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29 'Hl 20! whowlH explaintbla lmu ï-n, A ni tell u6 will il pay io cali at the big 2ÍJ ! tint meao thoae injgtic lottorp throo, Ovur Uu bran new g'rocory- U. fi C for Crudit f and D fDr a dun f I Uiil'i the waj buaiucüsii olteu done ; BUI that's mu the ay to remi tho slgu Of L. C'OLliV, wlio BclUgrjcorlesataD, C ie for Casu : for the goods ho aells so cha ap, 1 is !)fitor u buy tbum llioru vour monoy to keep JJ. O, O.-Uaill ,m Dciirery- tnla i the way Ue is able tu Bell bo low añd make U pay. He ha uo bad debta to make Mm croas, (Jr tax y„u inoro to makt up Atj losa. So tbat'H the place to buy your food. Hu will sell it oheap, and yuu UI lind lt good. At tho O. O. D. Orocory you wlll alway find The of Coffju auJ Teis of all klinK Witli Biliar, too, and lroh, ripo fruit, Ur eaiiited, or driod, all taeti-w to suil ; Orangt'B, Leiuous Figs and ilalian Pfars, All tho .-picee thnttreo or ehruh oftroiilc boars, Nota, raidina aud various kindr of Cuudy, '1 lint chiklrrn ov urid mothera Umi ao Uucily, To kop au baad a liiildon store, A '- wiek " of this wlll inovr thom moro Xban the old'fttflliloned Tod" ourfatheftüsed, WheL childreü were plenty auil oitcn abusad. I :ill Uoda "f l'.■i m tlio palata to ; FiBb, bacon .flour, bread, buuorand cbeeie, Oookli - and crackers, cnorriee chocolttt uiidcuko. Thlngt to boil, fry. roact, itew. team or h:i:t. pecana peannta, yruueá iuJ pkkle. 'l'o coax tbo appetitt', tto c;ip. i-,louB and flcklo. He has-tflaaswaVe, crockery. and vessola of stono, Krttnch Lubtral Hoop - tin1 bent ov;r known ; ToDaoco aud clgara, botb tpr cbeWiiic and smoking AndiK'vcr will frown Ifyon (honld De Joking. Aud many otlier tblngs too mmurouf u meution, All of which to Mll citMp (ur eath i ha lul . Then C'metgood people, oue i.ndull, And j-lvc the O . O. D. grocery a cali. i Py our price and iry our w iri . Por in our pronta the buyar liares. You pay the cash lor j i:i t you gt, With uo tariff on losaes to 'mak': y mi ftet i nrii'1 atkför rrcdi', thongb vour a mi Illonalrc, But buy yourgrocerita for oj-li ui prlcua i.i ir. Como from the country aud t.! g town, Prepared to buy and pay canit i'-nm, CumOi rich and pior, come black nuil vliito, Yoa wi]l lind prvimona plenty and prieel viht, (Jome, iiends o' Qrant and (rienda of Qrecley, Shake banda at iL!) and trade C, O, D. frcel ■■ kature'sremedy;'% A valui'iu ii.uirui cumtfuuuu, ir aestorlug tco ieil;h aud tot tbe permanent care of all disttases arielnt; from lmpuritiee of tho blood, tjnc'i M Scrofula, Scrofulovn Vonotl, Canrcr, DuncerousJlluuir9 try ip&liiK Caiiker. Muit Hlicum, I'impli-K, and llunius ou tlie l'ut'r, l;lcerN, CouffU ( aturrli, ItruncIsktiN, Ncuvulpia, l'uiii-, iu (lic Sido, HhcuniKpiitiou, fosti voiïi-s, Diziiuss, ï'Hfo, JUeuILclirf KervouHF.intm-NS at tlie Stomut:li9 Paiui in tlio Hack, ICiddcy Cotnplaint, ï'cuiule Wcuknos. aurt General elilit. Tlilr proparatlon la ictentlflcaUy and ohemlcslly :oinhiued, aud 80 stroniy coiicectrHtml from rootv. lerba and barks. tbat ita good ciTect ure reaUxed mmoci'.atuly alter ei ) totaJelt. The re la no dlaeaee of tho hum ir. ayatem for irhlch VKUSTINEcannotbenaed wTtn pxaraot batitt, aa it dtfes uot c(intaiu any metallic componnd. Vot erad, catlng tbe ayatem of all Imparltlea of tho blood, it jan uo equal It ha nevar írtlled to effect cure. ;iviuí tone and sirenih to the ytom daibilUated ydle?ase. lts wonderfnl effects upor tiieuo coinjlalnta are BiuprlBiufi to all. Many havo been cured y tbc VEGETtNK that have trled mauy otber rëiuudle.', ii can wcll bo called THK UltiiAT BLOOD PUÍUFIER! Preparedby H. II. viiOVUKN, Uoetou Mata, Prico tl. 89, Sold byall Drogglatt. VrrilITJlOKE LAKE. Havinc; ïeccntly reüttod and f;irn!shcd the CLIFTON HOUSE! lam nowprepared to recelye and entertain pleasiK,flahing and dancins par Lea, atona of ihe most ittractlve, pleaaani and healthy waLerins; placea in the Weat. My boats arenew, larj and ommodlona atld vel', adapted for the uso of picasure seckerc Anglera will Boda rail and complete eqalpmtnt alwara ou ha Special attentlon elven to the wants and comort of those who wih to epcada few weeks in ecreation darinff tha warm anmmer months. Napalnswlflbe aparad to make WliJTVOUE LAEE, in Uii! future as iu lUo pist, a favorite sumnior lesort. D. F. SMITII. Go to E. W.ELLIS & CO'b for choice Wines and Liquore for Medical Purposes . Trees! Flowers! Bulbs ! Seetls ! HEDGE PLAN'IS! íursci y Stock ! Fruit and Flou'er Piales 1 Address F. K. PHCENIX, BLOOMINGTON NURSERY ILLINOIS. ; D Acres i '2i,stvrar; 12 Grcenlionfci'. Apploe, l,ouü 1 r., 130 ; '2. y. $a0 ; 8 y. #40 ; 4 y. $50 4 OataiocoM, -f iit8. lJisumé AGENT VVAKÏKÜ FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. The baat book publlshed on i'iü Ilorc and the ('ow, Llboral torm money macb rapitlly by AgonU ■el llDg these book Send far cinuhin, PORTBR & COATES, ri'ui.irmaxs, PhUadelphl, Pa. :pjEOPLE'B DRUG STOiCii R, W.ELÜS& CO. - Wtf&V ij' f f ,1 ■';,& A 'ASJS REPOET f THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAHGK AND CO.M PLEÏESTOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JU8T THE STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. AL8O A PULL LINK OF EMS' FÜRNISHING GOUDS! DON'T PURCHASE YOÜR SPRING AND SUMMEft OUTPITS UNTIL YOÜ 15 South Main 3t., Ann Aiboi. issi-tf. For Scroftila, Scrof" iiloiis !t -.Alises of the Eyes, or ScrofuJsj la in aiï.y (brui. jLs Any discnse or eruption BL% of the Skin, disease of the IKkJ Liver, Rhetimatism, PimO5j ples.Old Sores,Ulcers,BrokS'. en-down Constitu tions, Sypliilis, or any disease derLQl pending on adepraved contSj, dition of the blood, try X? DR. CROOK'S 283 SYRUP OF W POKE ROOT. 'afS It liaatlie medicinal propwicjjluf er'y Pokeconibined with HjFS a PreParat'ori oflronwbich yty' goes at once into the blood, ySfsHfr performing the most rajiid Ls and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for l)r. Crook's Oompound Syrup of Poke Boot - take X and be healed. MOTHERS! ïiOTHERSÜ MOTHEES ! ! Don't f all to procure JTÏRS. WI1VSL.OWS SOOXHIN SYKUP FOB VHILDKE9Í TKEXIII1WÏ. Thia vnlitable prep-iriltion has been oied with NfiVÉR-ffAILlNO KtUC'tSS IN TUOÜSANDS jl' casks. It not only relieve the chilrt from puin, bal inv; i oratcs the Blond ich auü bowel". correcta üeklity. dbo 'ives touenndeiierfy 10 the wholc systein. ii. wi"l al8o iustamly reileve Griping in the Bowels nnd Wind ('olie. Welwliove ittbeBEST and SURKST REHKDY IN TUE WORLD, n 11 cásea if DT8ENTBRY A.ND DIARRH(EA IN CIIILDKEN, whethir arlsng from te Ihl oí any othei i dnpou it mothurs, it wlll giverest toyour. sclvef, u tul Belief and Health to Yonr lufants. Be snro and cnll for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothini? Symj)." Havlng the rc-similo of "CURTÍS A PFRKINS" on the ouifiile rappor. Sold by DniggisU tlirouahout the world, l.y JpOlt SA.LE ! A llouse and Lot on the west ido of Mivynivrd ■txeet, bet ween William and .iníforson. Haa a goofl Hiirn ttmi Oivbamti TanMOMy Anti Arbor, iliiy 21, 1872. 1375tf J. J. PABSHALT,. GBAHAM PLOUB, BUCKWHEAT FLOÜB, CORN MEAL, FKE1) OP ALL KINDS. Alltheabovonrticlesnro warranted to havo no HUiK-riorin For salo at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B.- Qriating ilouc at short iiotlce. POR SALE ! ■■ l'!r i l'.üCfry nnd a iiTimd li:iml Ciliringe for 1 or '2 li - coDdition. jof 11. DOUGLA8&. Aim Arhor. May 23d, 1872. 13V5IÍ ■ " ... =1 GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'e for strictly Pure Dnigs and !Medicin""p,PaintSiOils,&c.


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Michigan Argus