d {rlve ptranpers a better jpiuioti of both our taste and thrift. - 8. WRB-iTKn. of the 4t.h Ward, golng jpou the roof of Ui house u few days &go loHtop a U'ak, found thereon a match safe itlth matches, charcoal and slMtvIngs there In. The matches lmd been llghted, and it (snpposed that a (lre was (les!j;m-!l by iomebody, which was prevented by the loting of the box on the tin woik around the chimney. - Mr. Tiiomïon, of the firm of Crank Thomson, conlractors for the earthwork olthe T. A. A. & N. H., informs us that Ibe Pennsyhanla Railroad Company has toomienced npon the bridge across the Maumec, 'locatetl the track from the rlver to the State line - meeting our rond - and lll have it constructed by the time the roadbed from thls city Is ready. - The proprletors aud employés of the Abgds acknowledge an invitatioii to a "cleinstnn bee " at the Mineral Spiingl House a íew ovenlngs ago. The boys reponded, and uo more belong to the " un waahed." They reported favorably of the tqulpmeiits of the establishment, which Include common, plunge, steam, hot air, Jud electrlc baths, the rooms belng fltted up in the best inanneF. - Dr. Cockeii of this city is to lecture íefore the Inniates of the State Prisou, at lackson, on Öaturday, the á7tii inst. At later days not yet niimed Dr. Akokll and Prof. vlll also fill appointments in the same lecture course. We trust that Agent Morris has plcdged them uot to "manipúlate" thclr audlences in the InterfHof the Grkkley factlon. Belng a Stule Institution and run by Ucpublicaus, Guaxt l entitled to a full vote. The returns of sales of the different sew'ng machines, dnring the year 1871, show 'he Singer machine to bo by far the most Popular of all in the market, the naraber gold belng 181,200, out of a total of 810, 1&4 of twenty five different patlírns. It appears, too, that the Chicago Kellef Commlttee, which undertook to furoish sewlng machines to persons needlng 'hem, supplierl 2,437 Slnger machines galnt 517 of all other kinds. This prefirence of for the Singer machine 1 due to lts intrinslc superiority, and secms likely to be maintained agalnst all competition. New York Hun. We invite attention to the artlc.le on the Inbject of Water, signed by Dr. DoDOLAas. Hls figures should be carefully examined before either being accepted or condemned.


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