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A Letter From Hon. Wm. S. Groesbeck

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■ OoLUMBUS, O., July 29.- ThefoUowN letter adlr(;sscd to ilon. John G. Thomf son ond Gen. B. Britkerhooff. d of thfl Democratie tuin Liberal Kcpufci cm Bxecutive Cominittees of Oliiu, m ■ iust been made public. ClNCKÍXATI.July20 GK.vri.l-:f;x- 1 havurnceived 1 in viting me to preside at the maone i of Democrats aud Liberal B whieh is to be held at Columl 3Oth inst. to ratify the action of toe ■■ ciunati and Baltimore Oomentw am sorry to declino au important B1 tion given in such kind wordii but l" not be with you. Lest I may be w dorstood, I desire to say that I acoepl action of the Conventions ref erwd N"? shall vote tur Mr. Qreeley. The 1 duntial campiügn is now fullyM" arranged There will bo but h dates, both Republicana, and ohooso bet ween them. It will not be' oult, and while we should not hop1 ' Democratie administration ntler J (iruolcy, yet nominated as he has J ï two National Conventions, one Kep ' can and the other Democratie, w ' Bxpect au administration that ' "". partiaan, and, after all, such an íw"1"' tration should bo very welcome, "J be just what is most needed ftt tne p entbour. Following a l'tp.vy civil ; it will be opportune and bost nijj vheal ita animositios and restore gw 1 botween all sections of our coni all our peoplo. I differ in pol'"'5 % Mr Groeley, who was not my choicr]l. lie has heen chosen, an:l with eItrj nary unanimity, and is now betore the only representativo of Iecons 7. and under pledges tor importan1 _ llis grnat ability and patriotiim qnestionod, and if hu is seleoted ' good n ason to believe we will , oiliation and r.form. If Bo ' we olready know we will not g] _ but the administration now ,,j, be repeated. It should not be rePLL nor should we make it an examP18 itation by the indorseuient of "T tion. As a soldier Gen. ürsnt b . justly diatinguiahed. His w J.1. wero very great and shouul [■ ■ edged ly all. They have been, " generously acknowledgod, and never forget tbeui, but he is not sw f a civil raagistracy, and wc snoM' a j. his administration to clos.) witn"1 ring terui. jni I intended to write at more leng , ■ J? in somo detail, but what I hve said is a fair reply to your ing you lor your tíattoringinTi"""1 I am, very repoctfully, ,,CT,rflï. (S.gned) V. S. ÜKOKSBEI Tho damage by the late flop3 , South will reaoh $5,000,000. le in Central Alabama were n'ga were ever before known ftt W' Houses aloiiíí the streams wei _ : Aí. away by eoorob. The cottou arop bama will bo out forty thous short.


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