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Political Co-operation

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Demócrata and Liberal 1{(.. u have agreed to the support of(, J!"ilt" inore-CiDciunati uominees mul ' To make this co-operatiou efW ttraust be harnionious ; to mako it h nious tho principies and pían of cc " tion nidrtt be well matured and tl l1ly nnderstood. "'l The fStüte Committeesof tlioTi joana Liberal Republicana m at Jackson on T hursday , 1Wl" last, at which a plan of eo-opeitim1' fally discusscd and unanimouèh dL? For the inforiaation uf all artU t raovemcHt we givo the plan ín all it.,1 Pur, ft, for theT?: ent or uritil uil nominatioas arema(! two wings of the wcjvemenu T oach muintuiu a distinct party fori and be representad in prinmry Jul oounty and Statu conventioni by t dy!i.-;ate(l Kpteseatativea " ■■ l. It v:is agroed tliat State P gressioual, Legislative umi counh 'E' inating couventions of both winj ' be held in uvery iustance ai k', mui plat. ' Third. II .was agreed that all noai hons shall bo ma L-. ty join commi:Uj conference, tho report of ... to be made to convontion ■, it, and when apjjroved und rtopw Í' tho conventions shall bc ratifièd t ik! two conventions meeting in joint JJ Fvurth. lt was it waS SAblu tbat uil conventions held t elect delegatee to the State CÜBYeM; " oalled at Grand lispids to nouiiillte „ electoral (mil State ticket ghouldaliodl! delogdtes to thuir rtapeotivo Goagrcasiui.; Convention8. F.ftli It wfts agrced that (exceptie First Cougre88ional Distriot) it was to sub!.' to hold Congressional CobtmZb to nomínate osndidates for Congten time dutiug the week fulluwiug theS Conruntinns at Grand Rapiji. It is proper to rt-iuark that tiiescan mente betweun the two State CounitiM are binding oniy so f.-ir m they relate h the two State Couventions, beainse li coimuittees have no jioiter bejond tbilbut froe coneultation, between U' eral Republicana -and Demócrata lna,g portions of the Mate. it is thooght heet to wake the guggestion us stattd 0$ and advise their adoption tor the pjnm of eecuring unity and iioiupiues6iii j political moTeme&ts. It is th n undorilooti that Democn overywheru will proceed as usuul to tolj primar; meetings, connty und l i'jiiul Conventions, otu., in the usuiiiimi. mr It is not expticted in evcryinitm, [ thnt Liboral Rupublicaus will hoU ouütuuiiiry priiaariei ; but that br oti County Conventions they will ek-:t their delégate to their cwn State nd Cm. greiionul Gonventicns ; but it is nittstood thnt both Democratie nnd LiW! i Repirblinan nominating conventie!, k vrhatever pulposo callee!, símil le held tl tho samo tune, and in the iauio tumi or city. Tbis linter arrangement will be i fecitd by the various comiuitteei actiu in conoert. This plan of co-operation istheoteij. vised by boi National Committeer ul it has n.jvf been adupted by a number ti States. It has operuted well in lümjit and it commcnds ít-oii' to ererj tlie foliowing reasona : V ■■■!. It makos iw!i wing of tbepoGt ical tnov rañiit a high controctiag psnj te all nominations. Secund. It secutes tb nomin mea whoarereasonablyact sidos, becftu,jo It gives io eachgiii powor upon any objectionabie ■ Third. It is u f ir and equitable plu and (iommenda itself to 11 i.iir i wing beir.g rcprsstttti by its ov.ii c!( : ted di veutious, when thati iíizA a nomiaution, its aotion, by 11 rules, bind all who iw. yirties to ln tho convention. iletinvh;li' it is hopnd ai cipecti ■ ín eli-y and I) rom do i-mi d in every lo i Tíits nnd Liberal Ee] bj eauouraged to particípate i:. matiun uui the work ot these canijuigi ag"ncifc8. These club?, it will b i:i inind, are not a p.irt of ery, but ure cm ■ : andwbill we keep onrpart; i ent, sejittrute aml distinct, tho i work c;m go on, : ií is nuwgoit over the St;ite, with hur.'ü What sIíkII be duiie. with party n ery, at'tur uil nuuiinati ma ■■ after considuratiou ; mid i a coi tion, too, whick can be aotedon wing of t'iis party movemeut u think best For úw. present we aro grtd m ' i latform and vo are agreed on caníitó plan of oo-operntion presíntoü" tliis irticle relates only to the putting onr ferces in t!i field nd " ot conducting our oampsiga. We hope uil tiic Demooratioandlfl al Bepublicau papers of the State 31 e-ive this Biibiect their careful i tion.-


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