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S HEAT REDUCTION IN l'KICES AT TUE METROPOLITAN No. 33 South Main St., FJlt THE NEXT 60 DAYS. EVERYTH1IN AT New York Cost In oidor to mako extensivo altorationa in the fall. ííow is jour chance for hargftiiis in MILLINERY, PARASOUS, FANS, Ladies', )iisscs' and (üents' HOSIERY, GLOVES, HDK'PS, T,.VCKS, BIRBÖN8 CX5LLAR8, COREST3, HOOP HKIRT8, rRIMMINGS, Ladies1 made op Sutnmer DRE38E8, Ladles whlt ander ganiierits. 2 uttou Kid Glores, FOU ONE DOLLAR, TABLK LINEN8, TO W E L8, O OU XTKRl'ANES, PIQUES, WHITE GOODS, EMBRODEIUE8, &a H. COREN. 33 South Main Bt. J Q. A, SE8SIOJMS' INSURANCE AGEKCY. Hls Companif s Are Sound. piKENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFOJtn, CONN. CAPITAL AS ■-..'.! , lSTi...,$l,7Si,oofl CHICAGO LOS3BS 760,000 TIIF. IIf:IX i tile hcnt conductcd Firc Inaurnnce CoiupaaT in tlic I'nitpd Stntcn. Aliij priiduut nuil oiïiid, nnd nlwnyi) prompt in puyiuotit oí lusC.N. TNTRRNATIONAL I ■ Í.SÜRAINTCE CO., NEVÍ" YORK CITY. The flrst Compniiy to pas tlie ordeal of th New York Insuraiice Commlrslonen sinw the ducado Pire, Coming out from thaserere fst TRIUMPHANT ! Associfitcfl Prirsa DUpatch, November 2,1871, 1 UT rTEENATIOSALTsni!AVPf rnvpivv. The Sipertntendent of the New TorkState In■nrance Department, whoU raaking acarefnl ofllclnl examlnation of llie New York city Companlea today.certülis tbattbe Internattonal Coropnny1 as9Cti"f tl.SO-'I.OOÖ ,;rc MOtWolj nvi'ftt-rt, finrl its capital of 600,ooo,after provtflliiRforsl] Itabiltties, includinjthe ChlcnK'fiic, Iswhollj nnlmpairrd Tliií i lompan; la !!ying alliis Chicago losses and issoundand relïabte. Poliiieslsmiuilst fair ratee nt my office, Xo. II Kast ilurou etreet, Ann Arhor, J. Q. A. SES.SÍOXS, Agent. 134Ttf. TEN REASONS WHY Jfo Family shoutd be without a l-otllc of WHITTLESEY in the house. - '■- - ït will relieve the worst case of BiliOU Cnoiieor Cholera Morbusims minutes _2a'- 't will cure the most obstinate case cf Dyspepsla and In digestión in a few weeks. m 3 - It is the best remedy in the world fcJ Blek Headache, as thousands can tcstify, 4 tajeen when the first symptoms appcar. 4th. - It is the best diuretic ever put bcforf the pubhc; curing those distressing complaints. Diabetos and Cruvel and other Urina ry dirRoultles. Bth.- It is a most excellent Emmtna KOgue, and to the Young Clrla. middle aged Women, and at the Turn of Life, il, is remedy is of incalculable valué. otn._lt wül remove wind from the bowels, nd henee a few drops in some sweetcned water Eivcn to a babe is better than a dozen cordials td Relieve and make It Sleep. ContainuK no anpdyne. 7th.- It is a sure relief for adults and children afiected with Worm a and Pin Worm, it will bring away the worms. 8th -It will cure the Pllesand Hemorrhodlal difficultics. Oth.- Itwill cure Constlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case ofSummerComplalntnml Dysentery. lOth. - It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to htalthy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the systcm. When taken dilute the ü'ose with Rugar and Water to a Wlne-Clasafull and you have a pie au int ton ie. WhntleMy (üysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per botlle. Whitt esey Afilie Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules í5c. per bottle. ■ feold by all druggists and warranted. WhltUeser Prop. Bed. Co., Toledo, O, Q L. PACK Keeps on hand a first class stock OP CXOARS.JTOBACCO, PIPES. 9KÜFF And all smokcrs articlcs AT THE OCI) 8TANB 2 dooiB -west of Cook's Hotel at the sign Uttma hurryTjfT" 1 UtVlüia wWtalng Wall Pirpcr. i-liiul.s ITnlIands, Wlndow I'ixtiires. Oo'd, Is, (Ve . nll N'ew Stylon, nf BHtlsfactori P lees. bj .1. R. Webster & Co., iiuok Stor, nwur thi ICxpioss Oflicc. X - s POR SALE I ThsrealdeniM riber. TTouse N'o. r2 nnd mloton Suron Street. !vsr. Po leufon nvr-n the ■tof May If dcsired. Inquiro ftt tho Ai; rof C. II. KICH.noMD. Dtl, Ann Atbtir, Mto1i JOth, 107. 1 jesml yM. WAGNEK IS NOW REAOY FOB THE SPMKfi TRADE Haring Kecoived a Lurge Stock of mm and mr GOODS, IHOLDDIHO ÜLOTH8, OASSTMERES, VESTINQS, &C 1 the JBEST STYLES and GüAL(tlLS WHICH Ut W1LI M1NÜPA CTUBS on terpis to sult. Alo futí lino of REAÜY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. B]ST STTLE. AI.SO LADIB81 AND GENTS' MOROCO O SATO HELS No.21 South Mnln Stroct,- EnetSIdet OALL AND SEE THEM. WIMUn WAGNttl, Ann Arbor, April Iet,lST2'. 8 M i i 5 S . & % rf.Ui r, M í& . ín : 5 S S H " 1 s .i i i i g ja h a I Hgïï ■ 1 . . p_j e o Í TAMES MoMAHON, O Jus tice of the Peace, Offiooin new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INSUHANCÏÏ AGKNT. Trlumpb, aasels, $787.908 U N'irih MisS'nri, " 145..117 g Hiburnia, " 35U,00u.uRKAL ÏSTATK. I hftvti $1 acres of land V of ■ mlle from thoclt; itniiH, Aoeli loaatod for frait or gard6n juirpobe. AlsolO acres. Al8o 10 acruH, with houso hd1 bnrn, and a livch atreuni of water running thr agh thü burn yard. 60ncros,a mlle on l. 1 wlllsell tiny or all tho abovochep, or eicliang' forcitv property. 1 Tl JAHES HcHAHON. TÍOTTLED LAGEE, ALE AND PORTER, Put up in Plots and (Jnarts for Family uso. ALSO BY THE KEG. ;w Orrtcr lrft wtJICitcr A: Co.' Drnü Store will ! promptly filted. HILii & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor.May2S.lS72. :3Ti;tr GotoR.W.ELLISft CO'e j forstrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints ,Oile ,&c. - -- ■ - - ■ ' ]L B. GIDLEY, Succeeaor to COI.0K0VE i SON, DRÜGG1ST Al CHinST IN OOOE'B NKW UOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET, DBALBB IN DBDtiS, TiKiMrr, ::s, BVBfilCU. HSTRI HETS, PtRE WUEB D LIQIOR8, rFOK MEDICAL PUHPO8K8 ONLT.) Fancy Goods, Perfiimery, paimts, o1ls, vahmsuks, ï.ass, A!V PVTTÏ, mmmv mmmw rofiilly compmindcd at all hours. I PBOPOE KOT TO BE UNBERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IH THE CITY WKOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARïICLE. E. ii. c;ini.i:v. ïacrtf J Wükih, Prepritor. R. 11. McDonald A Co., DruKKttu A G. AftuU, Sun FrwjflUw.CaL.ind 3J Commorc trl, N. V, il J 1-LIONn Bear Tt'ntlinony i o thcll Wondtrfiil Ivo EHècts. 'íhey are not a vile Fnury Dilnlc, Mndc of Poor üum VVhlaikcy Proof Spirits nml RcTnae IjIqiioi's doctored, spiceü nnd sweotened to pteane tho taste, cali ed "Tonica," "Appetizers," uBeatoreTS,'&e., thiit the tipplcr on to dninkenncssnnl ruin, but aro atrae Medicino, made from the Nati vc Rnota and Iforln of California, freo f rom nll Alrohnlir Siimulant. Thcy are tho (KEAT ltl,OOI P U HIFI ER nmï A LIFE G1VINO PUINCIPLKi a perfect Renovfttor o ml lnvigorntor of tho System, carry ing off all poïBonous matter aiuï restoring theblood to a hcalthy condition. No person can tafee these BitterB Bccordinp: to directions and remnin luiijr unwelï, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poisoiior other metinR, and the vital organs v.asted bcyoml tho pointof repair. Tlwy are n Cent lp I'nrcntivena weli na a Toníc, possessiiijí, nlso, the pfcallar merit of ncttns as a power ful ngent in relicvinjí (joti{festioii or Inflammation of the Livor, mid all tlieVisceral ílrgans. POR FBMAMS COMPLAJNT8, Inyonnior old, married oraingle, nt thttdawii of wonianhood orat Uie turn of lifc, tliese Tonic Bitten hnvc no cqiml. For Inflnininiuory and C'lirouic UlicMimallsrn niitl Gowtt I iu or InH(;o)iiionv 1 1 i I i o ii , IC e ni 1 1 c; n t mi:l Intermití e ut Fe win, IMaeasea ol' Hlaud, Livor, liidnci nuil Bladdeiv thoM Bitters hav been moat ■ncoemfuL Surh Dlseswea wre oauetd iy Vit in tod Hlnod, wbieU Isffeneraïty prodaccd by liernngcment of the Dtgestlve Orsrnim. DVBPEPSfA Oft INDHJESTION, üeadaehe, Pain in ttie Bhooidonii Oouffha, Tigbtnesa of tfa Ohertt Dlzxlnena, Bonr Xruetatloofl of the Stnmach, lïa'l Taste in the Mouth. JBilioua AttacUs, i'alpiiationof tho Heart, ïr:U.iinmaticii of the IjODfa, Pain in the re(■iona of tho RiJneys. an-1 n bundred otberpaioful armptoniH, aro tho oflsprings of liyspcpsia. Tboy inricorate tho Storoach andstiroulatotho torpid I-iver and liowelfl, which reuctcr thora of unequalled cfTïcacy in cleanRine tlie blood of all impurities, and imparlin? new iife and visor to the ivhole systeai. POR BK IN DISEASES, Eruptions.Tetter, Sa!t Rlicum, Blotches, Spot, PImplfl, Postulas, iíoils, Carb'inoles, Rïn?-Wonns, Scald llead. Bon Byej . Briglu. Ik?. [tch.Scurfit, ifis'otornlloos of t lic Bkln, 'itiiiiornand piseftseji of the Skin, ot whatprer name or nature, are time by the use ut these llittcra. Une bottlo In suri will convince tbo most iacreduloua vi ibcir curativo effect a. Cleanso tïie Vittatcd Blond whenever you flnd lts ïmpurities buraliDff tlirouii tlio ekin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cloaoso It wfaén yon RvA it ohstructed aml slu.Tfrish in tbo veins; cleanse itwhcn it is fnu!. and yo;ir fcelinss wiil tcM youwhen. Kocp the hlood pure, and tho hcaltli cf the svstem wiil follow. Pin. Tupe and Otlier Worm, liirkins: ín th syRirt;i of o tnay thousami, are effectuallr destroyed and removed. Says a dltinii!shed pbntoUwftt th ere jb scarcely ftii inlivjdual upon the face of tho eartii wbose body is exempt from the proaence of worms. It is ot upon the hcjütliy tli-nn-nts of tlio bO'iy tnat worrm oxist, Uit tipon thrwlisvaRcd liumon fcnd slimy deposita tlifit brecc) these living monster of diaeasc. No Sr tem of Medicine, no vomiífuiros, no .ntlictmintics wiU freo the systera frvui worms lika those Uitters. J. WALKER, Proprictor. R. II. McDONTAID & CO Drugjrists and Gen. Accnt?. San Franciro. CAlifomi, and 'J2 and 34 Conimorco Street, New York. 1K&&QLD BY ALL DRUÜGISTS AND DBALJCRS. D RÍO RÖÖifsWl SËIq F TAR êlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Ir. Crook's WINE X Juk. JLtti a To liave more ■fflsSKg Hr similar prepara ■"SSaBHMBBsB (ion everoilered the public Tt is rieh In tlic medicinal niiaüliivs i"I ar, anrl unequalel for diseases of' the Throat and Ijlings, perfurming the most remarle able cures. CoiIghH, Colilla, Chronic ConghA. It effcctually cures tliem all. Asthina and Bronchitis. Has cured so many cases it has been pro nounceil a specific lot these complaints. tfor pains in Breast, Sido or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundico or any Liver Complaint, It has noeqnal. " It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetito. Streugthens the System, llestores the Weak and Debilitated. Canses the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarions Fevers, (iives tone to System. X- - ■- X HÜRRY UP ! Ï5AÏITÏKS wlehing Wall Pu; r, Oloth - unrt i'iipor Shodoe, Holland a , Wi idw PlxtareSi Coids, TauoUi Ac, all New BtyletK, t 8atiflfacton Prlcee. byJ"# K. ■yoÏMtcr Co., ] )ok -lurt', noiir tne i Ezprefl Offl x k ji PHÏSliJIARS'PRESCBlPTIÖKS" VCCÜKA'VELY AND , CAREFOLLY PREPAFED ÜY n. W.ICLL1S & ÜU.,VRUGGIS18.


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