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- The Radical journals assurc the public thnt Juff. Davis supports Greeley, but that that " bravo and g.illant soldier," Oen. Lee, if alive would support Grant. Of these two Col. Forney' writing froia Texas, saya : " Gen. Lee's likeness is in evory house. He is the cuerished idol. Soinetimes he 1. side by side with "Waihington ; but I saw JefTeriton Davis nowhure but in one restaurant ia Gulvoslon. Ile seeuis to have fallen undor cloud;" And yot all these adínirois of Lee are supportora of Greoloy. ïïow is that ? - Col. Forney - and he a Graut man - writes from Texas : " The colored people are happy and oomfortuble, hard at work, contented with their lot, iiud, though all liepublicans, kindly tolerat.ed by their heretofore white superiors. ïlie truth is, whatover niay be baid to the contraiy, tho freodmen are rapidly improving, and aro uasiated by the benavoleni white men." - Tho Adrián Times charges that ome of the most prominent "Liberáis" in the State have attemptod to "buy" AuditorGeneral Humphrey with the gubernatorial caudidacy : which, if true, i evidenoe that í rural rusidence ia the suburb of Kalamazoo would built euch "Liböiuls.' Altogetlier too big a prioe for uaue men to offer. - Bro. Bingham, of the Lansing Itcpullkun, and uUd.irmaU of the Radical Stato Coiiimitteo, was in our city a few days ago, and vuiy anxious tobet on ló,OÜÜfor Giant, whoBeuidjority in lKtiiS wits 31,461. Quita a lutting down, Bro. ü., but theu muke up your inind to i'ull uuother cat or two. - " Winduman " is the way Üie Lansing Republican prints the name of our ! Democratie fellow-citi.en who ■ ted bis flag bocnusu of Grooloy'H noniiuaüun at lituümuro. Significant, considoring the big blow radical friends try to gel up out of ao slight e. brouzu. - IIou. Jacob I'üi'118, of Grand Rapids, - the old Kupubiican " war-horso of tho pino woods " - is in tno ílüid for Gruelcy liuu Brown. As his voice can ha heard froiu tLo btisu liue to the Straits oi' MackinaW hu will maku a ratiliug aiuong tho dry bones of Badioalism. - ïho N. Y. Kcinin'j tvst assumes that " our foruigu relations are likoly to be i'ar worse mauaged in Gruelcy's lianda than in Gou. üi'.iiit'o : " aud thij in i'ace of tho " indirect claiuis," San Domingo, (Jen. Sicklos, and bruther-iu-iav Craincr. Impoaaible. - Grant inomises to rccall ConsulGeneral Uutlur : aud this w'uilo brothuriu-lw Casey continuos to thrivo and fatton on the spoils at New Orleans. What will tho uncla of my nophew isay to such disci'imination iu favor of " our doniustic relations 'f " - K.ii. C. S. May, of Kalauiazoo, claims the right to remain in or go out of tho Kapubliuan party just as long au or whou he piuasus. 'i'hüt ishe mHuning of the last paragraph of his letter, which will bo found in auother column. - ITie -V. }'. Tribune says : " To the Tiesident of the United Btatei the North Carolina election, on the st of August, is almost as interesting an occurrence as the Saratoga racoe." A littlo of tLc Artouius Word "tarkasni" in that, we tako it. - The only daily Republican paper - the Leader - publislied at Ithaca, N. Y. has pulled down tho Grant and Wilson üag, and niast-headed tho banner of Greeley aud Brown. Has Cornell Univuibity such a domoralizing influenca ? - A. T. Stowart, the uian Grant wanted to make Secretary of the Treasury, but iailiug to do which sent general order Leet to pluudor and rob, is oreditod with contributiug $30,000 to the Greuloy campaign fund. - Rev. J. Stolla Martin, a colorad man known throughout the entire try, goes back on Gmnt. And so do Lit'ut.-Gov. Pinchbeck and Senator Cauipbell, both colorcd. "VVhat's up iu Lousiana 'i - Hou. D. C. LeAch, of Grand Traverse, one of the old abolition guard, and froui 1S5T- 'til uieuiber of Congress from the Lansing district, is reported a supporter of Greelay and Brown. - A cablegrain Bays tbat Gen. de SchweiniU, the envoy of tbo Germán oui pire at the Court of Austria ia about to marry a daughter of John Jay, the Amiüicun Minister at tho Austriau court. Important ! - Gerrit Smith sigued the Joff. Davis bail bond, and ha uever expressed any repentance for bo doing : yet he vaa the lion of Philadelphia and is the trump oard of thu liadical pack. Consibtency. - Colfax wants rest, and does uot propose to participatu iu tho pending carupaign. Has Suhuyler a soio head, a eore toe, a weak tomach, or what ? .- Totu Murphy has bet $10,000 of drtuit's niouey with Geoige Wilkes that Graut will be eloctud. VliO now gaya that Graut isn't a " confidence man ? " - The Battlo Cieok Tribune, publishod by V. W. Woohicugh, an old and ever zualous Kepublican, has hoistud the Greeluy and lirowu flag. - Thüstury isiovived thatLivingstono is happily niarried to an Africau princess, and that thut'B why he didn't come hömu with Stanley. - Baldwin's majority in 1870 was 16,785 ; Graut'g in 1868, 31,481, and now lü,ÜO0 is whnt tho leaders desire to bbt ou. - "The Eanting Wonien Kaise Their Shrill Voices for Grant " is how the N. Y. Morid htads Miss Anthony's manifestó. - Chase, Wells, and Blair, thrtte meuibers oí Liucolu's ürst Cabiaet, support Greéley and Brown.


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