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A Destructive Fire At Hunter's Point, Long Island

A Destructive Fire At Hunter's Point, Long Island image
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N;:vr Youk, July :io. - V heavy ne Li raging at Huntert Poiut, Long Island. A number of boata havo been burned. An oil yard is on fire near tin' Long Ialand Railroad depot, whioh is threatened, together with the depot of the Flushing & North Shore Bftilroad. A high wind previiils. The tiro, whioh it .-ippears oommeneed in a canal boat loaded witli oil in the canal, is stil] raging. The flamea wero also oomniunioated to the Standard oil works, whioh bue a million bárrela of pil Ln Btoro, and will soon Bpread etenfflVely. [t it reportad that a woiuon und child on thu c:ml bo&t were burned to death. Two WUliamabnrg beats ari also reported burned. Thère ie panio nmong the people üt Snntere Point. Tiia hoaea ure deserted, and the effortsof thefirc departmeht s? m powerless. All oarsri' the littg Railroad hnvo been removed. All property on the riyer in front of the I)lno also being rapidly removed. The loss will bo enormonsi woro fivo l:irgo tanks of napthii umi refiued oil, oach cöntaining 5,000 i gallons, t'our of thoso were buraed, but hopea wero ontertained t tho Int -t 10connts of saving the reinaiaüig tank. Over 60,000 bárrela of pettoletnn n tho wbarf, ready tor shipment, were burned, 1 as wero ilxo four shipa and three oanal boats loaded with oil. Mny of the burninir tarrols of oil rolled into the river, ïangenng uliijijuiifj All VWB8818 Havo now beun cemuvud. No 'Vrry lioats were burned, as wasrepor ed. Coe's phoepbate factor, togethor with a large amount of stook, was oonsumed. .hout $90,000. Tlio Standard OU Works woro consumad by tbreo o'ülook. Piatt'a Astral works, in tho rear of th Standard Works, have not yet iguited, and hopea are outert lincd of saving them, as the wind is now tjlowing tho iltimos toward the river Mauy of the sinds owned by Rooafeller, Andrews & Co., coutaining thousanda of barrels of oil, havo been entiri v consumed. A; fúnr o'clock it wis repoitnd that the fin; was conline.l to tho oil in tho tanks and that which lay in tho hold of the burxring vesael. SCany oontradiotory ropiiU ure afloat, :md it is impossible to asoertain the precise extent of and loss by the lm-, bat it 1-1 belieTed that the loss w'ili reaoh alout $800,000. Iho Bre is believed to have originated by sume accident iti the canal boat which was unloading at the wharf. The fire department did ill in their pov.-or, but their ett'orts wt're of little a rail. At one timo the lire extended over three blocks, oovering the entiri' upaoe with k(iü;1 fiaue. Th loss on tht yessela ia estimated at $100,000 : on the Standard Oil Works, $200,000; on Coo's Works, $225,000. Almost all the lossea ure fully covered by ineurance. No fürther destruction is now apprehended, theiiro be- ing pretty well subdued. At midnight the Hunter's Point firc wus coinpletely ander control. Tiio Oüiloo'i in Witconsln. The Milwaukee tfeifi saysof the outlook in that St:ito : " In addition to these stgnifioant and portentoos liste it' the rank and tilo of the Republioan party who have doclared for Huraco Greeloy t is notorious t!it li,i . puregl nnd bost men in theRopablic '.i party of tbis State - the foundera of tho party and iti most subatantia) pillan -are opposed to Grant'i ro-eleotion. Not a single individual ontside of tho rinp; of offlc i-holdera luis tuki'ii. or is fiiliinr. any active part in favor üí' Qrant's election. No private citis wbo is not paid ui official t' es for lii laborsi is at work for Grant, or gives liim any kind of support. :a the other hand, hun■ irivi.i and hundreda of men not of office, with nothing to loso or gain moro tliau v i'?-.i by a chango, ara expending time nnd labor in aroflsing the people, in exciting tho mov. tnentn of tho eampaign, au'l in efforts to 'i' Btroy tbi m of the eorniptiouista and plunjerers by electing Horace Greeley."


Old News
Michigan Argus