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- In lus recent speech Rt Jackson Postmaêtor-Ger.eral Creswcll ovorhaulml Gov. Blair'a reoommendatioim Tho Tribune report says : " ïbn moet intereating oa(i was that of Col. Henry H. Dean, postniagtoT of Ann Arbor, who siipprseded Col. Claudius B. Grant on Blair'a roeommendation. Thore ha8 been a Jnovemont lately among certttin citizrng of Ann Arbor to secure the reniöval of this a;i;iitl(.'inan alsn ; his succesfor had been namod, and a (íry had already been raiï" ud over anotlier martyr to a despotio tind inrtisan Oovernnicnt. Mr. Cieswoll paid, hoWever, that Mr. Blair needn't fret any oonsiderablo portion of his syatom nto fiddlestrings on this score, as ho had nvi stirutcd the ?nattcr on his trip to MichiuMii. found that Col. Dñin was un ab!? nuil natisfactory officer, and added hat he should kcep his position." Kow f the rest of CresWoll's ussortioiis were as ruthful as tho one eharging thftt Ooi. Jrant was "supersedod on Bluir's recomnrndiition," they were a worthleM lot, br it is well known hero that he was )ereeded," w should write it removed, [espite Gov. lllair and againat his proest. Creswull phould study his lcsaon_ Kitter buforo leaving Wtisliing again. - This is the way tho Detroit Tribune, xcuses Postmaster-General Creswell for ertain "misrepresentations" of that jourïal made in his Lansing spoech : " We re not inclined to hold tho Postmastor)neral puilty of any intentional misepresentation of us or of our position nd acts. He is in this Stato as the guest f Senator Chiandlcr, and his personal knowledgo of Michigan politics is with out doubt deiived froui that gentleman and Iiír foliowen." Chandler's mouth pieoe and echo is wlmt that dufütise oroxcuse miilfus Creswell to be. An honorable Tiosition ? - The following quotatïon is from tho Frte Preët report of t)i prooeedings of the recent Repúblicas suto Couvention at Lansing: "Mr. Bingham, cimirman of the State Central Committee, road a telegram from Washington, statinjr tbat 10,000 inajority tor the Grant ticket would to-morrow be given in North Carolina, if the negroos were not intimidated. He askeil them all to "go homo and mnke bonfiros." And now wo suggest to Bro. Bingham thut o msko a circuit of the State and light those "bonfires." Tliey will " spile" if ho don't, for tho buildors have no idea of lihti:'. their own pyrö. - Capt. Burrowa charges in bis speeches that tlin do8ertion oí' tho Republican party by Mi.'Ssrs. Irumbull, öühurz and J51iir was owing to inability to got a!l the patronngo they wanted, though lie says " tho laítcr has reoeived a great ïmniber of appointments, and bas littlo reason to l'eel disaatisfied." And PostmastorOenoral Creswell assertud at Jackson that. Blair had asked from hÍ8 department ','. appoiutmontsand received(iS), whioh don't prove that want of patronado alleged by Burrows as tha reason fur defuction. Try ngrtiu, Capt. Burrows. - In a recent apeeoh t Janesvillo, Wis., S.'iiHtor Howe is reported ns ing: " I know of no difference between liupublicans ; a rebel is as good as a Doinocrut ; and I tliink as highly of tho moimest rebel as I do of Charles Sumnor, Lyman ïrumbull, Cari Sohurz, Thomas W. ïipton, or Beuben E. Fenton." And this Senator IIowc, vrho so looks down upon bis follow Senators, hus the oar of Ulysses the I., and rofleots bis sentiments. Will Kepublioan admirers of the fuiued Senators vote for Grant ? - Our Radical í'riends who placed so tnuch oonfidenoe in a victory in lv ortli Carolina, and swallowed would-bo TicePresidont AVilson'n gloomy predictiong of the rt-sults of a defoat, 6bould remomber the slory of the timid boy and his musei t loaded thirtecn timea but fired nary once. Gianuy came to his aid, firt'd the national salute, was kicked ovor by tbs doublé luider, and was greeted witb the following advice : " Hun, granny, run, here are twelve irion to couie." - " Blir-ther-skite," "liar," "slanderer," " sorohead," " renegado," " traitor" rere few of the jietnamos PontmaRterGenoral Creswoll, in his Linsing speech, bestowod upnn ex-Gov. Blair. And Creswell a Cabinet ofBcer' Couldn't he nave prpsorvr-a Mie nigmty oí tho Uovernment just a litll Vy detailing some underling to dosuch dirty work? - Grant has made anothcr npeech, equal to his other tvro inmortal effort?, " Let us have peace" and " T liko this gravy." This last one was at TTtica, N. Y., in responsn to the roception npnooh of Mayor Butterfic'ld, and reported phonoirnip}iio,nlly and in full vrns : " I BUppose I inri' to bo the goest of Senator Conkling." - $8,000 a ynnr: that's vrhat SeoretaBoutwcll and Dclano, and PostmastorGoneral Omsswell aro paid by TJuole Sani for perambuliiting tho country and defendinpr tho Administration. Could n't they rirtko more capital by staying in Washington imd attending to their Icgitiuiato dutios? - The Bay City Chronkle, Bopublioan, says : ïho Sixth distriot is largo, and has a Republican majority of only 1.301). If Hon. O. M. Barnes should recoive the Liberal noinination, Mr. Begolo wil] havi a lively timo to maiutain that majority.' Bring out Barnes. - A diapatoh from .Taokson to tho Chi cago Tribune iays that Crogwell's rooen spoeoh - if the dictionary don't rebol a having the bilious discharge called b; thut name - in that city made threo hun drod votes for Grecley and Brown. - Tlio Toledo Commercial insinúate that Gen. BankH wanted a nominatioi for Vicb-President, and that that's why liif her.d is " Boro."


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Michigan Argus