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Bah Soden, Pucssia, July9, 1872. Friesd Pond : - ■ On our arrival at Hayonco, June 13th, we went to the Hotel D'Angleterre, one of i j tlioso imtnensie hotela whioh faco tho j ! Khine for a distauco of eeverul blooks' j j ready to ta,l:e in thoso thousimds whü unnually mako this trip ; umi the friendly ! manncr in whicu is dona is shown by that very expre-siva Latiu word, íáalte, whicii is neatly insoribed upon the entranoo landing as wo ascended. We did , not stay long at AI. Tho Koman aquedtlct of which many pillare still remaio tnicos of roads and of othor ovidonooa of a ltoman oocujialion neariy cotemporaneous with tho ('liristinn ora, have benn aríí oro beiiig di erod. It is regarded as ono ot' the strongest piucos in üermany, aiul Pruegian troops wero to be seen at all times. Tu fiict, wherever wo havo been, thus far, the groat activity and importance of tho military branch of tho government is too upparent to be ovorlookodi At tho no tols, riwtaurants, plaoos of amusement depots, on ths trains, in tho streeti thtij are ovorywhere. Üf ooutse, while France is ander a ÍStri-military oocupation, thero is sorae occasion tor this appoaTanee ol tbings dlong tho Rh'ine. But the numorous and extensivo public buildings and and barracka to be seen in overy place of a few thoosand inhabitants, and the sentinol statue standing or marching to aud fro at this or that gato or door-way, seein to indícate that tliis condition of things is aeithei exoeptional nor touiporary. Tho result of tho recent war has mauifestly had a grcat tondeucy to strcngthen this institution for, with some justicn, thesalvation of Oerinany is imputod to this systotu of constant readiness for dofenso. And just now, through all rnnlcB and conditions of lifp, are to bo soeu thoso Tarious badges, such as tho iron cross and others (and which havo boen distributcd with a lavish hand), -svorn with pardonaIe prideiiy thoso who have won these LOnors, and who, for long year3 to come wil cherish a kindly respect for tho mil tary establishment. Thrcraghoufc the sooiety hero thrro is a spirit of subordinaion to authority difficult for an Anurican to undorstand, but which, in sorae of ts results, compela u to wish that the respect for law wtts equally spontaneous and unijuestioning in our own country, for instance, hero wc are at a waterng place, whorc mnny hundrods of stranKora to oach othT are oongrogatod for a 'cw weoks, and who have no special in torest in anything but aelfish objects for ,he time, yet thero is a seuse of eeourity and Bafety to us and our belongings here. whioh makos it seem quit; unnocossary to keep everything under lock and key. But a truce with pclitical diwjuisition. Tho cathodral at Mayencc is not prticularly irapressive in its exterior, but has somo fine monunients within. It has ld mi oTetïiful history, reaohing frotn ;he lOth cenlury. A fino statue of "jutomburg, who, in ubout 143"), removed rom Strasbourg to Mayouce and was :iere associated with Faust and Scböfeï n porfecting tho theu 80 recent inveniion of types and tlie printing press, is liero ereoted aftor a dosign by Thorwaldieu. Tho bridge of boats whioh crosses the Rhino here, as ono dooa also aú Coljgno, is 740 yards long, but the passender scarcely realizes that it doos not rost npon solid piers of stouo. "We took tho train to Stuttgart at 10 n. M., June 14th, via Darmstadt, and our :lay's ride gave us an opportunity of ttikiug a rapid view of the Oilenwald, a wild ind romantic mouutain district reacbing from Darmstaldt to Hoidelberg, a favorito ro?ort tor pedestriana, and making the jceneTy along the Bergstrauss as picturesque, with its ruined castles and legonlary assooiations, as tbat along tbe Rhine. Soma portions of the way1 wo pivsscd tbrough agricultural districts the finost we havo soen, snd, to our eyes, almost as bmutifal as if especially oultivatod with boIö referonco to land-soape effect. We did not stop at any place long iniough to leavo tho train until our arrival at Stuttgart, öt 4 r. M. Here, as we stopped upon the platform, vro met ProfeBsor Friezc, returninR from Bidon. Our meeting -wan tnost agreoablo to all conoerned, and promising to havo auitable rooms engaged for us tbo next day at Tübingen, we bad him a hasty good-by and went to tho Marquardt. In a fow minutes in camo Clara, in such manifest hoalth and hppinss that we began to feel quito hopoful of Qerman food nnd dlimato. An absence of ten months from homo had given timo for eoine chango in girl of seventeen, but we found that with BOme at least those changes aro greater than with othors. "Ve romained at Stuttgard till 4 P. If., Juro Ij, ;i:il found it to be ona of tho most beautiful places wo had soon But I must hero, tbr the present, say good-by. Your.s M. W, The ladiea of Hartford havo opened a nuroery to reoeive and take care of tho ohildren oí' workingmen while absent fiom thcir homp. Cliü'iri'ii :ne rooeivcd from threo months to eiffht yeara of age. Tho düy paymont of fivc cento for saoh child is all that is required in return for watobfnl and throe wholefiomo rocals.


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