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Local And Other Brevities

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_. iii.! vv.-t1.:' for liarvest. .gnbscrl ■ for the ABOtra. T!e tvlieut cr; la not ycl all seoured. „Gksbley mul Bkowh stock q,uoted at I g_ G. T.vYLon, lC-i;., hal looated u Vfool comes In slowly, with no c!iatie „aote in A. Qrant and WrtsON nlnB Is to be orolzeil at tile Court House this ereulng. timetable, wlth an addltlon,1 train, was put tu operatlon on tho M. C. O.on Moü(1y hist. The late ruina lusurc a good erop ol Intcr potatoes : that ia whcre the bugs Zn not been too ravenous. _ Anothcr liitcrosting letter from our .farnlg Correspondent," J. M. Wiiekler, (111 be found In thls week's Anaus. _ Tlif mercury wns let down to 55 deg. „ Jlonilay muriilng last, aud hasn't had icoiiraae to 'el up nmoni? the 008 dince. mud ut the croMlng or Ínterin of State Rti-eet wit'u Nortli Unlver avenue is beiug pared. Putting on ■■ WesecM. M. HowAKD, of New OrMiis, o'1 "r streets. Hu reports J B. qjWAR ui"! O'Hkahn wull, oud GusaUï stock gooi). i _W T. Undkrwood and J. .f. Mapei., ,;the Olass of 73, sallecl from New Yoi-k ,j g.turd.'iy last, by steamer City of Moureil. fir Liverpool. _ A sixth Jap:inese boy, the youngcst ':hè lot, and only a ten ycar oíd, lias ar-;(ec1 In oar citv, to be put through a full eJuctitioiial couwe. _-9T of the 105 Repabllcan voters of Ite Fifth Ward slgned a proti-st against 'ae suspension o.' Postmaster Dean ; or o we are nformcd. _ There Is to be a " Harvest Ball " at eWhltmore Lfike Hoaee on Frlday eve ■ u. August 2(1, and at the Cllfton House int'!i later, August i)th. _Tüe barn of L. D. Looitis, In Sylvan, jisburueil on Saturdiy last, wlth conyiv. Supposed to have Ijeeu strnck by litaing. It was lusured iu the Waslueiiv Mutual. _ Dr. Ward and son, of Pontlac, and 1. J. Sutheklasd, of this city, lcft yesimlay (or San Francisco. We presume 'uit (bat, ■' Mo'illor Sllver Miue " wlll get irestigatcd, en route. . - 'S. B. Colb, of this city, has a hen acüomed to do big thlngs. Two of her sis now bel'ore us measure : one, 7% by :R iuches, anct the other 7. by 6%. .■Tlwm's C2i;s as is eggs." - The Ypsilanti Oommercinl sccms Inincd to incddle wlth the Republlcan poljiücsof this city, {the postoflice, etc. We oald remitid the Cuimncrcial that " disjcretlou is the better part of valor." - We ure deslred to say that a meeting Jiillbe held at Cook's Hotel on Taesday ivcniiif; nrxt, for tlie organl.ation of an Old Settlers' Society ." Such a society laght to exist iicre, and its organlzation Itold uot be longer delayed. - A "V ashiugtoD dispatch of the 24th In the Hst of appoiutments made by ■ the President, the name of Chas. G. Clark t Posiniaster of this city : whlch proba jKymaybe lnterpreted tornean that hls IcoaniUsion was signed and issued. So aKicth the second scène. - The numbcr of blrths and deaths In ïiiscity during the year 1871, as returued Itf the sevcral Supervisors, was as lol. n ; Biritis. Deaths. K&2.1 Wards, 7:i 28 Mft4lh " 55 17 Stfi i 6ta " 16 19 Total, 144 64 - In 18GG Jons I. Thomi'Soji was renoved from the postoflice and clalmcd the ICoanty Clerkship as his reward ; in 1870 Col. Qrant was removed, and his sores erehealéd by a nomination for R"preenIbtlve and then Regent ; and now that Dean is to be Invited " up hlghcr," hatolllce is to be bestowed upon him y i We pause for a reply. Aks.- "Delégate" to the Stato Conycniieu. A ÜV0I7 time Is reporteii at the First fard Republican Caucuá 011 Suturday evest. Otir ueicfhbor of the Courítr inri Postmaster Dean led the opposing i. The ballot for delegatea bing ikeu and comitel,rlisclosed the P. M., 'hlcli meaus postmaster, ahead, tho vote ttnding 22 to 11. Not acceptlog the sítition our Courier friend moved a second ' formal ballot, wblob was refused, the rder lor the ballot havlng provided that befour hlghest should be elected. He 'ieu moved a reconsideratlou, an3 lletl for a división, whlch nrrayed a the two skl' of the bonse the pposlng forcea, 22 to 11, and disclosed to ircotempjrary just what he wanted to 2ow : who dared oppose hlm. The eiid is etjet. Tlií Anocs had two long coramunica'■ 1 nfportii-.g to come írom the memm ot the class of 1872. From tho tone J these productions, and the dictatorial Mtade assumed l)y the Argos, wc conMe that the artlcles emanatud from tliose v'ly cultlvated gentlemen, - the particu■ woclate8 of tlie editor." - Courier Which naturally snggest the thODght t it is very mucli to b regretted that irueighbor has not some "highly cultited gentlemen" as "associates." It "'Klit, perhaps, have a retelng and eleva fcg efftect ou h:s "productious." "Uetter "e than never" Ís as true lu this as any ''ter case, aud patterniug after the lady 'ho proposed to buy her daughter a ca"city, auppose he try the experiment. It %ht be a líttle rough 011 the "cultlvated ïentlemen," or "highly cultured," as an her Courier paragraph lias it, but then % owe something to thelr couutry and !lould cheerfully exhlbit a missiouary íirlt. Whea business la dull Is the time to íl the niarch 011 your sleepy neighbor - hidtertiiing ; and no advertMog medium 'las valuable or productiye of returns as "le dally or weekly newspaper. Oards Ín ctorles, premium llsts or advertising ets, etc. are worthleai in comparisou 'te directory no one sees but the adver"er, the preiulum list aud the adrertlBlog 'heet go speedily to the waste paper box, b the regular newspaper fies the rounds 01 'lie wholo nelghborhood, aud then is toserved for weeks, montba, and even Ír8. A word to the wIbí ought to be ""Hclent.


Old News
Michigan Argus